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Notice in any of Hannah's videos about her camper, she always puts what kind of camper it is in the description,and mentions it also during a video. I bet there trying to advertise it, so they get a free one, just like there sausage box👍
Look Hypochondriac Hannah edited the post. She was reading here! We just had some posts about how many times does she have to give a tour of that camper! We see you HH! And one cares about your dirty camper!


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You can always tell.when Vals on her own with Jessica and HER staff isn't around to do HER work. She's miserable and has zero patience with Jess.
You can really see her feeling sorry for herself....they " why me" attitude.
and Jessica always looks worse, unbathed, unbrushed...her hair looks brittle and she looks dirty.

It's not that Jess is a handful, it's that Val simply doesn't want to take care of Jessica she has this attitude that it's beneath her... Or a punishment. She behaves like a teenager whose grounded and hard to clean the garage every time she's alone with Jessica .

Vals a disgrace. Hope her running away to Disney, abandoning her responsibilities and pretending shes16 makes her feel better.
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I copied this comment by Amy Ortell. If you’re here Amy, you absolutely nailed it. If you’re not, hopefully people agree with her on FB scam pg. anyway, Val needs Jess more than the other way around. Explaining point by point how Amy came to this conclusion is spot on. I would add that Val using Jess for monetary gain is relatively new in Jess’s life since she’s 36 years old. Val has been stunting Jess’s independence and growth all her life. I still think because of ongoing guilt and God knows what else. Just read Amy’s post:

I can only tell yah when I started watching. I'd never watched a mom blog before, I enjoyed it at 1st found it relaxing I'd worked in the field years prior and Jess reminded me of a dearly loved client . I also thought at 1st wow so sweet vals taken on all the responsibility of caring for Jessica it to me was a breath of fresh air to see her not relying on agencies to care for Jess.i also liked the idea of people who may have family memebers with idd or autism gaining some insight. Little by little I saw the cracks at 1st I chalked it up to Val was doing her best and might be a bit dim herself. So I started giving some very basic tips . Like separating Jess's food out in the cabinet so her stuff was always in same spot .nothing big just things that would help Jess navigate the kitchen and help her be independent. As time went on it became clear independent is not what vals goal was for Jess. At the time Jess was talking a lot about being independent so she could live on her own with friends . I asked have you all been looking at what that might look like for Jess? Got my 1st wow face I said this clearly seems like something Jess is interested in and that Jess has bought into the cooking as away to obtain her goal . Jess at that time was doing much better than she is now she was engaged. I went over housing options that Jess maybe interested and would meet her level of need . More wow faces . My viewing changed then and I began to watch for the ways Val manipulates Jess. This was a year before they moved out of old house . Slowly I watched Jess figure out the cooking for independence was not going to net the goal she wanted. She closed down the skin picking became worse and life moved on . Then I started noticing that Val purposely allowed Jesss appearance be worse than she is the unkempt hair the ill fitting bras mismatched clothing the pocketbook slung around neck on the few outings they went on . It was covid so I chalked up Jessica nonexistent activities outside the home to the covid life we where all leading. When they moved in with bad daddy a Jess again picking got really bad covid had lifted and that's when the whole picture hit me . That Val needed Jess more than Jess needed Val. Vals entire identity was wrapped up in having a sufficiently dependent child. She needs Jess for everything . Vals lifestyle was dependent on money from channel her identity as a wonderful caring mother was dependent on Jessica . The smokescreen of Jessica she could hide behind. It's Jessica food issues not vals its Jessica who wants the dog not Val it's Jessica who wants Disney not Val it's Jessica for why I keep the schedule I keep it's Jessica for why I'm depressed.on and on now I'm to the point of why is this even allowed ? Jess doesn't understand the larger concept of being on the internet. Val stop using your kid .
I absolutely relate because I started by reading the AI blog, as I thought about creating a blog myself so I was looking up a few... Then it led me to the watched here and there as I read past blogs..( Trying to get a full picture of this family ) after about a month I started catching the inconsistencies in Vals stories, little lies, and the constant blame game.... And in all honesty I watched a few lives...and that was the absolute worst. Watching Val give looks, talking behind Jess whispering to Hannah, Marlow and Hannah laughing Jess....and seeing Jessica behave in a constant feral rude was a clear sign this family was exploiting autism and using this 35 yr. Old IDD schizophrenic woman to do it.
I have reported videos, to both FB and youtube. For grifting,inappropriate content. I've also contacted APS in Georgia sadly not much to my knowledge has been done.
I've spoken with a few local therapist expressing concern showing them some content which they agreed required a look into... But we are in a different country and not sure how much we can help.

