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This came off the AI scammer page and it really sums that video about Jess up! Just want to share but the credit goes to the Amy who posted it!
Jessica is not an " anomaly " only in Vals head. Yes as far a Jessica's autism it is unique only because that's not her primary illness ...IDD and schizophrenia is but back when Jessica was diagnosed 33-34 years ago autism was a huge catchall...and being used along side mental retar*ation. Which is now better described as IDD...Intellectual Developmental Disability. ( formally Delay)
Jessica has a serious IDD...along with her severe vision impairment and mild autistic tendencies ...her autism is very mild it's her Intellectual development which is the biggest factor...then it's clear schizophrenia presented itself in her very early 20's which Val herself mentions in a blog about autism teachers telling her to get a Jessica checked for schizophrenia...we know how that turned out.

Jessica can walk, talk, move around freely, she can purposely lie, hit, scream, say she's mad, say she's tired..she's aware of her surroundings and has no problems communicating even understands that lying can get her what she wants...

If you have ever seen Abbie Maass, or even Cody....these two are far less able to think things through independently....after all according to Val...Jessica use to work, take the bus alone, stay home alone while Val had Jessica continued learning with professionals and was properly diagnosed taking the proper medication she would absolutely be able to live in an adult living facility among peers, and have a real life.
Val made sure that didn't happen isolating her and refusing to get her help. Which is why we see the severe decline in Jessica's abilities.
Val did this... And claiming Jessica has Drs. baffled and she's an anomaly is munchausen by proxy at its finest .....Val is Another FeeDer Blancharde.
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Did you notice when they showed Val’s plate she had 3 slices and salad and then she showed Jessica’s plate which had 3 slices then when Val was closing out the video she still had 2 1/2 slices and salad on her plate and Jessica was already done with her 3 slices! How insane that she eats that fast and scarfs her food down before anyone has a chance to take a bite. I can almost guarantee she sat there waiting for more pizza and probably had 4 or 5 slices. How terrible how she eats. She literally eats like she’s feral.
She has always eaten like a wild animal who has been starved.she caused a lot of arguments and terrible stress and upset for the other kids at school,as she ate her food so quickly and would put her hands onto their plates and grab their food.vals lies that food was withheld from Jessica is simply disgusting and very hurtful to wonderful staff who took great care of the students.jessica caused terrible meltdowns for the kids who really have autism by touching their food and pulling it off their plates with her hands.
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Oh my goodness, tonight's video was horrific! And now Jessica wants to learn how to edit videos! Val will stop at nothing,to keep this charade of hers going on. I reported it also!!
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So on Hannahs channel she showed her flight from home to Rome...which let's be honest we know was not today but days ago.....and if you want to play a drinking game the video and take a drink every time Hannah says ANXIETY. I stopped counting at 12..

It amazes me that all the Brooks women have every hidden invisible illness known to man. Hannah who claimed to be lactose intolerant who had to have lactose milk, and special icecream, and make sure to mention it in every video.... Then shortly after moving back home to daddy's she seemed to have been cured!!! Maybe Campbel and his church group performed the laying of hands on her and performed a miracle!

My son is lactose intolerant and lives in the bathroom after eating certain cheeses, dairy etc.. BUT...he buys lactaid pills... Pops a couple before he eats and is fine...$13 over the would think Hannah would of bought them for her trip to Italy where everything has cheese!!!!

How can someone with so much alleged anxiety, whose afraid of water, can fly over it to Italy? Shes also claimed she's claustrophobic ...but can sit 11 hours in a crowded plane, and be in the middle of as Taylor Swift line up and concert jam packed with over 50 thousand people!? I'm sorry ...but I'm not buying her anxiety story, her lactose intolerant story, insomnia story..( Remember her sleep study ..she found out she was fine) of course non of these are visible illnesses...but her actions show her to be a liar. Just like mom...who recently announced another ailment ...Ehlers Danlos syndrom....thyroid disease, etc.... diagnosed long before 54.

