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Same - my boyfriends mum is a TA and every year she gets at least 5 mugs and hot chocolate gifts and she is literally bursting at the seams the amount of mugs they have - and she feels bad throwing them out or donating them.
tbh, i don't think babs has any concept of the idea of "too many mugs". her mug collection probably began as a result of students gifting her cheap tat when she was head of RE, and she now sees them as the ultimate gift, so her kid's poor teachers are treated to them every year.

and babs, not sure if you're aware but that comment sounds pretty sarcastic. like a stab at the fact that "calories don't count" whenever babs wants to justify stuffing her face.


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I've not got time to go back and find the comment to quote who mentioned about Babs being too tight to gift the kids teachers one of her own muds,,,,,,, But,,,,,, Let's be honest here. If she had of gifted them one of her own mugs I think this would have been wrong too. BECAUSE. A. MUG. IS. A. SHIT. THOUGHTLESS. PRESENT. AND. TEACHERS. DESERVE. BETTER.


This is just so worrying. The thick set neck is such a huge sign of so many health implications. Emma, please take a long hard look at your mental and physical health in 2021.
It was me! 🙋‍♀️
There has been four pages of comments today already and it's only 6:15pm! 🤣
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Lady Doodle

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Boxing day sales are usually a big entertainment tradition in her family too. Standing in the queues, buying all the tat. Really sad!
And then making a haul about it. Usually in Wet Sandra's dining room. Cos that's what we all need to see on Boxing Day in the middle of z global pandemic 🙄
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Ah tier 3, tier 3 woe is me.
I buried my mom alone in May with just my dad because I had no way of picking which 4 of my 6 children should attend. I’ve worked back breaking (metaphorical not physical) 14-16 hour shifts in the nhs to support both my staff on site and those that had to be redeployed to acute covid wards in hospitals. I’ve been there to wipe their tears because they were/are petrified of bringing covid back to their families as well as doing my “normal” job within the nhs. Giving birth to my grandson I nearly lost my daughter to sepsis and I still haven’t held either of them 4 months on. One of my closest friends was diagnosed with cancer during all this and I’ve still not been able to hug her and I bury my grandad the day before Christmas Eve - thank god we can have more than 6 now but we all have to sit 2m apart in our bubbles so we cannot even comfort each other through our grief. And what I’ve gone through isn’t a patch on some people’s hardships and apart from here I try not to mention it to anyone as I don’t want people to think they have to feel sorry for me. It will get better it has to.

So Emma fucking Conway take your pity party and shove it up your arse. Whilst you are allowed to have off days and feel low you are not allowed to fucking monetise it for your own selfish, materialistic, narcissistic gain. Read. The. Fucking. Room covid has not impacted you other than the inconvenience of not being able to go out and show off your wealth for the gram.

and btw if you bothered babs to look past the end of your snout at some of the amazing things there are in Brum you’d know JW Theatres are doing doorstep Santa shows I booked one for my kids this morning who will prob say they are too cool for it as they are teens but as one of my 14yo has the mental age of a toddler he will absolutely love it and his siblings will join in for him because for all their squabbles they love each other and they refuse to allow anyone to burst his Christmas magic bubble.

sorry for the rant.....
Sending love x
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Bugs the shit out of me how she says 'swears' why can't she say something like 'inappropriate language' I hate grown ups who use childish language 🙄
I think 'swears' is an American term? Maybe I am wrong...but if it is just shows how much TV she watches if she's actually saying it herself
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That’s what we do, and it feels so much better to give a fiver and know that the teacher and TA will both end up with a decent amount to spend on something they actually want. I did however get stitched up with collecting it this year tho, not so much fun 🤣
I volunteered, getting it out the way now & not doing it again 😂
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I'm pretty sure I've seen signs on regular days at Warwick Castle that say No Alcohol 🙄
I'm pretty sure they are only selling non alcoholic mulled wine and you can't buy/drink alcohol there because of being tier 3???? Could have that wrong but definitely non alcoholic mulled wine being sold
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Lady Doodle

VIP Member
Oh keBabba as you insist on trying to push your mugs4mugs with shop links and shit I went to look how many you’ve sold since last week and how many you have left you’ve sold less than 10 in a week. There’s still 1340 left to buy and Christmas is next week. I’d be looking at performance managing the marketing and PR - late to advertise, no real professionalism in their work, crap photos, appalling screechy instahun trying to sell the product it’s like they thought the brummymummyof2 brand would just make people buy them.

oh, oh wait you Emma Conway are both marketing and PR aren’t you. It was your “career” after getting your piss poor degree and yet you couldn’t even flog your own mugs
Wow just wow I’m speechless
Good work @Loopybird69 and huge love to you, I'm only just catching up on todays messages as I've been working ❤
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Good Egg

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She has a mini? I’m fuming. They aren’t cheap either. She is such a cowbag. I feel like commenting on her FB because she is utterly vile.
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Is there some allowance for people who are moving between tiers due to work? I bet she would claim she's working, visiting all these places.
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Apologies- I need to catch up with about 10 pages of this thread but I absolutely loved the Backstreet Boys and The Call and for one moment I was back to my pre Tattle life. 🤣🤣 I'm going to a place nearby- gotta go! 🙈🥸
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can’t leave the latest fad/craze alone can you bab?!?
Babba on keBabba would have been more appropriate
She stole that idea from itsemchannel
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You also had reality of Rosh a couple of weeks ago 😂😂
I didn't really know who this was, so just been and looked and omg is all i can say 😂😂 last thing I will say on her, so not to derail, her kids have the most bizarre names!!!
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