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Another thing I've noticed is many conspiracy theorists don't seem to work much. I know that's a generalisation and I'm sure plenty of them do, but so many of them seem to be terminally online and fill that time reading substack blogs, dodgy websites, read many tweets from right wing/CT accounts, etc. And then they basically compile what they've read/listened to into one long rambling message to share with others.

It just seems like that would take so much time and it's near constant. It makes sense that someone who doesn't work or go out much, and actually interact with people outside their close family, would then get drawn more into the CT world. They sort of make their own little community to fill the void.
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You both raise good points. There are definitely quite a few grifters out there pushing CT content. Pretty much anyone with YouTube channel who pushes this kind of stuff is grifting. And when you look at their subscriber numbers it makes you realise the kind of money they're probably raking in.

I think most tattlers are more astute to that sort of thing, considering holding influencers to account is the main reason this place exists, but I'm often shocked at how many seemingly don't realise.
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I like the way the people (even if wrong) have bothered to construct some reasoning around their train of thought before (or even after) declaring the earth's flatness, this is a good sign because it means they aren't taking some scripturey thing (whether old or new or pseudo) as their source of scientific information.

Those are people that can be shown evidence and perhaps even persuaded, because with them you aren't questioning writings they hold as being unquestionable truth.

(we get occasional leaflets through the door from religious and pseudo religious groups - new and old - but I think I've only seen one that was overtly close, with a specific comment about the earth being only a few thousand years old and literally created by a/the supreme being as described)

Though following that train of thought I'm now wondering is flat-earth necessarily a new earth or can someone believe it is both flat *and* billions of years old, and leaving aside questions of if not then how, possibly not even manually (as it were) created?

Reading this back I will clarify the angle here is anti anti-science not anti-religion and even though I think it's all rubbish, I do understand that faith in one area does not equate to denial of science in another.
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This is such a good point, Ensay. I have two CT-fixated family and a couple of friends from whom most of my concerns about CTs stem. On a positive note, there's a thawing ongoing with one of my close family, with both them and me trying our best to move past the estrangenent and stick to neutral topics. We've realised it's realistically not a good idea to broach certain topics. So lots of chat about the weather and sport! with covid, vaccine culling, government ploys, WEF, 5-g, etc off topic. Fingers crossed we can keep going. x
Sounds sensible! It's like an extension of the usual no religion/no politics rule. Best done for harmony. :D
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apparently being started by 'DEWs' (Direct Energy Weapons).
A term which I don't doubt existed beforehand but which I first recall hearing from the most excellent Dr Judy Wood, (who I think is definitely nuts if her theory was serious as opposed to being a clever sociopsychology trolling experiment) who was the only person - for many years - to try to take proper substantive legal action regarding the 9/11 reports, instead of just being shouty for clicks.

Specifically on the Hawaiian wildfires I see a lot of comments that it was Blackrock wot dunnit but they don't have to cause these things - as a massive institution with a huge heap of ready cash, they can get their foot in the door first and out-bid anyone.
There's always a disaster going on somewhere in the world so they just need to keep an eye on the news, ready to send in the vulture with a bag that's heavy on cash and light on the moral fortitude.
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I'd totally do this if it wasn't a bloody 24 hour flight to get there.
I love cryptids and ghostie stuff.
Plus I could eat Tunnock's Tea Cakes until I explode.
Haha! I was up in Scotland not that long ago. Loch Ness is lovely (we went on a short boat trip out - didn't see Nessie).

I'm sort of in two minds about it... in some ways they've made it very commercial and sometimes it can get uncomfortably busy there. But, on the other hand, I can't really blame them for keeping the mystery there because it brings in a massive chunk of money for the area.
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😂 Careful there, Deez, or you might get quote-posted as a Sheeple convert to the CT light...!

I liked Dr Wibble's Schroedinger's Buried News point earlier. Plus the 'distraction' theme meted out by CTs assumes everyone else is thick and unaware of the historic flow and manipulations of tv news & other media. This choosing what topic to focus on (to the detriment of other potentially hot topics) isn't new! It's gone on for decades, centuries even - ever since radio first came out, or news bills were first plastered on walls, or even further back when town criers rang their bells & shouted out the Squire's or Mayor's messages in the village square. Whose points of view were behind these communications? It will have always tended to be the pov of someone in power/leadership. We're fully aware of this, we question what we read and see on tv, we read widely - even the shit CT stuff sometimes so we can critique with knowledge! Here endeth my rant, oyez, oyez! 🔔😂
Most of the time when people come up with what they think is an original thought, they immediately play devil's advocate to 'check' that thought's validity. Whereas with conspiracy theorists it doesn't seem to get to that second stage. It's just "this is a distraction!" without thinking how plausible that actually is.
BIB: And they’re correct, Owl! There are only two types of people in this world:

1. The intelligent, kind hearted, attractive, open minded, free thinking conspiracy theorists

2. The thick, mRNA ridden, morbidly obese, WEF loving sheeple who know nothing other than how to wear a mask, get injected with vaccines, eat McDonalds, inhale chemtrails, scroll on tiktok using their 5g radiation emitting iphones and worship the MSM.

