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I have no idea why but this group formed yesterday came up in my feed. And guess who the main contributor is? Wait for it…Their biggest fan finally saw them for what they really are. Susan Ayer…I’ve been wondering where she was, she’s usually the first in line to tell them how wonderful they are. I didn’t join, but read the comments…Susan’s not happy. I’m glad there’s one more person they can’t take advantage of.
I checked out that page and I hope Susan Ayers sticks to it but unfortunately she is extremely needy and still obsessing about that damn macaroni and cheese. She could flip and be their little spy.
Myself I will read the comments but not joining right now. If the Brooks find it they will make up alter egos for that page too. It will be interesting to watch it evolve ! Thank you to who ever started it....someone from here!!!😁😊
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Had to post this because it's incredibly sad.

With autism...aggression , bounderies, personal space, telling / showing affection are not uncommon.
We already know Jessica has inappropriate attachments to people ( as stated by Val) as well as an outrageous temper accompanied with violence.

That being said...why Val would encourage face slapping as a form of affection is insanity at its finest. One of the responsibilities we have as parents is to teach our children to keep their hands to themselves. Hitting is NEVER acceptable no matter what excuses you make, no matter if you use " baby talk" and call it "schlapppping" it's slapping another person's face period.

We use and enforce " gentle hands" " gentle touch" especially at it carries over into school, work, classes ....the general public. If you notice Jessica does nothing gently... Because she's never been taught. She doesn't pour...She dumps, she doesn't place she throws.... And Val makes excuses for it which removes her from ALL responsibility.
Val never corrected Jessica with face slapping .... So now she claims that's how Jess shows affection ...yet Jessica screams OUUUCHHH!!!! Which says she knows it's painful NOT loving.
Jess has never been stopped, told no, discouraged,or redirected in face slapping....
Val was too busy, too lazy to teach her that hugging, or A cheek kiss..( Which Jess does do..but it's not for the innocent reason Val pretends)
If Jess really believed kissing Vals cheek was show affection then why slap it?? They are done for 2 different reasons.

Remember not teaching Jess boundaries and that hitting is always wrong ...encouraged Jessica to use her cane to hit students, teachers...hit the bus driver and other passengers on the bus...
REAL autism parents don't encourage hitting or slapping even if it's to show " affection"
Jessica should of been taught other ways...hugs, words, etc...


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Gramma of 4

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Everything is an argument with Jessica when she's is a " pissy mood" if one teeny tiny thing isn't to HER specifications she becomes combative with everything ...

Obviously Baby Huey wanted HER party pizza an didn't want home made she had her pissy pants attitude on in full force ...

She had to compare the sizes of the flat bread ..asking Val which we bigger..then talking to herself telling herself she had 2 big ones! Then when Val showed her the sauce Jessica who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground pitched a whiney fit... Telling sauce goes on pizza... Then of course pitched a bigger whiney fit because there wasn't enough!!
GREEDY GUTS!! Must always have the biggest, the most.... She'd let her mother starve to death she must have ALL the food!!!

She asked twice if two pizzas were enough!? Argued about the cheese...put 2lbs of pepperoni on her pizzas...still saying it's not enough.... As she THREW them...

That's not autism ....that's 100% bratty bitch mood period.

She's 36... She knows better... She knows when she's acting out...She knows exactly how to get HER own way... Just like with this mornings breakfast ...NO onions because Jessica says so.

I deal with many many autistic families ..most with severe autism, along with multiple other issues... And the ONLY time I've seen such rude manipulative behaviours are with young children usually from puberty down.... Why??
Because the parents , the family , the teachers, the therapists have ALL.worked together for years to teach these children rules, manners, consequences, what's acceptable and what isnt.

My daughter as I've mentioned is classified as nonverbal but has many basic words...yes, no, please ,thank you, help, family names, colours, foods... Words for illnesses.

She doesn't have just chatty conversations ...but will respond if spoken to with words she knows or use her talk in fuller sentences.
She also has IDD...not severe....but definitely present..She has the mindset of a 6-7 yr. Old.

So...that being said she's not logical in her thinking so we had to work on teaching her consequences... Manners, feelings, caring, empathy ... Sharing with others... Life isn't gimmie gimmie gimmie like a typical 6 yr. Old would think.
It took us years and years... And I'm so grateful for the help we received to raise this beautiful girl to the 26 year old young lady we are so proud of today.

Sorry to get so personal ...I just felt the need to explain why I get so angry at Val...for her negligence and abuse of not only Jessica but if autism.