Val is using and abusing the system as well as Jessica..... It's criminal.
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The card video is a lot of hogwash. There is no organization involved. We’ve seen Val scoop em off that bed and throw them haphazardly into whatever drawer will accommodate. Jess doesn’t have the skill to organize effectively. A video asking Jess about her cards, seriously? Val asks the question, answers the question and Jessica repeats the answer like a parrot. She does this with every conversation, Val doesn’t allow her to have a thought of her own before interjecting. There’s no way in hell she’d ever realize if some went missing. She stumbles counting past 15 so she has no idea how many she has. Learning to count like Braille was never a priority. I often wonder if she even knows her address and phone number.
Your e 100% right JEssica has zero organization skills and her cards are NOT organized in drawers just crammed in...
Val desperately tries to make Jessica appear to have special " skills" ( like rainman) she's doesn't , it's called savant syndrome and Jessica is far from it ...Cody from Cody Speaks has a photographic memory ..and Val is trying to create a narrative that Jessica knows where every card is, every deck and they are all organized ...😂

More lies....Jessica is a hoarder and just loves being told everything is hers...more! More! more!! Insert seal clap here.
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Just a few things. I honestly don’t care who is on tattle and who is on the new page as both pages are relaying the message and getting this scam of a family exposed. If you don’t care about your name being used go ahead and subscribe to both but as long as you subscribe to one it’s good with me as the ladies on the other page running on it have best intentions and good information. It is a shame we couldn’t all be one big page. Personally Susan needs to be blocked from all pages she is toxic not all there and her intentions scare me a little. She is one of those I could see tracking this family down and killing another dead family on social media. Jessica’s greediness shows on so many different things food coloring books cds dvds cards board games pool toys. This is the reason she always says can I uses these pool toys with my others etc….she just needs to get more more more. Has absolutely nothing to do on favorites or what she likes she likes having the most of something and no amount will ever be enough. The dolls are a perfect example she never plays or touches them but no one else can either and they are hers bottom line!
My son when he was younger used to try to do this with blue rays after he had collected dvds but I put a stop to it and did not allow it and guess what max no longer does this with anything! Crazy how that works right Val???
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winnie woo

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She’s not grieving, she’s animated, sickness and death excites her. What kind of a mother allows her mentally disabled daughter to be humiliated this way. Not a word she spoke made sense. In what world is this ok. Is this going to be her new content, making a fool out of Jessica for views!
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It would be wonderful if there were better laws inplace to protect children, mentally incompetent adults and others like Jessica , Abigale Masse and many others.

Unfortunately because there's literally millions of various channels on various social media platforms so many people get lost in the sea of the internet...then add different laws, bylaws for every city, township, province, state, zone, country.... It's almost impossible to truly keep these "family influencers" in line and honest....these youtube channels, and Facebook pages are still so new in our society that hundreds of thousands are jumping on these platforms starting channels to " get famous??? " make money ! " not to mention there are new social media platforms starting constantly .

I'm a mom of a nonverbal 26 yr. Old IDD autistic daughter...and there's zero amount of money anyone could give me to post videos of her shuffling around the house with bed head ,braless first thing in the morning as she's trying to get her barings....and start her day.
She deserves to keep her dignity, and faces enough struggles on a daily basis eyes sting with tears writing this....
Because it's gut wrenching watching not just the abuse and neglect of Jessica but the daily humiliation ....this morning watching Hannah and Marlow laughing at her...made me physically ill....I couldn't even write about it.

The legal system, laws etc.... Need to catch up to this online abuse hiding behind " autism" which so many have jumped on in the last 8-10 years.
It use to be you couldn't even post videos without consent of everyone in it. Jessica is unable to consent legally ....even though Val loves to film Jessica saying she wants to make videos...( After coaching her of course) not to mention when they film in public Disney, restaurants etc... Legally Val can't post people without consent on a channel that generates her income! But she does, and doesn't blur out faces because she's lazy and knows the chances of being busted for it are slim.

