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And again, run away from the mess you created Val. Don’t finish the kitchen project, leave your ex to clean up after you. Let your daughter do the videos, let your porn son’s ex girlfriend take care of your handicapped daughter. Do everyone in your family a favor and walk away. You aren’t happy, you don’t have a joyful life, and neither does anyone else in your family.
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Well it's Thursday ...isn't Greedy Guts off with Nonnie and Grandad? Feeding princess her McDonald's then hitting up the P.O??

Yet no morning video from Mommy Dearest.....she must be hiding in her room pouting after reading here.
You can always tell when Val has a bee in her bonnet...her facial expressions , tone, the martyr speeches ....and locking her self in room room that's crammed full of her house stuff...and she doesn't post.

Bless her heart.😂
One day not long ago when they showed the bedrooms and what people were doing I could not believe how much crap was stuffed into those rooms! Looked like hoarding conditions 😳. Who works, sleeps, watches TV and hides in their rooms? I sleep in my bedroom, sometimes read before bed or play on my phone a bit. But my bedroom is for sleeping. I personally could not even sleep in that mess!
I have a desk, bookcases and love seat in my "office". It's a small bedroom turned into that. I am retired but still use it for bill paying and other stuff I do.
These Brooks women are just trashy!!!
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If I were to do a solo vacation, Disney is the last place I'd go. What a huge waste of money.
But...Val is a KEY Member!! Every year she purchases a FAMILY plan for's thousands of dollars not to mention she still has to pay for travell, a motel room, food, drink, all the extras...and depending on which package she gets not all shows and events are included ...I mean why not spend thousands and thousands on Disney instead of looking for a home for your autistic daughter who you will have to raise for threat of your life!?!?!?

I wouldn't be surprised if Val went to Disney on her own... To get away from everyone...sleep in a hotel room alone, sleep in, have room service, stroll through Disney at her own pace do all the stuff she wants ...she's always crying being the martyr that she is how her life is unfair. seriously disturbed and forever a victim in her story.
She could have more of a life if she put the work in... There's no reason she can't work even part time, get out of the have to wonder why this woman has no friends at age 55.
She has no girl friends to go out for lunch with, no man to date, no friends in the autism community to get coffee with....
She has no friends because like Jessica ...she's simply unlikeable.

So let's sit back and see what SCAMMER Brooks has up her sleeve next.
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Look Hypochondriac Hannah edited the post. She was reading here! We just had some posts about how many times does she have to give a tour of that camper! We see you HH! And one cares about your dirty camper!
Wow that really does prove they read here. Can only imagine how mad they get with us all telling the truth and there's nothing they can do.they can't delete our posts on here and it must infuriate them. 😁
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CONGRATULATIONS to our Facebook friends Autistic Interpretations A Joyful Scam!! For hitting 146 members!!

It does this autism mommas heart good knowing more good people are seeing the fraudulent behaviours and abuse happening in the Brooks Asylum .
It is incredibly sad to see how Val takes advantage of her own children let alone those kind hearted viewers, some of which are elderly or simply not mentally mature enough to understand they are being taking advantage of... It's beyond cruel to see Val take monies, stars, donations from REAL autistic individuals who don't realize they are being used for Disney vacations, cars, campers, while they themselves are on low income disabilities.

The Brooks Crooks all unemployed abusing a system designed to help with the quality of life NOT for 4,5 Disney trips a year, every year and new cars, trucks, campers, Taylor Swift tickets, trips to Italy ......
I'm glad people are starting to really see the SCAMMER Brooks for what they really are.
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Gramma of 4

