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Up and took my husband to get his COVID vaccine 🎉
Felt very upbeat when I got home, hoovered, put a wash on, sorted out the recycling.
Early lunch and then took the dog out for a quick walk.
Made soup and some chocolate crispy cakes
Gamed with husband
Last minute decision to go for a run, only managed 3.5km, is was bitterly cold with a feels like temp of -7
Home showered and washed hair
Had a interview for a research study project via Zoom
Made Buddah bowl for tea and about to eat that with a fat coke 😋
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Here’s my day so’s not v exciting

woke up, showered dressed...set up home school ( but not for much longer whoop 🙌)
stripped the beds and put the bedding in the washing machine, then hung it out, hope it will dry is sunny and super windy.
checked on my DPD a had already been delivered ..except not to my house ( posted about this on the what pissed you off today thread) . Checked the online photo...def not my house and the legs in the pic of the opened front door were that of an elderly man...def not me! Didn’t recognise said legs or house so called up to explain it’s not been delivered. They contacted courier and he will retrieve and re deliver . Fine all good. He comes back a few hours later, he’s normally fine so I guessed it was just an error. We laughed as he said he delivered to a house 10 mins away, totally different street, not remotely similar. I also commented how I odd I find it that people accept a delivery they weren’t expecting. Sorry....very boring , but that’s where we are!
By this time it was lunchtime, I made lunch, well actually I made nothing, but took four sausage rolls out of a bag that my husband had bought from local bakery this morning. Job done!
Finished on line shopping order and then went to take the recycling bins out ready for tomorrow, I hear there is a cardboard shortage in the UK...I think I may be a contributing factor 😊.
Ordered my eldest some clothes on Hollister site for her birthday in April, I’m not usually this organised but they have an offer on so I thought i would get going. Now sitting in peace with everyone else upstairs. I’m going to make a banana loaf in a minute to use up the manky looking bananas. Looks like I’ve done a lot, reality is I’ve done very little !

I’ve really debated writing this because I feel so embarrassed, but I found out today my boyfriend cheated on me. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt worse as he’s quite literally the least guy like guy, he’s only slept with 5 people and of all my worries long distance wise this wasn’t really one of them. Potentially the worst day I’ve ever had. As I say I debated saying anything as I can’t bring myself
To tell any of my friends as it’s left me feeling fairly worthless but tattle seems to feels like friends nowadays
That sucks, sorry to hear this. It’s happened to many of us and I have to say it really is a shit feeling. It’s his issue, not yours, you are worthy of much more. Chat if you want, when you are ready. Tell who you want, if you want to. You are in the driving seat. Remember this. Sending cyber hugs x
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Woke up at 6:40am
Did my weekly weigh in, lost 2lbs taking my total to -11lbs since 4th Jan. Made up.
Logged onto work at 7am
Did a few emails and made a list of call back requests I have to do today
8:00am I had a call with my manager telling me I had been successful in a promotion and so will be moving teams and will be the grade higher than I am now. Very very happy.
No meetings for the rest of the day so just a quiet one starting to tie up all my odds and ends to move over to a new role. Looking forward to feeling challenged again as my current job has become very tedious.
Happy Friday everyone 💗
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Oh no, so sorry to hear this! Its such an awful thing to happen to someone so nice.
Nothing to be embarrased about in venting/sharing on here.
💕Sending you virtual hugs 💕
Thank you, I’m a smart Girl so I’m annoyed this has blindsided me. I thought I was living some fairy tale
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What is DS?
Digital Spy. I was a member there for about 4 years before I got banned for making some sarky remark about Kate Garraway. Guess I touched a nerve because I'm still banned after 3 months:rolleyes:

Spent most of today checking out Tattle, and really enjoying the vibe
Did some working from home stuff
Chatted to my boyfriend on Skype, had tea with parents
Good day all round(y)
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under the ivy

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Happy pretend holiday for card shops Valentine’s Day! 🌹

Not much will be happening today lol. I didn’t get to sleep until well past 1am because my dickhead neighbours were playing music - they’ve got a toddler so god knows if the toddler slept. I was going to treat them to some loud music this afternoon but I don’t want to lower myself. I may place some of my kitten’s litter tray bags in their wheelie bin later if I’m still feeling pissed off 😂

Going to have a shower and put some clean pyjamas on and have a chilled day.
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Someone eating and slurping is so much worse on video calls then in person as the microphone amplifies the gross noises. One of my colleagues is always eating porridge on our morning team calls and I'm like :sick: :sick::sick:
YES. I had a whole week of training via Teams last week and the trainer talked at us constantly and there was lots of sniffing and slurping. He also coughed a lot and turned his head but didn’t cover his mouth 🤢

I’m intrigued....I hope he wasn’t flashing anything from under the silk kimono!
“Is that a giant red dragon or are you just happy to see me?”
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What is a semi roast?

