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Kim Mild

VIP Member
It's so easy to accidentally press send request when 'people you may know: come up when you're scrolling. I hate that!!!
And they always accept while people you do want to request don't respond.

I'm sure most people who claimed to have been hacked on Facebook have just clicked on something accidentally.

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The sobriety trend. I don't even drink often, like literally once or twice a month, but now you can't go anywhere without someone speaking about being sober like it gives them super powers.

*Not talking about people with actual addiction issues going sober. But it's become increasingly common to hear certain wellness wanker sets of people say they're now "sober" and abscribing it magical results from clearing up acne to healthier hair and it's like... Unless you were drinking heavily on the regular, doubt quitting one glass of wine on the weekend is going to make you suddenly glow.
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The second I start watching TikTok’s, my boyfriend wants a conversation. Been sat here in silence for half hour, hardly said a word to me. The second I open TikTok he’s all ‘oh did I tell you…’

I said to him ‘I’m just watching this, hang on a second’

instantly got in a mood with me saying ‘well you’re always on TikTok, how am I meant to talk to you’. Despite me being sat here, not on TikTok, for at least half an hour.
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I put up a Facebook status about football. Someone screenshotted it - didn’t even like/comment on it - and shared it on their own page and cropped my name out 🤣
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A colleague at my own level who thought it was appropriate to boss me around this morning.

We don’t even work on the same project and they pinged me this morning saying ‘we need to submit our work asap, the sooner the better. We need to speed up the pace’. I politely reminded this person that I’m working very closely with my project lead who is aware of every bit of my work progression and if there was any issue with it, this lead would have flagged it.

I don’t need some random non-manager peer putting pressure on me for a piece of work they’re not involved in.
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I'm sorry to hear about your mum, I hope you're doing as okay as you can be.
Thank you so much ♥

I completely agree with you and really appreciate the advice. I’m sure in six months time I won’t be the one missing her and it’ll be the other way around when she’s got nobody.

Regarding the ‘be kind’ posts, I’m sure they only post them due to some kind of subconscious guilt about their own behaviour 😂
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That's crazy, why are they even asking for updates if they gave him up?
God knows. I’ve been far too nice sending photos and updates when they ask for it, but I won’t be doing it again. I’m so glad they don’t know where we live because I just know they’d be on the doorstep weekly asking to see him 🙈
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Petty compared to the last issue. But virtue signalling people. like we get it mate, you get off on feeling morally superior but by outing yourself as such a self righteous jerk, you've shown yourself to be worse than us heathens.
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Chatty Member
Look I adore rainy weather 90% of the time, but this is the 10%. I'm miffed that in a time when I'm meant to be enjoying the sun, reading my book sitting in the grass, that it's filthy humid with a ferocious thunder storm going on!
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It’s annoying me how I’ve woken up at this hour cause I know I’ve had a horrible dream (not quite a nightmare) but you know what it’s not particularly airy fairy and now laying I’m awake not wanting to go back to sleep and back into that dream 🙃
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A man trying to mansplain periods and menopause to me because he’s listened to one podcast and it was really interesting 🥴
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My elderly parents have a neighbour who is making life very difficult for them - it's got so bad that they're afraid to do anything in their garden or leave the house for an extended period in case he visits when they're not there. When they do go out, they look for excuses not to return home.

I suspect the root cause of him being like this is that he wants them to sell their property to him, when they've made it clear that they aren't going anywhere.

I've pleaded with them to get their friend, who is a Justice of the Peace, to go and have a polite chat with him but they don't like conflict (which I get - who does?!) and feel he'll just come 'round eventually. I don't think he will! I think, left alone, things will only get worse.
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Chatty Member
I am in hospital and the woman in the next bed is snoring so loudly, and I can't give her a nudge and tell her "for fucks sake will you roll on to your side" or sod off and sleep in my kids bed like I would at home. I have ear plugs but they're no match for that nose!
I was in hospital last month for a week and was so lucky that I was in a mini side ward with just me and another lady. Neither of us snored and we got on really well.

However I am home now, went to the spare room because of husband snoring and I can still hear him. Which is why I am wide awake and on Tattle at 2.30 am 🙁
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Chatty Member
Had lunch at a Greek restaurant, ordered the chicken gyros. It was mediocre, but as I was reaching the end I noticed the last two pieces of chicken inside the pita bread were undercooked. Not fully raw but definitely pink and not well done. Got my money back but now I'm freaking out I'll get food poisoning. I have a friend coming to stay over this weekend and I'm flying next weekend for my first holiday since 2019.

Stressed and mad at myself for going there with my coworkers instead of just eating the lunch I had planned, and mad at myself for being stressed cause that can't be good for the old immune system.
Oh no. I hope you be okay. Did the other part taste okay?. Don't rest yourself. Just rest up. Food poisoning sometimes last 24hrs.
I would have something to calm your tummy.
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Kim Mild

VIP Member
I ordered some stuff via Ebay , instead of going to each individual website because I thought I'd get nectar points but my nectar card and my ebay account were no longer linked so I didn't get any points.
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Elle Woods

VIP Member
Not sure if this is a GDPR breach. I’m a bit confused tbh.

Went to the local shop to pick up a Vinted order. The shop owner told me to go behind the counter and look for my own while he just stood there.

Am I wrong or is this very wrong?
This has happened to me before! I didn't have to go behind the counter, but they had a separate room just off the side of the main shop. He just opened the door, told me to go in and find my parcel! Didn't come in with me and didn't even check what I'd picked up. I could have taken anything!
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