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Chatty Member
Does anyone else wonder if some of these conspiracy theories are deliberately invented or promoted to make legitimate questions or concerns also seem ridiculous?

If anyone had told me 40 odd years ago that plastic was dangerous to the environment, I would have laughed. Now I am aware of animals and birds caught in rogue plastic, and how it cant be recycled! So plastic can be dangerous to the environment, but nobody realised it!
Its very George Orwell, and 1984 at the moment, with words and ideas being twisted all over the place!

How can Trump as an impeached ex president be allowed to stand again? Shouldnt the Republicans be using another candidate?
What's crazy is that since there are no laws specifically prohibiting it, so potentially he could be running for the presidency, possibly even elected president from prison. Clearly everyone relied on "gentleman's agreements" for far too long. All it took was one person who doesn't give one toss about rules or laws or any of that to push the system to the edge. Talk about unprecedented times! Things really need to be properly codified, but given the extreme political stratification and the stranglehold the GOP has in certain areas, it's highly doubtful that'll happen anytime soon.
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Yes lol. Realistically, cash isn’t going anywhere. Larger businesses and organizations may be moving away from it, but if you know any small businesses, you’ll know that they absolutely love cash as it allows them to avoid tax more easily lmfao. Where I live, I’d say that most people pay in cash at the shops, it’s rare to see people pay with card.
Also if the world goes to shit and Putin shuts down the banks, do they really think they’ll be smugly lining up to pay in the supermarket with fistfuls of cash whilst the rest of us starve? No darling, I’ll be robbing the place x
Yes, my local corner shop doesn't accept card unless you're paying over a certain amount and it's obvious they prefer cash overall. I also regularly visit a cafe that has a sign saying "card accepted, but cash preferred".

And regarding your latter point I made a very similar point in the cashless society thread, though predictably it got ignored. There'd be looting galore and cash wouldn't be an acceptable currency - it'd be seen as useless metal and paper. Mind you, the same thing applies to preppers. They make videos about their hauls, yet if society went to shit, it wouldn't take long for people to figure out where the preppers live and, well, you can guess the rest.

Though I suppose in the preppers' minds they think they'll run a cosy little self sufficient family should the shit hit the fan. Nice idea and why take it off them?!
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Baby Giraffe

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Funny how a lot of conspiracy theorists think lockdown and the covid era is to blame for pretty much all of western society's ills. Did they think life pre 2020 was perfect? They must have done considering lockdown and covid jabs get the blame for everything. :D
I think it's reasonable to conclude that the covid lockdiwns and associated fear dud have a lot of negative effects on society, I've seen it in my iwn family and the isolation definitely impacted close family members it's also reasonable to be angry and the UK government fir how they behaved. I don't however feel that they arevremiteky competent enough to plan and inact it all on purpose, yhey just aren't that clever.
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In before it gets 'claimed', multiple passport systems down within a relatively short space of time - French passport control for arrivals from britain was broken earlier, currently the UK's passport system for arrivals to britain is on the blink, so is it...
- remarkable coincidence (TBH I put this as less likely)
- everyone doing upgrades to meet recent standards changes
- attack by forces as yet unrevealed
- the WEF, making sure the peasants don't travel
... the cyber polygon AI singularity probing* the systems before it's main attack...?

* like what aliens do but electronically
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I'm old enough to remember when some people absolutely believed that the old monochrome 'green screen' computer monitors gave off harmful 'rays'.
Deny it all you like but it's no coincidence that the matrix was all green screens with undeciperable text, I was having flashbacks to the mad panics of trying to do coursework assignments.with a killing hangover and praying I wouldn't decorate the screen with the fried egg roll I had unwisely scoffed at speed just moments previously.
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I'd totally do this if it wasn't a bloody 24 hour flight to get there.
I love cryptids and ghostie stuff.
Plus I could eat Tunnock's Tea Cakes until I explode.
i would too 🤣 i love scotland and loch ness is beautiful!

it is also one of the few things i kinda believe. especially when you get there and see just how dark the water is, how unique the water pressure/type/depth is and the stuff they’ve picked up on sonar etc. i don’t necessarily believe it’s nessie but it is a very “special” body of water so it wouldn’t surprise me if something big was once in there. poor nessie herself can’t still be around at this point though!
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I did see a tweet a few days ago that more or less explained that the 15 minute cities are controversial purely because people think they will need a license/permission to leave their designated area to another area, and how the Tories could very quickly settle those fears by saying that this won't be the case, even if that was never a policy to begin with (not that it really makes a difference judging by recent events)

Oxford council specifically clarified their position on this too:
Oxford City council have released a statement after receiving online abuse based on the current theories being portrayed on online platforms, which has dispelled many of the myths surrounding the plan.

