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So....basically Jess wants to go to Disney alone with Val...because she HATES having to do things other people like Hannah or BigDaddy want to do.

This is a perfect example of feeding into Jessica's selfishness and Val not allowing other family members to go this reinforcing Jessica's bad behaviour now she's being taught she will get her way and push other family members out.

This is why Madison..aka Leo Cross... Refuses to spend Christmas and holidays with Jessica, refuses to go on vacation with Val and Jessica.

The other thing is... Val has a video on how she can afford major thing THEY do is use credit cards that have Disney bucks as it's reward.... Val said she makes sure everyone orders that card and uses it even Marlow Marlow, Hannah, Campbell all must use the Disney CC.... But when Jessica says they can't go.... They cant. So she gets to spend their Disney points.

Not that Jessica is smart enough to understand that ...but Val is.

Val hates being left alone with Jessica..we saw her in full bitch mode while her staff was off camping ....last time she at least had Campbell to help her...

Jessica is very selfish ....this is learned behaviour and I hope Val... Gets everything she deserves alone with Jessica at Disney. I personally can't see her going without Campbell ..... I mean she can't handle her alone at home with 3 other adults there!

Also....about 3/4 of the way through did you hear Hannah whispering telling her what to say?
Lots of jump cuts....with lots of prompts....I'm sure they did a repeat of Jessica " alone" making a video... Which she was told to say certain things at the end... They are grifting using Jessica in hopes of Disney gift cards.

We see you Val.
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As any parent knows it's our responsibility to teach our children the difference between right and wrong, what's appropriate and what isn't ...etc...
The same holds true with ALL children... Autistic children tend to have no shame...there's an innocence to their behaviours ...until...they start to get different reactions from people close to them then..they learn to do those behaviours to get that response every time.

It's common sense or a " reinforcement" to them.
That being said... Neurological children tend to learn by ..being " warned" or explained to, told NO, shown what's appropriate or maybe have a consequence ....and we start to teach them young...when these issues arise.

Children with autism don't usually understand verbal warnings or explanations but need redirection, a constant response that overtime shows them it's inappropriate behaviour...and start when they are young.

For example my daughter wouldn't keep her clothes on and wanted to be in her underware only, she also threw things at people , self harm often when upset etc...
These are not appropriate behaviours that will be accepted around strangers, school, out in public we address it from the beginning work on it sometimes for years...being consistant preparing them for life, school, being out in the world...and being accepted.

Val permitting Jessica to face slap, control what everyone eats how all food is cooked, corner strangers in public and ramble on about inappropriate topics like dead dogs, dead people, obsess over people form inappropriate people like Keely...( Val said keely pretended to cry one day and Jessica lost her mind...she loves seeing/hearing others in pain.

Instead of teaching Jessica what's not appropriate Val does nothing, in fact she encourages others to play into Jessica's inappropriate behaviours, Val even has a video how SHE wants others to talk/answer Jessica when she talked to them in the mall or at the check out ...if that doesn't scream narcissist I don't know what does.

So Val knows that at 36, Jessica rubs her crotch and kisses the ladies she's close too, Val, Keely, Hannah... And even though they edit out the constant crotch rubbing we've seen it a hundred times, along with the face slapping.
Val could and should of redirected the slapping taught her to hug.. Gentle hands, no hitting ever.
But no...

Jessica sadly is unlikable a product of her environment...neglect. She did do better in school but when she came home nothing was continued...there was no consistency...Val refused to work with or listen to professionals.

So we see now Val has to remove Jessica from outside life from the Brooks Asylum. Even Vals staff must be family and friends.... No professionals are permitted in Jessica's life ...Vals the boss.
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DSGP...another taco dish just a different name. And for all the stomach issues HH "supposedly" has she is eating it with sour cream! We see through the lies HH! this all they are doing?.
Sorry...I'm not seeing " camping" they may as well be parked in a Wal-Mart parking lot ....
They don't seem to DO anything except eat.
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This mornings video is yet another perfect example of the difference between Autism and intentional defiance or ....simply CHOOSING to be a bitch.

