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Chatty Member
Just wait until they find out that every single one of those had consumed tomatoes or tomato products within the previous six months, and at least 82% of them had received fake-sender SMS messages :eek:

People don't need to make things up, the facts clearly speak for themselves. I know I had previously used ice cream as a base line for death rates but new information came to light so of course it I followed the scientific method and have updated the hypothesis as above to now use a fruit-based algorithm.

In principle the ice cream hypothesis was fine but became overly complicated due to incorrect assumptions on content and an unexpectedly high incidence of sliced banana.
I blame the di-hydrogen monoxide myself! 🤓
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Apologies for the double post, but I spotted this on the GB News thread and I had to share it here.

Which one of you pesky anti conspiracy theorists is the guy in glasses? 😂
Hahahaha amazing, it’s good to finally start seeing some pushback against these parasitic CT narratives which have proliferated so much over the past few years. I also think there needs to be a serious crackdown on HCP who are promoting antivax views because it’s becoming ridiculous now and some of them are blatantly abusing their positions of power.
I think if you are actually a HCP (although tbf, the majority of CTists who I see claiming to be doctors or nurses online are just blatantly lying about it) who gets reported to the GMC/NMC/GPhC or whichever the relevant regulatory body for your profession is for spouting dangerous anti medicine or anti science views to patients, you should be forced to undergo some sort of additional training before being allowed to practice or at least to work for the NHS again. The taxpayer shouldn’t be forking out on wages for someone so blatantly incompetent.

Imo most of the prominent antivax doctors like Dr Aseem Malhotra and Dr David Cartland don’t even believe the nonsense stuff they spout online, I think it’s all just part of a massive grift for them! Cartland in particular advertises private GP appointments and ‘medical advice from someone who has never administered a single covid vaccine’ at the top of his account… it’s clear he sees his large antivax following as nothing more than a huge money maker. I dread to think how many CTists have opened their pockets up to him just because of the stuff he says online 🤦‍♀️.
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You can get pre-paid debit cards that aren't attached to you specifically, iirc. That would work for that.
I've used them myself but I dont think they are a good option for those who want to give money to homeless. As in all honesty most of us are lazy & thatd take effort unlike just giving whatever is in our pocket.
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I've only just started reading this QAnon-debunking Reddit thread (mostly, because, my partner's mum is deep in the Q-hole and the more I read the more I think - WTF). It's hilarious but it's also bloody worrying.

This can't pass without comment Sure ,yuppers🤣 : r/Qult_Headquarters ( Looks like May, June and July are going to be busy months.

"The program will suffer changes if the situation requires it" :rolleyes: doesn't it always?

Sun. 21 May 6 pm EST Live stream on CBKNews121: JFK Jr., Elvis, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, Michael Jackson (?!?!?!), Lady (?) Diana, Steve Jobs
View attachment 2157513
Tues. 25 July 2023: "Queen Diana Coronation"?!?! :eek:
View attachment 2157548
From what little I know about Q-theories - isn't it supposedly the Cabal / global elites who are into child trafficking / abuse / harvesting adrenochrome yet they're heralding the reappearance of Michael Jackson? The truthers (seem to) want to rid the world of them and save these children (which is an honourable endeavour, of course). So how MJ plays a part in all this, I've no idea.

Reddit seems to think there must be Russian troll farms at work - to see who takes these crazy social media posts as gospel - I must admit I'm beginning to wonder.

(Though, please do read some of those Reddit threads, with or without a tinfoil hat. The comments on many of them are really funny).
Stuff like that is so extreme that you do wonder if it's bot farms or just trolls at play. I just find it hard to believe anyone truly thinks that kind of thing is going to play out.

I did have a read through some of the comments, though, and had a good laugh.
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theres situations where a card payment isnt best, like if you want to give money to the homeless for example.
You can get pre-paid debit cards that aren't attached to you specifically, iirc. That would work for that.
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Not exactly about that but the belief rather than the earth is flat (personally fascinated why someone can be so quite frankly and blunt stupid and ignorant), rather is a myth that people certainly in the medieval period and prior (up to a point) thought the earth was flat, since about 240BCE most educated people knew the Earth isn't, was a Greek Mathematician Eratosthenes in exactly that year whom calculated the circumference of Earth with remarkable accuracy and not only that it had a tilt, again with amazing accuracy.

The likely hood of the increased number of people who thought people before them believed the Earth wasn't spherical came quite essentially from some of those in the Victorian era when looking at paintings like The Garden of Earthly Delights (does have a globe looking object in it (like a dome) with a flat plane of Earth within it in the painting, giving them the idea that people 100s of years prior thought it was flat, but most educated people didn't.
If only grifter rapper B.o.B had been able to raise the money he needed to send a satellite up to space, we could’ve put this entire flat earth thing to bed once and for all!
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What's worrying about all this (and Phil Godlewski is not the only "truther" pushing this GESARA / silver / gold shill) is that an older lady could be spending money on silver that's worth far less than she's paying up for / she could potentially not be making repayments on the assumption banks will collapse soon / gold and silver will be the new currency / having XRP funds will be part of this new system. She seems to think millions are heading her way soon as she has money invested in silver and XRP. And she won't be the only one.

