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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I searched Mulholland on the search member bar and her name isn't appearing ☹ I'll miss her if she has gone. Hopefully she'll be back under a new user if that's the case 🥰

@lemonlime I'm glad you're okay 🥰😘
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I’ve just been on my Facebook memories and my first “Corona joke” popped up. To think what we went through shortly after that, and what we’re living through’s very depressing. 😞

My day so far has consisted of tidying up, working through remote learning with my eldest and trying to teach littlest to be gentle with the kitten. The snow is gone here so we took the kids to the park for a while and are back home now - still absolutely freezing out. Going to give the children their dinner shortly and looking forward to having our delicious anniversary dinner once they’re in bed asleep. 😋
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Had a horrid night's sleep with multiple nightmares and a too early wakeup, but at least I got to get up early too. Breakfast and killing some time on the internet, then I listened to a bit of my audiobook and then daydreamed about writing stuff. Changed the bedding, had lunch, put away the laundry, did 2 more loads of washing (sounds a lot but there were bedding so nothing fit), hung those up. Finished my audiobook along the way. Feeling disappointed in friends and the general vibe of my friendships lately, but there is nothing to be solved and I can't really be arsed to feel like I'm demanding attention so whatever. Time to shift priorities.

I'll get myself a small nibbles meal, watch Ocean's 11 on Netflix and see what I feel like doing afterwards if it's still early enough.
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Not a good start to the day. My new laptop that my daughter is using for schoolwork is still switching itself off every so often. Really frustrates me that I can't just walk into john lewis and return it for another one like the good old days. I phoned JL customer service and got one of those 'due to covid 19' recorded messages 😩
I bet mullholland drive would know what's up with it.

I only work mon/tue/wed but did overtime today. I emailed a colleague with a query this morning and he emailed me back saying 'let me put that in my back pocket till monday until I've spoken to 'bob' about utilising resources and seeing where we're both at synergy wise'' 🙄
Bloody hell, could you repeat that in english please!!!🤔

Just had dinner and if I can get a bit of peace and quiet I'm going to finish off watching Cheer on netflix which is a real eye opener. I thought cheerleaders just jumped up and down waving pom poms but its more like an olympic sport. Looks so dangerous too.
I feel your pain re mil @watermelon. I have the dreaded 10am face time with my MiL calling from australia tomorrow. What fun and joy that will be 😩

Have a nice evening everyone.
Hope you enjoy your bar of eggy choc @ntb
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Me after reading all the wholesome posts on this thread with everyone asking after each other 🥺 I mainly use the heart react in this thread! ❤

I got up to start work at 7:30 am again for that big meeting. Bit stressy at first but got nearly everything ready for 1pm. I had a cuppa and x2 ginger biscuits to pull me through the morning
Had some red lentil and tomato soup for lunch
Sat in the meeting for 3 hours. Whoever set that meeting for the end of day on Friday is going straight to hell
Anyway, the meeting went really well!!! Thank fuck I didn't have to present anything, my manager did it all over zoom 🙏🏻
Found some tinned M&S cocktails leftover from Christmas, absolutely buzzing
Had a big long catch-up chat for ages with a friend of mine, it was so nice to talk to someone that isn't my parents or work colleagues. I've been feeling very Groundhog Day recently, so I think I really needed it. It gave me the push to arrange a walk with my friend that lives down the road from me. I realise I've been a bit crap with reaching out to people during this third lockdown so I should try a bit harder to see or speak to friends more often as I think everyone seems to be struggling in this third lockdown
Got my fave Aldi jackfruit pizza in the oven, gonna stick the Blackberry Gin Bramble cocktail in the freezer to make it extra cold and watch Married At First Sight 😁 can't wait to sleep!!!
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you are all so sweet! 🥰 i feel better now because i think our conversation was finally productive for once. i think it's just the whole covid lockdown situation really getting to us, in addition to issues we had before.<3
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from croatia, why? 🤗
Because hearing you speak about meeting with people and going to the cinema makes me wonder where this magical place is 🥰😂 everything like that feels like such a distant memory here at the moment haha.
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Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
@ mulholland-drive
I don’t want to drag down your determined or positive mood. But I really felt I should say that if Kate split up with you because of what her parents think or have whispered in her ear, this isn’t a good sign. If you do get back together it’s something that you both have to address and quickly, otherwise I can guarantee this will happen again.
Again I don’t want to upset you, I’m just thinking long term, from personal experience and how your partners family can affect relationships, which unless your 100% of the same mindset on how to deal with it will cause heart ache. It doesn’t mean you should walk away but as I said it needs addressing.
I really do hope you can work it out and be happy.
Thank you for your valid points, and you're right, it is definitely one of those "heart rules the head" moments.

