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Chatty Member
Exactly this. It’s just some bullshit she will be peddling for the “oh you’ve got this babe, you’re such an inspiration” she’s so egotistical with everything. If she is sore then just tap out, don’t be a martyr about doing it and not adhering to the advice you give others. What a crock.

With you on this. You’d literally think she’d saved children from a burning building the way she has this hero complex about herself. You lost weight, great job. Now stop crying in every IG story and acting like you literally saved the world. She’s got the biggest ego I’ve ever seen, I think she should take some time to maybe focus on that for a while and give her head a little wobble.

I am all here for people bettering themselves and overcoming things, but the way she has rinsed and repeated this same sob story, being “surprised” at how far she’s come is so bloody boring now. How is anyone still lapping this up?

she got help to get to where she is now, again, no issue with that, but stop telling people a different story. Own your shit.
I do wonder if she gets new followers with the weeping routine and then they forget to unfollow her?? She would eat herself if she was chocolate, she’s nothing inspirational or special at all.
So she ran her first runs in those holey leggings when she was like 5 stone lighter? Ok….
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So this is the ‘holistic’ trainer who says, I quote, “I have no interest in having filler in my lips” and believes there may be a little residue in her top lip 🫣
Let’s be real, she has cheek filler, Botox and her lips are overfilled and migrating.
The delusional behaviour continues. Does she think her followers are dumb?
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Does anyone find this image quite alarming? Like verging on anorexic? I’m a very lean girl myself, so I don’t look at every thin woman and call her a skeleton lol. But this is giving emaciated


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I saw her pop up on my reels that video about her trying to run between the trees. Very inspiring. Gave her a follow. Anyways I’ve started my own running journey and needed something to listen to on my runs, bored of my own music.
started listening to her podcast. Up to ep 16.
All very inspiring almost as if it was all too good to be true….
Wondered if she had a thread…..
Hello everyone 🍿🍿🍿
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I really liked her when I first found her but something in the back of my mind was telling me there’s a missing piece to her story. Then I came across a post on Reddit from someone who knew her when she was bigger, claiming her dad forked out for a dietician, nutritionist, PT etc to start her journey. I too binge eat so I’m incredibly disheartened to learn that she’s not disclosed this. I don’t have the funds or family support to start my journey in this way, and have beat myself up for ages thinking if cassia can do it why can’t I 😔.

I also wish she would post more about the smaller details of her journey, especially the getting started and not just I was once bigger now look at me!!
Same here. Initially I was like “amazing, she’s not like the usual fitness influencer” she had a genuinely inspiring story and I’ll admit, motivated me to sort my fitness out. Then it just gradually became more and more about eye-fucking herself on stories, constantly fake crying about how ‘shocked’ she was at her transformation, and every day sharing the same videos of her being bigger and then smaller. Not to mention the inconsistencies in her story/journey.

I too saw that comment about her dad giving her a big head start - it’s a shame she’s not been completely transparent about that, but I suppose by not disclosing it she’s managed to make a lot of money by people thinking she has some magic secret that will help them too, wonder how those people spending money would feel if they knew she’d had all that paid help to begin with and that it wasn’t actually all down to her, like she says it is.

don’t beat yourself up though, I had to unfollow her as I was doing the same thing. Her journey is inspiring on the surface, of course, but like anything in Social not all is as it seems - and this is very much the case with Cassia.
I agree it would be great if she shared the smaller details of the start of her journey, she seems to gloss over this and just goes “one day I walked down the road, and then I ran” like yeah, I get it, small steps and all that… but some people would like a bit more. But then, knowing what we know about her financial head start, perhaps she can’t talk about those first steps because it doesn’t fit the narrative that she’s been projecting…
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Same here. Initially I was like “amazing, she’s not like the usual fitness influencer” she had a genuinely inspiring story and I’ll admit, motivated me to sort my fitness out. Then it just gradually became more and more about eye-fucking herself on stories, constantly fake crying about how ‘shocked’ she was at her transformation, and every day sharing the same videos of her being bigger and then smaller. Not to mention the inconsistencies in her story/journey.

