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Right.... Can I join you ? I've lurked for a long time sniggering to myself at all your comments but I've reached saturation point... I can no longer be content to lurk I need to voice my feelings... Fuck off you attention seeking vile Twat.

I liked her back in the day but she has morphed into a grotesque gurning fat handed greasy haired caricature of herself. She looks dirty, greasy and fat. She eats shit wears shit and talks shit. And she makes my blood boil

Anyway.. as you all were.... and breath

God that feels better
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Ah tier 3, tier 3 woe is me.
I buried my mom alone in May with just my dad because I had no way of picking which 4 of my 6 children should attend. I’ve worked back breaking (metaphorical not physical) 14-16 hour shifts in the nhs to support both my staff on site and those that had to be redeployed to acute covid wards in hospitals. I’ve been there to wipe their tears because they were/are petrified of bringing covid back to their families as well as doing my “normal” job within the nhs. Giving birth to my grandson I nearly lost my daughter to sepsis and I still haven’t held either of them 4 months on. One of my closest friends was diagnosed with cancer during all this and I’ve still not been able to hug her and I bury my grandad the day before Christmas Eve - thank god we can have more than 6 now but we all have to sit 2m apart in our bubbles so we cannot even comfort each other through our grief. And what I’ve gone through isn’t a patch on some people’s hardships and apart from here I try not to mention it to anyone as I don’t want people to think they have to feel sorry for me. It will get better it has to.

So Emma fucking Conway take your pity party and shove it up your arse. Whilst you are allowed to have off days and feel low you are not allowed to fucking monetise it for your own selfish, materialistic, narcissistic gain. Read. The. Fucking. Room covid has not impacted you other than the inconvenience of not being able to go out and show off your wealth for the gram.

and btw if you bothered babs to look past the end of your snout at some of the amazing things there are in Brum you’d know JW Theatres are doing doorstep Santa shows I booked one for my kids this morning who will prob say they are too cool for it as they are teens but as one of my 14yo has the mental age of a toddler he will absolutely love it and his siblings will join in for him because for all their squabbles they love each other and they refuse to allow anyone to burst his Christmas magic bubble.

sorry for the rant.....
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Well well well. These threads are moving faster than Lewis Hamilton around a Grand Prix track 🤣Thursday was of course the most scared day of the year, the one and only Kweeeen KeBab’s birthday. And what a day. A new thread on here got well over 200 comments on just that day, because Babs is the gift that keeps giving!
Following the early morning showing off about how loved she is by the whole world we had an outfit of the day - all her clothes are old which is so upsetting for everyone who wants to copy her style, but at least she can show us “how to put an outfit together”. Yeah. OK 🤦🏼‍♀️ She described her plans to go to Primark, the Disney shop (Disney Store Babs, it’s called the Disney Store) and Boots, so she could spend the voucher PUS’s parents got her on “crap”. How lovely, she’s just so appreciative of what she gets and just so aware of how lucky she is to have money to fritter away at the moment.

It then all went quiet. Very quiet. Sadly no sightings of Babs in the wild so we can only speculate where she went. Most of us think she went shopping at Primark overnight and then either stayed home for the day or broke tier 3 rules and met family. Just speculation but this is Babs we’re talking about 🧐

When she did reappear on Thurs afternoon it was to share photos of Erin through the years that she’s had done for her birthday next week and show off a New Look lounge suit with “traccy bs” 🤢 (I’m distressed by the word before anyone thinks I’m judging; I love a comfy lounge suit but 1.tracksuit bottoms are for exercise, not lounge wear, and 2.who the bloody hell would call them traccy bs?!?)
She also showed that PUS doesn’t hate all the crappy trinkets around the house because “he bought her” 🤨 another small house for her Christmas village. Ok Babs, we get it. He adores you, he spoils you, he doesn’t mind your tat. Blah blah blah.
More talk of plans for Erin’s birthday - mummy and me spa treatments. Quite sad that she hadn’t even had her own birthday dinner before she was moving on to the next thing. No appreciation for what is happening right at the end of her nose, just always looking for the next thing to cash in on. What a sad little life she does lead.
Some throwback pics of her and the kids where she looked so much happier and healthier. Before she sold out to the Gram life.

