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Her stories today - isn’t this *literally* what she does and has built a business doing??

You make money off of people who want help to lose weight by offering them a personalised, tailored plan suited to them with the promise of time with you. From what I’ve heard of people who have paid for her coaching you get literally no input from Cassia, are palmed off on other coaches and the ‘personalised plans’ are literally things you can find for free on the internet…


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I’m 100% sure she posted a story talking to camera a few weeks back saying about how her legs give her a lot of pain when she runs so she has been considering getting the loose skin removed, which is fair enough. But why then has she posted this about her legs again saying she’ll never change them?

I don’t know, I just find she flip flops so much with her narrative and the story she tries to portray online. Has anyone else noticed this?

Change them if you want to change them, but don’t then try and play out as though you’re fighting the good fight for not changing for anyone when a few weeks ago you told people you were going to get surgery to change your body. (Let’s also not talk about the other cosmetic surgeries she claims she hasn’t had…)

Ive also just noticed on uploading this screenshot that she looks to be wearing some kind of chunky heel too which she’s tried to keep out of shot, which will no doubt also alter how her legs look in this photo - why is nothing consistent with her? It’s all a weird smoke screen
THIS 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 @screamqueen
She did do a story a couple of weeks ago to say that she had had her initial consultation with a plastic surgeon re skin removal on the back of her legs. She said the cost and recovery time were scary but she would ‘bring all you guys along on the journey of course’. Swiftly deleted that day. Fast forward a matter of days and she is the epitome of self love and acceptance.
Why wouldn’t she just address it all truthfully and say, yeah I’ve changed my mind. No one would care, it’s her decision. But it’s not authentic because she is always TRYING to convey herself as something else.
I’m sure all her leg photos she doesn’t put her heel in her trainers to give her a lift…


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Totally agree! The tone has really changed the past couple of months. She’s was so desperate not to be like the other girlies, but now she’s even worse! The constant body checking, and flexing/posing is the total opposite to the vibe she was about just a few months ago. It’s such a shame as she really was one of the good ones.
Yep! There’s definitely been a huge shift for sure.
Wonder if it’s all just gone to her head a little bit? She did seem to just become a sensation seemingly overnight
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Sorry for the terrible screengrab, but it’s so ironic that she’s done a story about people ‘thanking her’ for normalising sweating when running and she’s saying ‘it’s a normal bodily function, embrace it’ when she’s also running in a full face of makeup - bronzer, mascara - wtf??

She’s not normalising anything, if anything she is trivialising it more!

And also, her cringeeeeeee American accent that she does - whyyyyyyy


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Did you think it was it worth the money and did you get the results you wanted?
It was decent and kickstarted my fitness journey but ultimately no, for me, it was not worth the money. Maybe if you had no idea how to cook it would be. But all of the info you could get online and there was one check in a month and I never even got a response to my final check in lol. I imagine the 121 is even more expensive too
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I enquired about her group coaching so not even 1-1 and it had monthly check ins, work outs and a diet plan and it could be yours for the grand total of….

£111 A MONTH. Oh plus a £11 sign up fee. Pure robbery
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VIP Member
Curious - she’s always posting these transformation pictures from her clients. Has anyone here actually gone further than enquiring about the cost of coaching and seen what she actually does? I’m always a bit sceptical of these fitness coaches who can seemingly offer these drastic client results within like 2 weeks - just curious to see what her approach is.
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I feel like her body fat percentage is probably very low! There is clear muscle definition which means she's eating....
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Think the cheapest option is £100 a month for four months? That was a while ago though. Off to r-dit 👀👀👀
Have been seeing people saying over £140 but you have to commit to 4 months upfront and apparently a few people have had trouble cancelling, which sounds awful.

lots of not listening to clients wants, despite what she says (one example someone said they didn’t eat fish, and said the meal plans received had some containing fish)

Doesn’t sound good…
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There’s little bits where she starts to open up but then cuts it short, could have been a great tool to help people get started but she seems to be more focused on her ultra journey. A lot of us are at the starting point feeling overwhelmed and needing to get the basics in place! I hope if she’s reading here she takes this as constructive feedback.

I’m trapped in the binge restrict cycle and finding it hard to get out of. Keep falling back into old habits, self loathing etc. I’m not huge and I’m fairly active but the diet is quickly spiralling out of control and I can’t get a grip on it. I’d love to know the details of how she combatted that, the self discipline techniques etc. I’d love to be able to run one day but I need to get the diet under control first as that plays the biggest part in a fitness journey. I get we’re all different but I feel this would have more of an impact on her followers and listeners Instead of the before and after regurgitated reels. 🤷🏽‍♀️

There’s 3-4 years of her middle part of the journey that are what I’d be interesting in too. Getting over the first hurdle and then staying committed to it - which is where so many people fail
I feel like she’ll gradually move away from the coaching to lose weight side of things, shift this more towards her team (let’s be honest, she’s not involved in that side of it anyway) and we’ll see her content trying to promote herself as an ultra runner - have already seen her trying to fan girl over the big runners in the came.

I’m sorry to hear you’re stuck in that cycle, and I hear you! It’s a tough one to get a handle on (I still struggle myself). Something I was told once that helped me, as I was struggling with diet culture and what I was told through various mid-informants in that arena, is it sometimes is just as simple as making a choice - would you rather move less and eat less, or eat more and move more? For me, I struggle hard with reducing my portions and things I enjoy to eat, food is a real crutch for me, so I find pushing myself to move more means I can still enjoy the things I like. I’m by no means a fitness expert, but this helped me at least choose a path to try and stick too, so hope it helps.

I agree too, would love to have heard more on the middle part of her journey which is the hardest part - she focuses too much on the start and end and not the meat in the middle. I bet tons of people would find that beneficial - maybe she’ll start reading here and seeing what people might actually want to see from her content?
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Active member
Thank god someone thinks the same!!! She is absolutely horrid. I too found her so inspiring but then within a matter of weeks she gave off this ‘I’m better than you’ vibe. She absolutely loves herself and never engages with her ‘fans’ Can not stand her 🤢
she takes the term ‘self love’ to a whole new level. At first I was inspired too, but then she just constantly repeats herself, and it’s beyond superficial. ‘Look I used to look like this and now I’m hot’ over and over again. If she achieved other things too that would be interesting. But she’s really pushing the message that you can’t be happy until you’re good looking that I don’t really agree with
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A lot of talk about it on red-dit for her and her 444 coaching program. More than one person saying she’s the Brittany Dawn of the Uk 😭
Oh no way! I did wonder, I’m always so dubious of people like that, it always seems way too good to be true.
Looks like I’m off down a rabbit hole…
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