I've never seen a family long to be ill, Val wants to hide behind some illness to use it an excuse for failing Jessica and not lifting a finger to help her learn and be successful. Hannah desperately wants to be ill to get sympathy and attention like well as an excuse to not work or leave the house...unless it's for DISNEY or camping trips, or of course Italy!!!
Never too ill or too anxious to go out and have FUN!! But we know Hannah will become sick, or hurt during her vacay...close to the end Im sure.

This family is all about scamming others, and using autism to hide behind.
Nathan’s wife Dana you could tell she wasn’t up for Jessica’s nonsense. Didn’t Dana’s mom just pass less than a month ago? Like show some respect and not bring all that crazy in their home while she’s grieving the loss of her mother. Wasn’t it’s supposed to be called cooking at Nathan’s well the way she treated him tonight so rudely I would say not again.
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We watch the videos from 6,7 years ago till today....and at the end of the day it really reinforces the fact that Val didn't do her job as a mother of an autistic child , a nurse who is suppose to help others of this autism expert she claims to be sitting on some board back in the day.

I have access to the same information, outreaches, government aids and programs etc...pretty much just like Val. ( she probably had more because of being a single parent ) yet we all see Jessica's decline over the years...and hear from Val herself how independent Jessica use to be with taking the bus alone, staying home alone while Val worked, showering herself etc....which in all honesty I don't believe.
I do however believe Jessica did do better while in school with professionals all day...but the problem lies in the fact that Val.NEVER continued the things Jessica learned when she came home.....There was no crossover, no consistency , no Val working WITH the teachers.

Where I live we parents get together and work with our teachers, instructors, therapist ABA, etc... Often...sometimes once a month. Together we communicate our child's strengths,weaknesses and goals we are working on BOTH at home and school.... Like hand washing, clearing your dishes after eating, saying please and thank you, sharing taking turns, etc... That's the home side...then the teachers communicate what they are working on in addition to what's going on at standing in line waiting your turn or being patient, putting their lunch time things away back in the bag after lunch, etc...

We share this info because we want our child to be successful and learn these things...there's no point in learning to wash hands at home then be told you don't need to at school.
CONSISTANCY is the only way. It's work, it's tiring , frustrating but so worth it down the road.
My daughter can pump soap on her hands and wash her hands properly.....the only reason Jessica can't is because Val never bothered to be consistent and teach her. It's really that simple.

Looking at Vals kitchens...whether it 6 years ago or yesterday consistency . Everything's cluttered, nothing is in the same place, Jessica is constantly handed a different utensil or wooden spoon or spatula to stir.... Sometimes it's in the drawer, or the dishwasher or just magically appears.

Jessica should always have access to the same spot using the set of cooking utensils ( like the ones she received a couple weeks ago) she needs consistency ....routine.
She stands there confused not sure where to get her spoon... Because it could be in the drawer, dishwasher, sink, on the counter...

Autistic people are teachable ...especially Jessica who is extremely verbal and mobile and definitely has ideas and opinions with no problem telling them to others.
But with Val removing all her programs, teachers, professionals and isolating Jessica with zero rules, zero consistency , no REAL goals ....pretending Jessica will move out is cruel. Val has no intention of helping Jessica be successful and really independent....she can't even wash or dry her own hands at36. Which is incredibly sad....especially if Val Santiago believe Jessica is toilet trained does she wash her hands AFTER using the toilet??? She clearly doesn't ...but then again you can see Jessica obsessing adult diapers. Because if she was using the bathroom on her own 8 times a day every day clearly she would of learned a long time ago how to soap her hands wash and DRY them!!

Val has her money maker right where she needs her..fully dependant on her.while Val plays the martyr and plays the tireless victim.
Amy over on Facebook, brings up all the great autism services, outreach programs, various therapies etc... In the area that are available for families with autism.

The reason why Val isn't involved with any of these professionals or programs is the simple fact Jessica's primary diagnosis is not autism.

