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Had such a weird weekend of food. Saturday I was at a party so didn’t count anything and just enjoyed but really didn’t eat much then yesterday I literally had porridge and spaghetti hoops on toast; came home from work and fell asleep without dinner 😅 think it must be coming up to totm because I’m now 2lbs heavier despite eating barely anything. Going to not weigh myself for the week if it is.

Goal for this week is to get down to 262lbs so I’ll have lost a stone.
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I did my first weekly weigh in today and lost 4lbs last week! That definitely won't continue and neither would it be sustainable anyway. I'm just logging on MFP (my daily allowance is 1722 kcal) and I have a treadmill and spin bike set up so that exercise is easy.

I'm a teacher and will struggle more once term starts again I think.
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This is a great idea 🥰
Current weight: 86kg
Christmas goal weight: 80kg

That said, I’ve lost no weight over the last month or so but I’ve been swimming a lot and I think I’ve toned up a fair bit! Starting running again once the heat goes away, looking forward to getting back on track 🥰
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Welp, I've walked nearly 21 miles this week (I only count walking for exercise, not walking just going about my life), not eaten any crisps 💪, and not eaten too badly (not "well" tho, I'll be honest). I've lost 2.6kg/ 5.7lb.
I really would like to see off a further 3.3kg/ 7.2lb off by the end of the month.

I wish someone would physically lock the kitchen door in the evenings, I'm so weak and snacky then!
I’ve eaten all the good stuff so I can’t be tempted 🤣

My healthy eating started yesterday, I just need motivation to move!
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I had a horrifically heavy weekend with booze and food. Was at a family wedding on Saturday and got carried away with my cousin doing tequila shots, and that then de-railed me on Sunday!

Trying to undo all the damage this week so yesterday I had boiled eggs with light philadelphia and ryvita, morrocan-style chicken and squash with couscous salad and then homemade fish finger sandwich and salad for dinner. Today’s been the same breakfast and lunch and having homemade peri peri chicken with homemade chips and salad tonight.

I went out for a 5 mile run yesterday but I was still rough so I only managed 2 and then walked 4 miles. Today I’ve done 40 mins spinning and 30 mins full bodystrength but I’m still feeling a but lethargic from the weekend, so annoyed wt myself!
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Joining: saw this thread on Sunday just after I'd weighed myself and thought it might make me more accountable+! ie hopefully succeed

Currently 99kg @5' 6". Would like to loose 1kg/wk = 83kg by Christmas. Being more realistic even if I lose 1 lb/wk would be a result.
Walk my 2 dalmatians every day, minimum 1 hr. Contemplating returning to gym as well. Ironically I studied to be a dietician ~20 yrs ago so know the theory etc. But emotional eating has taken its toll. Essay over!
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Start weight 198.5 Lbs/ 90kg 7/7/22

Current weight 181.5 Lb/ 82.32kg 15/9/22

Just a little half a Lb off last week but it got me down to the next stone! I’ve been back to the gym which is positive… been every day before work (5 times so far) but since going back to the gym my appetite has increased so I’ve ate a bit more junk than I had been.

I did set a target of 3lb loss this week but I can’t see that happening. I’ll be happy with anything really. It’s a journey after all isn’t it
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I’m 33, 6ft.
Currently weight 93.6kg/206.3lbs
Mini goal (holiday) 85kg/187.3lbs
Christmas goal weight 80kg/176.3lbs

A few weeks a go I got down to 90kg, but I’ve had a few weeks off with covid, a festival and attending a wedding. Today is a new day.

Breakfast will be overnight oats
Lunch will be a chicken nourish meals from Morrisons
Tea will be spag bol that I’m about to put in the slow cooker

Also planning on taking gym stuff to work and going straight from there 👌🏼
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I’m feeling rubbish now… I had a tooth out last Thursday and it’s just made eating well really difficult as I’m full of ulcers and still in pain.

If I track on MFP I am still in a calorie defecit this week I’m eating about 1200 a day on average (allowance is 1340) but if I am counting syns on SlimmingWorld app then I’ve had a shit load. Basically just because little snacks like a cake bar or a chocolate go down easier than a big salad that hurts my mouth when I chew 😢

It’s also my reason for not going back to the gym yesterday which was the plan. I just can’t exercise when I’m in pain… sorry for the moan. I just have been so good for 2 months and this is making me feel grim.