And then. The birthday bath. We got the bath bomb song 🤬, must have been around the 6pm mark. So prime dinner, evening with the kids time and she’s off on her own having a bath. That she then told us lasted for two hours and made her bits prune. I mean.
But if you think that was the low point you’d be sadly mistaken. She had some kind of face mask on and filmed/photographed herself gurning and contorting and generally just embarrassing herself, set to a little video of poor poor Gary Barlow playing the piano. She openly admitted drinking cans of cocktails in the bath, and basically she did the equivalent of drunk texting the boy you fancy when you’re 18. Except he’s a celebrity and she shared it online. Where it will live forever. It was shameful. Shameful.

Friday began with chat from the pit, apparently she now has PMS dreams. They’ve moved on from being about her ex boyfriends 🙄 to being about old work colleagues 🙄 What a crock!
She shared the mugs as though they’ve been successful but we’ve seen the stock numbers! Today’s candle, a lazy elf with a biscuit photo and ANOTHER AD 🤬 No effort and as crappy as ever, this time for cleaning stuff. Even tho she never cleans. Except when she chats about polishing and dusting, which she just seems to have realised are two different things 🤦🏼‍♀️
She’s already moved onto Ethan’s birthday even though it is in the new year, because she is incapable of enjoying the moment.
A supermarket trip for cake and goodies. She just can’t have a day off from shopping and spending money can she??
A selfie to celebrate good school reports - what’s it got to do with you Babs? Why does it need your face?
She had A LOT of make up and a Christmas jumper on for her birthday quiz, cocktails by 5:30pm. I know there’s not much else to do in tier 3 but seems early for such an event? And she declared this morning she’ll let the kids watch I’m A Celeb later.......will she be awake that long?!?

The quiz threw up some golden child action as her and Erin were a team, separated from the boys because the kids argue so much. Then she claimed to have come 4th, then 5th, and then when she was tagged in someone else’s story with a screenshot of results, she had to admit they were 7th. Twat.
We then saw her and the kids in pyjamas ready to stay up to watch I’m A Celeb. Those kids are usually asleep by 8 and she’s usually asleep by 8:15 so this was a crazy night for the Conways indeed!
She encouraged Gi to win declaring how much she loves her, even though we’re pretty sure they’ve only met 2 or 3 times. But ride on those coat tails Babs 🙄 Funnily enough Gi’s win was never mentioned afterwards 🤷🏼‍♀️🧐 Jealous much?!?

On Saturday morning we started with some photos, her hotties poll had another draw, then the wallpaper in the lounge because it’s being decorated today. So what does she have to do? She has to take down ALL of the bastard Christmas decorations! What an absolute bellend. Why not wait to paint and decorate in Jan??

Then we had a very strange post that started off about Erin coming up to her 10th birthday but was somehow twisted to be about Babs. Obvs. Erin had a made a list of all of the things she loves about her mum, which were worded in a way that made us wonder if in fact Babs had just made them up! Then, not that she reads Tattle or anything, it was followed by a story with the list in Erin’s handwriting. Babs could have forced her to copy it out, or Erin could have genuinely written it. If she did, Babs must really learn to keep some things private. She didn’t need to share it, why can’t it just be a lovely mother-daughter moment?

Bit of camera chat about the plans for the day, the rule of 6 means she can take the kids to meet her sister and folks for cupcakes (birthday calories don’t count right?!?) while the paper is stripped and one wall is painted and the tree is moved out for birthdays and flooring and all sorts. Twat.

Terrible PMS because she is “hurtling” to the menopause. Honestly one minute she’s claiming to be 21 and wearing clothes a 12 year old would be proud of, then the next she’s moaning about being nearly 50 and the menopause. Pick a side love!🙄

Cupcakes with candles in on a picnic bench, the wallpaper being stripped, the daily candle that smells like men’s armpit 🤷🏼‍♀️, a weird eye roll boomerang because the wall was painted, a recommendation for the company that ran her birthday quiz (not quite the home made affair she made it out to be!) and some gross looking hot dogs and chips as they sat down for a film. Quite a quiet day by her usual standards, popular opinion is she was busy nursing a hangover and breaking covid rules! No cinnamon rolls on a Saturday either.....shooketh.

Sunday started early with a film review and a photo of elves hanging out of a cupboard on candy canes. That scared her, so she obvs isn’t moving them herself 🤦🏼‍♀️ Then she was chatting about going to sleep at 8pm and being up at 4am - unless you have a newborn or a shift job there is no need for those hours. Sort your life out Babs! Boring shizzle about sorting washing and taking the girl for a birthday BFF walk was followed by a post about how Ethan still believes in all the elf/Santa magic and how lovely it is that he dances around the kitchen. She chose some stupid photos of her and Ethan to go with it. Much like the birthday list Erin did for her, these things can be kept private. Just for the family. You don’t have to make it all about you and your need for praise and attention Babs. Just keep some things personal, for your kids’ sakes.