When a parent wants to enrol their autistic child into any of these programs they have to provide updated doctors information which outlines the illness of the child .
There are qualifications that must be met to ensure each child is placed in the best program to help them.
Jessica's autism diagnosis is decades old, it's outdated. Val refuses to get an updated assessment of Jessica especially after a teacher who specializes in autism suggested to Val that Jessica showed many signs of schizophrenia. (Val pulled Jessica from that school)

If Jessica was re-evaluated she would not qualify for some of these programs and if schizophrenia was found She would be required to be properly treated and medicated to qualify.
It's a catch 22 for Val....and she knows it.

Another qualification for many adult programs is toileting. Jessica wouldn't qualify because she's in adult diapers ...and the insurance for a program to have to pay in order to touch /handle a bio-hazardous situation is astronomical not to mention it requires a certain criteria be met by staff in order to accommodate changing an adult diaper.

Jessica isn't wearing a catheter, she's mobile , she is perfectly capable of going to the bathroom ...Val hasn't worked on this area properly and again if Jessica went to a program with professionals they would absolutely hold Val responsible for Jessicas short commings. She may even be reported to professionals .

Val keeps Jessica hidden at home with only friend ( Marlow) and family so Val can call the shots, and no one is seeing how unfit of a mother she is, how neglectful abusive.

We see you Val.
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winnie woo

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The fb group which seemed like I good thing to help expose the grifters! They have now made the group private, which defeats the whole purpose that they intended. Let people read the posts, if it’s private how will word get out. Let Susan tattle, she’ll be banned from their page, so be it. Anyone who wants to keep an eye on this circus is not going to join the group only to have there name exposed. Even posting anonymously, group members names are listed. Let anyone and everyone read, even the circus clowns themselves, keeping it public and anonymous comments is the only way, they won’t get people commenting if they have to be members to do so. The group won’t fly as private.
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Well-known member
I personally hope the FB page doesn’t block ANYbody, even if they’re defending the clan. I don’t even understand why Val deletes negative comments. It always just makes me think that people who do that have something to hide and secondly that they are unsure of themselves and their content.
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winnie woo

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I don’t know who’s answering their comments but it’s obvious one hand has no idea what the others doing. In the comments today a few suggested egg beater for Jess to pour in the pan. Two answers 1 we’ve never tried them 2 we tried them a few yrs ago. Also it’s amazing how Jessica’s wrists turn perfectly fine when shuffling and dealing cards, yet freeze up in the kitchen. Something like her eyesight..comes and goes depending on the task at hand. They’re pathetic!
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Gramma of 4

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Their video of the morning... Val saying Jessica confidently knows what to do making her breakfast. No she doesn't. Marlow had to prompt her several times.
Speaking of Marlow, who has a phone # or email of how you get ahold of the state that pays Marlow? It sickens me that the state pays her to "take care of" Jessica but she is filming the content for Val's channel. The audicity of Val thinking she can constantly get away with this crap pisses me off. They are so many people that need this help from the state,while they actually leave the house to work, but can't get the help. While Val and Campbell live together(the income) and Val lays up in her room leaving Marlow to video Jessica.
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So they are camping. Which consists of sitting in chairs, sitting inside and sitting again. Then they are so tired from all that hard sitting, they must nap. Ok, I have been on a trip the last couple of weeks. We by odd chance, went through the area around chattenooga. The park they go to a lot, is off the highway, surrounded by residential houses. Not out in the country, not in the hills. It’s almost a city park. Why? They go about 15 miles from home. Where is the adventure trips that Val said she can’t wait to go on. Val, get your stories straight. You go camping close to home so people can come and help take over the daily care like showering and doing Jessica’s hair. Just stay in the driveway, it’s closer, you can use the bathroom in the house. You aren’t adventure camping. It’s like little kids staying in the backyard in a tent made from bedspreads.
With all the sitting they do, I’m surprised they aren’t at risk for blood clots since their diets are so bad. AND WE DON’T CARE WHAT YOU EAT AT EVERY MEAL. we all eat, it’s not something we all talk about everyday. And those stupid restaurants reviews, no one is going to go there to eat. No one lives in your area. And reviews on chain restaurants is boring, we have all been to those. It’s not new. No content, boring videos.
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I always wondered what Jess meant when she said "Ashley might touch the bad place"! Is that her making things up or has someone touched her?? Any one know??
Well Val seems to like Ashley so I'm thinking the " bad place" is the bump on her head where her shunt is...I'm not 100% sure but Jessica seems to not like her head touched, even the headbands she rips off as soon as she is done eating. She also doesn't like her head touched when she gets the EEG... ( There is a video on that too where Hannah tries to calm her)

