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It’s so uncomfortable knowing she’s acting so normal and if I’m honest the photos all look staged like she’s called the paparazzi
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George Harrison wasn’t there either, remember, but then again she did have that crazy meltdown trying to claim she was his secret number 1 hoe. His family probably didn’t went a fight to break out
George Harrison kindly requests that you keep his name out of this mess 🤣
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Careful , all the Yaz supporters who think she is innocent in all this might come running .

Yaz caused that car crash with Jake . Yaz has got away with murder . Yaz is a narcissistic brat . Yaz also flew out to see an ex who she blasted as beating her and knew he was with various other girls .

She was banned for a reason at the funeral . All his other side hoes were there . This whole manifesting crap is a way to boost her following . Girl has no soul .
She’s a dickhead, stuff doesn’t add up and she’s definitely a moron for not wearing a seatbelt but your comments on this thread about her are something else 😂 nobody can prove or back it up whatever you think MAY of happened. Mummy thought Jake was an angel, yet hasn’t come to his defence about being drunk yet has she? 👀
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Do you know what it doesn't surprise me in the slightest with her, as I was thinking gurantee within a month or so she will be back to filming on towie, and I called it right. As not trying to be disrespectful here, but she acted similar when her nan died as it was taking a break from instagram to process all of this, then less then a week or even before the week was out she was back to posting on insta, yes I know everybody is different, so will deal with grief differently from the next person.
But Yaz to me has always come across as very superficial and is addicted to the fame lifestyle, so with her it's straight back to what she knows and loves. So in that sense she's really no different from that Georgia chick, who was grieving for a minute, then it was straight back on insta like Jake's death never happened.Each to their own I guess.
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No one will ever know how a pissed up, coked up bloke driving in the dark in a foreign country crashed his car. Must have been her fault.
Are you his muvver by chance?:ROFLMAO:
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Lilly long

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I personally think he must have cared for Lauren the most as he was with her 5 year
Yaz wasn’t with him that long .. she went away with Lauren and their 2 nieces when her and Lockie split and came home and was with Jake for a few weeks then she was with Alfie Best and Stephen Bear.. she got back with Lockie and then they split in Dubai and she was with Jake straight after for a couple of months around her birthday .. she posted her big haul of presents then came back to Uk stated on Towie she was after being seen someone’s but it shouldn’t have happened.. then went back to Dubai around Xmas got back with Jake posted him for the first time in her stories both out of it then a few weeks later the incident in the club in Dubai happened she comes home to Uk and then starts setting up her domestic violence retreat.. is seen back with Locke him coming out of her house .. Lockie is seen back with Megan Yaz goes to Turkey to Jake .. it probably could have been a number of different girls with Jake that weekend but unfortunately it was a Yaz and she has to live with the speculation of what happened in that car
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What a weird fucking caption to put after experiencing someone dying in a car crash .. Yeah Yaz because that awful accident happened ‘for you’ to benefit I’m sure and be able to get more followers and to be able to sell tickets to your retreat 🙃 I can’t believe people are encouraging her bullshit . Why hasn’t her family told her to get off social media . If this wellness team she goes on about so much had any sense they would be telling her that .


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I agree. It was the same over on lauren goodgers thread everybody was sending condolences over little lorena passing away then not even a week later bodyshaming her other little girl. Just doesnt sit right with me everybody deals with grief differently.
Totally agree with you, that thread leaves such a bad taste in my mouth it’s vile
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Jackie Brown

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Absolutely! I'd be mortified to find out that the guy I was dating / sleeping with had a harem of women who all think they're the main player. I wouldn't be announcing it via IG or any other social media. It seems that whoever was available that night / weekend would be the one spending time with Jake.

I do agree though, with whoever said yesterday that out of all his women that Lauren Goodger was the one who meant the most to him. He was actually very open and public about her and he seemed in love. Though he was most likely cheating on her, so who knows.
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Chatty Member
I feel sorry for his victims during this seeing idiots like Georgia gush over someone who did something so horrific to them
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I am sure everyone here felt sorry for her recently, and are aware that we all grieve differently, but I am sorry, this behaviour isn't normal. It feels so disrespectful.
It's also not normal that literally a month after you have suffered a trauma such as death, that you would be ready to go back on a TV show that's based on glitz and glamour. And from the way her break was described, I'm totally flabbergasted that in only a month she fully able to have use of that arm.
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Lilly long

VIP Member
So it wasn’t Yasmin’s fault then. Wonder what his mum will say now. Can’t believe anyone doubted for a moment that he would’ve been over the limit. He could’ve killed Yazmin or someone else.
Stupid girl getting in the car with him known he’d been drinking.. no one knows what happened In the car a row could have broke out .. these are just toxicology findings .. she’s lucky to be alive ..
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I hope this doesn’t sound ruthless but after seeing Ella Wise filming in the days following the crash - if TOWIE are mining this tragedy for content for their flailing show then I really hope they at least have the decency to compensate Yaz for it, or at least provide decent aftercare/private medical for her. And also provide a platform for her to share the story appropriately. It’s within their power to do all of that!

There’s definitely slight overlap between this and some of the darker things that have happened with reality tv stars and it always feels like ITV is the channel involved…… 🙃
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I’d be getting myself down to an GUM clinic if i was these women . Forget the interviews and Instagram updates
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Sorry but the article to me was just off. It seemed her story was put together in a very thought out calculated way

‘she was sleeping’ to take away from the fact she was potentially arguing with him or distracting him when driving
‘They were perfect’ take away from the fact that witnesses saw them arguing at the club before they got in the car that night

I think the pap pictures were inadvertently done to show her holding something in her hand to show there was no amputation. the whole thing article and pictures seems staged.
Personally if I had just been in a car crash that killed someone I loved I would be terrified to step foot in a car, she also says she has good and bad days it’s only been 2 weeks just find the whole thing bizarre !
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If anything she needs to learn from this that you don’t go chasing men around the world. She did it with lockie flew to him in another country cutting her girls holiday short now she’s flying to turkey to be with a man who abused her and look how that turned out! I feel sorry for her but to come out and say all that about how you were going to get back together has made her look stupid especially with the likes of Georgia making out she was on and off with him too! She should have kept quiet really as it’s no one’s business and up to the enquiry to work out what happened. I thought she would have learnt from this but no she still wants to be the centre of attention by the looks of things
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