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She’s received 3 kitchens worth of adaptive tools for cooking. Those were probably all returned to Amazon after they tried them once. I’m glad so many are seeing thru the bs. I also cannot join the new FB group as I really do not want to be known. I guess it’s time to let you know I’m a former crispy, right up to the end…and have been keeping up appearances with them. I didn’t want to let on here either. I’ve been here since thread #1 and caught on to their bs right after Hannah stopped working and moved back home. There’s much I could share, but as she reads here I would be found out. So I just blend into the wallpaper…
Since you came out, I will too. I am a former crispy, like you, right up until the end. I didn't pay much to be on there and never sent them a penny or gifts. I really felt sorry for Val. Until... The deck. And the gifts that Jessica would greedily open and greedily ask for other things and Val encouraged it. And never saying thank you. And gladly letting people know their po box info. And then Hannah joining in on the mix by quitting her job so she could join in on the exploitation of her sister. I stayed on after that to just be nosey. The only thing that I remember that stands out is, they were at Disney - Val, Jessica and Campbell - and Jessica had a melt down/fit over not getting a phone call. Val said Jessica was in her face screaming at her, crying. That it ruined their evening. Campbell took Jessica out to eat and Val stayed back in the room to give them a break and calm Jessica down. Like what? You reward her for screaming in your face by having Campbell take her to eat. And Val said something to the affect that when people say their going to call Jessica, they need to follow thru and call her because that is what could happen-her throwing a fit and Val having to deal with it. Wtf? How about take that damn phone away from her and stop the harassment by her with these people.
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One time she went without Jessica they put Hannah in a wheelchair because her so called weak ankle. We know they did that to use Jessica handicap pass .
I remember was ridiculous as HH has milked that ankle since she did it in Norway! Even did physical therapy for it!
And Val milks the wrist thing!
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What fun is going alone to Disney. I bet she will go with porn boy. I just can’t picture riding to same rides over and over again. After the 200th time, it must not be as thrilling. If you can tell your daughter, now the ride is backing up, now we are going to go around the corner, you have been on that ride too much. I just don’t get the appeal of hordes of people, screaming and the high prices. Grow up ,Val. There is a whole country outside of Disney world. Go and see some natural wonders instead of fake and pretend kids rides.
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OMG!!!! Val needs to be reported to FB for tonight's video! Jessica is in a full schizophrenic episode! Talking about someone who had to put their dog to sleep, she told them it was time, and she told them to get 2 dogs next month because she knows. She knows this because she is going to be a veterinarian!!! I could not watch the end ...she was jumping around, laughing like a maniac, screams and omg!
According to Val that's just her adrenaline! Val you are so f***ing stupid! That is full blown schizophrenia! This should be taken down and now!!
And amongst all that Jess was talking to god knows who in her head thinking this was her dog at times!!!!


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Are these comments from IG? I looked for account on IG for @allysonbruce554 and there is nothing
i see the Allyson Bruce account on you tube, only 1 subscriber but it will not tell you who it is
No Youtube

Allysonbruce554 it's youtube, Allysonecurb is FB

These are all FAKE accounts to monitor posts by Val and Hannah
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Yes, and I think that’s one of the hardest things for me; actually thinking a really disabled and innocent person is so repugnant, and it’s all because her mother is obsessed with trying to fix her, or, I just don’t know. It’s just a sick situation.
I think the fact that Jessica worries about pissing off Val, and that we often hear her apologuise to Val..unprompted....asking her if she's mad....says alot.
It shows that Jessica is aware, she KNOWS her behaviour is wrong...but does it anyways in many cases....and that's troubling, and shows of there were consequences in place there's the possibility Jessica would think twice...

If she knew she would lose her phone for say two hours as a consequence she would probably not choose to hit, spit, or threaten etc...
Or no P.O. Visit that week, no sleep over in moms bed....Val could give Jessica choices like Jessica can pick dinner Monday and Wednesday ..Hannah gets 2 days to choose and Val the rest, there are many many ways to teach Jessica how to share, behave better, take turns ...not everything is her way.

It's clear she understands if she's apologising ....just like when she SLAPS her mother of Hannah then growls " ouuuuuch" she knows it hurts it's not affection ....