It's infuriating Jessica is this age has been permitted to behave so violently towards Hairdressers, Dentists, Doctors, Teachers, Bus drivers.... All these people are trying to help her...but Val is so selfishly lazy ...she never put the work in to teach Jessica how to cope with these things.

I get it... It's a LOT of work, practice , discipline , lots of patience, consistency and help from professionals.
Codys parents take him to library , dentists, hsirdresser, chiropractor, regularly and Leeza has the patience and love to talk, teach and nurture Cody.. Preparing him for these medical things he needs..
Remember Vals not " alone" she has professionals , a community, and outreach programs available with experienced therapist to help her work with Jessica to help her with these things that are crucial to her care. she CHOOSES not to because they will see how far behind Jessica is, and know it's Vals negligence. So she hides her away at home with no outreach no peers no community and just doesn't take her to the dentist...she still has that temporary cap on her front tooth from 10 years ago... Jessica has never harvested cleaning .. Just emergency work where she was knocked out.

Jessica is feral and violent because of Val, her neglect keeps Jessica from community , proper dental hygiene , hair care, and many other's criminal my's abuse.
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I wonder about porn boys sexual preference! Take a look at 💩 girl. She is built like a man. He probably swings both ways just like she does and he seems like a wimpy guy. She definitely wears the pants in that marriage.
She is definitely the Boss...he was in med school while She was doing this wrestling sex show....she's been in this business longer than him. Obviously he quit med. School YEARS ago ... If you check the dates on her various posts. A lot of his stuff has been set to private unless you pay for his sites. He doesn't go on AI anymore because of his porn career...he use to be on AI until word got out.

Personally I think it's disgusting and humiliating for the rest of the family ...although he and Marlow use to be a couple and I'm sure she's use to it.... They even lived together for a while.
So it would not surprise me that Hannah and Marlow are doing their own thing on line.
Seems the entire family only uses the internet to make fast cash without having to leave the house.
Val taught her scheming children well...and how proud Campbell must be at church. Wonder what Nonnie thinks of her grandchildren ?

As for Hannah going to Italy with Madison .... That will be interesting .
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Not exactly sure the purpose of The Weekly vlogs other than contradicting everything Val tries to sell us through the week, and seeing more of Jessica when she's not being as controlled by Val the puppet master.

The what's the deal segments they put out are ridiculous ....they seem to think they are Food Critiques for the New York Times.
Caring for the caregiver.... Is not going out for lunch with mommy.
Caring for the caregiver... In my world is... Getting myself a monthly massage, having a spa day, going to the movies with my girlfriends, an afternoon out at the farmers market, doing something for me, taking care of me.
But... I also exercise daily, and have my daughter out in the world I am able to enjoy a swim or sauna or workout while she's in her swim class... I sync up her activities with mine it's important to be active in our community...
Val...only leaves the house for food or Disney. No one in that house has ANY outside interests in's sad.

This week...all I could see was Jessica's greed ..from shovelling sausage balls that she gripped about into her yap, to her rude greedy attitude towards the box from the P.O. All she did was OBSESS over the bacon plate that mommy dearest grifted for from her followers. Of course Jessica needs to be told its HERS, and requires TWO if she's going to share because one plate only cooks 6... And they are ALL for HER...
Also..her muttering about moving with her girlfriend to Florida...more LIES Val fills her head with.