She also says we should all empty our bank accounts (or at least, make sure we have plenty of cash put away and food stashed) for the impending transition.

Don't get me wrong, something is afoot (eg, Credit Suisse collapsed and they endured scandal after scandal in recent years) but this isn't how it's going to play out. Credit Suisse - The Worst Bank on Earth? - YouTube

As for Phil Godlewski's history with the law authorities, apparently he also has fraud charges against him in the past. (Some on Twitter have been posting documents over the last few days).
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There was a survey years ago about what people thought was fiction and what was real.

A small, but very real percent of people surveyed thought that -

- the Titanic a fictional story

- War Of The Worlds really happened

- the Battle Of Helms Deep was a real historical event
To be fair, Helms Deep sounds like something that could have been around the same time as Hastings, Stamford Bridge etc. - if you've never seen or read LOTR 😂 (I mean sounds real in name only to be clear. Not the orcs, elves etc haha)
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If it's the one I'm thinking of, nobody actually stormed anything, iirc a Glastonbury council(?) meeting, the part where a member of the public can present a topic of concern.

Clip did the rounds several months after the event, undated so treated as news... Not sure the town had ever gone beyond 20 minute neighbourhoods briefly mentioned in passing and deciding the town was too small to bother.

And a crowd of clapping seals is not a regular feature of such meetings, they were there for the show.

It was this one in a Town Hall when the idea wasn't even being discussed or considered by the neighbourhood committee or the Council. They were just being irritating for the most part so "storming" was a bit of a hyperbole

I was trying to find the article today in the morning when I made the post and instead found a whole load of articles, mainly concerning Oxford:

News that the city council adopted a plan to embrace the 15-minute city model prompted fierce backlash, with local groups and public figures alleging that authorities planned to restrict residents to their immediate neighborhoods and strictly police their movements. A rally attend by thousands in Oxford last month claimed to be protesting plans to reconfigure the city as a "Stalinist-style, closed city" and the eventual enslavement of local citizens.

The outrage has been fanned by popular right-wing media figures and politicians, who seized on the issue as an outrageous example of government overreach.

"You will only have 15 minutes of freedom here in the U.K.," said the far-right media personality Katy Hopkins, who compared the scheme to pandemic-era lockdowns and claimed authorities will use facial recognition technology to police residents.

News commentator Mark Dolan denounced the plan as "dystopian," and similarly warned that the city planned to use "numberplate recognition cameras, installed everywhere" to create "a surveillance culture that would make Pyongyang envious."

The issue even made its way to the House of Commons, where Tory MP Nick Fletcher described 15-minute cities as an "international socialist concept" whose ultimate purpose was to "take away personal freedoms."

There's also this article in The Guardian which links to other articles related to this "conspiracy" and how it was seemingly pushed by a few Tories here and there:
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It never really went away during Covid. Remember the vaccine was just a way for George Soros and Bill Gates to be able to track you at all times blah blah 5G blah blah Rothschilds blah blah… you know the drill.
It tracks that these rampant Islamophobes also support the Daesh-affiliated Hamas.
Old-school CTers were at least not that inconsistent.
Yeah you’re totally right. I guess what I mean is that their tune has changed from low level grumbling about the vaccine being part of some plot by the Jewish cabal who run the world to make everything fertile, to straight up supporting a terrorist group because they enjoy seeing innocent Jewish civilians get killed. It’s honestly insane some of the stuff they’re coming out with now.
“Make everything fertile” lol, I wanted to say “make everyone infertile”. Not sure what happened there!
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Wake up guys, the new conspiracy theory just dropped!
They’re killing us with smart meters now 😱
I thought smart meters were already designated as tentacles of the machine apocalypse? Though TBH I'm still not 100% trusting of something that has a remote shutoff (or at least they do in the UK*, 'to help when changing suppliers' was the somewhat interesting reason often given for having this feature that is vulnerable to cockup *and* conspiracy...

as per functional requirement Disable Supply so long as that does not conflict with the Non-Disablement Calendar as per in the specification, specification available from the website

Anyone who doesn't have a smart meter and feels like they are missing out can get the same effect with a 2G phone plugged into a charger. Extra equivalence if the phone has an LCD screen.
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Just saw covid trending on twitter, some poor woman with a autobot type name her poor friend circle as everyone she knows who has been vaxxed.
They've had shingles, skin disease, unexplained not feeling well & turbo aggressive cancers. Then theres me triple vaxxed & i've not even had a cold #blessed :ROFLMAO:
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It's a bit of a reach, isn't it? Airport security is important for the good of everyone, plus those sniffy beagles are really cute.
And you're right, it's something most of us don't get to do often so we're happy to comply.
I think I would add a 'within reason' to that! Just to be on the safe side and to be absolutely clear that there are lines to be drawn because there will always be someone to say 'oh right so you would be fine for passenger preflight inspections with the James Herriot gloves then'... to which the reply 'no I would rather walk'.
Possibly in a very literal sense...
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