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VIP Member
I put my headphones in my bag this morning and somehow during my short 8 minutes commute to the office, I lost them.

I walked all the way back to my apartment within 5 minutes of me getting into the office and they were gone!

Who takes old Apple headphones?


VIP Member
Girl I know was selling knock off converses for £35 a pair. My brothers girlfriend saw and said she’d like a pair for Christmas. I thought lovely stuff, I’ll order them now, ordered two pairs. I was sent a photo of the parcel packaged up with what I’m told was a tracking number attached, and told two weeks delivery timeframe. This was on November 12th.

It’s December 16th now. No trainers.

Been told numerous times it’s 1000% been sent, it’s just delayed because they’re coming from Turkey, or because of Parcelforce.

My tracking number has never worked. I messaged Parcelforce who said no parcel with that reference has been received by them. The girl said Parcelforce have probably stolen the parcel. This was December 8th. I asked how long a new pair would take to come with a different supplier. Radio silence for two days.

I messaged on the 12th saying I want a refund. She said she’ll get it sorted. Again, radio silence.

I messaged today asking if I could please have my money back. She said she’d sort it in the next few hours. It’s not happened.

Absolutely fuming and disgusted. I don’t even live near her anymore to go knock on her door.


VIP Member
I delivered a big project on Friday, crickets from the big boss until he sent an email yesterday (aka Sunday, which he's not supposed to do, per HR policy emails should not be sent on weekends.) And it was clear he had not read it, even though he claimed to have done so and gave me kudos, because then he said I should just add a few things, all of which were already included in the document.

My organization is super hierarchical and he's basically third in command for the whole thing. There's really no one to go to that can talk sense into him. I then spent ages crafting an email, trying not to piss him off (he also has a shit temper), but still get across that the things he wanted are already there.


Hollie Day

VIP Member
My FiL whinging that he didn't receive a fathers day card from my 4yo son. That's because you're his grandfather not his father.
Consumerism is trying to move the goal posts to get more money out of us - I did actually see a card with 'happy fathers day grandad' - but I'm sticking to my traditional guns.
I don't care if the cards are only 29p in card factory. You got one off your son now piss off back to watching the F1.
People on sm saying that "break a leg" is said because they want you to end up "in a cast".
Google is free.
Get "H" markers out side your house to stop people parking there.
Not legally enforceable.
Google, still free.


VIP Member
Alot, lack of sleeps due to restless legs.
Coronation which us tax payers are paying for.
And I'm not my dogs mum, he is not my fur baby, he's my dog and I'm his owner!


VIP Member
I got a notification on Facebook has accepted my friend request. I didn't send one . I look through my activity history and there's a couple of requests. Either my little one has been pressing things when they had my phone , or when you have a nosy on somebody's profile, it automatically sends them a request.
It's so easy to accidentally press send request when 'people you may know: come up when you're scrolling. I hate that!!!


VIP Member
Every single time we come to bingo, all you can hear is people talking. I ended up six numbers behind because all I could hear was people muttering.
Staff do it as well and it fucks me off something rotten.


VIP Member
Been blocked by my sisters friend who put up a status and photos of her 6wk old baby being fed rice pudding with jam. I said this is really not recommended and can be quite dangerous.

She told me to fuck off, I’ve got no idea how to parent because my babies dead (I had a miscarriage a few years ago after my ex threw me down a flight of stairs and kicked me in the stomach whilst I was on the floor half unconscious)

I fucking hate teenagers.

im so sorry thats absolutley horrific and im so sorry for your loss.
Honestly you cant help stupid ,leave them too it 💗💗

Kim Mild

VIP Member
I'd washed a tupperware container and left it on the bench . Now the lid is nowhere to be found. I'm sure someone is playing silly buggers.


VIP Member
Just keep missing them 🤣 "sorry was in a call"
Sometimes I stick on a podcast if I am trying to concentrate so there are probably instances where I have.

I think she kind of likes the wind up as well because she'd say things like "I've got loads of deliveries coming" and look at me and smile.


VIP Member
I’m annoyed that I can’t find a 100% cotton tunic for work. I need something lightweight so I don’t sweat like a nun in a brothel. Everything seems to be polyester 🥵


VIP Member
I think I have a chest infection. I’ve been phoning the doctors in the morning but once I've got from 40th in the queue to someone answering they say there are no more appointments and that they'll release some in the morning at 8am. And the cycle repeats. I think I'll just leave it, I was only phoning as I think I might need antibiotics.
111 maybe?


VIP Member
I used a foot mask a few days ago to soften hard skin on heels, blimey it's been peeling alot, so sore, it's abit like having sunburn then peeling, have now smothered them in sudocream, shan't be doing that again!

Nelly's mum

VIP Member
Bloody stupid online speed awareness course. I booked to do an online course rather than getting points, logged in on my laptop and the trainer logged in a few minutes later, he checked my license, told me what time the party started - then went.
I sat there waiting for it to start for 15mins, logged out and logged back in, then tried to log in on my mobile but he wouldn't admit me.

From looking online, it seems you are supposed to log out after the trainer checks your license, then log back in when the session starts. But he didn't explain that.

£90 and half a days annual leave wasted, cheers Drivetech, bunch of twats 🤬

Kim Mild

VIP Member
I took my 3 year old to the park and someone had their dog in . So that was something else to be vigilant about.