Yes Jessica is unlikeable and manipulative .
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I too, was an avid viewer. I actually ordered a cookbook from them. Actually have used it for a couple of recipes. But boy, when I finally realized the scam Val was pulling, I felt like a fool. I have finally gotten over that feeling. Don’t feel bad about being a former crispies. Val has fooled many many people. Luckily, we have all caught on to her scams. We have tried to bring awareness to others that this is what val does. Lies, scams, cheats and mentally abuses her family. Bullying them into her schemes. I am thankful that I realized what was happening. I never sent any gifts, but still feel stupid for ordering a cookbook. Val’s day is coming and she will crash and burn and take them all with her in her miserable world of Disney make believe.
I too followed Val way back in the beginning where her actual talks on autism seemed informative. Then where things started to go wrong was asking for money to build the deck. Then all the gifts that were never appreciated unless they contained a deck of cards . But the final thing that just turned me off was Hannah quitting her job to also take advantage of her sister’s disability and all the followers who sent money and gifts . At first I fell for Val quitting her job to care for her disabled daughter but Hannah leaving her job was absolutely ridiculous. The excuse was she was going to help with editing and then it was she’s Jessica’s caregiver. They literally researched every way to not work screw over the taxpayers so their lazy asses didn’t have to work . When Hannah quit at first it was to join Val in running the page and then came all these health issues Hannah had to try to cover up the scamming and doubts . They all found the loophole into how not to work at the expense of a disabled family member. They are the epitome of low life human scum. And the people who can’t see that and praise them are questionable for their lack of common sense. All I can say is they have to live with what they do because there’s not enough Hail Mary’s to fix these waste of human beings. And to think Val was a nurse is a scary thought.
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I just checked out that page it came up under my feed as well! I love it! I think it is great the more pages and word gets out about them as this really helps spread the word that Val and her family are nothing but lies and a scam!
Why does everyone always say they can’t get on our tattle page? Is there a limit here? It probably would get overwhelming if there wasn’t a limit
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Well she originally was just staying at Campbell's till she found new house..😂 so the "story" goes...I don't believe it for a minute.
I believe her and Campbell Are still together and only claim to be divorced in paper so Val can feel the government benefits and receive income for Jessica as well as applying for caregiver income...
She desperately wants her own place, her own sanctuary, her own escape...with pretty blankets, throw pillows, twinkle lights, mini fridge for her snacks and wine...her big TV for her Netflix...she has her " fireplace mantel/headboard" in there, of course Hannah has to have one too..
They cram the rooms and Campbell's garage because Val won't spend money on storage that's Disney money!!!
Val often proudly states how everyone goes to their own rooms's like a frat house for the insane.
Val is a schemer and is always planning her next can always tell when she's hiding something ...because of how Jessica can literally see her stare at Val as soon as the cam is turned on... " mommy I have a question" or she mutters in voices about everything Val had coached/warned/bribed her not to say while making videos.

You know Vals....planning.
We see you Val.
Love the way you described Vals perfect bedroom! Exactly like a teen age girl would want. I think in Vals mind she is still a teeny bopper. That's why she has to insert herself into HH and her friends lives. That painting party they had for HH's birthday should have been HH, Marlow and Taylor! But nope Val has to shove her way in and had to show her picture too! I do believe Val has such a narcissistic attitude that she thinks she does everything perfectly and everyone wants to see her works of art! Look at the Christmas vlogs. She makes sure her stuff gets shown before anyone else's. That woman needs mental health help! I think she's nuts.....
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Gramma of 4

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I noticed too that whenever a family member or someone they know has to put their dog down, she always says she helped them make the decision. No she didn't. She enjoys talking about this topic. It's disgusting
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I worked in various department of mental health and DDD run group homes over 16 years. in the home’s in Massachusetts (where I’m originally from) all I needed was to be medication certified. Here in New Jersey, I needed more training and more certifications besides medication monitoring. I oversaw the day to day functions of 3 DDD (division of developmental disabilities) state run group homes. No easy task. Now I work with the homeless population as well as the incarcerated helping them get off the streets.
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So on Hannahs channel she showed her flight from home to Rome...which let's be honest we know was not today but days ago.....and if you want to play a drinking game the video and take a drink every time Hannah says ANXIETY. I stopped counting at 12..

It amazes me that all the Brooks women have every hidden invisible illness known to man. Hannah who claimed to be lactose intolerant who had to have lactose milk, and special icecream, and make sure to mention it in every video.... Then shortly after moving back home to daddy's she seemed to have been cured!!! Maybe Campbel and his church group performed the laying of hands on her and performed a miracle!

