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Kim Mild

VIP Member
I've been eyeing up some boots , they're a bit pricy so I thought about saving up and getting them in the autumn. I saw some online in the sale by the same brand that are a little bit different and they are half price with a code for an extra 10%. I hummed and harred and when I decided to get them the extra discount had finished.
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Chatty Member
the fact I can’t even read the local newspaper online without the stupid notifications saying “sign up to read this article” if I wanted more crap in my emails I would have signed up ages ago
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Popped in Superdrug today and was having a look at the reduced section. Some guy fully barged in front of me and opened up this reseller scanner app that tells him what things are worth/how much profit he’d get. He told someone to fuck off when they tried to grab something and said ‘I haven’t scanned that yet, wait your turn.’

Luckily an employee saw this and kicked him out.
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Purchased some books off marketplace. Was showing other half when I got back in car as he’d asked what I’d got, only to find the main three books I wanted weren’t in the box.

This was the sellers reply. Really not impressed tbh.


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My fucking coworker. He's such a liar. He's claiming to have skills that he does not have to get a project that I'm in the running for.

When I asked why he doesn't have a certificate for one of these skills he got all frazzled and said some BS lie about how he was never asked to get the certificate, when everyone who goes through the training is basically ordered to do the exam for certification.

Wish I could say I trust our mgmt to be smart and realize they're being lied to, but I'm not very trusting. They hired this dud, after all.
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I've had a pretty shit week and I couldn't relax today because I had scheduled some repairmen to come in and do some work at my place. Can't really do it any other day since my work hours tend to be long. It's 4 pm, it's a Saturday. They haven't shown up. I'm pretty sure they won't anymore. I'd just like one thing to go my way.
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My coworker who got a job opportunity over me by lying about his skills keeps bragging about said project and I'm about to yell at him to shut his face.
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Kim Mild

VIP Member
My husband was going to the supermarket ,asked me if I wanted anything, I told him what we needed and he's come back without it. It's not even for me , it's for the kids breakfast. Suppose I'll be trailing off to the shop later.
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Chatty Member
Genuinely everything.

PMSing harder than I have in years. Went out with my mates and I genuinely felt so pissed off at normal things that shouldn’t bother me at all. Didn’t mean to, but I snapped a couple times too.

I can’t, I just feel like shit in a nondescript way, I don’t know if I want a cry, to punch someone/something (preferable someone) or to scream, or all of the above.

Probably all of the above. 😒
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I’ve had a shit week which has ended with me burning myself with the kettle, dropping a glass and cut all my hand and the bin banged my leg causing this massive bruise 😫
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My son is watching the most annoying YouTuber in the world. His voice ... I think he's trying to model the Cadbury's Caramel advert (so sloow and dreamy) but he sounds like a long, moist fart. I'm told it's someone called Directed By Fainted.
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Sometimes I stick on a podcast if I am trying to concentrate so there are probably instances where I have.

I think she kind of likes the wind up as well because she'd say things like "I've got loads of deliveries coming" and look at me and smile.
“Best make sure you're home then” look at her and smile
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People who vape indoors, (I don’t care about in their own homes, I mean in public). Currently sat in a cafe and someone has whipped their vape out and is making huge clouds with it. People have told the staff, (who keep vanishing out back), but nothing being done 😡

I vape and would never have the brass to do it in a closed public space!
I was on a date years ago and the guy took out his vape and started using it in the middle of a pub.

I felt a bit embarrassed and uncomfortable as I'm not sure about the rules around it. I asked him "are you allowed to do that indoors?" And he turned around and said "well let me put it this way, I will do it unless I am told otherwise."

There was no second date 😬
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A girl in work was talking about how she wants to lose a bit of weight and she’s been ‘fasting’ and just eating salads bla bla bla, reckons that if she starves herself the day before weight day that’s how you lose weight (lol) and she thinks she’s some sort of fitness advisor, turned round to me whilst she was talking about it and said ‘you know if you lost a stone, and went the gym and toned up a bit more you’d have a body to die for and be perfect’ then told me to stand side on and said ‘yeah you can definitely tell you’ve had a baby’ cheeky bitch! I didn’t even ask her opinion. I’ve come a long way in my weight loss journey since having a child and I’ve felt really confident lately but this has knocked me sideways and has annoyed me all day. Feel like she just said it was cos she was preaching about her wanting to lose weight and thought i’d appreciate the constructive criticism 🙃

I'd have said 'I can lose weight but you'll always be a rude, insensitive vile twat'.
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How shit my doctors are. I’ve asked for a sick note extension for my mental health, I’ve also asked for a referral to be chased up by my therapist who wrote to them to request I have further assessments done - nothing mentioned. Didn’t ask how I was at all, just went ‘yeah no worries, you can collect your sick note in the next half hour’ and hung up before I had chance to say anything else.
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Folks who keep changing the time on when they're supposed to visit, I struggle mentally and was all prepped for lunch today, now it's going to be alot later, no wonder I'm a hermit most of the time.
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"I saw an XL Bully without a muzzle on" has become my fellas' new "4 people in that shop without a face mask" 😬😬😬
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