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But I love the idea that maybe a tiny percent of people think the war ot the worlds really happened, aliens have already been to earth, we won and moved on.
To be fair, it's quite understandable that they might have been swayed by Mr Wayne's splendid 1978 presentation of Mr Wells' initial claim of such, I believe many people were at one time in posesion of the now-obsolete dual thirty-three-and-a-third Long Play circular formatted document set.

Also, if it had happened there would be all sorts of alien bits and bobs (powdered, pickled, novelty key tags etc) on ebay, and further proof that it didn't happen is the complete absence of any kind of 'pimp my alien assault tripod' TV show.
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There’s an episode where a very emotional lady starts crying about how she’s trying to save people or something and it left me with a lot of thoughts
Yes, I heard that one and I had thoughts too. The angry man shouting over Marianna pissed me off though. It's quite a common reaction for CTs to get all red faced and shouty when their views are questioned.
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The conspiracy theoryism surrounding it is absolutely wild, we’re at the end of the trial now and the CTists genuinely cannot fathom the fact it’s probably more likely that Letby is a corrupt serial killer nurse, and are convinced that she is the victim of a scapegoating ring which doctors, nurses, hospital managers, police and victims families are all in on. I know there are always a few weirdos who like to be edgy and claim that they think an obvious serial killer is still innocent, but I do think that the police need to crack down and start holding people in contempt of court because some of them are being absolutely fucking vile about her colleagues and the victims families.
What have they been doing?

I’ve occasionally looked at what’s been going on and the conversations surrounding it on Reddit but it’s all been semi-reasonable, even with the ones who have floated the idea that she’s been turned into a scapegoat or that the evidence in some areas is lacking
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Not making fun of this woman as I think she’s mentally ill, but jfc this was a rollercoaster of a video 😳
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Ah… of course it’s somehow connected to children being euthanised, next you’ll tell me they wanted organs or something else from said children

There must be something more than the Alder Hey scandal that makes the CT so receptive to CT-like claims when it comes to these sorts of situations?
Initially I thought it was just that because it’s very hard for the average person to imagine someone actually doing such awful things to innocent little babies, it was more palatable to just convince themselves that the deaths were natural / due to mistakes by doctors and she was just the fall guy.
However given some of the stuff I’m seeing people saying about narc doctors performing secret euthanasias on babies, I’m not so sure anymore…
Very weird line of thinking tbh
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I've only just started reading this QAnon-debunking Reddit thread (mostly, because, my partner's mum is deep in the Q-hole and the more I read the more I think - WTF). It's hilarious but it's also bloody worrying.

This can't pass without comment Sure ,yuppers🤣 : r/Qult_Headquarters ( Looks like May, June and July are going to be busy months.

"The program will suffer changes if the situation requires it" :rolleyes: doesn't it always?

Sun. 21 May 6 pm EST Live stream on CBKNews121: JFK Jr., Elvis, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, Michael Jackson (?!?!?!), Lady (?) Diana, Steve Jobs

Tues. 25 July 2023: "Queen Diana Coronation"?!?! :eek:

From what little I know about Q-theories - isn't it supposedly the Cabal / global elites who are into child trafficking / abuse / harvesting adrenochrome yet they're heralding the reappearance of Michael Jackson? The truthers (seem to) want to rid the world of them and save these children (which is an honourable endeavour, of course). So how MJ plays a part in all this, I've no idea.

Reddit seems to think there must be Russian troll farms at work - to see who takes these crazy social media posts as gospel - I must admit I'm beginning to wonder.

(Though, please do read some of those Reddit threads, with or without a tinfoil hat. The comments on many of them are really funny).
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It's all about them though, isn't it?
You're spot on, Ens. I wonder if not being vaccinated would affect the child later in life, say if the kid wanted to travel they'd need all sorts wouldn't they?
My family emigrated to Australia from Canada when I was around pre-school age, I had to get a few not usually given until later or or teen years before we could move.
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It is interesting how many of these folk are also Bible bashers, especially the American ones.

Going back to the book that I’ve been listening to which was recommended on here, there is an account in there from a lady in Australia whose brother fell down the Qanon hole. He actually became friends with Scott Morrison and to her horror he had actually managed to get Scott Morrison to put a phrase about ritual child abuse into one of his speeches!
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I'm fairly sure that's illegal nowadays, but actually getting that sort of thing enforced is like pulling teeth.
I thought it was too, and maybe it's an old sign that they 'forgot' to take down, but I pay by cash anyway - partly to avoid the barely disguised eyeroll when I get my card out for a small purchase. 🤣
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Here’s a question: what’s with the latest trend of CTists sucking off Australian and US senators as if they’re not the same “elites” who bought in all of the things they hate, like masks and lockdowns??

The irony of these self proclaimed anti establishment, non sheep “awake and aware” types literally fawning over politicians is not lost on me 🤣
You raise a great point! I've seen a few of those videos where senators are grilling people and it makes me think two things... Firstly, why are you grilling people? As politicians aren't we meant to be grilling you? Secondly, like you say, weren't they part of the decision making process themselves?

Yet they get lauded by some as heroes for "having the guts" to ask difficult questions. It feels like a strange parallel universe.
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I just did some investigating and read that he said show gratitude to water will make it clean.

Surely a mickey take?

I don't know much about what he was like in his footballing days, so maybe he was always a bit of a conspiracy theorist, although Twitter and the like seem to propagate so much of it, I suspect even if he had an interest in CTs it wouldn't have been quite the same as now.

I think the grifting is evidenced by how these people talk about little else. It's very rare you'll scroll through their tweets and find a vareity of comments, they just churn out repetitive tweets and very rarely change subjects.

I had a look at one the other day - a 'doctor' from Denmark - and among all her conspiracy theory posts were many whinging tweets about how she hadn't got any money from this new scheme where prolific verified tweeters were getting payouts. Her moaning could have been summed as up "but I do so much grifting and I thought I'd got it right, but my payout was $0 while X got $22,000 and his tweets weren't viewed as much as mine". Could you be any more transparent?!
Nah me neither, their football careers were before my time tbf, I mainly know them as pundits (or ex pundit in Le Tissier’s case lmao).
Yeah honestly, once you see the grift a lot of these ‘celebrities’ and influencers who heavily promote conspiracy theories are pulling, you realize just how lucrative it is. Most influencers manipulate their followers into opening their pockets for merch, books or just giving donations to gofundme’s for dubious causes, but I imagine if you’re an influencer with a large following of CTists then they’re even easier to manipulate as they’re so committed to their views and beliefs.
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Sideboard Bob

VIP Member
I just did some investigating and read that he said show gratitude to water will make it clean.

Surely a mickey take?
You’d think, but he seems to believe it. He’s full-on ant-vax, was on a CT podcast when he said that, and has #thegreatawakening in his profile.
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Also if the world goes to shit and Putin shuts down the banks,
As the saying goes, "and so it begins" :eek:

The permitted existence of the digital rouble officially began on the 1st August, though I'm not sure if any have actually been issued yet.

OTOH if there's technology difficulties then they could issue the digital currency virtually and give people some sort of secure/stamped paper receipt or certificate of ownership of said digital money, maybe with a serial number and holograms on it... :cool:
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Lead is pretty fine as long as you don't injest it, tbf. Doesn't make his theory any less dumb though.
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