There was a YouTube video where Babs shared what she got for her birthday, but full disclosure: I didn’t watch it. I just could not cope with the fury I knew it would bring me. How dare she??? Hauls are bad enough but a grown woman prattling through a list of things she got as presents?? 🤬 Give. Me. A. Break. I’m just a woman. Who can’t cope. With twat-ish, inconsiderate, showy-off, selfish Babs mode.

Then we had the cinnamon swirls -phew!-and a selfie on Babs in a coat before the walk. Then a selfie of a fully made up face of Babs after the walk. An AD for the overpriced diaries (that she doesn’t use) and a selfie of Babs pulling a stupid face over Erin’s homework. A selfie of Babs and the dog. A pic of Erin at the table because Babs feels lucky to have a #goldenchild. A selfie of a dressing gowned Babs at 5:17pm feeling like she was ready for bed 🤦🏼‍♀️ A selfie of a confused Babs who couldn’t believe her kids didn’t like the film she liked. A pic of a body spray the girl got that day and a selfie of Babs saying it reminded her of an old perfume we all had as teenagers.
That’s 7 selfies of her face in around 7 hours. I mean, it’s the ultimate in lazy instagramming right?? Can’t be arsed to set things up for a photo. Can’t be arsed to think about light, editing etc. Just take a picture of herself doing a stupid face, no matter what the topic of the story is, and it’s job done. And she gets paid a decent amount for this tosh. Shocking.
Also no candle on Sun so didn’t keep that daily effort up for long 🤦🏼‍♀️

Monday began with Babs posing and offering up screenshots for us Tattlers. She couldn’t make it anymore obvious that her content is all aimed at this thread. Hi Babs 👋🏻

Emma Thompson won the holiday hotties because Babs basically convinced all of her followers to vote for her as she has an emotional storyline in Love Actually. Thus proving again that she’s an idiot, because hotties should be about who you fancy, not who you feel sorry for.
Her content is all blurring into one looooong day with candles, throwback photos, washing baskets and ADs for the pamphlet. I’m sure she just posts the same thing every day!

Birthday balloons for the girl are already blown up. Not sure where they’re going to hide them in the tiny house. Not sure they won’t all pop and make them “scream”. Not sure why they say congratulations on them. Not sure I care or need to be told about it!

Her and the golden child did crafts in the bedroom while Ethan was at the table doing Beavers, Babs then made a load of content out of having Sharpie marks on the furniture and the advice she got to clean it off.
Ear plugs are the latest crap she’s spouting on about. We’re expected to believe that PUS is snoring so badly next to her. How long have they been married?!? And she’s only just discovered ear plugs. She’s nervous and excited about them.
Yeah I don’t really know either 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Might change her life tho. Not sure how since it’s 99.9% likely PUS doesn’t snore next to her, but what do I know?!?

We began early doors on Tues with the Pink Stuff - someone told her it was good for cleaning so she’s bought some. Obvs. Spend spend spend! Throwback to another birthday, gnomie train of shoes the elf did and then the chat from the pit. The ear plugs did work because she couldn’t hear the snoring, but they hurt and she lost one. I mean, this is a very elaborate web she’s weaving. If she really wanted to answer the question of where PUS sleeps, she’d just take a photo of him or record the snoring at 2am. This whole ear plug thing just screams “the lady doth protest too much”. What a weird life, fancy having to make up that much crap and be a bare faced liar to try and feel like you’re winning against a bunch of strangers. So odd.

Candle today, stuck in the box 🙄 A new pair of boots for Babs cos she needs treats bless her. OOTD. An AD for Very (so much for her being a loyal Studio customer) where Ethan, who just LOVES to dance don’t you know, will teach them “70s dance”. I think she means disco or funk!
And then as a thank you to the loyal Babettes for putting up with the thousands of ADs she does she kindly offered 30 e mails. That’s right, you can send her an e mail telling her who will want to hear from her and she’ll send that lucky person a message. I mean, she could give away a mug or a bag or she could donate some of the freebies she gets from ADs, but no, our Babs is the Brum equivalent of Beyoncé and wants to share herself with the lowly peasants.
Predictably it got taken up by the Babettes so now she will be even more insufferable thinking that she’s SO popular and adored and loved and brilliant at her job. Lord help us.

