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had a really shitty start to the day: once again i just couldn't sleep and around 6 am my bf rolled over and hugged me and i just started crying like a baby and saying ''i just want to sleep i just want to sleeeeep'', this is probably intensified by the fact i'm due my period but i just feel like shit :(
we then cuddled for 20 minutes until his alarm rang and then the kitty took over the cuddles when he left

i managed to sleep a little bit then and got up around 8, decided to make it a day off work and clean instead to calm myself down, so i went on a manic cleaning spree, mopped the floors, wiped all surfaces, went through my wardrobe and got rid of a bunch of clothes that don't fit me, did 2 rounds of laundry and hung the clothes out on the balcony to dry, tidied up the bookcases in the livingroom, cleaned out the fridge, etc. 🧹🧺🧽🧴

after that my sister came over, we sat on the balcony playing a board game, drinking coffee and listening to music, then i made lunch of falafel and a salad which we ate together, then went on a walk together. she went home and i went straight to bed when i came back home. currently still in bed, my bf just came back from work so waiting for him to shower and then we will do something together. i might try to work tonight if i can
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Chatty Member
Got up late again. Did a 2 mile run (Greece) and a 3 mile walk ( New Zealand) and then a core workout for 30 mins. I’m determined to be unrecognisable when my husband gets back 😉
Cleaned out my rabbits and then the husband called for a chat ... discussed the garden possibilities and he bored me with tales of meals out in restaurants with the cast and trips to the pool and beach ... arsehole 🙁
Spent ages in the shower being super high maintenance for a change and then settled down with that cats to watch Hudson and Rex and eat a rather nice pasta bake ... I actually cooked something !!!
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under the ivy

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Up at 7.30am, workmen are digging up my road so finding it really hard to concentrate on work! Radio is turned up!
Had some breakfast and did some work. Decided I felt minging so had a shower/washed hair/put makeup/got dressed - still feeling minging 😂
Just finished something off my to-do list and sent it to my supervisors - treating myself to a bit of tattle now!
May go for a walk later as not to waste my outfit and makeup 😆

Hope today is a good day for you all xx
Went for a walk to Aldi and got some steak for tea. Bought myself some tulips as a post-valentines treat for myself 🌷
Finished off a bit more work.
Now I’m watching that Cecil hotel documentary on Netflix while my kitten naps next to me!

Felt a bit depressed today, so trying to be kind to myself. Can’t believe it’s coming up to a year since all the Covid restrictions came in 🙁 I hope life gets back to some kind of normal this year.
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woke up when my bf left for work around 7 am and he brought kitty to bed, yesterday i felt like she picked up a little cold because she sneezed a few times so i decided to pamper her a bit this morning, worked from bed again until about 11 so that she can cuddle up with me on the blanket, she actually fell asleep on my lap which she hasn't done since she was a baby and i melted 😭 she also wasn't sneezing anymore (y)

so left bed around 11 and finally made myself something to eat and coffee, i was starving but didn't want to move from the little stinker

worked a bit more then showered, washed hair, dried hair, put makeup on and got ready and went with my sister to the old town - i work as a freelance tour guide (when times are normal that is), and so do both of my parents, and my sister is now doing her exam also. so i did a tour with her to help 👩‍🏫
then we got some coffee to go and walked around a bit until my bf finished work and picked us up, we dropped her off and then went home

we had leftover curry and then got ready to go to the vet. the vet and the nurse are always so lovely and they always give roisin soooo many compliments :love:🥰 he said she doesn't have a cold and also that her breathing, heartbeat and temperature are perfect ♥ everything was great in general and then we weighed her and she has 3,7 kg. also perfect the vet says :D

took her home and just as we gave roisin some reward snacks and changed into comfies my grandma called because she f'ed up something with her tv 😂 so we went there to see what happened, whatever you clicked it went to channel number 6 then we realized somehow the button with number 6 pressed itself down and the rubber got stuck so all the remote control was doing was clicking channel 6 😂

when we came home, we (i) made pancakes and had them with lemon & sugar, mango sauce, some marmalades and bf his with biscoff
now watching waterpolo!
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Mulholland Drive

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Woke at 8am feeling refreshed and full of vigour after a rather depressing previous few days - more so now that I've been officially tagged with the virus.
Showered, dressed, had breakfast.
Because it was quite mild this morning I went out into my back garden and did some mild cardio exercises, and then dug out my exercise bike and did about 20km.
Started IT project work for 2 customers in earnest, as well as signing up for another Microsoft Certification course, this time in Planning & Administering Azure for SAP Solutions. Should be fun!