I too saw that comment about her dad giving her a big head start - it’s a shame she’s not been completely transparent about that, but I suppose by not disclosing it she’s managed to make a lot of money by people thinking she has some magic secret that will help them too, wonder how those people spending money would feel if they knew she’d had all that paid help to begin with and that it wasn’t actually all down to her, like she says it is.

don’t beat yourself up though, I had to unfollow her as I was doing the same thing. Her journey is inspiring on the surface, of course, but like anything in Social not all is as it seems - and this is very much the case with Cassia.
I agree it would be great if she shared the smaller details of the start of her journey, she seems to gloss over this and just goes “one day I walked down the road, and then I ran” like yeah, I get it, small steps and all that… but some people would like a bit more. But then, knowing what we know about her financial head start, perhaps she can’t talk about those first steps because it doesn’t fit the narrative that she’s been projecting…

Yeah I guess she’s a business at the end of the day, so everything needs to fit the narrative to shill her plans! Her content is definitely stale though. I’m struggling with the mental blockers around binge eating, my body wants to eat right but my brain is compelling me to binge. I suppose she’s not going to give the helpful info out for free, so it’s all a facade to get you to sign up to her plan.

I also listened to her podcast and while it’s motivating to listen to, I didn’t actually take any useful information from it that I could apply to my own situation. No tips or techniques to combat my own issues that appear similar to her own. Just me me me look at me run an ultra. What about all the in between days and the nitty gritty details, what to do when you feel a binge urge coming on etc. not just I went from 5k to 10k quickly and the rest blah blah
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Omg as if she said those things?! She is more obsessed with how she looks when she’s running than anyone I know! Every time she posts online it’s showing off another stupid outfit she’s wearing, trying to pretend she’s ‘Lara Croft’ or some other whimsical character she wants people to associate her with.

She is *always* trying to show she is better than the average person, this is why her online narrative doesn’t add up. She tried to create a community where running was open to everyone, but still had to be this tiny person online and show off how fast she was / what her heart rate was and how it was better than others. Honestly, I don’t know why more people haven’t woken up to her shit yet - how is anyone following this, seriously?

Also, the garmin watch updates and her endless trainers/sports gear updates are tiresome. How can she act like she’s like everyone else, but still shows off all this expensive gear she previously preached that you ‘didn’t need’

Make it make sense.
Hang on, what is this? Doesn’t she make out 444 is all her own doing, why then is she using herself as a client story using a ‘before’ photo where she is clearly just pushing her stomach out, and an ‘after’ photo where she is sucking it in.

If she’s such a great ‘coach’ or ‘teacher’ as she’s given herself the qualification and title of in her latest stories (🙃) then why can’t she just do this for herself, surely others are paying her for her coaching, aren’t they? Oh wait no, everyone who has signed up thinking she will be coaching them actually gets palmed off onto someone else and just gets sent generic Google plans to follow - yep, got it.
Those photos could have been taken on the same day 😆
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What even is the plan she offers? Feels a bit life coachy to me rather than fitness coaching. Like does she write meal plans and exercise plans or what? I agree she's definitely continued to have work done to her face x
Read for yourself :)

Seems pretty scammy from this feedback! Apparently cookie cutter advice given to everyone under the guise of a personalised fitness plan
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Her stories today, I honestly don’t understand how she operates?
Every single story is a complete contradiction?
Don’t compare yourself or focus on numbers - oh, btw this is how heavy I lift and I will be getting some big numbers soon!!

I’m saving up for my next podcast series as it’s expensive! Oh but I dropped £5k to do an Ultra in the desert…

Fitness only consumes about 5% of my life - but in reality it’s my entire personality, it’s all I think about and all I talk about…

Also, how can she say that people getting into running and smashing a half marathon in a month already ‘come from a place of fitness’ - she knows nothing. I’m not an athletic person but got into running last year and managed to run a half marathon in 2 months - not bragging at all, but it’s wild she seems to think she knows it all and what everyone’s background is in terms of running. Everyone is different, as she so loves to preach, so how is she assuming what everyone is like.

Her constant flip flop narrative is ridiculous.