Disney actually has a whole section on their website about filming on channels that are not for personal use but are a business like Vals...and it's not permitted. But she still does it.

Abigale Maass just turned 18 recently and at 18 There is a ton of paperwork for guardianship , doctors recommendations , lots of legalities and red tape... And a few court visits ...sadly Jessica is 36 and when she was 18 there was still a legal process for guardianship etc.. But so much has changed in the last 18 years for the usual Jessica has fallen through the cracks of an ever growing and changing system.
And Val gets away with so much...that today wouldn't pass at all.....which again explains WHY Jessica is isolated at home, has zero therapists, doctors, REAL experienced caregivers, respite, outreach or day programs...anyone who is educated or has authority in the autism community is not permitted to be involved with Jessica ....And we know why.

Karma will find Val.
Oh wallfly my heart ❤ broke for you when you said your eyes were full of tears. Your a fantastic honest kind compassionate mother. We are all connected on this tattle page.we all care about one another.
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Sorry kids I just could not watch more than 4 minutes of this crap! Ummm, ummm, ummm, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta!
Just stop with these ridiculous charade Val of thinking Jess is literate, independent and moving out!
She makes such a fool of Jess and doesn't seem to feel bad about it at all.
They must be leaving for Disney soon because she is watching the videos and saying what rides she will ride. 4 nights so let's see if it ends up being just Jess and Val. I do not see that happening!
This video was made on Monday so they are all just sharing them willy nilly. For this supposedly being their jobs they suck!
Not sure I can watch much more of these idiots!


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Isn't Taylor Marlows roomate? I don't know much about her.

As for Jessica .....she has been absolutely unhinged the last while, mean, nasty more argumentative than ever with more of a whiney threatening attitude.

Jessica behaves like that because no one tells her no, ever Val will not permit it which is why no professionals are in Jessica s life ...a real health care giver, therapist etc... Would absolutely have rules, and boundaries and not allow Jessica to threaten , abuse, whine, pull that bossy shit...period.

There's definitely something going on in the Brooks for Jessica she's on a very bad path.... The day will come and she will absolutely lash out physically on the wrong person , the animals her baby cousins, it will happen because it's happened many times in her past with her dogs, Nonnie, children on the bus, bus driver, nurse , dentist and technician it will happen for sure.

Just because Jessica has disabilities doesn't excuse her rude, violent , disrespectful behaviours. I've worked in classes alongside my daughter with hundreds of various aged autistic kids/adults ....and not ONE was ever permitted to behave like Jessica ever! Not the severely autistic, not the nonverbal, not the children not the adults, not the deaf/autistics, blind autistics, not the severely IDD autistic mixes.... I've seen more severe cases than Jessica CORRECTED for bad behaviours ....shown there are CONSEQUENCES for unacceptable behaviours!! THAT'S HOW THEY LEARN and grow to have fun productive lives and function in society!!!

Val wants pity, sympathy and autistic mother of the year awards for dealing with Jessica yet....she's the one who has never parented or taught Jessica the simplest of things ....ever.
Jessica only learned what she was taught at school nothing ever continued under Vals roof. Jessica gets worse and worse.....
And Val hides more and more ......can't wait to watch feral Jessica alone with mommy dearest at Disney.
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What is with the DSGP tour of Hannah’s trailer. I didn’t watch it but the caption says, we realized we haven’t given a tour of the trailer. What? Haven’t they done that at least three times?
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There's a mother of a nonverbal autistic boy who I enjoy pulling strength's Coppers mom, Devin.
Her channel/page is Finding Coppers Voice.
Her journey is newer as her son is a young boy but her knowledge, her strength, and wisdom is truly a gift...for mom's like myself no matter where we Are in our journey.

One of the most life changing and profound tidbits of wisdom I have ever heard was...

"Are you helping or you doing?"

This is the constant question I ask myself 100 times a day every day ...since the day our daughter was diagnosed ....

