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Gramma of 4

Well-known member
A quick thought after reading the new AI scam page. Does anyone else think that porn boy bought his mother's old house so she could continue to use the address for their government scams?? She always makes it sound like they live in Tennessee and not Georgia. Possibly she gets more money from Tennessee?? I just know it seems fishy. Speculation was that she was losing the house to foreclosure and it was in short sale. Then out of the blue her son buys it. I still believe she is pulling a fast one with that house.
I agree and think she's still using her old address to still get all the benefits for Jessica. Wouldn't Val and Campbell's income be looked at when getting government benefits?
There's a mother of a nonverbal autistic boy who I enjoy pulling strength's Coppers mom, Devin.
Her channel/page is Finding Coppers Voice.
Her journey is newer as her son is a young boy but her knowledge, her strength, and wisdom is truly a gift...for mom's like myself no matter where we Are in our journey.

One of the most life changing and profound tidbits of wisdom I have ever heard was...

"Are you helping or you doing?"

This is the constant question I ask myself 100 times a day every day ...since the day our daughter was diagnosed ....

I want to help my child to be successful, strong, confident, and achieve her highest potential and goals.
Easier said then done...
Because I also want to protect my child, make her life easy, make sure the world treats her As special as she is, make sure everyone knows she has limits and they all must also be on board and go the extra mile for her..after all she's my non verbal autistic beautiful daughter.

Trust me when I say.... I am doing her NO FAVOURS by expecting the world, teachers, therapists , doctors, neighbours, friends, family, the cashier at the grocery store to all understand her and accommodate her needs. That's selfish and demanding and absolutely crazy to think any of those people need to change for my daughter or...anybody else's for that matter.

That means I have one ensure my autistic daughter learns valuable tools to keep in her tool box to deal and cope with the world and the different people and situations in it.

Helping my daughter will benefit her long term and it's sustainable where as expecting others to change the world for her is simply not.

I am helping her by not doing for her. I am helping her by not coddling her blaming everyone else for not understanding her needs and bending to grant them.

This is my main issue with Val....she plays the poor me victim card and blames every teacher, therapist,doctor etc... For not understanding her Jessica's everyone else's fault poor Jessica is a one of a kind unique misunderstood anomaly ......

No...she isnt.
It's easy for Val to blame the world cry poor me while planning Disney vacations than actually teach Jessica ANY coping skills, any manners, basic hygiene , acceptable behaviours , patience , healthy foods and how to make GOOD choices, how to handle change and her violent temper...etc...
Vals managed to brain wash her children that they must give Jessica her way always , what words they are not permitted to speak in the house, everything revolves around Jessica at all costs. The only thing that matters is Jessica's happiness. Period.

Parents like Codys mom, Coppers mom.... The parents in my local support community are all warriors and put in the hard work day in day out...( Without a staff to take on our responsibilities, we have families, other children , jobs, and have no time to hide in our bedrooms playing a victim blaming the world and acting the martyr )

I have written a few REAL.parents online about the abuse of autism and neglect of Jessica .....
Valerie Brooks and the entire clan are lying scammers ...using autism to abuse a system that's in place for those who truly need it to survive ...not for 4,5,6 yearly Disney vacations, new cars, trucks, campers trips to Italy .....
I'm hoping to gather enough support to shut down the Brooks Crooks Scam Machine.
So well said @WallFly! And you're a fantastic mom! ❤
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OMG...send Jess to Disney Fund!!! How can anyone be that ballsy???
I just cannot believe this s***!! No conscience, no shame, just greed. How can the greater family condone the begging for cash and items that have nothing to do with helping support Jessica? Val’s brother and sister, even her parents don’t appear to be grifters, so how can they watch this stuff go on?? Sickening.
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Yes, and I know I’m naive, but the kind of videos they’re doing now, which is just plain drivel , are absolutely for nothing but views. You are so correct. I think the scariest thing for me is that they don’t care. They honestly and truly don’t care. They’ve sacrificed their idd kid for cash.
I agree...100%. There are good channels out there , informative , educational ...bringing autism to communities to help make others aware of the challenges as Well as shedding light on areas that are in desperate need of more help, more funding more availability adult programs.

Then there's Vals channel...while others are trying to better their autism outreach and community she's busy trying to make cash for HER 36th Disney vacation.
What a shame they don't try to help Another less fortunate autistic family get ONE trip to Disney...? Or donate points...or Disney cards to another family ? Use her channel to help others? Even if it was giving something to another autistic family once a year during Autism Awareness month??
But no...not Val. She's selfish it's all about her.