That’s it. There’s no in-between whatsoever. You’re either awake and aware, or you’re one of those other idiots.

In other news, I saw someone share this cool infographic which shows how effective vaccines have been at reducing different diseases over the years and thought I’d post it here too. It’s from 2017 but I feel it’s relevant given the recent explosion in misinformation about them and the decrease in uptake.
View attachment 2303435
They certainly do say they're kind hearted, but your description of the second category (which is spot on by the way) shows they're sometimes anything but.

They're 'kind hearted' if you 100% agree with them, but if you don't, they're often quite the opposite.
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An interesting article focusing on UFO coverage by news, specifically that the motivation is the clicks it all generates. It also includes a good analysis of this David Grusch story and how many publications are not mentioning the problems I've mentioned before and how certain logic allows for publications to entertain the idea of aliens for longer than necessary

It does appear interesting in the birth of 'alternative news channels' that are ready to entertain conspiracy theories (hello GB News!)

As for an update on that little story, his lawyers have "successfully concluded its representation" of him "on matters limited to his reasonable belief that elements of the Intelligence Community improperly withheld or concealed alleged classified information from the U.S. Congress". The phrasing used suggests that they have simply completed their job rather than dropped him because of all these public claims but they did feel it necessary to state:
The whistleblower disclosure did not speak to the specifics of the alleged classified information that Mr. Grusch has now publicly characterized, and the substance of that information has always been outside of the scope of Compass Rose’s representation. Compass Rose took no position and takes no position on the contents of the withheld information.
It does appear to leave the door open that before Congress he did testify about all of this UFO stuff (as I would understand it) but there remains no confirmation on whether that's really the case. Of course, many conspiracists around this have concluded that "it's not a bad thing, they're just saying they have completed their job" but it also doesn't add credibility to his story (at least as I would see it) and doesn't exactly look good

A 1 hour interview is airing in the middle of the night (for us) with a discussion panel after. The conspiracy lot believe that this will reveal everything and break the world, forcing the US Government into disclosure. The full interview (7 hours - I've seen someone say that this is simply two separate interviews which lasted 3 hours-ish each) has been promised to be fully released somewhere and some point - it'll be interesting whether it will be behind a pay wall or whether it will be slowly released through the news station (News Nation, which no one seems to have heard of judging by the comments I have observed) to generate them engagement

Slightly insane stories continue with the Daily Mail cashing in:
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… not sure where to stand with this given the whole situation with some conspiracists storming a council meeting or something a few months ago
If it's the one I'm thinking of, nobody actually stormed anything, iirc a Glastonbury council(?) meeting, the part where a member of the public can present a topic of concern.

Clip did the rounds several months after the event, undated so treated as news... Not sure the town had ever gone beyond 20 minute neighbourhoods briefly mentioned in passing and deciding the town was too small to bother.

And a crowd of clapping seals is not a regular feature of such meetings, they were there for the show.
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I’m not sure how the elites could be blamed for that?!
He's a long term undercover proxy of the elites, his mission is to discredit the conspiracy theorists and exonerate the elites by means of (regardless of facts) being so ridiculously unconvincing in his delivery that people formerly on his side will disown him and see the light that the mainstream media* truly are the saviours of us all, gladly flocking to add weight to the brainwashed masses...

* not the daily express weather predictions department
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It was this one in a Town Hall when the idea wasn't even being discussed or considered by the neighbourhood committee or the Council.
Doh, I remember that one too now... The memory fail wasn't my fault, it was because I was trying to use a tiny screened phone on the train and couldn't concentrate, honest...

But that's an interesting handful to read, anticipating a mix of chortleworthy WTFs.

They were just being irritating for the most part so "storming" was a bit of a hyperbole
Ah I thought you were quoting the sort of headlines these things get given, with the triumphant declarations of sticking the it to the man.
TBH disappointed at lack of storming, standards are slipping!

OTOH if they turned up for a meeting that wasn't happening then they would be correct to say the council had no response...
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Also, in "there's always either a Bright Eyes or Half Man Half Biscuit lyric":

"I'm clowning by the Serpentine / she's still drinking turpentine / will she ever shine her light on me?"
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Apologies for the double post, but I spotted this on the GB News thread and I had to share it here.

Which one of you pesky anti conspiracy theorists is the guy in glasses? 😂
Good roasting that, thanks for sharing. It can feel like these idiots never get challenged on air because they're in their own niche nonsense bubble. Oliver's metamorphosis into one of the most delusional & deluded CT propagandists is one of the more disappointing 'celebrity' conversions to the anti-vax hill. Right Said Fred I couldn't care less about but I used to enjoy Coast back the day.
Apologies for the double post, but I spotted this on the GB News thread and I had to share it here.

Which one of you pesky anti conspiracy theorists is the guy in glasses? 😂
Also... there's a GB news thread?! 😲😲👀👀
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