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VIP Member
Is it unreasonable of me to feel annoyed about this 😅.

I work from home mainly but have lots of meetings etc. I live in a houseshare with others and they always order parcels daily even though they do not work from home.

They will send me text messages asking if something has arrived and I'm starting to feel a bit like a concierge service. I don't mind receiving the odd parcel but near enough every single day the door goes multiple times. Since Monday I've received 2x Royal Mail deliveries, 2 x Evri, 1x Yodel and 1 Amazon. They don't acknowledge or say thank you.

I've said a few times they should arrange delivery so that they're in when they receive items but it falls on deaf ears. When I worked in the office I'd order things to a shop and collect from there or arrange delivery for the weekend when I knew I'd be in instead of expecting people to receive them.
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VIP Member
God i could have written this! Exact same thing 2 days ago our toddler started having runny number 2’s, yesterday i started getting stomach ache and toddler was sick. Today i’ve been on the loo pretty much all day (sorry tmi) not fancied eating, my fella is the same and has just been on the sofa all day, still wanting to eat and have tea etc but i’ve not stopped hardly all day. If i ask him to do something he moans and says he’s not feeling well…. well neither am i!!! men!!!!
theyre muppets! i just dont understand how he can say hes having stabbing pains in his stomach yet hes sat eating a bag of chocolatewhy lie!? its always the same ,i cant be ill or tired he has to also be ill or tired
theyre muppets! i just dont understand how he can say hes having stabbing pains in his stomach yet hes sat eating a bag of chocolatewhy lie!? its always the same ,i cant be ill or tired he has to also say hes ill or tired.
Im sorry youre feeling so poorly ,its horrible isnt it.Hope you& your toddler are feeling better soon
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VIP Member
Yeah i understand that choosing a certain day often costs a lot more but I think they could arrange for it to be delivered to a parcel shop or their place of work.

I wouldn't mind if it was once in a while but it's multiple times a day almost every day which is just a lot to me. Id never just assume people would take in my deliveries.

If I've gone out at lunch and it has been delivered to a secure location I get messages asking to bring it in, or messages asking if someone is going to be in as they have four packages being delivered at x time.
Id just ask them to get delivery to a parcel shop and if not then the packages can be left in a safe place. If you wanna be nice you could say you'll grab the packages once a day from that place lol. Just say you're too busy at work. It is annoying if it's constant and not even a thanks from them.
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Chatty Member
I'm stuck for ideas for my sons 16th please throw ideas this way
Provisional driving licence - if you haven't already and in the UK
Pottery painting with family members who are be older or not as connected - slow activity where they can reconnect/chat
Venus fly trap
Do something 'old school' you used to do and enjoy when he was a nipper - board game, lego, sunday film with bits and bobs to eat/drink
Was meant to go for an afternoon walk/coffee with my bf before he starts work at 6pm. We haven’t done much together recently and he’s been complaining about it, so I said fine we’ll do something today since we both had this morning and this afternoon off.

He went upstairs at 1pm to put his phone on charge and get changed… then he fell asleep. It’s not 4.05pm, he’s still asleep and he starts work in just under 2hrs. Pissed right off is an understatement 😒
Go and bloody spoon him. Then wet willy the bugger!!
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VIP Member
I need to shower, my hair looks gross but I don't want to, it's cold and I have to blow-dry my hair. Too much effort. 😔
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VIP Member
An electrician is here to fit some new plug points and he won't stop yapping. I'm sure he could have been and gone by now but he's really getting on my nerves with his incessant chit chat . I'm not interested in the england ireland rugby game or the price of bacon. I have a grumpy newborn that needs feeding and changing.
I used to be a tradie and I fucking hated small talk with customers 🙈 I had one lady loiter around me the entire time I was trying to paint her very narrow hallway. She got covered in paint specks and had a go at me for it, like love I’m painting your ceiling and I’m also covered, paint does this 🙃
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VIP Member
I feel like I'm constantly moaning but promise I'm not 😂.

I joined a new gym in January because my old one was just so busy all the time and I didn't really like the atmosphere.

I love my new gym apart from one thing, the sales people / personal trainers are so pushy.

They offer a free training session with new memberships but it's just an excuse for them to sell you personal training. I attended one session which at first I genuinely thought would just be them showing me the gym and perhaps suggesting some new exercises I could do as the description of the training session was just "we'll chat with you about how to reach your goals."

Turns out it was a full personal training session and afterwards they tried to sign me up. I explained I don't have an extra £200 a month to spend on these and wanted to work out by myself.

Now the gym is calling me daily, sometimes several times a day to try and get me to take the personal training. I've explained no but there must be different colleagues calling as they don't get the message.

Also whenever I go the personal trainers always approach me and say "what are your workout plans today?" I slightly over pronate and one pointed it out and did an impression and asked if I had injuries.

I just want to be left alone while working out and am slightly regretting changing gyms as this never happened in my old one 😅.
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Kim Mild

VIP Member
There was an article on Facebook about people being surprised that Carol Voderman was 62 and people in the comments were saying they didn't know who she was.
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Active member
My son has hit puberty and now seems to think he's the man of the house when his dad is at work. Puffing out his chest and trying to control his sister. Roll on bedtime 🤯🤯
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VIP Member
Did a speed checker with a broadband company yesterday, they made you put your contact info in before you could view packages.

They’ve emailed me four times and called me eight times in less than 24hrs. Now I’m put off going with them.
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Well-known member
The Better Help therapy ads taking over every podcast and telly ad break. They need to calm down their campaign
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VIP Member
Massive internet outage at work. It's been over two hours and can't do anything. But do they authorize telework? No of course not. Much better to have us all sitting here on our phones, doing sweet FA.
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Hello Kitty

VIP Member
I finish work at 5.30pm and contractors think it's acceptable to call you at 7.30pm. I can't do anything about it now so you should have called me earlier when I was chasing you during work hours.

Also my neighbour who has just returned from holiday. They've been in about an hour and already slammed their door about 500 times 😡.
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VIP Member
Carry on carrying on
previous thread here
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VIP Member
He was screaming at around 8pm last night, which I assume to be his bedtime. It went on for half an hour and then quietened down. Then he started again at 2am and was so loud it woke me up.

I don’t know how to approach the neighbours though. The dad’s a bit aggressive, I’ve heard him argue with people in the street before.

My friend thinks it’s worth a call to the police when it’s happening, but I’m unsure.
Any advice?
I would honestly call the police. Or at least log it with them? Call 101 and ask their advice? I heard someone near me having a huge argument once over being new parents and their baby was screaming, the mum was sobbing. It was horrible to hear and had I known which house it was I’d have called the police. My teens found it really upsetting to hear. It never happened again otherwise I would definitely have called the police. Do you think his crying is a bit more than a child just not wanting to go to bed?
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Hollie Day

VIP Member
Minor annoyance that the weather is going to be 24° today so I won't be able to wear my new winter coat and boots. Piss off summer, your time is up.
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