Jessica did not want the breakfast Val was making for everyone so she intentionally acted out on purpose because she wanted to make sure everyone knew She wasn't having it! ( if Jessica ain't happy no one else is allowed to be happy!)
She deliberately was miserable , repeatedly kissing Vals cheek with that LOUD smacking noise that she KNOWS hurts Vals ears...( She even says ouch) hurting others on purpose makes Jessica happy.( Not autism it's psychotic)

Val tried getting her to touch the strawberry Jessica gets moody...starts " worrying " about a text that's not due for an hour and a half.
Note: Jessica intentionally brought up the text as an excuse to not help with the food she didn't want. THIS is not's ATTITUDE with MANIPULATION.

Jessica's entire demeanor is moody, and miserable she even takes it out on Daryl by screaming at him BAD!!! Over and over because he was drinking his water. Again..not autistic behaviour, 100% bitch behaviour. ( no pets should be permitted around Jessica ever)

Through the entire video Jessica chose to behave inappropriately because she wasn't getting her way, she was rude, mean,hurtful, lying...all things she intentionally thought through and did because SHE WANTED to.
Autistics don't work like that Schizophrenic Psychopaths do....those are proven medical characteristics of a Schizophrenic with psychopathic behaviours.
All the while this shit show is happening Vals smiling away, no correction, no discipline doesn't care...just continues to make breakfast even took over the sausage because Jessica Refused to help.

Of course when it came time to eat greedy guts was front and center....and of course Val rewarded Jessica's BAD behaviours with adding ice cream to Jessica's strawberry and it's a miracle !!!!!! She loved it!!!! ( who wouldn't the strawberries had a cup of sugar and ice cream on them!) Nothing says diabetic coma like Vals strawberry biscuits !!.
But hey Jess ate fruit yall!!

Jessica is not autistic. Her mental illnesses are not quite so innocent and her intentions are very deliberate.

We see you Val.
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I am definitely just watching not posting on new page. Until it is around longer you just don’t know. But I love the fact our little movement with this family and exploitation of disabled is spreading!
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Chatty Member
I understand optimism but...the fact alone Jessica has no physical therapy to help with her " mild CP " no therapist for communication techniques, no regular interaction with peers, doctors, a work or adult education centre classes on independent exactly does Val believe " we never say never"?? How exactly does Val think Jessica will magically change of grow or improve?? Magic beans?

My autistic daughter as well as the other dozens of families we associate with ...none of us lie to our kids, make up stories, play pretend about their future, use lies as a bribery tool to motivate them . But we lovingly keep ours and their focus on a very happy future full of promise, family , milestones , holidays and focus on the accomplishments they make and encourage and celebrate all that come along with those!

Our daughters independence included gaining an extra room in our home, she has her bedroom , sensory room and recently her own livingroom...( We gain space as our other kids moved out) she gains independence and she got her own mobile kitchen island where she puts her specific cooking items, she recently worked and saved up to redecorate her bathroom ...( With help of course)
She knows she will always live with us...and as responsible parents as I mentioned before we are having her volunteer at adult assisted living residences where one day she will live after we can no longer properly take care of her due to age, illness or death.

Again Val does nothing to set Jessica up for long term success she's only worried about her next trip to Disney and making her monkey dance for DISNEY dollars.
Parents of autistic children teach daily for their entire life. My son was so scared with my hospital visit, but he knew the truth, that I might have to stay. He was so excited that I got to come home he went from room to room giggling. When ask why, he didn’t know but I did. He has done an amazing job taking care of me. In the span of 15 minutes he learned to use a hand crank can opener. Jess never expresses true emotion and never puts real effort into learning. Val took all that away from her. How can she think she’s a good mother?
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Plus Jess reminds Val that the knives are everything else they belong to Princess!
Jessica is selfish, greedy, self centered because she's exactly like Val. Val loves to claim autism is the excuse behind everything that Jessica does, or she hunches over with her face in her plate while she eats with her Hands because she's " blind"....all excuses... First of all Jessica can see when she's focused, secondly blind doesn't mean feral. Blind people REAL blind people don't eat like that and can be VERY independent..cook, clean, shower, live in their own, work etc...

