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VIP Member
Folks who keep changing the time on when they're supposed to visit, I struggle mentally and was all prepped for lunch today, now it's going to be alot later, no wonder I'm a hermit most of the time.
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"I saw an XL Bully without a muzzle on" has become my fellas' new "4 people in that shop without a face mask" 😬😬😬
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Chatty Member
Dog barking non-stop in the neighbourhood. Why do people bothering getting pets just to leave it out to keep everyone up all night?... at that point, just admit to yourself that you don't like animals enough to put the work in, and don't adopt (or more likely, buy) the thing in the first place, ffs.

What is the point of that, seriously? Why do people get dogs, just to let it be a nuisance to everyone, including themselves? You just wonder. At least with kids, I know that the kid was most likely a mistake (not even being snarky, most humans are). With a pet, you really went out of your way to take in a being just to treat it like shit?... Genuinely boggles me.
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We got our cat from a couple on fb who were clearly mistreating him and not looking after him well at all.
We’ve had him since November and every few weeks his old owners try to video call me to see him, it’s always when I’m at work/busy, so I’ll send a photo of him instead. Usually satisfies them for a few more weeks until they try calling again.

They tried calling me today and I said ‘sorry he’s outside playing, I’ll send you a photo’. They replied ‘aw well I’m missing my boy a lot and I just want to see my cat. He’s not an outdoor cat so why have you let him out? He doesn’t like being outside?!’

I’ve exploded and said ‘he’s not your cat or your boy, he’s MY cat now after you decided you no longer wanted him. He is an outdoor cat, he loves being outside. He’s my cat, I’ll decide what’s best for him’.

They’ve tried to call me six times after that message and I’ve just blocked them. Cannot be bothered to deal with the agro!
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I’ve cleaned up the house as I’m stressed and my battery vacuum died so I can’t finish off the floor 😬🥲it’s the last thing to do
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I was going to post in the rant thread,, but reading someone's post, I couldn't.
Am soo pissed off at the mo, and also worried, which isn't good for my anxiety, which I suffer with badly, but have never had any help for, apart from the drs giving me ads, I'm one who've slipped through the cracks....
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
ill...again ! toddlers started with runny nappies a day or two ago.Yesterday i was so dizzy and tired i could hardly push the pram.Must have changed 17288 shitty nappies.Been awake half the night for the past 4 nights.Been on the toilet half of the day.I said to my husband i have awful stabbing pains in my stomach and he angrily said yes me too and that im going to get couch sores ive been on it that long today.Im sorry but hes stuffed an entire bag of reeses down his throat plus all 3 meals today! ive had nothing since yesterday.Why shouldnt i lie on the couch,im the one who hasnt had a full nights sleep
God i could have written this! Exact same thing 2 days ago our toddler started having runny number 2’s, yesterday i started getting stomach ache and toddler was sick. Today i’ve been on the loo pretty much all day (sorry tmi) not fancied eating, my fella is the same and has just been on the sofa all day, still wanting to eat and have tea etc but i’ve not stopped hardly all day. If i ask him to do something he moans and says he’s not feeling well…. well neither am i!!! men!!!!
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Elle Woods

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When you’re trying to have a chilled out relaxing Sunday afternoon and people turn up unannounced 😩
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I drive to work a couple of times per week by motorway and I'm so sick of motorists who don't know how to use it properly.

The furthest right lane is for overtaking or for motorists who wish to drive at the upper end of the speed limit. What it's not for is coasting whereby the middle lane is moving faster. This should never be the case. If you must remain in this lane for the duration of your journey, close the gap between you and the car in front 😡

People who sit in the middle lane dolly daydreaming and then have the audacity to beep when a driver indicates in good time before moving into the lane. It's your duty to stay alert to other road users. Find an alternative route if you are not confident driving on motorways. People will need to switch lanes to exit. If your ego is so fragile that a stranger going to an entirely different location, moving out in front of you upsets you so much you, then driving is probably not for you.

Honestly, why isn't motorway driving part of the driving test?
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Hollie Day

VIP Member
No it is rude and why are the nursery speaking like babies to the parents? Weird
Not sure why I put nursery, I meant school, he's 5. Its an admin who sends the messages but I don't see them so I'm going to show the teacher when I drop him off. Its really juvenile and unprofessional.
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Pesky Tarian

VIP Member
Worked late, gruelling day, so treated myself to some coop finest salt and vinegar crisps (most caustic crisps known to man) on the way home.

The puppy was so pleased to see me he headbutted me so now I have a cut lip and cannot enjoy my tangy crisps. Cess pool of a day all round really.
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@pinkmug do we work in the same place?! You've described me and my workplace to a tee. Baboons on crack is exactly it. Sending you strength cause I really don't know what else there's to do.
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My son does a performing arts class and a seperate dance class, at both classes each week there is a child who sobs and begs not to go into the class, I don't mean 'need a bit of encouragement' reluctance, but a full "please please I don't want to go in" screaming and crying and being forced by their parent. These classes are completely extracurricular and not compulsory, there's no Tap n' Twirl twag man issuing fines and warnings for non attendance, so why do these parents torture these poor kids? One girl sounded so distressed a few minutes ago I actually had tears in my eyes and I am made of granite!
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Hollie Day

VIP Member
Just reading about a pensioner who was SA'd by a man with a long list of previous SA convictions. He was out on lisence when he attacked her.

Clearly prison has no effect on his compulsion to assault women and he'll be out again in a few years doing the same.

I'm bloody fuming that its 2024 and the justice system is still no further forward from decades ago in giving out tougher sentencing for crimes against women and children.
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Truly not my week. Had a little confrontation with a friend with whom I've always been super supportive after she told me I was "too angry" about the being passed up for the project fiasco. Too angry. It's incredible how we've internalized misogyny like this. Too angry. I wasn't raising my voice. I wasn't clenching my fists. I wasn't using swear words. I was perfectly still. No violence in my stance at all. Yet I was deemed "too angry." When was the last time we called a man "too angry?". It's also hypocritical from her since she's said truly awful things about her ex that I've listened to and understood as hyperbolic and empathized with her pain. And she knows all the crap I currently have going in my life and why this work thing triggered me so much. But she still chose to say that to me.

I'm just very over giving 100% and received 20% in return. At best.
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How I cannot seem to sleep through the night for the life of me. 5hrs of sleep, then wake up and struggle to go back to sleep until my alarm. Seeing 2am, 3am or 4am in the clock all the time just isn’t it
I understand and feel for you, I'm the same, watching every hour going round, I'd love to be able to just have a decent nights sleep.
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Phone appointment booked for 10.45am.
They called at 10.20am whilst I was in the shower. Got out to a message saying I need to call and reschedule the appointment due to me missing it.

I’ll give it until 11am to see if they call me back. If not, I will be calling to put in a complaint.
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I’m not really annoyed (probably more so anxious/worried than anything) but I do have something on my mind and I’m not sure where to put it…. I’ve never felt more (than I do right now) that I’m losing my best friend and the worst things about that are 1) the other person is an actual cunt and 2) I can’t even think of a single reason as to why my friend would be distant with me (like I’m a generous friend to them and their family, I am there for them during rough times) and if the time comes that’s going to make any closure I’ll want to seek hard to find.

I’ve been friends with this person for like 20 years and this other person has been in their life for like 5 years but lately they’re always always around and I suppose I just miss having time with my friend on my own. I miss going and doing things without the other person being there now doing them with us. It’s making me ridiculously paranoid that my best friend kinda doesn’t want to do those things with me on her own anymore.
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