Jessica is far more capable and very well aware of her manipulation games to get Val to jump through hoops.
The whole thing disgusts me.
What disgusted me in the morning video, it wasn't just no onions. She told Val, you "better" not put onions in them. Excuse me? If that were me, I would have put a whole onion in there and she would have been eating cereal. They can't even eat what they want, it's always what Jessica wants. Nope. Not in my house.
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Val provokes on cam more times than not.
Jessica is simply unlikeable...hard to look at, listen to or sadly feel sorry for most days.
Yes, and I think that’s one of the hardest things for me; actually thinking a really disabled and innocent person is so repugnant, and it’s all because her mother is obsessed with trying to fix her, or, I just don’t know. It’s just a sick situation.
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winnie woo

VIP Member
Well no video today at we know they are gone! Was hoping that AI was shut down but apparently it's just them being secretive! Or they are hiding out from!
I’m guessing they’re Disney Bound. Val can’t drive and video, and if jessica is given free rein, the editing would take forever. Their Disney videos are always a day behind. I think the videos we’ve been seeing are a week or more old, none last Thursday or today, Thursday is usually the only morning you can think might be true. The video of the week she didn’t know what day it was. Hannah’s shopping video was in the video of the week, they were going shopping without Jess. They keep there travel plans and accommodations secret to avoid being mobbed by paparazzi..🤣😂🤣
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winnie woo

VIP Member infuriating because it's bullshit.

This is written by Hannah Brooks...thanking her 13 commenters because they are how she can afford trips to Italy !!!!

"Watch me struggle to figure out a vending machine in my delirium 😂. I wrapped up my Italy trip once we made it to the Atlanta Airport, and I had been awake for about 24 hours. I want to say THANK YOU so much to all of you for watching, commenting, and supporting. It’s thanks to all of you that I’m able to have opportunities like this!"

I have a few friends who have Facebook pages about autism that have 10 times the amount of followers as Hannah, well over 225k followers, who get over 1500 comments daily and have sponsorship ....and they are legitimate and not making enough money to travel to Italy and 3 Disney vacations a year after buying a new truck and camper!!!

Hannah did not make the money from the Facebook page she just took over from Val supposedly last September! With only 26k followers, zero ads, or sponsers, and her Italy videos have the LOWEST views yet....that page is lucky to make $100 a month.

We know she went with pornboy, Madison Brooks AKA Serleocross, wife Sara Brooks AKA Loracoss....we know Hannah has no job other than doing what Val tells her do while babysitting babysitter pay is going to get You to Disney and Italy...

So either Val and Hannah are ripping off the government which we do know they are, and /or Hannah has a sex channel onlyfans,pornhub, adult fetish porn just like her brother Madison and sister in law.I

This family one WORKS yet have more vacations in a year than we have taken in 5. ( that's one vacation a year like normal people who WORK all year)

The government has to be advised about the money scamming from the Brooks Crooks!.
You nailed it WallFlly! Their online income wouldn’t come close to covering all the luxuries they enjoy. Money is no object with them, a non working household living high off the hog, doesn’t add up, they should be audited, there’s extra income from some scam somewhere. Doesn’t take rocket science to figure that out. The mentality of most of their followers is disturbing! Preying on this mentality is equally if not more disturbing. When Karma comes calliing, they’ll crash and burn, it won’t be pretty! Their annual Disney passes alone are 6 thousand dollars a year.
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winnie woo

VIP Member
Had to post this because it's incredibly sad.

With autism...aggression , bounderies, personal space, telling / showing affection are not uncommon.
We already know Jessica has inappropriate attachments to people ( as stated by Val) as well as an outrageous temper accompanied with violence.

That being said...why Val would encourage face slapping as a form of affection is insanity at its finest. One of the responsibilities we have as parents is to teach our children to keep their hands to themselves. Hitting is NEVER acceptable no matter what excuses you make, no matter if you use " baby talk" and call it "schlapppping" it's slapping another person's face period.

We use and enforce " gentle hands" " gentle touch" especially at it carries over into school, work, classes ....the general public. If you notice Jessica does nothing gently... Because she's never been taught. She doesn't pour...She dumps, she doesn't place she throws.... And Val makes excuses for it which removes her from ALL responsibility.
Val never corrected Jessica with face slapping .... So now she claims that's how Jess shows affection ...yet Jessica screams OUUUCHHH!!!! Which says she knows it's painful NOT loving.
Jess has never been stopped, told no, discouraged,or redirected in face slapping....
Val was too busy, too lazy to teach her that hugging, or A cheek kiss..( Which Jess does do..but it's not for the innocent reason Val pretends)
If Jess really believed kissing Vals cheek was show affection then why slap it?? They are done for 2 different reasons.