Val blames everything on illness when in fact its poor parenting , lack of discipline and follow through, laziness, and simply being raised by Val. The forever victim .

Jessica is unlikeable, Hannah is unlikable and both are just like Val. Hannah has that same " poor me" lifes too hard ...Mentality .

Jessica having to have everything , the biggest, the most ...not sharing ever... Is greed not autism and that's because Val has never taught her to share, take turns... Val tells her whatever it takes to shut her up period.
Notice the breakfast video Jessica questioned Val... " did you eat some ? " when Val tastes the grits to see if they were hot enough?
Jessica is a greedy 🐷.... Not because of autism ... Because of Val.
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Chatty Member
Here's a dose of hard reality that being a parent of an autistic child with various other mental ailments such as IDD....have to acknowledge.

The outside world is a chaotic place for EVERYONE...and we ( average people)are raised knowing how to navigate , notice the good and bad, make wise, informed decisions, be aware of danger, your surroundings, learn and abide the rules set to be a functioning participant in our community society as a whole.

Some of these things are easier than others for the average child growing up into adulthood..being autistic, or having other mental " issues" can make this 100 times more difficult, perhaps even more imortant.

So as the parent it is our responsibility to ensure our autistic child is getting ALL the help, all the resources all the medical advancements and TEACH them for how ever long it takes HOW TO COPE, HOW TO FOLLOW RULES, LISTEN...and understand the outside rules.

Because if we don't ...what happens when strangers , cashiers, children, dogs, delivery people, the general population who doesn't KNOW our child come across them public and our child..who is now a full grown adult, yells at them, hits them ( a child even) because they touched their cart, or accidentally bumped them....

In the last few years ( longer I'm sure) do you know how many police officers had to intervene a conflict with an autistic adult in a public setting?
Do you know how many of those conflicts death ?

Val is so busy playing the victim and bad mouthing every teacher, therapist , in-house care giver , nurse, doctor, dentist, hairdresser, bus driver ..because they misunderstand Jessica....rather than teach jessica how to listen, cope, TRY to cooperate , and that there are rules...and boundaries and CONSEQUENCES...she blames the world for not making exceptions for jessica.
That is not doing Jessica ANY favours ....In fact it puts her in constant danger, makes her unapproachable ,unlikable and very scary.

If a child in the mall accidentally bumped Jessica ...and jessica hauled off screaming head thrown back and hitting a small would not go well for Jessica .
Even Val said one of the reasons she's in a wheelchair at Disney is because of she gets accidently bumped she gets violent.
Jessica gets violent often when ever she doesn't get HER how can you unleash that into the public?