She's marketed her own mentally ill, schizophrenic daughter in such away that she's absolutely unlikeable, to everyone. She's rude, crude, feral, unkempt, manipulative, and always filmed at her worst.
Because it gives Val..sympathy...she's the victim, she's deserving of Disney vacations every 3 months,and new cars, campers ..caregiver lunches every week and a staff to take over her responsibilities while she relaxes in her room with HER dog Zoe, drinking wine and watching Netflix.

Vals channel is a hoax... She's a con. And Hannah is a carbon copy...unemployed living at home but can afford a 10 day trip to Italy...after her 5 day camping trip....

These are con artists period.
Let's see if Val reads here and actually mentions autism awareness or does a 5k or anything for the cause.

We see you Val.
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Gramma of 4

Well-known member
I’ll never understand how they Qualify for 2 paid caregivers, especially considering Jessica lives under the same roof as her parents, and neither parent works ! What needs does Jessica have to warrant it, I’ll never figure it out. Only in America I guess. In Canada where I live, this would never happen. My daughter employs a worker to provide an outing 3 times a week for 2 hrs for my autistic granddaughter because both parents work and to ensure she enjoys activities outside the home after school while they work. My daughter and son in law pay for this outing for my granddaughter And her aid out of pocket. If it’s bowling , a movie, the zoo, a trip to Macdonalds they pay the total expense for both as well as an hourly salary. The help they’re provided for Jessica boggles my mind, especially when there’s no progression in her life skills. For gods sake she’s 36.
I don't get it either. I live in the U.S. and it's disgusting that the way they take advantage of the system. I know of single mothers (that don't have the dad in the household) that don't even qualify for help with child care so they can work. Yet this free loading scamming trash gets TWO paid care givers while both of her effing parents are in the household, AT HOME and neither WORK. I get Campbell is retired, but he's still there along with lazy ass Val. Why does she even need a "care giver"? When Val has admitted on video that Jessica used to stay home alone when she went to work. It's BS.
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@pokermom ,@FairlyCertain and Amy from our favourite Face Book Group exposing Autistic Interpretations...thank you for the kindest of words.

I journal a lot as part of my own wellness journey it's a great outlet...I think it helps when posting here especially with something I live with like many of you. Of course Val does provide the best of the worst content, which makes it easy.

There's nothing more profound than being witness to vulnerable people being taken advantage of, used, abused ...and the Brooks Crooks do this on the daily.

I hope between our two groups we can in the very least spread awareness and warn others to not become another victim of the Brooks. Maybe even help Jessica ...
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This is the video where Val talks about not fighting labels's basically her admitting when and why she gave up on Jessica ...... And started as we have seen embellishing Google diagnosis, lying and adding more and more labels like seizures blindness, etc...

If you listen Jessica's primary diagnosis was/is moderately to severe Intellectually Developmental Disability.

Bottom line this is when the light went on and Val went full throttle Munchausen by Proxy on Jessica for sympathy and all the " perks" that come along the special attention, groups, government funds, programs, tax exemptions , JOBS as caregivers for family members.. Etc...
This was the decline of Jessica....
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So many lies so little time ..

Val is a habitual liar...she lies about everything which is why all of her kids are screwed up, and at 56 she's staying with her exhusband and has no home of her own...nothing for her disabled daughter .....but she has Disney passes!!!!
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OMG was Jess manic and arguing about everything! And when Val didn't want a cookie Jess was not happy so Val said can I just have a bite of hers! And the answer was NO!!! WTF... Plus she argued with Val and Val must have gotten testy because there were a few jump cuts!! Jess needs to be punished for disrespect like that. Send her to her room and take her phone away. BUT none of them have the guts to do that! Chicken shits...
And of course Taylor and Marlow were over too. They are so damn pathetic. 30 y/o women who act like 13 year olds. I can't imagine that Taylor's husband would put up with that! Are we sure she is married or just butch like HH and Marlow???


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One day not long ago when they showed the bedrooms and what people were doing I could not believe how much crap was stuffed into those rooms! Looked like hoarding conditions 😳. Who works, sleeps, watches TV and hides in their rooms? I sleep in my bedroom, sometimes read before bed or play on my phone a bit. But my bedroom is for sleeping. I personally could not even sleep in that mess!
I have a desk, bookcases and love seat in my "office". It's a small bedroom turned into that. I am retired but still use it for bill paying and other stuff I do.
These Brooks women are just trashy!!!
Well she originally was just staying at Campbell's till she found new house..😂 so the "story" goes...I don't believe it for a minute.
I believe her and Campbell Are still together and only claim to be divorced in paper so Val can feel the government benefits and receive income for Jessica as well as applying for caregiver income...
She desperately wants her own place, her own sanctuary, her own escape...with pretty blankets, throw pillows, twinkle lights, mini fridge for her snacks and wine...her big TV for her Netflix...she has her " fireplace mantel/headboard" in there, of course Hannah has to have one too..
They cram the rooms and Campbell's garage because Val won't spend money on storage that's Disney money!!!
Val often proudly states how everyone goes to their own rooms's like a frat house for the insane.
Val is a schemer and is always planning her next can always tell when she's hiding something ...because of how Jessica can literally see her stare at Val as soon as the cam is turned on... " mommy I have a question" or she mutters in voices about everything Val had coached/warned/bribed her not to say while making videos.

