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VIP Member
Weighed in this morning at 90.4/199.3lb
Pleased with how I’m doing but think I’m optimistic with my goals. 4 weeks until holiday and I’m not going to lose 5kg/12lbs. I’ll be happy to lose 5lbs tbh. Haven’t got too many plans either so should be able to be on plan.
Might reconsider my Christmas goal too, change it to my holiday goal. I’m not feeling too bad about myself atm
Weighed in today 89.7kg/197.5lbs

happy with that and still a week until my holiday
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Lola UK

VIP Member
Today I’ve had rye toast with jam on and I went to the gym! My first session, only burnt 300 cals according to my app but I’m actually happy with that, you’ve got to start somewhere haven’t you?! 😀😀😀

I’ve got plans this weekend so I’m not going to be calorie counting or restricting ☺ I’ll be healthy eating again Tuesday. Have a lovely weekend everyone! ☀☀☀
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03/01 - 92.6kg
19/01 - 91.2kg
I got to 89.7 in October then went on holiday a week later so would like to try and get back there
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It is painfully slow…but hang in there! The 10s are only a whisker away for you! I’m hovering at 11st 5. I’d love to be hitting 11 stone 0!!!
You'll be there in no time!
I am really pleased to be where I am but mentally I always struggle getting into the 10s, and also with being the higher end of a stone bracket again, so I know I will find the next 4-5lbs really tough. We will all get there though 💪
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New member
Joining today
Currently 109kg, I'm 32, 5foot 6 and about a size 18.
I'm going back to work after Christmas and want yo fit into clothes I already have instead of buying new!!
I know I need to eat healthier and move more but I don't want to get obsessed with calorie numbers and steps so I am going to build up better habits, starting with drink 2L water a day and getting out for a walk every day.
My goal is to get to 100kg initially and I'm aiming to lose the first 5kg at least by Christmas!!
I am going to weigh daily as it keeps me focused and I like to see my average over the week.
Will try to do a daily check in here in the evenings.

9 weeks to Christmas (I think!)
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Weigh in day today and I’m down to 159lbs, a pound and a half off! Delighted to finally get back under 160, especially after that really heavy weekend. I’m really hoping to get down to 155 (pre wedding weight) by my holiday at the end of Sept but I do have a booze filled weekend away before then so as long as I lose a bit or don’t put on I won’t be mad!
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Pleasantly surprised to report a 2.3kg loss for this week. 97.7kg.
Wasn't really depriving myself foodwise, but did take dogs for a couple of walks yesterday which took three hours in total.
Perhaps was subconsciously aware that I'd committed to posting on this thread each week? Anyhoo, quite chuffed. Though I'm bloody sore today!
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I've totally given up with the challenge tbh 🙈 but have been maintaining my weight so I'm okay with that. My head just isn't in it at the moment. Not sure if it's the weather or my depression or what.
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Yesterday was a complete fail, went out with the kids in the morning and the plan was to be home for lunchtime but nobody wanted to go home yet and we ended up in kfc 🤦🏻‍♀️ I didn’t have dinner but had a bowl of cereal later in the evening. Didn’t bother tracking calories at all yesterday. Kids are back to school next week so it’ll be easier to stay on track.

But, Monday mornings are my weigh in day and I had lost 1lb. I’m still struggling to accept that a 1lb loss is good, I think this comes from my slimming world days and everyone competing for the biggest losses
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VIP Member
You've done really well but what do the green shade, red shade and vertical black lines mean?
This is from an app called Happy Scale. The black lines are the weights I’ve logged, green is a downwards trend and red is an upwards trend, the line in the centre is my averaged/trending weight
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I’m 33, 6ft.
Currently weight 93.6kg/206.3lbs
Mini goal (holiday) 85kg/187.3lbs
Christmas goal weight 80kg/176.3lbs

A few weeks a go I got down to 90kg, but I’ve had a few weeks off with covid, a festival and attending a wedding. Today is a new day.

Breakfast will be overnight oats
Lunch will be a chicken nourish meals from Morrisons
Tea will be spag bol that I’m about to put in the slow cooker

Also planning on taking gym stuff to work and going straight from there 👌🏼
93.6kg 24/08
91.7kg 03/09

Weekends I do struggled with as normally go for breakfast with pals and there’s only full English on the menu, just of various sizes. I have plenty food in the fridge to keep on plan over the weekend though.
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VIP Member
B: Weetabix, oat milk, berries, chia seeds
L: Fish fingers(!), peas, potatoes, ketchup
D: Tuna (oh no I now realise I had fish twice in one day 🫠), brown rice, rocket, sweet chilli sauce
S: Oat milk latte
Calories: 1,401
E: 30 mins on the indoor bike
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Lola UK

VIP Member
I weighed on Sunday and I had lost 2 pounds! So 10 stone 5 now.
I’m still trying to go to the gym (not every day) and eating well so hopefully I’ll see another pound off 😬 I’ll weigh Friday morning I think.
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Chatty Member
Okay fall of the wagon big time but started today with Oatmeal with Oatmilk and little bit of cinnamon. Tracking it in my fitness pal
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VIP Member
B: Weetabix, chia seeds, oat milk
L: Chicken wrap from Leon, iced latte
D: Lemon salmon and couscous
S: Oat latte
E: Lots of walking as I went round a gallery today
Cals: 1,472
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VIP Member
I’m the exact same weight as you! I’ve fallen off the wagon real bad this past month I just feel horrid in my body and not myself.
I’m thinking of starting fasting as that always works for me. Water fast through the day and have dinner. I always have more energy when I do this too? Just need to keep off the sweets and snacking
Yes I love IF, I need to get back on it!

I weighed again after a good day yday and was back under 11 stone 7 so some of it must be bloat. I feel very 'diet fatigued' at the moment.
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Is anyone else trying to lose weight with their partner? my husband is losing weight quicker than me (he's definitely better at self control and doesn't have a sweet tooth or a thyroid problem like I do) and Im happy for him but I also want to have a tantrum XD

weight: 79.4kg
breakfast: high fibre oats with strawberry jam (ran out of berries)
lunch: broccoli and tomato quiche
dinner: carbonara
snacks: multiple cups of tea with milk
exercise: 30min cross trainer, chest press, shoulder press

normally eat more fresh veg/salads than this day but Sunday = run out of everything until Monday lol
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@Spoke what’s the app you’re losing to track inches? I’m really bad at this and need to do it!

This one :) It only tracks a few things in the free version but I don’t want to spend too long faffing with the measuring tape anyway
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Weight has gone up, but inches are going down?? currently at 93kg but lost 1.5” around the waist??
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Just posting now to make myself accountable! My birthday this weekend (I’m not eating All Bran on my birthday 😂) so first weigh day will be Tuesday. I appreciate a lot of people like to measure, but I’m a numbers girl. I’d ideally like to get under 11 stone before Christmas, but a whole stone off before then would be amazing. Best of luck to all trying 😊
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