I have thought long and hard over the last few days as to whether to just "let go" of Kate, or somehow win her back because I feel there is a future for us.

I could quite easily give up on Kate, pack my bags and head back to my home country of South Africa, and start from scratch. But I am clinging onto the last vestiges of hope that I can somehow win Kate back, and somehow plan for the future, but without pissing off her parents too much.

Not sure how I'm going to do this, but if it ultimately fails then I will give up on England and return to SA for good.

The next few days and weeks will govern that outcome
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under the ivy

VIP Member
Up at 6.45, starting working at 8am. Stopped at 1pm because I was having heart palpitations and went really warm. Decided to have a lie down and watch that Framing Britney documentary but ended up having a nap. I'm so demotivated this week and feel shit! I just can't wait for bedtime every night.
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Hope everyone is ok 💞

Honestly don't know where this week has gone. Works been super busy and I've just been feeling really meh, not quite myself.

All week has been work, tea, TV, sleep, repeat. Apart from Wednesday when I finished early and dragged myself for a run after work. Wanted to go out today, but the weather is dreadful.

Determined to liven myself this morning. Going to start now by putting my phone down.
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Currently hidding in the toilets at work ive been here since 8 and I finish at 7. Its been horried does anyone else dread a shift a particular manager is on. I feel like I run round trying to get jobs done for night staff and then just do nothing
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under the ivy

VIP Member
Got up at 7am to meowing kitty 😼
Didn’t get started on work til dinner time - Cba this week. Managed to write a paragraph then go watch married at first sight australia 😂 I’m gonna have to get my arse into gear tomorrow and just write write write - for those who don’t know, I’m a PhD student and I’m writing my literature review. Yes it’s as boring as it sounds.
Ordered a McDonald’s cos why not. Bit awkward that it arrived the same time as my Morrisons delivery but oh well!
Just spent the past hour tidying up, then going up for a shower / pyjamas / skincare / bed! I want to watch a few more episodes of Behind Her Eyes on Netflix! I don’t really get it but it’s good 😂

Hope everyone has had a good day x
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Same shit different day! Honestly I don't know why I write on this thread because I don't do anything differently.
No walks today because the weather was crap. Stayed in my pjs all day. Baby is really good with his walking, his Dad not so much 😆 Feel like I hardly go on Tattle anymore now the baby has dropped to one nap. He's keeping me busy!
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I will do full report of exciting day 🙄 that I’m having later...however shopping delivery came this morning with Mini egg chocolate bars . I’m winning at life today.
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I feel like our thread might become more exciting over the next few weeks and months...?! 🤞🏻♥
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Woke up and was in a fab mood and thought I’ll go for a run.. 4 miles in (and extremely red I swear there’s something wrong with my face) I bumped into my EX BOYFRIEND who I haven’t seen in 8 years (since we broke up) I honestly almost fell over. It was incredibly awkward as I was sweating and panting like a pig and he kept edging closer to me. In the end I made up a mad lie that I was training for a run (????) and had to be on my way. 😖😖😩😩😩😩

I had an x ray of my chest last week as my doc has been worried about a cough of mine and today the consultant rang and said it’s come back totally clear!!!! We weren’t expecting it to be anything too bad but it plays in the back of your mind and I’m quite an anxious person so had been worrying about worst case scenarios etc. I’m chuffed :))))))
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