You know Vals....planning.
We see you Val.
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Fathering Autism may be exploiting Abby for$$ but at least they don’t command a circus act performance from her in a public place, humiliating her every chance they get. I don’t subscribe to their channel but it seems to me they at least show her some discipline, as well as a far better life than Jessica. Simple pronunciation should be gently corrected, we do this with toddlers so they will learn. It’s cute for a toddler but unbecoming a 36 yr old. They often mispronounce the exact same words the same way to draw attention to her “ cuteness. I asked once why she wasn’t corrected, “ They have to tread lightly because sometime correcting her makes her angry” That answer explains Jessica’s overall behaviour, that of a whiny, argumentative spoiled brat.. who’s family avoids teaching in fear of ruffling her feathers. Right or wrong it’s Jessica’s way or no way.
Fathering Autism I actually think Asa does great with Abbie but Priscilla is a selfish person. Abbie clearly dislikes Priscilla and it shows. I don’t agree with everything they do on their channel but they do involve her in learning activities, therapist and helping with chores. Just look at her routine of helping unload and load the dishwasher, laundry and even helping outdoors. These are things that set her up for independence. Even when she tears up her magazines for sensory she cleans up her mess. Of course Asa is really skilled at editing and creating content which Val and Hannah definitely lack.
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Number 10,000 video on making grits. Jess spilled the water, was not stirring in circles, got grits over the side of the bowl and you could tell Val was her usual pissed off self. And Val

Is it just me? Or does it seem like Val is speaking directly to this page in her posts? This morning’s grits video is a perfect example. 🤣🤣🤣 read what she wrote.
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Gramma of 4

Well-known member
This mornings video...a quick " hint" to send jessica more cards she's going to make room.
Notice Val didn't mention how many Greedy Guts has?
Wait until people start asking in the comments ....Val will lie low ball the amount so people continue to send cards and gifts .
Last count was over at the old house 500...then 800... Then over a thousand right before the move to Campbell's .

Personally ...over a 1000 decks of cards , stacks of waiste deep colouring books " to read" which makes no sense especially since she doesn't colour !!

Jessica is a hoarder....and of course Val makes excuses blames trauma ( for food hoarding and gluttony) autism for hoarding her cds, cards, and colouring books....
Val could easy take out a couple hundred decks put them back in the boxes and regift/recycle them to Jessica same with old colouring books...
But Val is greedy and more is better.

Jessica rooms a sad state...walls bare...but Vals room is precious of course.

And for the love of God get a Jessica to a doctor ..get her some sunshine, fresh air and vitamins!!
She's so pale and the dark BROWN rings around her eyes are frightening she looks like uncle fester!
How can Val not be concerned!?! Then again she has zero concept of nutrition last night's cookie video people commented about jessica eating the while cookie! Which we SAW val.put whip topping on...
But in the comments Val claims Jessica only ate 1/3!! MORE LIES.

We saw you give Jessica the entire cookie Val. No way Greedy Guts stopped shovelling in that THOUSAND calorie , 10 serving double chocolate chunk cookie!!! No way!! We saw her get mean at the idea of even giving you a bite!!

No one else ate.a whole cookie why you allowed Jess to make 5!? Thats 50 servings for the 5 of you!

Do better Val.
Does Val not remember all the videost that she's posted showing them help her clean up her cards on her bed. There's no organization. They scoop them up and just shove them in drawers. And I wouldn't help her put them away. If she's old enough to get them all out, then she's old enough to put them all away. Spoiled brat.
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Doctoring here you go