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She contradicts herself constantly. She posted that her first running leggings were from Amazon/Primark then she’s messaging Gymshark (beggy) to say she bought her first pair from them.
She got all emotional saying the London Marathon was on the route she had her first run then all of a sudden her first ever run (to the end of a driveway apparently) was in Scotland?!
The Adidas vision board malarkey was the worst.
I think she believes her own lies, all very dramatic.
Some excellent additional points I’d completely forgotten! I wondered why sometimes I got confused watching her stories, it’s because she makes it up as she goes along.
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Chatty Member
Weird how I asked why she barely cracks a sweat and then she said that. Must read here 👀
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I love her style and I do like the message she’s putting out there. Although, as someone who works out, weight lifts, counts macros, has lost 70lbs naturally through diet and exercise… she sure makes me feel guilty for enjoying a drink 🥴😂

I understand she has issues with it but she’s demonising alcohol and her posts makes me feel bad I still have a drink here and there 💀
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Just checking back at this thread. I’d unfollowed her out of feeling annoyed with the constant selfies and bodychecking. Checked in recently and it’s seemingly worse than ever. Weight loss is great and everything, but it’s devolved into pure narcissism now. Can we talk about the fact she has almost definitely had a nose job and eyebrow lift?
So real and authentic. I’d never judge someone for plastic surgery, but chalking your transformation up to running and losing weight is just false advertising. She looks like she’s changed races.
It’s turned PURE narcissism. I’m in a phase of deciding whether I can continue to follow her or not.

Agreed with you, I’d never judge someone for making changes, but it’s the way she is forever denying she’s done anything/preaching how she’d never change her body, yet as we know, posts stories about talking to surgeons and about how she’ll “take us along for the ride” and then quickly deletes them…

Her constant body checking is also mad and I can imagine how triggering that would be for some people..
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I stopped following ages ago but looked at some stories when I saw messages on this thread. Her boyfriend gives me Pisces energy who goes for partners he can “rescue”. Which is a beautiful energy but his unwavering support to build a dream world with her and support all her dreams leads to someone with half baked good intentions who is very self absorbed. And someone who receives so much validation from their partner isn’t likely to commit to some serious therapy and do some hard work on themselves to fix their issues.
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I signed up to her online coaching before it moved to 444…. Biggest regret. £100/m for absolute tosh. Jumped ship so quick, the ‘check ins’ were literally a sentence or two.. along the lines of ‘keep going’ - when I wasn’t making sod all progress because no one had actually coached me..: just uploaded some random exercises to do and utter random food choices!
biggest waste of money 😭
Oh dear. Well, welcome - you’re among friends here. Sorry to hear you had such an awful experience with her coaching, but if it helps, you aren’t alone!

it’s madness she’s able to legally tout her coaching when it’s all a load of crap and she is barely involved in it at all.

How were they when you cancelled, did you get any push back or convincing to try and make you stay signed up?

Also, £100 for virtual ‘coaching’ is actually insane - I can’t believe she is selling that.
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THIS 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 @screamqueen
She did do a story a couple of weeks ago to say that she had had her initial consultation with a plastic surgeon re skin removal on the back of her legs. She said the cost and recovery time were scary but she would ‘bring all you guys along on the journey of course’. Swiftly deleted that day. Fast forward a matter of days and she is the epitome of self love and acceptance.
Why wouldn’t she just address it all truthfully and say, yeah I’ve changed my mind. No one would care, it’s her decision. But it’s not authentic because she is always TRYING to convey herself as something else.
I’m sure all her leg photos she doesn’t put her heel in her trainers to give her a lift…
I’m so glad someone else saw that story!! 🤣 had no idea she’d deleted it, that’s hilarious - but yes, she then went all love and self-acceptance to try and put that skin removal post behind her. So weird. I agree - no one would care if she were just honest, heck, I imagine most people would find it more refreshing as way too many fitness influencers these days aren’t honest about what they do, it’s all a ruse to drum up coaching clients… oh wait…. 😆

And madness about the shoe thing - it’s so clear and obvious in that photo, and strangely makes each of her legs look completely different to the other one - wonder where she picked up that weird technique from?

I dunno, I was rooting for her at the beginning and found her so refreshing, and now she’s just as bad as everyone else.

And don’t even get me started on her podcast - why the fuck is she doing a podcast??
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