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Well-known member
Yeah I had a similar accusation made against me. Like you, I think one account is enough! I said I was more than happy for a mod to check my account for multiple registrations and the accusations died down after that. I suspect Tattle has measures in place to flush out multiple accounts anyway to be honest.

Regarding your second paragraph, is that the latest argument? I do remember seeing a few suggestions that some were faulty, but I didn't realise they were saying it was now 50%. That's quite sad really, given that's clearly been dreamt up as a way of saving face and not based on any real evidence.
Yep 55% I believe is being posited. So as if the mass vaccine deaths prognosis ct wasn't bad enough, we've now got furious back pedalling. And if you take that 50% position to its logical conclusion then we're really only alive today because of a fortuitous 'stunningly ineffective vaccine batch' hypothesis... in other words (if you follow this line of thought), the repeated doses given to 27 to 30 million people in the UK (roughly half of the 55 to 60 million vaccinated) weren't effective either against covid or in killing people off en masse. Ffs choose a lane people, choose a lane! 😩😂😂
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Sideboard Bob

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I have to be honest, I’ve never seen a CT refer to themselves as a ”pureblood”? Has anyone genuinely seen this happen? I mainly see CTs on Twitter, and their usual anti-vax chat is along the lines of “hhmmm, this person died suddenly” and so on.
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I've lived through some unbelievably hot days, one 46c and one 48c. For where I live, that is brutal. The 46 degree day also triggered bushfires which killed 173 people, countless native and domestic animals and destroyed over 2,000 homes.
We've been lucky the last couple of summers, due to a La Niña effect it hasn't been as hot but I'm dreading the next summer season.

Anyone asking"What about the Ice Age, what was that?" can't deny that pumping filth into the air and water isn't going to have a catastrophic effect, despite how the weather has been changeable since the beginning of time?
Unless you're one of those Jesus-on-a-dinosaur dudes who thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, of course.

Excuse my rambling, I'm running on tea and vape juice due to my husband snoring up a storm and 13 kg cats thinking my head is a good source of heat.
Wow, I couldn't cope with heat like that. Awful to hear about the bushfires; those are definitely on the increase around the world.

Like you say, how can pumping carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the air not have an impact on the health of the planet? If people don't believe that, it definitely points towards burying heads in the sand and denial.

Hope you get a better night's sleep tonight!
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Have any of you heard of Phil Godlewski?

This guy has only came up on my radar because my partner's mum keeps talking about him! Apparently he's "number one" (in the CIA, or was) and has a "friend" in the CIA who gives him "intel".

She also believes JFK Jr is still alive and having an interview published in George magazine (which I thought went out of print decades ago) is further proof of his status and connections. Love, Hate, & Mystery: Who is Phil Godlewski? - George Magazine ( - some comments below the article look suspiciously like bot behaviour to me, though this one stood out:

At her request, I watched one of Phil's lives two nights ago (I have never bothered looking at Rumble before now). First trick out of the hat is that thing a lot of "truthers" do - rapid fire questions. For those who don't know, they can only answer Yes or No questions offered on the live chat stream. (Surely a red flag, anyone can do this and WHY SO VAGUE? Why not elaborate?).

He also shills his website - which, to be honest, made me think of Sgt Bilko (IT'S A MLM SILVER SCAM - didn't take him long to share it), even though he lets us know he doesn't care about making money or even how many followers he has (yet at the very beginning of the video he showed an email from Rumble saying he now has 170K followers/37M + views - some on social media are saying he faked the email).

( This is how Phil's Silver operates - see this Reddit text transcript: )

Interestingly, or worryingly, many in the live commentary box were people asking "when will GESARA happen?" / "should I stop paying my credit card payments?"

I came away not having learnt anything at all, actually. Just "buy my shit" and "yes / no" replies - reminding us that "tomorrow is a very important day" (yesterday) and that the banking systems are about to collapse and those who can remove their money should, those who can't will regret it. Pensions are not safe, social security is. Also, one of his yes / no questions informed me that Robin Williams is still alive (?).