If she wants less anxiety then don’t live in a house of craziness. Once she moved out whatever made her think moving back was going to help her mental health. If I had to wake up everyday to dealing with Jessica I would be anxious too. She made her choice so put on your big girl pants Hannah and run like hell and never look back. It’s like waiting to exhale!
I believe HH is so jealous of Jess and lack of attention from Val that moving back home would get her more in mommy's favor. But I think that backfired! Val just wanted another "slave" to push Jess off on. So HH is making up ailments and issues to get mommy to take care of her too. When she talks about her 1 month hospital when she was 18 she seems so happy because she had Val to herself! And we know Val likes to pull out the Munchausen any chance she gets!
I believe Hypochondriac Hannah is shooting now for severe mental illness!
If she is so depressed and anxious she should not go on a trip out of the country!
I guess on the DSGP Hypochondriac Hannah video she had the audacity to say she is has lactose intolerance!!!! It is not a disease r anything that should keep her not working a real job. AND the big AND if she is then why does she eats tons of cheese, ice cream, and other things made with milk and cream????? Do these people even know how to tell the truth! We all know she is lying on that one.
And her whole body hoo. I am 70 and my body hurts too but I get up everyday and do things! It's called being an adult! I don't lay in bed with a stupid headache cap on my head. I take a couple motrin and keep going! Maybe they should find her a group home if she is that incapacitated!!!
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I am only on this site , I am on FB..but not our friends AI scam page. I read it, I love it, but can't out myself by joining it. As someone said the members list is public and Val has gone down the list and blocked people.

I know the ladies there read here too..we sort of share back and forth.
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winnie woo

VIP Member
Notice the date on this pic of Jess putting bacon on the pan with Marlowe, no gloves..4 yrs later Val calls it a breakthrough. FYI..Chris and Carla are Campbell’s brothers son and daughter in law. If anyone remembers Jess swimming in their pool and throwing a ball for their shepherd Hoku on a visit to their home with Campbell. She kept hounding Chris about the sprinklers being turned on. Chris has one sister Jazly, remember her, she didn’t have her baby quick enough to suit Jessica who became obsessed about it.


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Jessica rules the roost because Val insists everyone cater to all of Jessica's moods, demands, wants, attitudes etc...
It's the lesser of two evils with Jessica...
Val had two choices with professionals LISTENING to their expert instructions and put in all the hard work at home following the plan set up by therapists and teachers ..or... Just dope her up with xanax and make sure everyone allows Jessica to have everything her way don't correct her, don't teach her manners or anything else, teachers can teach at school and home time Jessica can do and have everything her way because when Bessys happy everrrrrrryone is then allowed to be happy .

Well now we see how 36 years of doing it Vals way has worked out for Jess and the family .
Jessica is unlikable , she's physically hard to look at because she refuses basic hygiene , hair washing brushing, clearly she she doesn't wash her face regularly her scabs, dry dkin, her giant pores are filled dental cleanings that old coloured Val on her front tooth...all Because Jessica doesn't want to...and Val refuses to parent her.

Jessica lost any chance at reaching a higher level.of quality of life because of Val.

Jessica is feral with zero manners zero kindness or consideration for others including animals , she has no empathy or sympathy for anyone. She is either happy because she gets her way and everyone speaks in the voices they were taught and follow Vals rules for keeping Bess y happy...
She's angry....rude, eyes rolling to the back of her head, seething with verbal threats while she puts her head back and frantically rolls it around warning everywhere getting MAD like we saw today.

That's her two moods.

Her violent behaviour will end up severely hurting someone...remember when she got violent and threatened to hurt her little cousin when he was 5? If was just before they moved to Campbells. She screams, kicks and hits the dogs... Val lied to jess about Zoe being here because Val wanted a companion and knew Jess wouldn't allow it.

Val is living her joyful life with the feral beast she created, and eventually Nonnie and Grandad will be gone, Marlow will move on with a boyfriend or better job, and it will be back to Val and Hannah till they fight and Hannah leaves....
Jessica is a ticking time bomb.
As for Jessica enjoying pain .... I think from my experience she probably experienced pain differently than others ...she whines and yells ouch when the dog startles her, she cried out in pain spilling juice...we've seen her burn her fingers on hot pans..say ouch but continue...everything makes her cryout and whine...but it's not in pain it's more her way of showing anger.
I think Jess gets some stimulation from picking , smacking people, kissing with that LOUD sound then growling ouuuuuuch, seeking stimulation is common ... But good parents teach and redirect if the stimmimg is unacceptable.
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winnie woo

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Yup! I really don’t know if poor, dim Susan is so much a “plant” as she is just a desperately lonely woman. As the FB admins said, she was dm’ing them to pieces. She must’ve done and is probably still doing the same with the B clan. She wants a friend, any friend, a group she can feel a part of, but what she doesn’t get is that she’s not going to find what she needs on social media, especially from Val’s gang. Poor thing would attach to anybody that gave her attention and engaged one on one with her.
Little does Susan know she’s bringing more awareness to the scamming if she brings attention to us and the fb page. It’s actually a good thing. Val will have to be on her deleting toes because Susan won’t give up till she’s acknowledged. Flashback to the Mac and cheese ! lol..
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Vals cooking show.