I want to help my child to be successful, strong, confident, and achieve her highest potential and goals.
Easier said then done...
Because I also want to protect my child, make her life easy, make sure the world treats her As special as she is, make sure everyone knows she has limits and they all must also be on board and go the extra mile for her..after all she's my non verbal autistic beautiful daughter.

Trust me when I say.... I am doing her NO FAVOURS by expecting the world, teachers, therapists , doctors, neighbours, friends, family, the cashier at the grocery store to all understand her and accommodate her needs. That's selfish and demanding and absolutely crazy to think any of those people need to change for my daughter or...anybody else's for that matter.

That means I have one ensure my autistic daughter learns valuable tools to keep in her tool box to deal and cope with the world and the different people and situations in it.

Helping my daughter will benefit her long term and it's sustainable where as expecting others to change the world for her is simply not.

I am helping her by not doing for her. I am helping her by not coddling her blaming everyone else for not understanding her needs and bending to grant them.

This is my main issue with Val....she plays the poor me victim card and blames every teacher, therapist,doctor etc... For not understanding her Jessica's everyone else's fault poor Jessica is a one of a kind unique misunderstood anomaly ......

No...she isnt.
It's easy for Val to blame the world cry poor me while planning Disney vacations than actually teach Jessica ANY coping skills, any manners, basic hygiene , acceptable behaviours , patience , healthy foods and how to make GOOD choices, how to handle change and her violent temper...etc...
Vals managed to brain wash her children that they must give Jessica her way always , what words they are not permitted to speak in the house, everything revolves around Jessica at all costs. The only thing that matters is Jessica's happiness. Period.

Parents like Codys mom, Coppers mom.... The parents in my local support community are all warriors and put in the hard work day in day out...( Without a staff to take on our responsibilities, we have families, other children , jobs, and have no time to hide in our bedrooms playing a victim blaming the world and acting the martyr )

I have written a few REAL.parents online about the abuse of autism and neglect of Jessica .....
Valerie Brooks and the entire clan are lying scammers ...using autism to abuse a system that's in place for those who truly need it to survive ...not for 4,5,6 yearly Disney vacations, new cars, trucks, campers trips to Italy .....
I'm hoping to gather enough support to shut down the Brooks Crooks Scam Machine.
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This is a long post...I'm sorry.

Information on Nutrition

To help keep bones strong, people with CP should get enough of these:

calcium, a mineral stored in bones and teeth. Best sources of this include milk, yogurt, cheese, and calcium-fortified juices

vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium from food and supplements. It's found in some fish, such as salmon and tuna, fish liver oil, and in the US, fortified products like milk, orange juice, and cereal. Our bodies also make vitamin D when skin that is not protected by clothes or sunscreen is exposed to the sun.

phosphorus, a mineral that plays a role in the growth of bones and teeth. It's found in milk and milk products, meat, fish, eggs, poultry, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Jess has mild CP, along with 100 other ailments, true or not...if you read this...Jessica eats NONE of these things.
Besides Campbell who walks outside daily , no one gets outside regularly to walk, exercise or get vitamin D...naturally.
Vitamin D deficiency is common especially where I reside due to looong winters, so we take Vit. D vitamins regularly.
Signs of Vitamin D deficiency:
Tingly hands and feet ( both Val and Hannah have mentioned this)
Waddling while walking due to muscle weakness in hips or legs...( Jessica 200%)
Vitamin D also contributes to fatigue and depression ...Val the nurse, who claims she suffers from depression should be on top of this.

Nutrition is important in general, although there is really no specific diet for autism's safe to say that if you are the primary caregiver, parent of an autistic person it's your responsibility to keep their nutrition on track!
There is no reason for stay at home all day Val, to not be researching proper nutritious meal for Jessica who can't do it herself . How can it be " Jessica's CHOICE" when she can't read, or process what actual nutrition is???? She doesn't read ingredients, doesn't buy or pay for the groceries....she doesn't cook or read recipes find good substitutes etc..

YOU ( Val) must provide the healthy foods for her to choose from!!!! Shop for them, fill the cart with FRESH produce, greens, iron riched foods, omega 3s. Proteins ...etc..not processed frozen nuggets, and tots, canned vankamps chilli,beefaroni,canned okra!