Remember not teaching Jess boundaries and that hitting is always wrong ...encouraged Jessica to use her cane to hit students, teachers...hit the bus driver and other passengers on the bus...
REAL autism parents don't encourage hitting or slapping even if it's to show " affection"
Jessica should of been taught other ways...hugs, words, etc...
I agree hitting is never acceptable! Even when she kisses Val’s cheek, she does it aggressively at times, knowing it hurts Val’s ear. Pain seems to give her pleasure.
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This mornings video another of Vals new money maker videos...where it's an up close and personal view up Jessica enormous nose, with a bird's eye view of her red sores she's been picking.
I do however enjoy Campbell and his interactions with Jess. I also notice Jessica didn't act like a whiney miserable brat like she does with Val...and Hannah, which further leads me to believe Jessica's attitude is more deliberate than Val blames autism for.

Interestingly enough Even though plans had changed , and Campbell was roped into taking Jessica to her Thursday McDonald's ...I noticed she wasn't talking to the voices, crazy talking, stimming or ARGUING she does constantly with Val.
THAT is extremely telling. It says a lot about the state Jess is in when she's around Val.

I daughter is extremely sensitive to my moods...she feels it, hears it in my voice...we have seen Jessica panic...muttering " I'm sorry! I'm sorry" looking like a beaten dog...with Val too many times to count.

We all know Vals not happy....and she's in hiding using Jessica to put out her own videos...or rather pretending to make it look like Jessica is doing it by herself...even though we can hear the whispers coaching Jess, or editing out Val asking the questions then jump cuts to Jessica rambling on.
To those SANE individuals who have seen Jessica in videos... They know she doesn't talk like that... She can barely put together an independent thought or idea... She parrots, mimicks, repeats the same questions, the same statements awaiting the same responses...
" will this make your Bessy happy? " "zoeyyyyy don't neeeeeeeed it" " did your Bess y need a new pooch" etc....

In these last 3-4 videos Jessica is 100% coached, fed the lines she's suppose to say....anyone with 1/2 a brain cell can see that.

The levels Val will go to for money...isn't that far off from what her son and daughter in law do for money.
The entire family are cons...and an absolute disgrace.
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That whiney moan Jessica makes or when she whines.. " wellllllll" makes me want to slap the snot right out of her.
Hearing it from a child is one thing ...but from a grey haired middle aged woman makes my skin crawl.
There's no reason for it...except Val loves it when Jessica looks needy and disabled. Which is why she doesn't correct her posture , or get her good shoes to help with her pigeon toed shuffle, shower her regularly do something with that dried out grey rats nest, the whinney rude, selfish childish behaviours Val provokes on cam more times than not.
Jessica is simply unlikeable...hard to look at, listen to or sadly feel sorry for most days.

Val has literally created a feral nasty monster only her mother could love.
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This mornings video was part of one from last week cooking ( burning) hashbrowns...and Val was bitchy...everyone seemed to be hiding from Mommy Dearest and Jessica got her papercut.

Seems Jessica did something by " accident" which really means on purpose and even though Val tried to edit stuff out we can hear Jess obsessing nervously ,apologising and saying she's scared mommy won't make any more videos...

I would of loved to have been a fly on the wall to see exactly what Jessica did " by accident" that totally pissed off Valdawg! And the angry threats that obviously came from her big mouth!

She had everyone in that house quaking in their jammies!!

Maybe Jessica deliberately went to the bathroom on her bedroom floor again, or hit the dogs, or poured water everywhere ?

Guess we will never know....
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winnie woo

VIP Member
I think it’s high time they dropped the egg cracking fiasco. Whether Jess lives to be 100 , no matter how many gadgets, she will never master cracking an egg. Move on! Did teaching her to brush her hair ever cross their minds. Why the egg cracking obsession, so many things are far more important.
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People like Hannah are the problem...abusing the system. She feels validated using the terms anxiety and mental illness...because she sees Val abusing the term autism .

They are very broad " diagnosis " not to mention self diagnosed.

Being lazy... Because lifes too much work is not a disability. Hannah has adopted this mindset from her mother who believes life cheated her out of her teenage years. Getting pregnant at 17 ruined her life... And that's her fault.
She takes zero responsibility for anything in her life and is a professional victim ...and now Hannah is following in her footsteps .

Hannah's 30, Marlowe 35.... Both are unfit, lazy, pimple faced, dress like teenage boys, live of, have no goals or aspirations in life, have no social life or date... They just have eachother.
Guess Marlow s not planing on kids since she's 35 with no prospects...

Hannah is simply embarrassing to watch... She openly lies about ailments she wishes she had like being lactose intolerant, the sleep study...which showed she was fine, she dropped that because they saw through her BS. Yes she had some " mysterious illness" 12 years ago ....that they still bring up...hint about but never disclose.... Hannah loved the attention she got back then... And desperately tries to get that back again....

She seriously needs to grow up, get a life and do something more than bathe her sister.
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" mom! Mom! Mom!!!! Look!!!mom!!!looooook! "
" you're doing such a gooood job luvin your baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabe"

She's petting your dog.