Know what I learned in grade 8 home ec. Class about 40 years ago?

Never mix together cooked foods with raw/frozen UNCOOKED foods...especially meats.

I'm no gourmet chef ....but even I knew her rue,white sauce whatever she's calling it with her 1 tsp.if butter wasn't going to be enough and where was the flour? That's why it was liquidy....this woman simply cannot cook.

When she said she was going to boil the chicken breasts for 10 minutes I was about to ambulance!! me crazy but I like my chicken cooked.

Of course Jessica didn't help it wasn't her choice and she clearly was obsessing over her hashbrowns.

Obsessing over food like Jess does ....I've noticed her obsessing in general is grown and gets worse and worse expanding to more than just food.

Remember when it was only about how many crispies she could have? Then it went to how many biscuits, then servings , then boxes from the P.O, to getting greedier about sharing....notice when she has cards or a new deck in her hand and Val tried to take it to read Jess refuses to let go...her weak hands amazingly have found their death grip.

Obsessing is bad behaviour that leads to outbursts, tantrums, elevates anxiety, created tension, disrupts the family , causes fights etc.... It's not cute, it's " just autism" therefore it's acceptable.

You saw the video where Val answers questions about Christmas it was at the old house....she talks about how Jess and Madison faught continuously, because Jessica obsessed over ALL the gifts, even ones not belonging to her ruining Christmas after Christmas for the younger kids....until finally Madison refused to come home from school for Christmas and went to his Dads instead.

All because Val never ever taught Jessica to share and therefore her obsessing has just gotten worse over the would think how she obsesse s over people ..would be a big red flag! But no... Val does nothing to better Jessica's life.
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Chatty Member
Could one of you that is more tech savvy than me record that video and save it? It’s been reported quite a few times so there is a chance Facebook will take it down and it might be needed for APS in the future.

I have never seen her like that although I’m sure that’s a normal Day for them. She was manic, voices in her head going crazy, laughing at death, the list goes on. The one thing I noticed less than 30 seconds in was that was not her normal speech. So much was off.
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Not exactly sure the purpose of The Weekly vlogs other than contradicting everything Val tries to sell us through the week, and seeing more of Jessica when she's not being as controlled by Val the puppet master.

The what's the deal segments they put out are ridiculous ....they seem to think they are Food Critiques for the New York Times.
Caring for the caregiver.... Is not going out for lunch with mommy.
Caring for the caregiver... In my world is... Getting myself a monthly massage, having a spa day, going to the movies with my girlfriends, an afternoon out at the farmers market, doing something for me, taking care of me.
But... I also exercise daily, and have my daughter out in the world I am able to enjoy a swim or sauna or workout while she's in her swim class... I sync up her activities with mine it's important to be active in our community...
Val...only leaves the house for food or Disney. No one in that house has ANY outside interests in's sad.

This week...all I could see was Jessica's greed ..from shovelling sausage balls that she gripped about into her yap, to her rude greedy attitude towards the box from the P.O. All she did was OBSESS over the bacon plate that mommy dearest grifted for from her followers. Of course Jessica needs to be told its HERS, and requires TWO if she's going to share because one plate only cooks 6... And they are ALL for HER...
Also..her muttering about moving with her girlfriend to Florida...more LIES Val fills her head with.

Just watching 36 year old Jessica for 7 minutes OBSESS over plastic star fish and as usual never satisfied with the amount greedy guts must have them all, must touch them all must ask over and over what kind of fish the are.... That whole scene was a Perfect example of Jessica's manic behaviour ..not autism...that's 100% schizophrenic mania.
It's heart breaking she's not on the proper medication to help her cope with her mental illness.

When ever I see Jessica hunched over and her hands reaching out touching, grabbing everything and smelling it's simply obnoxiously repulsive . If you ever saw the movie Helen Keller... Jessica is Helen in the beginning of the movie.

It's 2024 and autism, IDD, schizophrenia, OCD, mental illness have all advanced so much and offer so many outreach programs, therapists, clinics, adult programs, not to mention the medical advances and testings,and new medications....yet seeing Jessica whose mother has intentionally removed any and all forms of help available for her growth and equality of life, many FREE...yet she's sickening.

How a mother could intentionally close all the doors available to better her daughters future... Is criminal. Val is a very sick person and all these weekly videos do is emphasise the neglect and abuse going on in that house.
I knew when Val hinted on a recent video if anyone had suggestions on a different bacon platter someone was going to fall for it and buy her one.
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