But no... Val claims and blames Jessica ... " she's an adult and can make her own choices"
Simply glancing at Jessica you can see she's unhealthy, her skin, the dark circles, they dry brittle hair, poor posture, the death shuffle, she looks the same age As Val. Not to mention her weakness, poor sleep among other things.

As a nurse Val knows better...she's lazy and is no different than that parent rewarding her bratty screaming kid throwing a tantrum with a chocolate bar to behave.

Forgive my rant....this is such a personal issue for me as I work with parents desperate to properly feed their autistic kids who are struggling. I see moms crying desperate to get their children to eat fruits, veg, meats, protein something besides French fries .....and there are many resources out there available to help.
After seeing the difference in kids/adults who have autism, change with better diet and Nutrition it's such a game changer.
Val should be charged with neglect failing to provide the necessities of life for Jessica. rant is done.
Sorry for the long posts.
Over on Cody Speaks....his mom takes him shopping for a few tnings.

In their cart... Almond milk, healthy cereal, cauliflour, greens, lettuce, sprouts.
Leeza makes sure Cody eats well always! Bananas, berries ,muffins, yoghurt, healthy cereal for breakfast ....always fresh veggies ...REAL cuts of meat...and yes on occasion we see him eat a couple dino nuggets..WITH his salad or fruit bowl.


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What stuck out to me was the fact in that video from 6 years ago Val needed to pump hand soap on Jessica’s hands and in the video posted yesterday morning Val asked HH to pump it in her hands! WTH in 6 years she has not learned that basic part of hygiene but Val keeps pushing for her to crack an egg????? To me this shows Vals mental health too! They all need big time professional help!
They all act like they’ve lived under a rock for years. Hannah in Italy didn’t know the difference between a mini fridge and mini bar and though because of it she was in a five star hotel. Then the bidet she had absolutely no clue what it was ! With the disdain Madison has for Val I would think he would work at encouraging her to run like hell from the evil grips of Val.
888MHBB I will keep you and your husband in my prayers.
And you are so right about keeping things in the same place for Jess. Heck I live alone and keep things in my kitchen all in the same places. I am older and it helps!
Especially that top shelf where her juice is stored . How many times has she had to dig so far back to access her juice that bottles have fallen out. Val wants to constantly remind everybody of her visual impairment and CP then set your daughter up for success and independence so keep easy accessibility. Start by cleaning that kitchen where Jessica spends most her time. Maybe followers should be sending her a Merry Maid cleaning service gift card instead of all that unnecessary stuff.
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Chatty Member
Oh sweet Jesus!!! I have never seen her like that. All of Val's little Dawgies just loved it. Made me sick to my stomach.
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Well looks like Val has come out of her bedroom finally, and Jet Setter Hannah whose pretending to be vacationing in Italy for 10days is home and has been since last Thursday.....seems she was home already before she even posted her first Italy video....which means she was in Italy when she said she was camping with Marlow ....
The lies....are incredible ...but we will see two more weeks of Italy I'm sure.

Jessica has a face full of bandaids because she's picking scabs on her face, obviously being alone with mommy dearest drove her anxiety through the roof!
Of course mommies taking her Bessy out to dinner because it helps her not pick....🙄🙄

Jessica was being her regular manipulative 36 she's still saying " I don't know where the juice is" " where is it? " and waits to be told in the fridge ( she knows exactly where the juice is, where her frozen potatoes are, where her dishes are...she just demands help and control.

Watching Val " help" Jessica take out the cooked hash Brown's ...half assed lazy just get it done method..not to mention dangerous for jessica.
Jessica was just sent proper utensils to use in the kitchen ...but as we know Vals lazy ....another example of not actually teaching Jessica how to properly do something ...
Very sad that Val choose to undo any advancements that the professionals had taught and expected Jess to do for herself. Val would rather play the martyr on camera. It is sickening and I’m sad that APS has not intervened yet. There is so much that is exploitation, abuse and neglect that is shown on camera. . . Can we even imagine what goes on when the camera is off.
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If Hannah is paid through Medicaid as a family caregiver it states you can’t have an online business so how does she get away with that ? Maybe that’s why she added Marlowe to DSGP ? Like you mentioned with so many adults not working in that house how do they not see it as unnecessary funding? So much fraud and they keep getting away with it . One day they are going to meet that one social worker who sees through their fraud and she’s going to take them to task. The one who no matter how much Val yells she only digs in deeper. The social worker who maybe's has a family member of special needs and clearly sees the way they abuse the system. Karma will pay a visit maybe not fast enough but it will.
This would apply to Val as well autistic interpretations is definitely a business between Val, Hannah and Marlow ....whose the legal paid caregiver? Whose running online businesses ?? Whose the paid editor? ( Val claimed Hannah was the paid editor last spring when they bought the campers and new vehicles ?

