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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Not a very exciting day for me either!!
5.20 start again 😩 but lay in bed till 6. Got boyfriend up for work. Went and had breakfast with the baby
Rang the doctors and was on hold for an hour 🙄 to be told my nurse was fully booked... even though she told me to ring and make an appointment... luckily they still gave me my repeat prescription
Mini watermelon sugar SO clingy today literally if I walked anyway he'd just grab my legs and try climbing up me. Had to drag him away from telly about 60 times while Teletubbies was on. Sure he's trying to get in the telly
Prepped my chicken jambalaya in the slow cooker. We always sing the word jambalaya 💃 when we say it for some reason 😂 it looks banging tbh but I've never made it before so ill report back 😱
Walked up to the doctors with the baby to get my prescription. Got back and MIL rang 🙄 she kept shouting DUGGGEEE down the phone. That's a new one
Was in the mood to listen to some Lana Del Ray so I put on the Born to Die album while I tidied and the baby toddled round with his toys. Had a dramatic sing song and the baby laughed at me
Boyfriend got in from work... this morning we watched an ep of Bing half asleep... and Pando met Bing in the park and was like 'hi Bing!' And took off his pants and it proper made us laugh 🤣 so when my boyfriend came in I went 'hi Mr watermelon sugar!' And took off my pants 🤣 we both thought it was funny anyway! He was like wtf at first 🤣
Babies in bed. Awaiting my jambalaya, im excited!
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Has another shit night with the baby ,woke up with a banging head and had a cry.Downed some caffeine and went down stairs with kids.Breakfasts ,cleaned ,dressed etc .Let eldest entertain herself with her craft trolley while I tried to get baby to nap,paint fucking everywhere .nodded off and woke up to eldest asking me how to spell nail polish ffs.Made lunch for everyone ,got myself dressed ,did general childcare stuff .Took baby up for another nap and attempted to put washing away .child comes in hysterical that she wants to meet jo jo Siwa ( wtf).Regret putting fucking jo jo siwa concert on tv when child is fake wailing and wake baby.Everyone back down stairs ,gave baby a bottle and change ,cleaned up paint mess.Eldest got picked up for her weekend with her dad.Went to the shop for shampoo and Diet Coke ,came home and attempted to watch sometime on tv hahah what a dreamer .Baby was crying so rocked him to sleep,now I’m nap trapped ,it’s getting dark ,oh will be home soon and place is a shit hole
The end
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Just had my first zoom interview for a Job I desperately want!
Feeling okay about it but don’t want to jinx it. I have the presentation bit tomorrow morning which I’m more anxious about 😢
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Well I was up til 2am reading a Jacqueline Wilson book 😂 so I did NOT want to get up this morning. Had a scroll through my phone and saw a few people had shared snowy pictures. Got up and opened the blinds and we had a covering of it! Went and woke the little one up and showed him - amazing. Took a cuppa back to bed for 15 mins and then properly got up and made us dippy eggs with homemade bread.

Slow start to the schooling, didn’t get properly started til 10.30am. Did a couple of hours of that and I ironed at the same time.

Went out in the snow! 😍 it’d started melting by the time we’d got out although it’s been on and off all day so fingers crossed it settles again overnight and then we’ll be prioritising that over school work 😉 we built a crap tiny snowman and stuck a carrot in for his nose which the rabbits promptly ate. We also had a snowball fight which caused my son to laugh A LOT so it was worth getting wet and cold for!

Came back in and made him a hot chocolate just in time for his class Zoom. I was going to do some tidying, but took advantage of a quiet 30 mins with a frothy coffee instead ☺

Just finished off the school work which involved a science experiment with cornflour and water!