It's not up to the world to come to a stop to make Jessica happy.... It's up to Val to teach, prepare and provide the professional help Jessica requires to safely embark on the world.
Val refuses to do this as the narcissist victim she believes she is. So hiding her bessy away and blaming the world is her answer while scamming people online for her Disney vacations.
So well said Wallfly. I’d like to add a little. I think each parent of a special needs child has different hurdles. My son was almost 5 before he learned to walk. Being frustrated led to head banging. I can’t tell you how many times we’d sit for hours holding him facing away from us in a tight “hug” to keep him from hurting himself. Then came the violence against us. He would hit and scratch at the same time. It was at least a weekly occurrence for us to have bloody marks on our faces. At the time it seemed like there was no reasoning with him and I lived in fear we would have to place him in an institution. I said all that to say you can’t quit. You keep on. Somewhere inside each one of is that person you know and want them to be. I’m not sure at what point Val quit, but she did. Now she drinks and hides. There is no joyful life, just fear. Fear of not knowing when the dam will burst. (And it will). Institutions are full of Jessicas. Those who their parents either gave up, or never started in the first place. What a sad future for Jessica, through no fault of her own. Sorry for the long rambling.
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Sometimes I find myself stepping back from watching this family because they can suck the joy out of life. I guess I feel like how do families like Val’s exist and how our society has changed. To wrap my head around how these followers who can’t see past the smoke screen. Sure we all started out as them and it didn’t take us long to figure out the scam . Plus most of us here started following when Val was actually doing fairly good content. But then not long after the deck fundraiser is when it changed because they saw just how easy it was to take advantage of kindness. To me when Hannah quit her job to move back home it stepped up to a real disturbing level of exploitation of profiting off of Jessica. It’s like the whole family got involved and almost idolized them for their notoriety on Facebook and YouTube. That i feel has faded because they also see through them like we do here.
Then we all we could clearly see all the wrong being done to Jessica and I feel like our system is so broken and they just have no interest to address the issues. I am sure it’s because in the eyes of abuse they don’t feel this takes precedence . But I feel what we do here is as important because we aren’t giving up hope ! It’s helps us as good humans to know we are fighting for what’s important. Our words and comments do make a difference because if we can get others to see our views that’s where change starts . Of all the families on social media covering a family member on Facebook with autism they are second in line behind Fathering Autism which say a lot . Fathering Autism has 734,000 to Autistic Interpretations 36,000 and to think people are already noticing the scam speaks volumes.
I know I will have days I will feel defeated but I know one step at a time we our words will make change . Val will tire from covering up her lies and soon Hannah will see her life has purpose and realizes the only way back up to the top for air is to leave that toxic relationship with her mother.
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It's not up to the world to come to a stop to make Jessica happy.... It's up to Val to teach, prepare and provide the professional help Jessica requires to safely embark on the world.
Val refuses to do this as the narcissist victim she believes she is. So hiding her bessy away and blaming the world is her answer while scamming people online for her Disney vacations.
These two paragraphs right here summarize the whole AI situation. Nailed it! I have dealt with a personality like Val. In fact, it was my mother. The sad thing is that Val will never, ever believe that this is how things are. Never. My mother went to her grave still believing what she believed although every last shred of evidence pointed to just the opposite. Not even psychiatry could help her see the truth. Val will never see what she has done.
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I am mortified by tonight's video of Jessica....she's 100% manic , and talking in voices to her self and answering herself, and pretending she IS the other people ....this is not autism.

This is 100% unmedicated manic schizophrenia....and it's horrific to watch.

This mania is excelling she's upset, yet excited and hysterically laughing ...I am sickened that Val put this up.

I reported this on FB.
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winnie woo

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I have no idea why but this group formed yesterday came up in my feed. And guess who the main contributor is? Wait for it…Their biggest fan finally saw them for what they really are. Susan Ayer…I’ve been wondering where she was, she’s usually the first in line to tell them how wonderful they are. I didn’t join, but read the comments…Susan’s not happy. I’m glad there’s one more person they can’t take advantage of.


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Val must have gotten tired of answering is this before HH's vacation so she stuck the alter ego Allyson on them!!! Lol. If she was not one of them why would she have answered this question. People are getting the picture that the videos are way out of order!!!
And if Val ever went to Disney with or without Jess we will never see that footage!
I just can't believe how lazy they are getting. Before it was 2 videos a day, mostly food ones but now they are just doing what I believe WallFly said..filming all in one day and splitting them into several 3 minute videos! I do remember reading on here a long while back that the videos need to be at least 3 minutes to get paid. Anyone know for sure?
I’d like to know what the hell is Hannah taking a vacation from?
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Gramma of 4