In essence, some of the facts that have come from the statement are:

  • Six traffic filters are set to be tested for a minimum of six months around Oxford city from 2024. This means that between 7 am and 7 pm, private cars will need a permit to get through. St Cross Road, Thames Street, Hythe Bridge Street and St Clements 7 days a week, Marston Ferry Road and Hollow Way Mon-Sat)
  • Drivers using the filters who do not have a permit, or are not exempt, will face a penalty charge notice of £35, which will increase to £70 if not paid within two weeks.
I tried finding the tweet and funnily enough it comes up with a bunch of videos from China and how they use facial recognition systems and plate readers. It seems that this has been a driving force in the conspiracy spreading and the nonsense in Oxford

I would love to know who came up with the strategy of digging up a situation that happened in early 2023 to win votes though
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You raise a great point! I've seen a few of those videos where senators are grilling people and it makes me think two things... Firstly, why are you grilling people? As politicians aren't we meant to be grilling you? Secondly, like you say, weren't they part of the decision making process themselves?

Yet they get lauded by some as heroes for "having the guts" to ask difficult questions. It feels like a strange parallel universe.
Literally! These politicians who are suddenly “questioning” the pfizer employees (because they realise that appearing to sympathize with antivax rhetoric can win them votes from certain sections of society) were the literally the only ones who had the power to stop certain companies in Australia from demanding that their employees take the vaccine, yet they didn’t…?

Have the CTists completely forgotten this lol?
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Sideboard Bob

VIP Member
Two worlds of conspiracy theory collide!

“Lady Gaga announces partnership with NurtecOTD (Pfizer) in a new Instagram post.”

Re. Pfizer, I’m sure a some anti-vaxxers will have things to say, and re. Gaga, there’s all kinds of Illuminati rumours about her!

ETA. Apologies, I hadn’t noticed I posted this in the middle of a serious discussion.
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Literally! These politicians who are suddenly “questioning” the pfizer employees (because they realise that appearing to sympathize with antivax rhetoric can win them votes from certain sections of society) were the literally the only ones who had the power to stop certain companies in Australia from demanding that their employees take the vaccine, yet they didn’t…?

Have the CTists completely forgotten this lol?
I think it's a case of liking what a person says if they're in agreement - regardless of who they are.

I haven't watched many of the videos myself, but from the senator videos I have seen, they tend to ask leading or unfair questions, such as:

"Isn't it a bad thing that X happened?" rather than "Is it correct that X happened?"

"Tell me in detail about what you did in relation to X, using no more than five words".

Then, when the person tries to say they can't answer a detailed question in a few words (or with a yes or no answer) they interrupt saying things like: "You're not answering the question!" and implying that means immediate guilt. They do it because they know complex questions can't be answered briefly, so it gives the illusion the senator has "won" the debate.

How rich of a politician to complain about someone not answering a question. :ROFLMAO:
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Well-known member
Not making fun of this woman as I think she’s mentally ill, but jfc this was a rollercoaster of a video 😳
Omg. Not wanting to single her out, for the same reason as you, but chriiiist, if ever there was a public service announcement for why we need to encourage people to stick with education (especially maths & science), this'd be it. Or you risk becoming like this. Sadly, mental health public services have fallen right down the crapper in the past decade, especially since covid. Poor woman. 🙁
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Climate change deniers are the dumbest people going. Like, is your brain so tiny it genuinely can’t fathom that temperatures on earth can *change*? 😂 So dim that you possibly comprehend that the ice age happened either?
The funniest thing about them is they’re usually old fucks too (like 70+) who won’t even be around to see what the world is like in 50 years time, so I don’t get why the subject of climate change sends them into such a rage anyway.
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Something of a delayed response from me as I first tried to remember why it seemed a familiar thing, then I tried to figure it out, and then I gave up and several failed searches later found an answer on quora amongst pages and pages on the subject and yes on reading, my response was ffs duh of course it is (etc).

From this I learnt that it was related to some battle between two egyptian gods where one lost an eye and the other lost a testicle, the overall narrative I believe being a sort of merchant's parable to emphasise that the philosophy of 'an eye for an eye' is one of strict exchange, and that one may not simply substitute one type of ball for another.

Why do celebrities cover one eye in their pictures/albums/videos?

*grabs dunce's cap, heads for corner*
I guess there'd be some awkward questions if everyone started covering their crotches.
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Article in Rolling Stone about a Republican candidate with some outrageous views. She's offensive as all get out and believes that the Covid vaccine was invented by the Jewish people and gave her brain cancer.
Apologies if anyone is offended by this article, she goes in hard on Jews and gays. Which is funny because she's Jewish but converted to Christianity.
Ugh, what an absolutely vile piece of work she is. I am so confused - has America always been so unconcerned about racists like this? How could someone like this ever get votes?

I remember watching Louis Theroux’s programme about white supremacists and the way that was presented was that these people are rare in America.
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