Now 30 mins chill before I start tea. Having meatballs, mash, peas and the red berry sauce because I miss IKEA 🥲
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We have an old dog who wakes me up at least twice a night.. he’s not even mine.
So I haven’t had a full nights sleep this year. I went to my local town, had a wander and nearly bought hair dye, bottling it at the last moment. Literally hate my lockdown roots. So trip to M&S to buy utter crap, cake, wine and crisps. I’m
At my 92 year old grandmothers most days so went to cook her dinner where she force fed me Prosecco.
The weather is so utterly miserable I’m
A total emo who’s close to tears most days. Also super broody for aPuppy but remind myself daily is a terrible idea.
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Just caught up on the thread, hope those of you having a bad day are ok, tomorrow is a new day. Love reading the posts on here, you are all a lovely bunch.

So my day started well of the mini egg chocs ( sorry to go on about it😂). So on a Wednesday the shopping delivery involves shopping for more than my household, it’s for my parents as well and some local people that are unable to get out themselves. Normally I put all of the stuff away myself as I know what’s for what person. Anyhow, I had to take my dad for an appointment, so left my husband and teen to unpack. Bad move. When I got back I went to the (extra) fridge in the garage where all of the cold stuff has a temporary home until I deliver it ( the same day). Teen had put it in all the fridge everything face down. When I go to bag it up for delivery one of the lids of the pasta has come off, everywhere over all of the shelf and dripping down over the rest of the shopping. It was a bloody mess. I was so furious that she was so slapdash I had a right kick off at her. Had to throw some of the stuff away it was just a wet mess ( thankfully mini egg choc is ok as it wasn’t in the fridge!) .
Once I’d been peeled down from the ceiling I took youngest to the park during what would ordinarily be her p.e lesson. She had a pain au chocolate and a coffee for me from the hut in the park. Sun was shining and my mood lifted.
Got back and did some jobs, made a Thai red curry for tea , it was delicious. Am now planning to do nothing more today, catch up on here and see what all of you have been up to and of course eat chocolate.
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Woke at around 6am, feeling decidedly frisky!

Despite all the doom and gloom from the last few days, it didn't stop my memories and my imagination from getting together and creating some incredibly lucid dreams about Kate and me last night. So much so I had a bloody good wank shortly after waking (apologies if you choked on your cornflakes while reading this - definitely TMI, but it was nice all the same)

Had a good shower, wrapped a bath towel round me, and sat in front of my dressing table mirror while drying myself off.

Felt in quite a determined mood, and unlike previous broken relationships I felt this one was still worth saving. And as such have decided to keep the engagement ring I had originally bought for Kate a week or so ago, rather than posting it back to the jewelers for a refund.

I don't care what her parents think: I may have been "infected" as they claimed, but then again so was Kate back in November.

So this ain't over. Not by a long way!

Got dressed, checked my emails and this week's work schedule, while fitting in a bit of Tattle and some breakfast.

Am going to get all my complaining customers back on-side today, and will fully commit to a full day's workload to get things back on track.

I turned 28 just a few days ago, and I'm not going to reflect back on it in years to come with any bad feelings, regrets, missed opportunities or "what ifs" and "if onlys".

There's a great quote from the awesome film "The Shawshank Redemption"

"Get busy living, or get busy dying"

Too fucking right! (y)
Go girl! This feels like the part in a film where the main character gets her groove back so we see a montage of clips of her getting her life in order, all set to music. 😊
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under the ivy

VIP Member
Woke up after a crap nights sleep around 9.30.
Didnt know what to do with myself so watched a few episodes of sex and the city 😂 cheered me up.
Had a shower and got dressed so I could walk to Morrisons - 30 minutes there and back. Got some *essential* bits in for the weekend including wine, chocolate and a face mask. Got food as well.
Im home now, going to have some of the fresh crusty bread I bought and chill with my kitten and dog.
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I love it when you do the lottery online and, late at night, get the email to say you've won something but not what it is. I then spend a night dreaming that it might be me then wake up to find out I've won £3.
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Sorry I'm creasing at what happened to your new dressing gown 😂 jealous of all that choc tho!
No I know same 🤣 he bought eggs from Asda and I tried the dressing gown on and the sleeve was wet. I was like 'why is the sleeve wet?' And we noticed there was a big yolk stain on it, one of the eggs had escaped and cracked all over it 😆 then on the other sleeve there's a tyre mark.. god knows how he managed to run it over 🤣
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woke up around 7, bf left for work, cat didn't join me in bed right away as she usually does so i went up to her in the living room and i was like: um, are you angry at me? and she was just like: 😼