She spent the afternoon wrapping presents and watching Netflix because she’s so busy and important 🤦🏼‍♀️ And it’s Erin’s birthday tomorrow so things are gonna get wild in Babs land as #goldenchild turns the big 1-0! Before 7pm they’d put up the photos of Erin through the years downstairs. I mean, most people I know have to wait till late to make sure their kids are asleep before they do secret missions for elves and fairies and birthday surprises, but in the Conway house they must be VERY strict about kids staying upstairs when the bedtime routine is in motion!

Eventually, after she waited aggggeeeees, they put all of the balloons in Erin’s room. I mean, it was before 9pm, but to Babs that might as well be 1am.
Then she finally got to go to bed....thank the Lord....and carried on with the earplug saga of crap.

Wednesday began with 9 stories about Erin, with sly digs at Ethan for not being quite as good a baby. Most of the writing was about Emma of course, because that’s how she rolls. A grid post about how much she loves being a mum to her daughter. 3 more stories showing Erin and then some chat about she’s tidying away presents. Because that’s it. The birthday is done. As always, she spends time and money building up to an event, going on and on about it, then it’s over before it’s begun and she’s on to the next one. Crazy way to live her life.

She got a freebie from Harry Potter, shown in a half hearted crappy effort. Obvs.
Vlog about organising the kitchen, almost as tho she’s trying to remind us that she has a tiny house with no space! And that she spends all her time there, never goes out breaking covid rules, oh no, not perfect Babs.

The place she went for a pedicure with Erin must have been good or offered her a freebie/discount because she put where it was on her stories. Then they went home for their kitchen party, which they graciously let the boys attend too. This got crazy with glow sticks in the dark, so much effort going into making up for the girl having a “pandemic” birthday. I guess Babs noticed the pandemic when she wanted to throw money at some place that would have sorted a whole party so she wouldn’t have had to do anything. But as it is she’s in her dressing gown and ready for bed before 7pm. It’s tiring having a whole day dedicated to you giving birth ten years ago I suppose 🤷🏼‍♀️
I have to say, birthdays do not bring out the best in our Babs at all 🙄

Thursday saw her awake and downstairs on her own before 6am, moaning cos she’s tired. D’oh! We have the final of her festive polls, which she clearly wants Emma Thompson to win. She seems to think it will reflect as her winning the poll, maybe cos they’re both called Emma?!? Let’s hope Elf wins! A candle that wasn’t the “shit green one”. Lovely, grateful Babs! Carpet being torn up so furniture all over the place. She went out for a “business woman” walk with a mate, pretended they were socially distanced but good money says they weren’t!

She’s also getting the mugs out. Wow. Fancy paying £15 for a Christmas mug and getting it on the 15/16 Dec. What a load of crap!

Babs is very grateful to everyone who wished Erin a happy birthday, she was emosh about it. Who knew?!? She never said. She loves her followers..... because they pay for her tat addiction 🤣

I am aware there may be a bit of an angry tone to this recap and I’m sorry about that, what with it being the most wonderful time of the year and all. But she’s wound me up a lot this week!
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She needs to reframe her mindset -

“Exhausted every walk” - be thankful you live in an area where there are plenty of safe walks, that you have time to go on them, and that you’re fit and healthy enough to do so.

“Tried every hot chocolate” - I’m sure this is hyperbole but there’s are millions of people relying on food banks this winter - which is a fucking scandal for more people than is right for a country that’s one of the richest in the world. These people are the key workers that are staffing your poundland, looking after the sick and delivering your Amazon shite, just a little sensitivity wouldn’t go amiss.

“watched all the Christmas films” - think about this for more than two seconds and consider the millions that don’t have every streaming service under the sun, the millions that don’t have time to sit with their kids because they are working all the hours they can, or those that have to chose between a tv or eating.

Yeah. You’ve faced disruption in your life and it’s ok to feel shit about that, we all do, but fuck me don’t pretend like you’ve got it so bad. Your family are well and healthy. You are able to spend plenty of time with your kids and husband. Both you and your husband have maintained a decent income. You’ve been on two holidays. You see your parents. You see your friends. You’ve even moved house. Your kids still do their activities. You’ve still been able to continue to quest to buy your way to happiness. You have an reliable decent income that allows you to have a car so you don’t have to risk it on public transport or walk. You have a reliable decent income that allows you to afford days out to a variety of places like National Trust places and you have a car that enables you to get there. You can understand English, have electronic devices and have the knowledge and capability to home school. You and your husband have secure jobs you can do from home and so you and your aren’t having to risk exposing yourselves to COVID every time you go to work just to afford the mortgage.