Im supposed to mop the floors but I might leave that until tomorrow. :giggle:
Ive roasted the chicken but cba with potatoes so just did it with mash, veg and gravy. Quicker and less pans to wash up plus I prefer mash to roasters as I’m a wrong ‘un 😂
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Went to Iceland this morning ( the shop ) where a bottle of wine fell out of my basket and smashed all over the floor .. if I didn’t say ‘ I’m so sorry’ a thousand times I said it more
I offered to pay for it , he told me not to worry . I felt today was gonna be one of those days so I’ve not got out of the bed since 😂😂😂..
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Had no milk in this morning for coffee so walked to Starbucks, got a blonde roast skinny cappuccino and black Americano for husband
Then did the weekly food shop, husband met me at the supermarket in the car & drove home
Been working most of the day, woke up this morning to about 1473637 emails, then realised people have been clicking 'reply all' - WHY do that? I don't need to read your conversation if it doesn't apply to me :ROFLMAO:
Stripped the bed, put the mattress topper in the wash so waiting on that to tumbledry before I can make the bed again
About to do some yoga and probably a quick HIIT workout or maybe a quick spin class, not decided yet
Making meatballs for dinner
Need to wash my hair but I have extensions and very curly hair so I'm dreading the thought of it, really cba :ROFLMAO:
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then a part of me is so used to being in lockdown with the baby, I'm a bit scared to go back to normal life? I'm a bit self conscious and I have zero confidence. I always feel like people judge me.
I was thinking this exact thing today!! When I walked to Aldi, I realized I always get so nervous to walk outside and see people, it's mad. I've always been very self-conscious about how I look and don't have any confidence at all so I always think people are staring at me and thinking "god she looks hideous". By being in lockdown alone in my flat, I've kind of got used to being by myself and safe indoors, but now I'm a bit scared to meet my new colleagues irl and see friends again because I'm in my safe little lockdown bubble.

Anyway, ramble over, your boyfriends comment about getting a bag in made me wheeze 💀
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Cleaned out the cupboard underneath my sink .. to be honest I only did it because I gave my husband one job to do today , ok it’s quite a big job but I thought if he can see I’m out of bed and doing something productive it actually makes him get up of the sofa and do it , very passive aggressive of me but it did the trick . I’ve now finished my job and guess what he reckon he has too ... he bloody hasn’t ..the contents of the cupboard under the stairs is NOW IN MY LIVING ROOM ...EVERYWHERE.. SO I’m going to have to start another job for him to get up off the sofa ... Jesus Christ !!
so today has been
Cleaned out the cupboard under the sink
Cleaned out my kitchen drawer with utensils
NOW , to get him off the sofa , I’m going to clean the space on top of the fridge of shot glasses and Tupperware
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watermelon sugar

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@watermelon sugar , no call from nanna? I think on balance your day was successful. You got some lovin’ from your fella and tonight you are going to win on the lottery in lieu of being pooped on. I hope I got a ticket/s ?
Nope today was a mil free day 🙊 it's bloody brilliant when that happens. That just means she'll be full force 'WHERE'S NANNA? YABBA YABBA YABBA' tomorrow! Luckily my boyfriends in work so I can ignore her!
Yes, I'm holding out hope for my lottery win, so we can move far far away to the Maldives (first place i could think of) away from the mil and I can ship out all my lovely Tattle friends for a *Madonna voice* holidaaaaaaaay
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I think because I’ve already been through a breakup with him when I was 23, nothing seems ok right now. I know what I went through and it took years for me to be ok. The fact I have to do that again is daunting. I’m a cold person in relationships (not friendships I’ll be there to the death for friend) but knowing it will take a long time to get over this is daunting.
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Woke up fuming cos I’d agreed to go with my fella for a walk round the park with his mum. Got all dressed up (obv don’t get out much these days so made a mega effort, including fake tan and a cute outfit) and she came to pick us up. This woman really cba with me at all, she barely even addresses me in conversation so I just kinda walked behind them and pretended to be interested in the scenery 😂 saw lots of dogs though so I suppose that makes up for it! Made a ‘surprise’ visit to his sister & her husband on the way home. They weren’t expecting us but mum seems obsessed with hanging around their new (rather posh) house so we barged in while sister was trying to settle the baby and her husband was WFH in the kitchen. Super awkward but we had a cuppa then fucked off. Returned home, ordered our fave fried chicken for lunch and instantly entered a food coma. I’ve had a vile headache for the last few hours so bf has gone out to buy chocolate in the hope that it will perk me up! Excited to win £180mil on the Euromillions tonight 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽
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@nbt how weird I had the last of my banana bread (I made it on Friday during my lunch hour ha) for brekkie with skyr yog and blueberries 😋

urgh I haven’t stopped today. Woke up, had a coffee, got my little one ready and dropped her at nursery. Quick aldi run before emptying the dishwasher, putting a wash on, emptying the fridge, putting shopping away before starting work at 9:15am and eating brekkie at my desk
worked till 12:30, made a curry, threw it in the slow cooker for tea, went for a walk, came home had a cheese and pickle butty with salad.. worked from 2 till 5:30.. my fella picked the baby up, had our tea and watched pointless.. tidied round, got the baby ready for bed, she insists on me reading her 4 stories 🤦🏻‍♀️ once she was asleep I did a workout, had a shower, done my skincare now I’m having a glass of wine reading all about the roadmap and listening to the radio... think I’ll be asleep soon! Hope you’ve all had a lovely Monday and feel better soon @Saddlesoap just read your comments! 😭❤xxx

Omg @watermelon sugar how nice was it today why didn’t I put the washing on the line I didn’t even think

@bolimepipi that view 🥰🥰
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