i caught a cold yesterday so took my laptop with me to bed and worked on emails in bed until about 12, got a big email out of the way finally, and kitty ended up joining me in bed so that turned out well, haha. when i finally got out of bed, i tidied the place up a bit and had a sandwich and coffee

after that i met up with my sister because from today finally coffee shops are allowed to serve coffee/drinks to go... we got coffees and took a walk, the weather is great (it's freezing but sunny), then we came back to my place, played a quick board game, then she helped me unload the washing machine and hang the clothes to dry

bf came back from work and i went back to sit on the bed to do some more emails as i have some serious work catching up to do. kitty is next to me wrapped up in a blanket and i think she also has a cold 😓 rang the vet because it's time for her regular checkup anyway and booked her in for tomorrow (don't tell her yet)

asked my bf to cut up some veggies while i wrap up some work here and then i'll make a veggie curry for dinner, i think after dinner we'll watch the cecil hotel documentary because my sister watched it and i'm intrigued
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@Mulholland Drive I actually teared up 🤍 just remember that everything happens for a reason and unfortunately often a lot of these things happen at the same time. it will get better. and as many others have said, if she really agrees with what her parents are saying (even though i think there's probably more behind that story), then you definitely dodged a bullet. you deserve sooo, so much better. and it's cheesy and cringy and all that, but you have this community here that geniunely cares about you! wish i could send you some rum and raisin ice cream 🤍
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Sad to see we don't have any millionaires today 😔 our time is coming!

My covid test came back negative 🥳 but I still feel pretty rubbish and have taken the day off work because trying to sit at my laptop and do stuff is too much effort. I've just been reading and snoozing the day away. Tattle always cheers me up.

Having a takeaway for tea as my appetite has come back now and I want to be comforted by salt and fat and not having to wash up!
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Bubbles Tizzy

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Having just joined I have spent the day reading through lots of different threads. Getting to know how the forum works before i totally disgrace myself
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Hi all it’s me again 😂 I hardly comment I never have the time but I love reading everyone’s updates.. hope you’re ok @Mulholland Drive

I’ve had the usual Sunday... my little one woke me up, she got in bed with us, we had coffee and she had milk and watched Bing (worst fucking show on earth) while my fella read football twitter and I tattled... I then went for a run then came back and we all had bacon butties.. took her for a walk int he pram while she napped.. came home we did some painting then gave her the iPad so I could change the beds and clean up. I then cooked a roast and had a glass of wine, my fella loaded the dishwasher and cleaned the kitchen as a valentines treat for me (cheeky fuck) I put the little one to bed and watched bridgerton with another glass of wine while he watches some shite footy.. off to bed soon ready for another week of grind!

Hope you all have a lovely week xx

Side note watermelon sugar (sorry it won’t let me tag) we defo live local to each other I can feel it! Xx
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
5.20 start 😩
Same usual shite today - woke fella up for work, chased baby round, ignored MILs facetime
Rang the doctors to speak to my nurse cos she told me to, waited on the phone for an hour to be told she isn't even in 🙄
Went for a walk with the baby, got back and MIL tried ringing again. Couldnt ignore her 3 times so had to answer. Baby just full on blanked her and walked off and watched Swashbuckle. Good lad 😎
I'm gonna make a pasta bake for tea even though my fella doesn't really like them. I've been craving pasta all day 💁🏻‍♀️
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under the ivy

VIP Member
I'm a bit scared to go back to normal life? I'm a bit self conscious and I have zero confidence. I always feel like people judge me
Mate I feel the same. I went out today and wore a mask outdoors (i usually just wear it in shops etc) because I felt SO ugly and like everyone and their dog was looking at me. I’ve got so used to my own company so being around people is a bit like, eh! I’m looking forward to everything being back to normal but I’m still going to keep myself to myself! X
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