Now teach her some manners like stop interrupting when others are talking.
Interesting how when Jessica isn't getting all the attention how rude and manipulative she is in the background.
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We all know Val is a liar....and the marry band of asshats ( marlo,HH,and BD) follow her every move, command and order.
I think Val will keep a low profile about her solo vacay...she knows... How it looks to the REAL caregiver, the REAL living caring family, the REAL professionals she only gets support from people like Susan, who are mentally challenged and don't know my better and their alt. Fake accounts like Allyson who always answers for she loves in the house..( Which she does!) 😂

All lies and smoke and mirrors over at the Brooks Asylum.
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VIP Member VOTM...

Is Val hiding in her bedroom?
Off to Disney? ( or did her and Jessica already go for a 3-4 day Disney run while Hannah was in Italy..but pretending to be camping with Marlow??)

And What happened to Augustine ? And Hannah Tinsel?

What was this supposed life threatening mystery illness Hannah had 10 years ago that you both continuously hint at still to this day?
What happened to the big reveal about Hannah's sleep study ??
Also what about the hundreds of " seizures" Jessica was suppose to have every day?? You use to claim she had epilepsy ...till she didnt.

Why does AllysonEcurb/ AllysonBruce (Allyson is also your sister's name and Jessica's middle name) attack all the comments or questions YOU don't like? AND answer like she lives in your house??
Why do you not address Jessica's schizophrenia? And blame everything on autism ?
Why lie about Madison AKA Leo Cross being a doctor? When everyone can see him with his wife's face buried up his naked backside??...not to mention in your old house?
Seems that if your lips are moving're lying!

As for Hannah...stop lying you're extremely bad at it.

Maybe these will help you with your next Q&A?
So many lies so little time.
Spoke too soon!

VOTM is's from last week before pizza night..

Uhm, uhm, uhm, uhm, uhm,uhm,uhm,uhm, uhm.......uhm, uhm.
That about covers it.
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Why would you put a video on of HH on her bed with that stupid thing on her head??? These people have absolutely no pride in what they look like! Just like the pictures of the "girls" super bowl party on DSGP!!! Could they be anymore butch???
Why is it always at their house? Doesn’t she claim to have lots of friends. I wouldn’t want my daughter to have to have a party to have fun, at my house where I’m there. It’s like having a chaperone at the age of 31. Let her have her own life in her own place Val. Your job as a mom is done with her. She should be capable of living her best life now. ON HER OWN !!!
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Chatty Member
After watching the video the other day I am absolutely shocked that Jessica doesn’t even know how to wash her hands. Hannah had to pump the soap on her and then tell her step by step what to do. That’s awful and yet they really think cracking an egg or her “cooking” is a good goal. What’s the matter Val teaching Jessica proper hygiene sets the baby off and she throws a tantrum! Well let her throw her tantrum! Why the hell is Marlow even there she legit is a BABYsitter that’s all. She does everything for Jessica and waits on her hand and foot because Val makes her. Marlow could be teaching her to wash her hands, shampoo her hair ect.. basic very basic hygiene but it’s because Jessica is a nasty manipulative brat who refuses to learn anything that involves her having to do things on her own because that means she won’t be treated like a baby and spoiled and have all of mommy’s attention. At this point Jessica is unlikable, unteachable and very psychotic and manic.
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Another thing I noticed are the " con " comments from men copy and pasting the same lines to every woman, many bots scamming women.
Sadly many of the posters on AI, like Susan believe These are real men interested in them... When in reality these slower individuals are just targets for these preditors .

The video last night has tons of them...and Val doesn't block these SCAMMERS because for her it's comments ... She doesn't care.
With her page struggling I wouldn’t be surprised if they use bots for comments. I guess it’s a common practice amongst influencers who are struggling.


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She’s received 3 kitchens worth of adaptive tools for cooking. Those were probably all returned to Amazon after they tried them once. I’m glad so many are seeing thru the bs. I also cannot join the new FB group as I really do not want to be known. I guess it’s time to let you know I’m a former crispy, right up to the end…and have been keeping up appearances with them. I didn’t want to let on here either. I’ve been here since thread #1 and caught on to their bs right after Hannah stopped working and moved back home. There’s much I could share, but as she reads here I would be found out. So I just blend into the wallpaper…
I too, was an avid viewer. I actually ordered a cookbook from them. Actually have used it for a couple of recipes. But boy, when I finally realized the scam Val was pulling, I felt like a fool. I have finally gotten over that feeling. Don’t feel bad about being a former crispies. Val has fooled many many people. Luckily, we have all caught on to her scams. We have tried to bring awareness to others that this is what val does. Lies, scams, cheats and mentally abuses her family. Bullying them into her schemes. I am thankful that I realized what was happening. I never sent any gifts, but still feel stupid for ordering a cookbook. Val’s day is coming and she will crash and burn and take them all with her in her miserable world of Disney make believe.
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