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When is their ten years? Because it seems as though they’ve been saying their tens years is so close for years
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I can kind of see where you're coming from but for most people it would be the other way around. I do think he's a fan of the big showy things like getting S Club 3 for her birthday or the fireworks display for her but I think something where he'd talk about how much she means to him or spending the rest of his life with her I don't know if he'd be able to do that so publicly. I mean, he couldn't even manage a nice post for Mother's Day or her birthday. They seem to be on different pages when it comes to marriage anyway, he's said in the past he wants to wait until he's older like his parents and Zoe always said she wanted a ring and a bump by the time she's 30, I know she's said differently lately but I don't know if that's just because she's going along with what Alfie wants.
Yeah there’s no way he’d get too romantic with his words in front of everyone, and that would be his perfect excuse to just say a few words and leave it there 😅 Then Zoe would be lying to herself and others like… “Oh bless him, he didn’t want to get too emotional” Zoe he has nothing to say!
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Do you guys know if tracey and alfies parents ever met? Or spend like day together somewhere? It is really odd that they are again at this big reserve with like 5 people only, im sure it would fit zoes mum, her grandmom would probably loved to spend even 1 day with them, her cousins etc... Weird and sad.
in one of Zoe’s vlogs, she mentioned a present her mum had bought for Amanda (or vice versa, I can’t quite remember). So I assume they get on, or used to 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Regarding the constant need to clarify that any ring she's wearing on that finger is not an engagement ring...


I often wear a ring on that finger, lots of people do, and no one has ever seriously asked me if it's an engagement ring.
I notice that around here, people only suspect it might be an engagement ring when the person wearing it doesn't usually wear rings on any finger, but that's not the case for zoe.

Am I nitpicking? She is so annoying that I struggle to try to understand why she does things lol
Tbf to her she probably gets loads of people asking if she's engaged. I remember I got a present of a ring from my sister and the onlu finger it fit was that finger, it looked nothing like an engagement or wedding ring. I was in work one day and a customer saw it and asked if I was married. I was still in school! I was only like 17 or 18.
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I find it SO weird that she says she’s shown so many people her birth video .. I mean I get having close friends but really I wouldn’t want to see anyone else’s bits N pieces no matter who they are!! It’s like she thinks she some birthing goddess 🤣🤣🤣
Also didnt they have to use forceps on Ottie or something?
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New member
I hate how she looks nowadays. She tries so hard to be „sexy“ and stylish when she just looks stupid and even a bit „bitchy“ most of the Time i am sorry to say🙄🙄🙄🫣also: can we talk about the fact that she didn’t even put her hair back while „working out“ or doing her run? I mean… Isn‘t that sweaty and uncomfortable? No…….. of course she still had to look STYLISH🙄🙄😩
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I’ve always said that the zoella site and Instagram could’ve been really great if they’d been set up and managed better. The first thing should’ve been to drop the zoella name especially if she wanted to attract adults who are say 25-45. Those in that age group just associate her with primark hauls and chubby bunny style challenges. That’s why there was so much outrage at the dildo article it’s the association that people make.

If she was that desperate to keep zoella use that name for a sister site that is more teen and young adult content. An modern online version of sugar and bliss magazine would’ve been fab and a market filler as I don’t believe that content is online much these days.

This way there was still plenty of room for top ten Xmas movie picks for a rainy day and the sex talk especially if the sex talk was done tastefully and not in a desperate attempt to stay relevant.
BIB- I don't know why but this was hysterical to me!! :ROFLMAO: thanks fellow tattler for the laugh this morning
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Ottie was definitely on a small side at birth, 2.8kg is not a big baby at all. Most babies born these days are closer to 8lb which is nearly 4kg. But she was 10 days early, so that explains it partly.
I wonder if we'll ever know how long zoe managed to breastfeed for, but looking at how chubby ottie is now, I'd say she'd been on formula for a while.
Well thats why Zoe was induced as Ottie had stopped growing.
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She is "low key excited" to go food shopping, yet I haven't seen or heard anything from her (or Alfie) that Ottie had her first front teeth! Did I just miss this, or are they so self-centered (is that what you call it?) they don't even share this with their followers? Also, I think she was excited cause she got something gifted for Ottie
Its truely sad... they are just weird about everything even though they have the ability to relax and do nothing they still could not manage one child...
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Chatty Member
Also its odd that Poppy & Sean haven't got engaged either and they have been together for years and have bought a house together.
It’s been drilled into them to wait it out. Tbh if their parents are happily married it’s no wonder they follow their rule book.
The bit where he announces a surprise and all her female friends turn to look at her/gather round her and then once its revealed that its just the fireworks the looks on their faces... says it all.
I also refuse to believe this wasnt deliberate on Alfies part, he's not THAT stupid. And i think everyone there knew that.
That’s just cruel of him. Thoughtlessness is no excuse. He acts likes he’s in his early 20s. Probably thinks of himself as a young dad to boot.
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Zoella has been posting this junk well before maddie became managing director last year…
She’s been heading up zoella since January 2020 according to LinkedIn. It was only in September last year that she jumped from Gleam to Zoella.
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