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I’m so sorry you’ve had such a shit week. Have you spoken to Kate? What a narrow minded opinion for her parents to have!

I don’t really know what else to say, but please don’t shut yourself away. We are all here to listen to you ♥
You were missed here . . Massively.
Dont disappear. You have people who care about you.
I hope you are feeling a little brighter today?

Guys, I'll not fluff my day with got up, dressed blah blah. .

Today, my OH and I had our covid vaccinations!!
Im on a high . .
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Oh no babe I'm so sorry! Always see you mentioning your boyfriend as well. Boys are absolute arseholes. Being cheated on is the worst feeling. Just remember you're not the worthless one, he is, for sinking so low and you absolutely do not need someone who would do that to you in your life. Sending lots of love and we're always here if you need to vent xx
Thank you, I’m very grateful for tattle right now. As I’d like to bury my head in the sand.
It’s very complicated and difficult but what he’s done is something else.
I still feel stupid and naive and I’m genuinely sad as the person I fell in love with 8 years ago would rather chop his own nipples off than do something like this.
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Fell over in Morrisons car park this morning and dropped my entire salad on the way down so that was fun. Even more fun when I was walking back to the car feeling like a complete moron and someone very politely pointed out I had some lettuce stuck to my tights :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I'm most upset that I've now got no lunch 😒
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Thanks for thinking of me @bolimepipi and @watermelon sugar <3 I'm alright, trying to keep off the screens this week. I've been killing too much time online and haven't been doing the things I've planned to do. 💕

Yesterday I was in a glum mood and mostly busied myself with writing that had nothing to do with the one I should, but it helped me nevertheless. Today is cold, I think we might see -20 at night and I have been in no mood to go out for a walk. All the snow and sleet has now frozen on the pavements and walking on the driveway constantly jumping out of the way of passing cars is annoying. I will have to go to the office for a short while today so I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for that. Haven't done much since I woke up. Keeping an eye on work and solving sudoku puzzles, I'm also listening to my audiobook. I love Evelyn Waugh but I hated the previous book of him I've read so this one has been a relief. Apart from dropping by the office, I'll go to the pharmacy, and I need to buy new earphones as my 'bedtime' pair seems dead. The allergic reaction is still irritating me but I've postponed the doctor call until next week. Not much else is planned for the evening. It would help my mood to do a workout but I don't know if I have it in me today. Sorry to see that Mulholland Drive is nowhere to be seen, I hope she's doing okay and I hope she'll return when she feels better.

Hope you're all doing well. xx
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Got up, got ready and I attended an ante natal appointment with my daughter, and we saw her twin peanuts, all going very well indeed, they have seven weeks to go and weigh over three pounds each, I went to Tesco to buy a new kettle, the old one packed up after 17 years, now I am watching old Top of The Pops.
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Well, 5.30 start today. 🥴
Think my little one is going through a regression. He woke us up crying. Turns out he’d wet the bed again despite a trip to the toilet in the night. So, washed him, changed him, stuck his bedding in the wash again and had to bring him downstairs as he was wide awake and didn’t want him to disturb big brother who is still asleep.
I’m lying on the couch with god-awful period cramps while he runs about wild totally ignoring the cartoons and I can hear my husband snoring his head off upstairs, pissing me off even more.
Happy Valentine’s Day! #blessed
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Had two teeth extracted after two days of excruciating pain. Only downside is no wine tonight.
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I heard the door bell go earlier so I run downstairs and see two men driving off in a truck and an enormous cardboard box outside my front door. Its huuuge. I think its one of those big boy fridge freezers.
Its addressed to someone who lives three doors down. There's a sticker on it that says 'doorstep deliveries only due to social distancing' but I don't know how they can get my door number mixed up with neighbours. Its as clear as day. Neighbour not in so left a note for them. Hope they come soon,
I can't get on with anything because I keep checking to see its still there, not that it would be easy to steal but you never know. God knows how neighbour will get it to his place.

