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Kim Mild

VIP Member
I've only got my husband left to buy for and I'm not getting any suggestions about what to get him ( not sensible ones). I did suggest he buys for himself and I buy for mebut it didn't go down well.
Now he's hunting round to find our what he has bought previously and needs replacing.


VIP Member
I'm learning a language and I'm supposed to start a new level today. The school's kind of chaotic, so they just sent the link for the virtual classes today along with the name of the teacher. Googled them and found out they're a) not native speakers of the target language and b) they learned it in their 20s, so when science tells us we can no longer learn a language to a native level.

Even if this person were the exception, they're still not native to the country. So the cultural aspect, no matter how much they love this language/culture, is also not the same. Language is more than just grammar and vocabulary.

It's annoying me that the school is trying to pull this kind of switcheroo, with zero transparency to boot. I'm paying good money for allegedly native speaking teachers.

Kim Mild

VIP Member
My father in law (who always annoys me tbh) was saying how he was out in Newcastle and there was a man in the bar who was nearly 7 foot tall. Apparently everyone was crowding round him and that ( I wonder if he was a basketball player and a bit of a celebrity) . Fil was saying he didn't like the way everyone was going on around him, he just sounded pathetic and jealous.

Kim Mild

VIP Member
I got a notification on Facebook has accepted my friend request. I didn't send one . I look through my activity history and there's a couple of requests. Either my little one has been pressing things when they had my phone , or when you have a nosy on somebody's profile, it automatically sends them a request.


Chatty Member
My neighbour has started to use her front garden like her back garden.
Sunbathing, barbeques, smoking hash, boom box out until all hours and drinking and talking really loadly
She is like shameless


VIP Member
Amazon & the postal service they use for deliveries.

I ordered 3 packages last week. On the scheduled delivery date, the delivery man did not ring at the door or rang me on the phone. Yet, a few hours later I got an email stating there was a failed delivery attempt because the delivery man couldn’t get in touch. Absolute nonsense - I was home all day with my phone nearby. I ended up having to go to the post office to pick the orders up. When I finally picked up the package, an item advertised with a quantity of 6 on the website arrived with only 5 units!

A different delivery scheduled for the following Monday was delayed to the following Friday.

Cherry on top, another order today was dropped in my neighbor’s mailbox. My apartment number is written on my mailbox in black & bold. My neighbor’s number on the below mailbox can’t even be seen with a naked eye. I saw the package vomiting out of their inbox and suspected it was mine since mine wasn’t in my mailbox but marked as delivered on my account. Turns out it was mine & I almost ruptured the packaging while trying to pull it out.

Honestly. Incompetence at its finest.


VIP Member
Had lunch at a Greek restaurant, ordered the chicken gyros. It was mediocre, but as I was reaching the end I noticed the last two pieces of chicken inside the pita bread were undercooked. Not fully raw but definitely pink and not well done. Got my money back but now I'm freaking out I'll get food poisoning. I have a friend coming to stay over this weekend and I'm flying next weekend for my first holiday since 2019.

Stressed and mad at myself for going there with my coworkers instead of just eating the lunch I had planned, and mad at myself for being stressed cause that can't be good for the old immune system.


VIP Member
My 25th next year. My family are complaining I won’t be going back to my home city for it. Same with Christmas next year, we’ve said we want to do Christmas at our house next year and the uproar it’s caused is ridiculous.

My family happily visit other family in other cities. Even been abroad for Christmas/birthdays/trips away, but they never stop to visit us. Only person who visits is my Dad.


VIP Member
I went to the GP who prescribed blood tests. They advised the blood tests will be done at their practice for a price of €40.

It appears the GP blood tests are not covered by my healthcare insurer because they’re not part of ‘everyday medical expenses’. I was told only blood tests done at a hospital are covered except blood tests done at a hospital are free of charge.

This is ridiculous that blood tests which are required by my GP are not covered by insurance. To think the GP appointment itself is €60 at a minimum. Nonsense.

Not to mention, I normally get my bloods done at a hospital but since the GP said it was to be done at their practice, I didn’t think much of it and went with it. The phlebotomist who performed the tests must have done something wrong because blood tests normally don’t hurt yet this one inserted the needle and I think tried to force it into the vein or moved it because it hurt. It’s been more than 24h since the test was done and my arm is still in pain with a red mark that just appeared a few hours ago. The procedure was done incorrectly I think. I called a nurse and was told to wait and if it doesn’t get better to see a GP to get antibiotics. This means I’ll have to spend another €100 on something I could have done without had the venipuncture been done correctly!


VIP Member
No they absolutely can't complain. It's so far beyond entitled, I would be raging

They haven't a leg to stand on, imo. I definitely would stop being so co-operative. If needs be, I would leave the house and work elsewhere (or pretend that I did).

Did you mention having to take in 7 boxes! No, fuck that. Seriously.
Entitled is exactly the word I'd use for it. It's not the odd parcel every so often, it's basically every day, multiple times a day with no warning. I always think to myself do they think before selecting home delivery "oh someone will be home to take it in."

Yes, one time there were 7 boxes from the same retailer. Usually there are multiple deliveries sitting in our hallway every day 😂.

I honestly don't know how they have the funds either? I couldn't afford to buy new things on that scale.

Kim Mild

VIP Member
Waa packing some juice for when we went out. Little one wanted theirs despite having juice in a cup for at home . Husband said they could hold it . We get out and they don't have a drink with them

Elle Woods

VIP Member
I’ve got the biggest craving for a smarties McFlurry, can’t stop thinking about it. But google is giving me mixed messages about whether pregnant people can have them or not and even if I could have one, too much dairy plays my stomach up anyway 😭😩


VIP Member
Posted in the local fb group asking for nail tech recommendations as mine has moved away and it’s too far for me to travel.

Post was declined with the feedback of ‘we don’t allow advertisements in this group’. Right, fair enough.
Next three posts I see in the group back to back - ‘can anyone recommend a child minder/cake maker/piano teacher’. 🙃


VIP Member
I had my car in for works and they quoted me two days, fine I make plans.
Nope, they say it’ll be ready by 4pm- 4pm comes and goes and I have to call THEM to be told it’s ready. Now I’m really late and still not been seen to.