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VIP Member
A girl in work was talking about how she wants to lose a bit of weight and she’s been ‘fasting’ and just eating salads bla bla bla, reckons that if she starves herself the day before weight day that’s how you lose weight (lol) and she thinks she’s some sort of fitness advisor, turned round to me whilst she was talking about it and said ‘you know if you lost a stone, and went the gym and toned up a bit more you’d have a body to die for and be perfect’ then told me to stand side on and said ‘yeah you can definitely tell you’ve had a baby’ cheeky bitch! I didn’t even ask her opinion. I’ve come a long way in my weight loss journey since having a child and I’ve felt really confident lately but this has knocked me sideways and has annoyed me all day. Feel like she just said it was cos she was preaching about her wanting to lose weight and thought i’d appreciate the constructive criticism 🙃
bloody cheeky bitch! Should have told her the fasting obv aint working and she should try something else
Wow. At my workplace you would actually be able to report her to HR and she'd be pretty fucked.

I hate when people mention weight, diets at the workplace. You never know who's going through what. Someone might have an ED, someone could be on life saving medication that makes them gain weight. Ultimately nobody gives a fuck what you're eating or not eating, whether you're working out or not. Attention seekers like that deserve to be told off.

I'm sure you're lovely @watermelon sugar , at any and every weight point. And you've literally grown a human. So you already have a perfect body that did all that (perfect in the health sense which is the only sense that matters).
I agree,I hate discussion of weight in the work place.People dont think and some are just outright nasty! about 4 years ago i lost over 4 stone,I was tiny .Anyway I fell pregnant and put on some weight as most women will ,hardly anything ,not that it matters.My boss was a total cow so I didnt tell her until the cut off point where you have to inform your employer ,cant remember when it is ,it was about 23 weeks ish I think .Her reaction to the news was' oh I knew you had obviously put on weight put I had no idea you were pregnant'
Ive never forgot it and shes said so many mean things it was really water off a ducks back by that point but It even shocked me how someone could be so nasty when being told someone is expecting ,not to mention your member of staff!
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Kim Mild

VIP Member
There's a new cafe been advertised as opening in an empty building for ages , and it is finally opening and it isn't dog friendly. There are lots of comments on the fb saying it's such a shame , it's not as if it's compulsory to take your dog with you. . To make it clear , the comments annoy me , not the lack of dog -ness.
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Came back from holiday, and everyone in my office is sick. Coughing all over, sneezing. Why are they in the office, ffs? The pandemic taught us nothing.
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Received a message from my son's nursery detailing that on friday, for a lunchtime trek through the woods 'we suggest just a small packed lunch of 'sammies, crisps, and a drink'.
When I asked what 'sammies' were they responded with 'sandwiches of course' followed by this emoji 🤷‍♀️

So bloody rude!! ...or maybe I'm just over sensitive
No it is rude and why are the nursery speaking like babies to the parents? Weird
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Hello Kitty

VIP Member
My partner. I told him dinner was ready 45 minutes ago and then he decided to answer his phone from a work colleague. They were both off last week and are now talking about work on a Sunday.

Hope he enjoys his cold dinner 😡
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Myself and my inability this week to let little things go and not get annoyed by them.
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Child in my street has been hysterically screaming all day today, and is still screaming now at 1am.

I understand that children cry and can get inconsolable, but I know full well his parents aren’t exactly hands on. They’re the type who give the kids sweets and an iPad and leave them to it.
Every day and night since posting this, this child has done the exact same. Gets louder every single night.
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Very minor but I bought a gift for someone that I thought they would really like and to say their response has been lukewarm would be overstating it.

Just a bit disappointed, that's all. Ah well. 🤷‍♀️
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Dog shit!! Actually no, lazy dog owners that don’t pick up after their dogs.

Coming home from play group this morning and I stepped in some dog shit :mad: (fair enough I was texting while pushing the pram and didn’t see it). The pavements where I live are awful and it’s like game of dodge the poo everyday.
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malibu skies

VIP Member
I hate the cold and dark. I just don’t understand how anyone enjoys this time of year. The sun will set before 4pm tomorrow and we’re not even at the shortest day yet. It feels like the middle of the night for half the day and I can’t afford to have my heating on much so I’m just freezing all the time 😔
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ill...again ! toddlers started with runny nappies a day or two ago.Yesterday i was so dizzy and tired i could hardly push the pram.Must have changed 17288 shitty nappies.Been awake half the night for the past 4 nights.Been on the toilet half of the day.I said to my husband i have awful stabbing pains in my stomach and he angrily said yes me too and that im going to get couch sores ive been on it that long today.Im sorry but hes stuffed an entire bag of reeses down his throat plus all 3 meals today! ive had nothing since yesterday.Why shouldnt i lie on the couch,im the one who hasnt had a full nights sleep
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Elle Woods

VIP Member
When you’re on a thread that’s been discussing X for the past three days, and then someone comes in with ‘hey, have you seen *insert thing you’ve been discussing here*

I know it’s not always possible to keep up with fast moving threads and see what’s already been posted but my god, it is frustrating me today
That winds me up too!
It also annoys me when someone comes into a thread and goes "can anyone give me a run down of what's happened". Most of the time if they just read the last 1 or 2 pages they'd know!
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Chatty Member
I’m ruminating about something work related. I can’t decide if I’m over reacting or if it is a sign it might be time for me to move on. I’m not sure if it clouding my thoughts or helping a few other things fit into place. It’s made we quite emotional and I’m just feeling disappointed as to how it was handled
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Annoying when parents give one adult child £1000 towards a garden makeover, yet their other child gets nothing. This isn't the first time either and I am sure it won't be the last. Why do some parents treat children and grandchildren so differently?!
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Im about to do a long run of shifts at work and today is my last day off. I’ve woken up with a cold and headache
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So tired of people not staying home when they're ill. "Don't worry, it's not covid". Oh great, cause I don't want your covid but I totally want your stupid bronchitis.
Yes! I am sick and just because I'm finally testing negative for covid I'm expected to re-engage with my social plans. No thanks.
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Pesky Tarian

VIP Member
My new sofa arrived at 6.45 😴.....and it's the wrong colour. Guess I'll be spending all day on the phone to customer services.
Update they knocked me 20% off and I've kept it 🤣.

I've polled everyone who has visited and some say silver, some beige (should be 'natural').

I think it may be the sofa version of that viral dress.
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