My son is lactose intolerant and lives in the bathroom after eating certain cheeses, dairy etc.. BUT...he buys lactaid pills... Pops a couple before he eats and is fine...$13 over the would think Hannah would of bought them for her trip to Italy where everything has cheese!!!!

How can someone with so much alleged anxiety, whose afraid of water, can fly over it to Italy? Shes also claimed she's claustrophobic ...but can sit 11 hours in a crowded plane, and be in the middle of as Taylor Swift line up and concert jam packed with over 50 thousand people!? I'm sorry ...but I'm not buying her anxiety story, her lactose intolerant story, insomnia story..( Remember her sleep study ..she found out she was fine) of course non of these are visible illnesses...but her actions show her to be a liar. Just like mom...who recently announced another ailment ...Ehlers Danlos syndrom....thyroid disease, etc.... diagnosed long before 54.

I've never seen a family long to be ill, Val wants to hide behind some illness to use it an excuse for failing Jessica and not lifting a finger to help her learn and be successful. Hannah desperately wants to be ill to get sympathy and attention like well as an excuse to not work or leave the house...unless it's for DISNEY or camping trips, or of course Italy!!!
Never too ill or too anxious to go out and have FUN!! But we know Hannah will become sick, or hurt during her vacay...close to the end Im sure.

This family is all about scamming others, and using autism to hide behind.
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I too followed Val way back in the beginning where her actual talks on autism seemed informative. Then where things started to go wrong was asking for money to build the deck. Then all the gifts that were never appreciated unless they contained a deck of cards . But the final thing that just turned me off was Hannah quitting her job to also take advantage of her sister’s disability and all the followers who sent money and gifts . At first I fell for Val quitting her job to care for her disabled daughter but Hannah leaving her job was absolutely ridiculous. The excuse was she was going to help with editing and then it was she’s Jessica’s caregiver. They literally researched every way to not work screw over the taxpayers so their lazy asses didn’t have to work . When Hannah quit at first it was to join Val in running the page and then came all these health issues Hannah had to try to cover up the scamming and doubts . They all found the loophole into how not to work at the expense of a disabled family member. They are the epitome of low life human scum. And the people who can’t see that and praise them are questionable for their lack of common sense. All I can say is they have to live with what they do because there’s not enough Hail Mary’s to fix these waste of human beings. And to think Val was a nurse is a scary thought.
Well said rbooth61. I too started out watching and thought it would be a benefit as I have a granddaughter who is autistic. We have a family situation going on because my daughter in law is a real piece of work. I/we don't get to see my grands and I just wanted to learn a bit more about autism. (she doesn't discriminate as she alienated our whole side of the family). I caught on quickly that Jess was more than blind and autistic. I picked up on the schizophrenia early.
This is why I was so happy to find this group. And I am loving reading on the new page but also can't join it. Anonymity is my friend right now so I can share pictures for the few that are blocked.
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I just quietly follow along here and on the FB joyful scam page (where I can be anonymous)
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I understand optimism but...the fact alone Jessica has no physical therapy to help with her " mild CP " no therapist for communication techniques, no regular interaction with peers, doctors, a work or adult education centre classes on independent exactly does Val believe " we never say never"?? How exactly does Val think Jessica will magically change of grow or improve?? Magic beans?

My autistic daughter as well as the other dozens of families we associate with ...none of us lie to our kids, make up stories, play pretend about their future, use lies as a bribery tool to motivate them . But we lovingly keep ours and their focus on a very happy future full of promise, family , milestones , holidays and focus on the accomplishments they make and encourage and celebrate all that come along with those!

Our daughters independence included gaining an extra room in our home, she has her bedroom , sensory room and recently her own livingroom...( We gain space as our other kids moved out) she gains independence and she got her own mobile kitchen island where she puts her specific cooking items, she recently worked and saved up to redecorate her bathroom ...( With help of course)
She knows she will always live with us...and as responsible parents as I mentioned before we are having her volunteer at adult assisted living residences where one day she will live after we can no longer properly take care of her due to age, illness or death.

Again Val does nothing to set Jessica up for long term success she's only worried about her next trip to Disney and making her monkey dance for DISNEY dollars.
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