As this is MSM I'm sure his fans will say it's made up to discredit him QAnon leader outed for inappropriate relationship with minor at school, report says | The Independent (Twitter is full of this, this is just an example).
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Has anyone listened to Marianna in Conspiracyland podcast? I'm just a few episodes in but it's quite good and very interesting so far.
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Is t’other thread defunct now? I haven’t been on there for ages so decided to take a look. No posts since May!
You can select watch button at the top then it will be saved in list so it’s easier to find as Shadow mentions it’s been moved to chatter

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Well-known member
Interesting! I wonder if conspiracy theorists would view the above as an insult, even though it's not intended to be; it's just saying it's a further extension of evolutionary behaviour.

I think I've said a few times here that there's definitely a social aspect to conspiracy theorists, as they form a little community and it becomes them vs the 'uneducated masses'. So it's interesting to see that being said above with "Thus, in order to ensure group alliance as a defense against others, constant gossip served as a way to cement bonds, and exclude individuals perceived as dangerous."

I don't think it's a stretch to say that some conspiracy theorists see those who don't agree as dangerous. We saw it during the pandemic/vaccine era, where people who made arguments in favour of vaccines were insulted or "othered". I distinctly remember I was accused of being a shill or a plant on here and on Twitter/Facebook by the more ardent anti vaxxers. That was clearly done to debunk the kinds of things I was saying and it sent a signal to the rest that I wasn't to be trusted and anything I might say (no matter how logical) should be immediately discounted. The fact I'm still around post pandemic and post in a variety of threads has probably dispelled some of that, though. Unless they think the government are still employing moles to post non-vaccine posts on Tattle. (I wouldn't like to assume either way. :D )

I think the talk about alien life is a natural progression as well, because a lot of conspiracy theories are framed from a position of "looking beyond" what's directly in front of us, which is similar to wondering about whether we're alone in the universe. That said, such discussions are similar to the more old fashioned/traditional CTs, whereas we seem to be in a place now where some people take it to the nth degree and turn almost everything into a CT which then verges on paranoia in my opinion.
Yes, very interesting, this social, evolutionary aspect. I was also accused on here of being a shill and a plant, and - as if those aren't bizarre
enough - of posting from multiple accounts ffs! One tattle account's quite enough ta! 😩😂

Amused to see the reason now being bandied about as to why not everyone who had covid vaccines isn't already dead... ⚰ It was the quality of the jabs your Honour.... only c. 50% of the mrna ones were their proper intended strength, apparently. Not quite their killing potency. 😳 Goalposts. Shifting. Every. Time. 🙁
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TBH I don't give a crap about Tate either way but can't fault the response...
Brilliant response!

Not sure Brand will thank Tate for defending him, though. If my behaviour was being defended by someone like Tate, I think it'd show I'd done something pretty bad...
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Well-known member
There's about three people left on the other thread, it's died a death.
They've all hone elsewhere.
I don't mind people having an opposite opinion but most of them were nasty and sly. No debate, just donkeys.
Thanks for explaining, I hadn't realised it had died a death. I remember a while back some posters alluding to meeting up on another platform. Sounds like that's happened.
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It's all a bit Lovecraftian...

Looks like Davy Jones' beard. Probably just a prop left over from Pirates of the Caribbean.
Just kidding, it's actually horrific although I do love reading about weird just-discovered sea creatures. Fascinating.
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🤦🏼‍♀️ because of course it's sensible and cost effective to add one rubber blueberry to an entire punnet.

I'm confused as to why the person who did that 'report' thinks it's completely normal to be dumping a heap of blueberries down the drain?
Though amused in equal measure that there's some "no it's deliberate" responses...

Inevitable that an occasional not-blueberry thing gets in, are there fake blueberries as part of the shop display?
Do people not complain to shops any more? Go get your money back, dammit!