I've been looking out for @Sardine and @Meme too. Hope all is okay. Funny how you miss certain people when they don't post.
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watermelon sugar

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@Girlyswot @nbt awww thanks guys 🥰 that made me smile on this sunny Saturday morning🌞

Re drumstick chocolate bar: it has like a raspberry filling and it literally just tastes like a drumstick. 100% recommend

I woke up at 6.30 woohoo 🙌🙌🙌
And I've had a brew
Happy Saturday guys x
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watermelon sugar

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6.30am start, felt much better than I did yesterday. Got up, woke my fella up for work and sorted mine & the babies breakfast
When he napped I had a lovely shower and washed my hair. Got back in my pjs
Noticed a van outside ours. Remembered the landlord text my fella last night saying the gas man was coming round. I told him to ask for another day cos I werent well. My hair was wet and I was in my pjs. I rang my fella and was like 'the gas man's here!' And he said it was arranged for tomorrow instead. He was checking upstairs. Panic over. I could stay in my pjs
Made a brew when the baby woke up and my fella rings. 'There's a gas leak the fella needs to see the boiler but he's not coming back till ive finished work' so I was like 'sounds like an important gas leak if he's not coming back for another 2 hours' 🤔
Made mine and the babies lunch, fella eventually came back from work and me and the baby hid while there was about 3 blokes in the house. Turns out the meter was leaking. Its fixed now, panic over
Baby went for second nap. Me and fella were chatting away when there was a knock at the door
My fella got up and answered - the council with door to door home testing kits. We live where the South African variant has been found. Great.
They'll be back in an hour they said. Fella is a bit of a conspiracy theorist (not Tattle thread level) more of a 'can we trust the government???' Type. He refused to do it. Had to talk him round.
He did mine, good job ive got a good gag reflex! I did his, he was a proper fanny about it 🤣 don't even think I managed to touch his tonsils and he started gagging. Wimp
I out of nowhere started getting a throbbing headache. So I went to bed for an hour. Woke up feeling better
The women came back for the test. I was sat in the bedroom with the baby and could hear me fella all 'can we trust the government though? I dont trust everything I read or hear' 😆🙄🥴🥱
Nothing else really happened! Fella is attempting to put the baby to bed. Doesnt sound like it's going well though 🤣 was gonna make chilli for tea but was too busy farting round with bloody gas men I forgot to put it in. So we're getting a takeaway 😋
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today i couldn't bring myself to get up because i went to bed late after a fight with my boyfriend and i had a terrible headache
dragged myself out of bed around 10-11? he made me breakfast and coffee to apologize
he's just been acting like a dickhead and being obsessed with his laptop and just prioritizing everything else over me
i decided to do some cooking and baking to distract myself but we just couldn't stop fighting
i finally told him that i'm done and this is it and i can't take it anymore, started talking about how we move forward with moving and that i'm taking the cat (felt like we're divorcing with children)
he FINALLY took me seriously and broke down crying and actually apologized with words and not breakfast and coffee
while the food was in the oven we had a very serious conversation about how we need to change our relationship if we intend to continue
everything was even a little bit funny because i kept making the food while we were fighting and then we talked while it was in the oven
when the food was ready, we decided to have a time out and eat together and calm down
we started watching the richard ramired documentary on netflix.. and then we finished it 🙄
then i went for a smoke (meh) and now i'm just cuddling the kitty and he's following me around and we're in some weird state
but if he really took me as seriously as he seemed to, we might even get through this
now i'll go and have a shower and wash my hair and have a little pamper, and then an early bed time i hope
Sending virtual bugs x

Bloody hell!! I meant hugs not bugs 😩

Edit typo
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Welcome! From an outsider to the coronavirus world (not that that’s a thing) we’re all a bunch of boring twats but this is as exciting as it gets at the moment! Completely agree about it being therapeutic. Like a non-secret diary ☺
I find reading this thread really calming for some reason. I like reading about everyone's day and keeping up with what the regular posters are doing!
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I’ve really debated writing this because I feel so embarrassed, but I found out today my boyfriend cheated on me. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt worse as he’s quite literally the least guy like guy, he’s only slept with 5 people and of all my worries long distance wise this wasn’t really one of them. Potentially the worst day I’ve ever had. As I say I debated saying anything as I can’t bring myself
To tell any of my friends as it’s left me feeling fairly worthless but tattle seems to feels like friends nowadays
Oh I am sorry for you and pleased don’t be embarrassed. This is not your fault. Did your boyfriend tell you himself, or did you have to find out via other means?

You poor girl, you must be feeling wretched. Sending virtual hugs and hoping you feel comfortable enough to vent your feelings here. 💜
Why does this format do this? I want this to be two separate posts, but I don’t know how to separate them!