Weigh day is Thursday for me so we’ll see how it goes. Even though I’ve had a calorie defecit I’ve eaten junk so think I might gain or maintain x
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Lola UK

VIP Member
I’ve only lost a pound this week! Argh! It’s been my period week so maybe that’s why..

I guess it’s going in the right direction 🙈 just want it to happen more quickly!

I’m going to go to the gym tonight and have a healthier weekend
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35 years old. 5ft 4in. 3 kids. Semi sedentary job.
Start weight 198.5 Lbs/ 90kg 7/7/22
Current weight 186 Lb/ 84.3kg 18/08/22
Christmas target 168 Lb/ 76.2kg
Ultimate Target weight 140 Lb/ 63.5kg
Im now down to 80.7kg and really giving myself a push to get into the 70s in the next week or 2! I’ve got back on the food wagon and been exercising too! Still aiming for that 2 stone loss by Christmas xx
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I’ve taken a break from weighing myself. I’ve been under my calories every day since New Year’s Day and yet the scales continue to rise. I really don’t want to become disheartened and want to stay consistent so I’ll weigh myself in a few weeks maybe.
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Will anyone be up for a January challenge? I bit the bullet and signed up for a 3 month online coaching plan so I'm definitely planning to take this more seriously in the new year
I'm definitely up for a Jan challenge.
I'm two pounds heavier than in August when I started the Christmas challenge. It all went a bit wrong so I'm relieved it's only a 2lbs gain since then.

I've signed up for a 7 week online coaching which starts on Monday 9th Jan, so I'm hoping to see results quickly, although I do actually need to track my cals properly for it to be a success!

My husband has actually suggested McDonald's breakfast this morning and I've said no, so I'll take that as a small win.
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This thread seems to have died a bit - anyone still going?

Today's weight: 11 stone 2. Seems to be slowing right down now.

2 lbs off my Christmas target with a week to go; if I get 1 more lb off I'd be happy with that to be honest! Not bad to be 1lb out.
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Pinhead Larry

Chatty Member
Going to be a struggle this weekend, as we're away in Wales for the weekend so no gym, and we have meals out booked every night, also it'd be rude not to have a chippy by the sea 😳. Hoping to get a lot of steps in so I can potentially have lost something when I weigh on Wednesday
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I've been losing weight very slowly since the beginning of the year, managed 6 kg so far but I'd like to lose 6-7 kg more. Perhaps having a deadline will help.

My first checkpoint will be early November, when I'm supposed to visit my doctor for blood work so I'd like to have better results by then.

Height: 5'4" / 1.63m
Starting weight: 71.5 kg/158 lbs
Current weight: 65 kg/144 lbs
Eventual goal weight: 57 kg/125 lbs

I won't be too bothered if I've not reached my goal by Christmas, as long as I'm sticking to better habits and losing the extra weight, it'll be fine. It's definitely doable but I have ED history and still struggle sometimes, so I don't intend to turn this into a downward spiral. Good luck everyone.
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Up a kilo, which considering the fish and chips, fancy mexican meal and 🍹🍹🍹 is okay by me!

B: Overnight weetabix
L: Leftover chicken fajita, whole meal wrap
D: Roast sweet potato, tuna, salad
S: Hummus and cucumber
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Have joined the thread for a bit if new year motivation.

I have lost and gained the same 8lbs for the last 3 years and I reeeally need to grt my arse in gear now as I have around 4 stone to lose.

Hoping for 8lbs off in January
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Yesterday was really not my day. Over the weekend I got in a really weird mood that left my brain completely unable to function properly. Dragged myself to the office this morning which is probably a good thing and will get back on track today

Does anyone have experience with those 10.000 steps workout videos on youtube?
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Pinhead Larry

Chatty Member
Disappointed I weighed 88.2kg this morning, a 0.2kg rise :rolleyes: Putting it down to my weekend away, hormones everywhere because I had my contraceptive injection and the fact my evening meal was potentially salty 😅

B - Muller Corner 167 cals
L - Beef Koka noodles 394 cals
D - Minted lamb steak, mash, kale, broccoli and gravy Hopefully less than 940 cals
E - 30 mins fast row
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