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I’ve defended Yaz a lot but I am starting to wonder if she’s exaggerated what she went through and her injuries for sympathy and maybe a bit of survivors guilt? His family have come across the type to point fingers - why is she not injured at all and he’s dead type of thing maybe.
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This is exactly why there was silence when it came to Jakes death.. people can tip toe round him all they want but he was a criminal a sick one at that. His poor mother and family is who I feel for. My heart goes out to yaz I wouldn't wish what she has went through on anybody but girl you are the company you keep I hope it is grow up time we already know shes been in some serious toxic environments that have or could have put your life at risk!! Money is the route of all evil I wish these women would stop putting every other moral aside when it comes to men with money!!
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A bandage.....after saying she had to snap her arm to get out of the car 🥱🥱🥱🥱

Let's face it, she was fucking him behind his real gf's back and the family don't want the toxicology report as it'll show that he was off his face on drink and drugs.

He epitomised the pricks who kill themselves and others by their own Wreckless actions
Oh but he was such a cheeky chappy that had so many women on the go which showed just how much he was loved. Sick of hearing that line.
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And all the girls who follow the likes of yaz and Lauren and want their lifestyles thinking you have to put up with abuse to get anywhere. They all need to disappear into the holes they were dragged out of
Thank you. We don’t need our daughters, granddaughters, nieces, cousins, friends, any young women to see this fast kind of lifestyle as idealistic.
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Chatty Member
The bereaved mother will be raging at these pictures won’t she, she looks like she doesn’t have a care in the world. Not that I know what she should look like after something like that. It just seems…I don’t know, off? To be filming I mean?
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I don’t like Yaz. I think she’s toxic and a bit of a twat but I think it’s horrid how all the ex girlfriends, flings, bits of the sides were all invited and included and she’s been closed out. I understand his family have to grief and heal but I feel to deal with their grief they’ve put blame onto someone else who went through trauma herself. (Albeit over exaggerated her injuries)

I dislike how it’s being made into this Yaz vs. Them situation and she’s being played out as the villain. Like a pack of dogs really.

side note, and again think she’s a proper test but I’m genuinely surprised by how Lauren is handling this. I feel like she’s handled with dignity which is pretty surprising for her 😂😂
I agree. From what we’ve seen his mother was one of those women that thought her son could do no wrong and nothing was his fault which no doubt contributes as to why he was the way he was. You know the expression, when you point the finger at someone there’s more pointing back on yourself…
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Well-known member
If you put yourself in his mums shoes it’s very easy to not like yaz, she rubbished his name on the internet as an abuser then went back to him and being partly the reason he was at that place at the wrong time which led to the accident, she probably wanted their toxic relationship to end months ago
Jake was still a grown man and able to make decisions for himself - he participated in the relationship willingly and as much as she did. Putting all the blame on Yaz is unfair imo, no smoke without fire.
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How on earth did he have time to keep all these women on the go?! I bet every single one of them thought they were his world. As if his death wasn’t upsetting enough for those who knew him, imagine finding out the person you loved and thought loved you, also “loved” about 15 other girls!
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Active member
What I don’t get is why it’s ok for people to assume Jake caused this accident? He has died and has family and no one actually knows what’s happened but when someone suggests it could’ve been Yaz’s fault it’s suddenly uncalled for? She’s openly been in a lot of toxic relationships even before James and always fought with her ex’s... how does anyone know she didn’t grab the wheel or do something to cause the accident? No one knows! so if people are going to say it’s disgusting to suggest she isn’t innocent then the same people shouldn’t be agreeing it was all Jake’s fault either.. as once again no one knows.

Personally I find Yaz’s story about everything being ‘perfect’ and amazing between them and her apparently being sound asleep when it happened absolute bullshit but that’s just me. I don’t think anyone will ever really know though.
I have to say I kind of agree with you here. What makes me feel uncomfortable about it all is she is obviously lying about a lot of stuff. I’m not saying it is her fault at all with this but I strongly believe she is one toxic, manipulative, abusive little mare! I don’t believe for a second about Yaz saying they were perfect and in a really good place. But I 100 percent believe they were arguing like crazy before it happened. But I just still think the blame ultimately lies with Jake. They sound like they were both as bad as each other and it could have happened to either one of them.
I’ve known some toxic people in my life unfortunately, they never change, never learn. Just go from one disaster to the next playing the victim and carry on with their selfish behaviour.
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Chatty Member
If you put yourself in his mums shoes it’s very easy to not like yaz, she rubbished his name on the internet as an abuser then went back to him and being partly the reason he was at that place at the wrong time which led to the accident, she probably wanted their toxic relationship to end months ago
She never once rubbished his name or accused him of being an abuser. She said at some point she was in an abusive relationship but never named names. People knew it was him because he publicly punched her in the face
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Careful , all the Yaz supporters who think she is innocent in all this might come running .

Yaz caused that car crash with Jake . Yaz has got away with murder . Yaz is a narcissistic brat . Yaz also flew out to see an ex who she blasted as beating her and knew he was with various other girls .

She was banned for a reason at the funeral . All his other side hoes were there . This whole manifesting crap is a way to boost her following . Girl has no soul .
Oh for fucks sake, not this bullshit again. She’s not perfect but she’s not a murderer. She wasn’t driving, he was.
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New member
Why would you go to his funeral after you found something like that out? I’d be too embarrassed!
Because each of them actually believes they were his woman and the others were not !!!! The delusion is high with this group. Their whole lifestyle is a lie / fantasy.
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VIP Member
If you put yourself in his mums shoes it’s very easy to not like yaz, she rubbished his name on the internet as an abuser then went back to him and being partly the reason he was at that place at the wrong time which led to the accident, she probably wanted their toxic relationship to end months ago
Or you could realise that wherever there is toxicity her son tends to be at the centre of it… prison, dangerous driving before, several women on the go.
If he wasn’t in a toxic relationship with Yasmin it would have been some poor other women.

will be interesting to see if he was drinking and what she will say to that
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Chatty Member
The latest news article says she fears being banned from Jakes's funeral. His family must be super upset with her or know something if that happens.
The family ate clearly unhappy with her and I don’t blame them. On top of his previous reputation she also made him out to be a womanising cheat, inviting Georgia to Turkey then using Yaz as second best.

If she really was in a previous serious relationship with him then she would have gone and offered private condolences to the family. I don’t think their relationship was serious in any capacity, she was a quick shag between women as she has no self respect

And as for people coming into this thread bashing Yaz, her lifestyle choices and saying she won’t change, perhaps she just enjoys a different life to you? We don’t all have to be the same. She probably thinks it’s sad we spend some of our free time on a gossip forum I don’t think we can judge. We should all be doing better things with our time
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Yeh I had a little 😬 moment when they were saying that. She was acting so weird and entitled this episode she never used to be this insufferable. And Junaid seems so forced and fake too.
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Well-known member
Oh god. I know the world really does keep spinning after any awful event or death and it’s good she’s not sat at home depressed but idk, filming for ITV who are mining your trauma for content to sell ad space against feels a bit out of the fire into the frying pan? :/
Quite shocked by this tbh but I’m trying not to judge
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VIP Member
I’m sorry but Yaz is getting on my nerves now. I find it so weird with influencers they will use anything for clout!

Fucksake Yazmin you have gone through something g traumatic nobody needs your posey pics. Go away and recover !

Sorry it doesn’t shed her in a good light at all.
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