Had a good nights sleep, just not enough of it. Woke up at 10.00 am with a start, had a weird dream and that prompted me to wake up suddenly. Actually didn’t feel hungry this morning either, so just had a small carton of Greek yoghurt and I added some honey with it. Showered and dressed and then I decided to Google “how to measure your bra size” - oh my goodness, a bit of a palaver this turned out to be. 🤣 Seems everyone has a different method and then there are UK sizes and US sizes and god-knows-what elsewhere. 🤣

As I knew, my bust size has increased and I finally worked out my band size from my cup size. Whenever I have had a professional bra fitting in the past, I always have gone up two cup sizes. This also seems to be the case today. I have booked a virtual bra fitting with Bravissimo, they can tell your size just by looking at them. 🤣. Well I’m no longer a DD...seem to be heading toward the F sizing now. 🙄

If only the boys at school could see me now. They used to tease me and say I had tits like “two aspirins on an ironing board.” 🤣

Would be nice to find a bra where the straps don’t want to part company with your shoulders. Bloody things. 🙄😂

Anyway, then went out into the garden and spent a few hours taking clematis cuttings, tits firmly encased in scaffolding. 🤣 Came inside and cooked chicken and rice. Similar to paella just without the seafood.

Now contemplating having a chocolate mousse from the fridge. 😄
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Another pointless day for me! Woke up around midday. Boyfriend was already washed and dressed and full of coffee by the time I dragged myself into the living room. Had a cup of tea and tried to wake myself up by half heartedly dancing to the shite music coming from the Sonos (bf’s playlist leaves a lot to be desired). Jacket potato w/ beans and cheese for lunch! Had a really nice shower, scrubbed off some old fake tan and washed my hair for the first time in about a week 😅 Did my skincare and moisturised my whole body, then flopped onto the sofa and haven’t moved since (apart from going to make a snack while bf went for a walk). About to have dinner, then time to fake tan and sink a bottle of wine!
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Hello Kitty

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11am and I'm already pissed off and want to finish work - I'm sick of doing my job properly and other people that don't follow simple instructions properly, mess things up and I basically get the blame for it. Oh well, it's Friday - yaaaay. Thinking of having a Pizza and film night tonight

@Renegadedancer the flower delivery gift sounds really nice. I would love that but I think my hayfever wouldn't lol, also the cats would think it's more food to eat :rolleyes: 😂
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Oh I am sorry for you and pleased don’t be embarrassed. This is not your fault. Did your boyfriend tell you himself, or did you have to find out via other means?

You poor girl, you must be feeling wretched. Sending virtual hugs and hoping you feel comfortable enough to vent your feelings here. 💜
Why does this format do this? I want this to be two separate posts, but I don’t know how to separate them!

Had a good nights sleep, just not enough of it. Woke up at 10.00 am with a start, had a weird dream and that prompted me to wake up suddenly. Actually didn’t feel hungry this morning either, so just had a small carton of Greek yoghurt and I added some honey with it. Showered and dressed and then I decided to Google “how to measure your bra size” - oh my goodness, a bit of a palaver this turned out to be. 🤣 Seems everyone has a different method and then there are UK sizes and US sizes and god-knows-what elsewhere. 🤣

As I knew, my bust size has increased and I finally worked out my band size from my cup size. Whenever I have had a professional bra fitting in the past, I always have gone up two cup sizes. This also seems to be the case today. I have booked a virtual bra fitting with Bravissimo, they can tell your size just by looking at them. 🤣. Well I’m no longer a DD...seem to be heading toward the F sizing now. 🙄

If only the boys at school could see me now. They used to tease me and say I had tits like “two aspirins on an ironing board.” 🤣

Would be nice to find a bra where the straps don’t want to part company with your shoulders. Bloody things. 🙄😂

Anyway, then went out into the garden and spent a few hours taking clematis cuttings, tits firmly encased in scaffolding. 🤣 Came inside and cooked chicken and rice. Similar to paella just without the seafood.

Now contemplating having a chocolate mousse from the fridge. 😄
Abit of both really. It was a shock as we’ve had a very honest relationship. And i don’t want to sound silly but I guess I lived by that, because the person I met simply didn’t have that in them. He’s even said to me he’s turned into someone he hates. Sadly he will carry on like that because the money he makes is more important. Thank you ❤
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