So many lies.....but Uncle Sam will sort it out Im sure.
Omg Jessica looks absolutely awful! She looks about 60 years old and even more disabled than she’s always looked. And the picking is NOT autism it’s an obsessive compulsive behavior. But Val refuses to believe it and keeps pushing that autism narrative even tho everyone is now questioning it.
Jessica does look horribly ill. The dry lips, dry brittle grey hair, Brown circles around her eyes, the capped tooth that's over a decade old and was temporay...yellow sores...
It's a crime how Val puts Jessica on cam, looking the way she does. Jessica needs a physical , blood work, a dietician ..nutritionist .... And some serious vitamins we know she doesn't eat fruits veg,grains, etc....
Val won't get Jessica checked out just like she won't take her to the dentist, the hairdresser ...she's lazy....and she knows the doctor will enforce changes to better Jessica's health ...that Val will not follow. Then... That opens up a can of worms.

So Val hides away her sickly golden goose.
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Well it's Thursday ...isn't Greedy Guts off with Nonnie and Grandad? Feeding princess her McDonald's then hitting up the P.O??

Yet no morning video from Mommy Dearest.....she must be hiding in her room pouting after reading here.
You can always tell when Val has a bee in her bonnet...her facial expressions , tone, the martyr speeches ....and locking her self in room room that's crammed full of her house stuff...and she doesn't post.

Bless her heart.😂
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What parent would take an adult age, disabled person out in public like this? Only reason would be to humiliate her
I will get some pushback here, but I don’t believe that it is to humiliate her; just the opposite. I still believe that Val is so emotionally entangled with Jess that in her head she’s still a cute little toddler, but more importantly she believes and tries to make OTHERS see her as that also. Picture running into Jess and co in the grocery store. If she were a toddler, you may think that she probably fell or had mosquito bites and has little kid bandaids on her face. Of course this isn’t the case. She’s a wild haired, slumped over adult asking everybody she meets about their dogs, deceased and otherwise and she’s got baby bandaids on her face. Val thinks it’s so cute. Sort of on the same topic, there is a video where Val instructs strangers about how they are to respond/react to Jess when she approaches them in public. Jess is her baby and everyone better fall in line and pretend also. (I just had a random and funny thought. Don’t you know that the clan gets the biggest laugh out of us and our opinions?! They’re laughing all the way to the bank, with an occasional European foray) 🤣🤣
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Jessica’s life revolves around her phone calls which in away speaks of just how much she needs to be amongst her peers to form friendships. I know Val says they can’t because Jessica gets to obsessed in friendships. In the past Jessica visited the SPCA and seemed to enjoy going. There’s so many options like take her swimming at the YMCA or outside to shoot some hoops . I don’t think it’s because Jessica isn’t capable they are just so incapable of caring for because they are so mentally unstable. That’s where APS can build there case is because they hinder Jessica’s growth because of their personal mental health. They all stay locked away in their bedrooms only to appear to eat or make a video . Look how Jessica loved going for rides of Marlowe’s grandmothers ATV. There are things they just don’t want to be bothered. Why doesn’t Marlowe at least try if she sees they can’t considering she’s the paid caregiver?
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Gramma of 4

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Just skipped through Val's weekly video and well, well, well...Val is thinking about selling her camper. Shocker! 😳 We all know she bought it on a whim. What an idiot. Has she even had the thing for a year?
Greedy Jessica opening packages and God forbid one wasn't for her. "But there there might be something in there for me. Do you want me to check? There might be. Will you double check?" I've never seen such greed in anyone like with her. It's gross.
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