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Tonight's video Campbell making burgers. Jess in the background yelling bad daddy and Campbell yelling back good daddy!!! How old are these people. Then Jess wanting mommy to film her petting the dog. Another picture of Jess doing what she does best...lurking!
HH had to keep talking over Val again...she needs to get her face into everything. Val asks Jess who is cooking dinner and Jess answers "oh". WTH?
Lots of Val patting herself on the back for Jess eating a burger and next they will work on chicken sandwiches at a chicken joint. HH is so sure she will like it! Who cares HH!
All in all a very dull video with Val and Campbell flirting back and forth. So I think someone said they were still together just not married so Val can screw the government and she was right. Even when they lived in their other house Campbell came over every day...strange.
Val is a liar liar pants on fire... She said Jessica still won't order burgers from a restaurant. That Krystal's or whatever it's called is a burger place, small burgers like White Castle. They've made more than one video of Jessica getting burgers from there
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winnie woo

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I think Val has been posting less because she realizes followers are seeing her incompetence more and more. The charade is becoming more visible everyday, she’s too busy fending off haters and deleting unfavourable comments, I bet it takes up most of her day, no time for decent content. She’s sulking in her room, reading comments, probably angry as hell, knowing there’s not a damm thing she can do about the negativity on platforms not her own.
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If I were to do a solo vacation, Disney is the last place I'd go. What a huge waste of money.
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I grabbed this picture off the new page. Look at the spare tire Jess is getting around her middle. Her butt has gotten huge and now it's spreading to the front. Keep feeding her all that fattening and fried foods 3 times a day Val! She does not 3 big, hot meals a day!!!
Jessicas diet is criminal . ...and as a NURSE she should know better....but she simply doesn't care she only gets defensive when everyone else comments on it...then she loves in on Allyson ecurb and tells everyone off.
They have 5 or 6 alt accounts and as someone else mentioned use them for positive comments.

As a mom of a special needs young adult the decisions are left to me because my daughter much like Jessica cannot always make GOOD healthy daughter would eat icream, cereal and grapes 24/7 and nothing else ...
So yes I give her choices but from HEALTHY foods I buy. Healthy cereals, various fruits, I bake fruit and veg. She's not find of into pancakes, muffins, or blend them in sauces and smoothies. These special needs kids/adults DESERVE the best nutrition , vitamin packed, iron and omega rich foods in their diets.
Also Jessica gets zero exercise ....she shuffles around the house and is hunched over her bed ...what kind of life is that??
If she has CP..she would and should be getting physiotherapy or SOME daily exercise.

Why isn't she going on daily walks ? Well the lazy asses don't walk the dogs so I guess there's no hope to walk Jessica .

My daughter is outside every day ...she loves her daily walks rainy days with our umbrellas are her fav. But we do an hour walk every day ...she has swimming classes three times a week and eats responsibly making her own choices with the healthy foods I provide for her.

Vals buys junk...canned beefaroni, canned chilli, frozen pizzas, little Debbies, canned soup, packaged and canned veg, gravy, and chocolate cake for desserts.
Vals a 55yr. Old STAY at HOME adult, while paying others to take care of Jessica ...she can't make home made soups? Chilli? Bake healthy muffins cookies and desserts?
She's a lazy cow.
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Re the dead dog video. I have no words besides Holy Moly! 😱
Jessica has a serious unhealthy obsession with seeing others in pain , hurting ...She knows it's inappropriate to ask people of they have a dog only because she wants to ask " WHAT HAPPENED TO IT????? " she WANTS to hear other people sad... Hurting and she knows DEAD animals DEAD people hurt people ....

Not autism... This is the behaviour of a psychotic person... It's the stuff serial killers are made up of.
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winnie woo

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Here's another woman ... " tattling" on the group....hopefully she actually takes the time to actually READ the truths and facts being posted .....

Jo yourself a favour and read the facts people are posting , the lies They are revealing , the truths WE are exposing.
Take it from REAL families of autistic children who aren't scamming money for new cars, campers and ,4,5 Disney vacations a year. Open your eyes.
The minions are spreading the word, too dumb to know they’re actually making some go looking for the negative posts, therefore shining a light on their deceptive scamming ways. Thanks Jo Ann, those that weren’t aware of the group, are now. You can’t fix stupid. And btw Jo Ann there’s not a damm thing Val and the gang can do about it except read em an weep!
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