Or given that the consistency (seeing where it was cut in half) seems to be almost identical to that of industrial silicone I am wondering if it's actually a blueberry wine gum...
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He started out claiming she was a scapegoat for deaths that happened due to infections because the unit was underperforming but has recently moved on to openly claiming that several of her colleagues who have given evidence against her ‘euthanized’ the babies who died because they were too fragile and were going to die anyway
Ah… of course it’s somehow connected to children being euthanised, next you’ll tell me they wanted organs or something else from said children

There must be something more than the Alder Hey scandal that makes the CT so receptive to CT-like claims when it comes to these sorts of situations?
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Interesting what you say about that GB News producer - but it makes sense. I've seen some of it, but it's not really a news channel, it's more of a discussion show. At least TalkTV has an accurate title.
This was what put GBNews off my 'hopping' list - for a channel that seems to want to put itself forward as not telling you what to think, the presenters seemed to spend most of their time opinionating at the audience and the times of catching something newsy being shown whilst hopping past were vanishingly rare.

So although it might have changed since then and I don't doubt they show a lot of interesting news pieces it's not in a format that I find useful.
(a.k.a. 'deleted to save space')
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VIP Member
I read this interesting paper recently which argues that the basis of many popular conspiracy theories (particularly those which involve people and label certain types of people are bad e.g evil scientists, evil doctors, idiotic mask wearing sheep etc) actually have some sort of evolutionary basis. They suggest that gossiping is human behaviour which evolved as a way to protect each other from ‘out groups’, and that CTs actually sort of serve a similar purpose.

“Gossiping was an important adaptation in human evolution (McAndrew and Milenkovic 2002). Robin Dunbar defends the view that the main factor in the origin of language is gossip itself (Dunbar 1996). In fact, it is estimated that 80% of conversations are about other human beings. Hominids likely were required to form bands as a way to ensure survival, and their greatest threats came, not only from predators, but also from other bands. Thus, in order to ensure group alliance as a defense against others, constant gossip served as a way to cement bonds, and exclude individuals perceived as dangerous.

It is thus expected that, when considering the causes of particular health problems, human beings will always have the inclination to talk about other human beings in relation to these problems. Consequently, the conversation will turn more interesting if the culprits of diseases are not just microorganisms, cancer cells or unhealthy foods, but rather, other human beings. And, since these are initially rumors about other people, they will ultimately spread rather quickly.”

I thought it was interesting as it shows how CTs can spread through communities and unite certain groups of people against others on a group level, rather than just on an individual level. Whenever a CTist bangs on about how capable of critical thought and how unlike the ‘masses of silly sheep’ they are, they’re actually just engaging in one of the most primitive forms of ‘group think’ which is something that every single one of us does because it was literally hardwired into us as a way to protect ourselves back when we were constantly at risk from being attacked & raided by other humans 😂.
Interesting! I wonder if conspiracy theorists would view the above as an insult, even though it's not intended to be; it's just saying it's a further extension of evolutionary behaviour.

I think I've said a few times here that there's definitely a social aspect to conspiracy theorists, as they form a little community and it becomes them vs the 'uneducated masses'. So it's interesting to see that being said above with "Thus, in order to ensure group alliance as a defense against others, constant gossip served as a way to cement bonds, and exclude individuals perceived as dangerous."

I don't think it's a stretch to say that some conspiracy theorists see those who don't agree as dangerous. We saw it during the pandemic/vaccine era, where people who made arguments in favour of vaccines were insulted or "othered". I distinctly remember I was accused of being a shill or a plant on here and on Twitter/Facebook by the more ardent anti vaxxers. That was clearly done to debunk the kinds of things I was saying and it sent a signal to the rest that I wasn't to be trusted and anything I might say (no matter how logical) should be immediately discounted. The fact I'm still around post pandemic and post in a variety of threads has probably dispelled some of that, though. Unless they think the government are still employing moles to post non-vaccine posts on Tattle. (I wouldn't like to assume either way. :D )

I think the talk about alien life is a natural progression as well, because a lot of conspiracy theories are framed from a position of "looking beyond" what's directly in front of us, which is similar to wondering about whether we're alone in the universe. That said, such discussions are similar to the more old fashioned/traditional CTs, whereas we seem to be in a place now where some people take it to the nth degree and turn almost everything into a CT which then verges on paranoia in my opinion.
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