Just watching 36 year old Jessica for 7 minutes OBSESS over plastic star fish and as usual never satisfied with the amount greedy guts must have them all, must touch them all must ask over and over what kind of fish the are.... That whole scene was a Perfect example of Jessica's manic behaviour ..not autism...that's 100% schizophrenic mania.
It's heart breaking she's not on the proper medication to help her cope with her mental illness.

When ever I see Jessica hunched over and her hands reaching out touching, grabbing everything and smelling it's simply obnoxiously repulsive . If you ever saw the movie Helen Keller... Jessica is Helen in the beginning of the movie.

It's 2024 and autism, IDD, schizophrenia, OCD, mental illness have all advanced so much and offer so many outreach programs, therapists, clinics, adult programs, not to mention the medical advances and testings,and new medications....yet seeing Jessica whose mother has intentionally removed any and all forms of help available for her growth and equality of life, many FREE...yet she's sickening.

How a mother could intentionally close all the doors available to better her daughters future... Is criminal. Val is a very sick person and all these weekly videos do is emphasise the neglect and abuse going on in that house.
Jess was so manic at Nathan’s… squealing and I noticed Nathan never responded to her when she kept saying we need more noodles ya think we need a few more and you know Jess wasn’t cleaning up the baby’s toys she just wanted to play with them .
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Chatty Member
Her voice sounded so weird in that dead dog video. I agree with all who’ve said she was excited… almost giddy to get to talk with the camera about dead dogs.. so sick.
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Chatty Member
Yay! Another egg-cracking device to add to the ever burgeoning collection of cooking tools that Jess will never ever be able to use. What a waste.
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Thank you Amy...( From Face Books Autistic Interpretations Scam page ) of course you are free to copy anything I post here and put it up on your FACEBOOK page.

The more aware we make others the better I will sleep at night. We have some amazing people posting on here speaking up for autism..
I do try to see the good in the REAL families and influencers for autism ...they aren't all SCAMMERS like Val and her merry band of asshats.

Thank you for the kind words.
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To the ladies over on FB...Autistic Interpretations A Joyful Scam
Thank you for the compliment and kind words! I really believe We are on the same page with shining a light on the lies, scams and abuse happening in the Brooks Asylum as well as the followers who truly have no clue about autism ...

My hope is between these pages and yours...we can save a few people from the abuse Hannah Tinkle, and Augustine endured not to mention the actual mentally challenged followers that sadly send Val money from their own disability checks's sickening what Val does.

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Notice after dinner...Jessica's dishes still sat at the end of the table left for the staff to bring to the dishwasher ?

So when we.saw Jessica put her plate into the dishwasher 2 weeks ago.... That was the first and last I said before no rules zero consistency .
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winnie woo

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It’s a big morning of progress in the Brooks family circus. So big Val stopped videotaping, Finally at 36 Jess got her own juice independantly, ( after mommy instructed her to) we’ve seen her do this before, unscrewing the top must have been the main event..the clowns are all present and accounted for. When’s the parade
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Obnoxious Jess, frozen pizza and Val acting like if Jess gets out of line she will blow! It's so sad that more and more she is showing so much disdain towards Jess. Jess is very unlovable but guess what Val you made her that way!
A boring video ......
I believe Vals been laying it on extra thick since the new year...she knows people are going to rip her a new one for leaving Jess and going to Disney ( which makes no sense for a 55 year old woman to love like she's a 13 year old teenager...and ditch her motherly responsibilities )
We know she's been reading here I'm sure that's adding to her mood as well....and Jessica picks up on Vals moods, and acts out it's a very toxic relationship.

Someone mentioned Vals solo vacay will be soon... I believe that too. But as we know everything that we see on Vals channel is never what it seems.
I'm thinking Along with running out on her responsibilities with Jessica she will be leaving the videos for Hannah, Bad Daddy and Marlo.... To do as well.

She might just prefilm videos , go away and let Hannah post them while she's gone..

So many lies... So little time.
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