But yeah. Woe is me.

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Lady Doodle

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Oh well, here goes as requested
Thread suggestion
Brummymummy #49 6am Babs doesn't even know who 6pm Babs is!
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Hands up if you think she’s a selfish, bratty shit dragging her arse all over the Midlands, then moaning about having nothing to do and complaining about how hard the pandemic is with her easy privileged life 🙋‍♀️
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Her husband looked like the kind of knob who would buy a single paracetamol in the pub toilets, under the impression it was an E and then spend the rest of the night with his jaw swinging, telling everybody he was sooooo fucked.
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I’ve been lurking here and hate watching brummymummy for ages but I just had to register today so I could rant about her latest story. So the first time this w*tch mentions her ‘friend’ being crowned queen of the castle is when she has finally found a way to make it ‘all about babs’. She really is a narcissistic waste of space. I feel much better having got that off my chest 😊
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Watching home alone earlier and I thought why on earth is Babs in this breaking in her new boots!!! The realised it’s the old man next door with his snow shovel 😜
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my thoughts exactly. VERY wishful thinking! :ROFLMAO:

i really wish she'd ditch the whole "tier three, nothing to do" narrative. we get it. far more so than babs, who has ensured the restrictions have very little impact on her life, thus using it as an excuse to put even less creativity into her content is a joke. it took 45 minutes to edit that poor attempt at a photo - presumably the edit of lucy's face onto Barlow’s cart took a good hour. and for someone who "can't take any photos" in Birmingham because #tierthreelife she's certainly managed to take a LOT of photos. unfortunately, brummie restrictions do not restrict babs from taking daily photos of her gurning face.

and the "this is the kinda quality content I'm capable of at the mo" comment is totally aimed at tattle, and the constant discussion of her lack of creative content. so she does a poor photoshop job, and labels it as all she can manage, blaming it on tier three, obvs!
Babs has got to be one of THE least creative people on Instagram. It's so frustrating because she could be doing really great stuff, the house move should have been a goldmine of content! Not to mention she could be talking about mental health, exercise, how to eat well when you're working from home, homeschooling, new skills, entertaining older kids without excessive screentime... tbh, the possibilities for her to produce good content are endless. But her biggest problem is that she is too lazy; she won't share MH stuff because it would require her to actually do research to share suitable links/phone numbers and then she would have to engage with the babettes pouring their hearts out and a 😘 wouldn't cut it. She is a "paint by numbers" instagrammer- if the brush isn't put in her hand, and she isn't told which colours to put where, she can't do it!! She needs the events and holidays and constant trips and treats to make it look interesting and, more importantly, worth it. If nothing else 2020 has confirmed what the IC20 have always known, she truly is a lazy, talentless, lump who really needs to reconsider whether or not she is "good at her job". She has proved nothing other than that, without the events and freebies, her life isn't interesting, her family aren't interesting, and doing rubbish ads for anyone who chucks her a pay cheque may be lucrative but it clearly isn't fulfilling! It's like watching someone slow burn into a midlife crisis.
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Why does she always act like an 80 year old, reminiscing about her younger days? In fairness, she looked decent years ago but Babs and Ste have swapped and he now looks a lot better than her. He does, however, look completely gormless and devoid of any opinions at all.
She's such an odd mix of ridiculously immature and simultaneously old before her time, isn't she?

Miss Havisham in a Claire's Accessories headband 🥴
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I'm tier 3 and nothing has changed for me since lockdown 2.0. Actually, nothing has changed all year. I was isolating for a few months too as I was pregnant but unfortunately ended in miscarriage. I've not been on holiday, I've worked from home full-time (proper work not werk) had to juggle 2 kids and work and self isolating, not seen my friends at all apart from zoom quizzes. But I'm no different to millions of people in the same position. Actually I am very fortunate as I avoided redundancy and we managed to move house (2 weeks after Babs). Anyway this isn't a sob story, but what she is massively lacking is real perspective. A part time job in the real world would do her wonders. Or heaven forbid she could even do some volunteering!! On a separate note, I did laugh at her organisation blog. She's moved to a posh area but has to have plastic baskets on top of her kitchen cupboards 😆
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Oh I am rabid, completely shooketh that I have my first thread title... I'm going to have a watery Baileys hot cock to celebrate!!

Edit to add, in honour of my first title I have got my first avatar, I feel I have made it to the IC20 now 🤣


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