I ordered an engagement ring for Kate yesterday, and it should be arriving by special delivery today. So am constantly keeping an eye out for the Royal Mail van man so that I can get to him before Kate. She doesn't know about this obviously, but I just want to keep it a secret. I also want to open it and make sure it looks okay before wrapping it up and presenting it to her on Valentine's Day evening.

Almost time for lunch.
Had lunch followed by a couple of glasses of wine
Did some more IT work, but then I saw the postman about knock my door. So I shouted out of the window and he gave me a parcel and a few letters and cards.

Opened parcel and the engagement ring was all intact and looked great. Even tried it on next to mine. Just hope it fits Kate's finger on the 14th.

Got the Friday Feeling by 3pm, so dumped work and course commitments, and started playing some heavy rock songs and just danced and sang around the room as if I was some awesome rock singer:ROFLMAO:

Had a shower and ordered two fish & chip takeaways from the local boozer, which arrived at 6pm - bloody gorgeous

Watched Scrubs and The Wire for an hour, and now we're going to watch "Leon: The Professional" followed by "La Femme Nikita"

Job done for another day :)
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I love coming on here to read all your updates, it's so nice to read and makes me happy 🥰🥰

I feel like I literally never have anything to report on this thread Mon - Fri as I'm at work and don't really get to do much else other than uni work and maybe a walk on my break.
Having said that, I've had a right nightmare of a morning! Crying on the phone to my other half by 9.10am - not ideal!

I work for a solicitor, I am the only full time secretary and the others are all still on furlough, sometimes coming back 1 day a week (seems like it's when they feel like it!). I've been finding it really stressful and a lot of pressure. I'm behind on uni work because I'm having to do extra at work to keep afloat. Anyway, I came in this morning and the solicitor dumped about 12 files on my desk, tapped them and walked off. No please, nothing. Not even an explanation of what he wanted done - I guess I was meant to work that out for myself.

Another secretary is in for the morning today so I'm not sure why he couldn't split it between the two of us? Why did it just come to me? Well, anyway, I don't know what came over me but I just kicked off! As he walked away I said "Please would be nice! I'm sick of this, why is it all on me". He turned around with a stunned look on his face, said nothing. Went and got the other secretary who came and asked if I wanted a hand. I just burst into tears. I let it all out to her about how I'm stressed, too much pressure on me. Feel like I'm getting no help. She was really sympathetic and apologised that she's not been pulling her weight on the days she's in.

My boss came through an hour later and offered me flexi-furlough - 1 day off a week to focus on uni work. I really don't know whether to take it or not as I don't want everyone to think I'm a failure who can't handle stress/pressure.

Not really sure why I'm venting this here but had nowhere else to put it and I guess it is what I've done today!
Update - now I feel absolutely terrible for shouting and losing my rag with him and moaning about work. He's just bought me a bunch of flowers and apologised.
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Guyyyys, I'm freaking out.
Just had an argument at the beach with another dog walker. He got right up in my face, certainly less than a metre away. I've been in tears since. I've been so careful for a year and then this happens 😭😭
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Mate I feel the same. I went out today and wore a mask outdoors (i usually just wear it in shops etc) because I felt SO ugly and like everyone and their dog was looking at me. I’ve got so used to my own company so being around people is a bit like, eh! I’m looking forward to everything being back to normal but I’m still going to keep myself to myself! X
This is so me .. it’s not that I don’t like people .. I just don’t want to be around them and I actually like my own company

I’m going to litter pick , with my new litter picker when I take the dog over the park . People are fucking disgusting dropping their shit everywhere, so i will get my grabber and pick it up in a recycling bag
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After doing night shift Monday not finishing till 12.30 didn't sleep till 3 slept till 8 cleaned and tidied and batched cooked some meals (felt good havent done for ages) then went to work for 4 worked till 12.30 again got home to find kitchen a mess hes cooked his tea left all cupboards hes opened open and his leftover tea on coffee table so had a quick bang around putting things abit straight. (Gross bit) went to sit on sofa smelt shit looked at seat cushions skid Marks on it and other other chair. I can't wait to sell this house he can't even wipe his arse properly sitting around naked? I'm going to set my alarm for when he gets up to show him ive labeled each skid marked stained cushion just incase for him to see and clean.
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watermelon sugar

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I was just lurking on the Hinch threads and seen someone say they deleted their old account and made a new one. But their old account is still there like you can still see their threads. So it made me think of Mulholland cos you can still see her threads but can't search her or tag her 😔 Mulholland if you're lurking we loooooove you 🥰
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Some great posts on here made me :giggle:
anyho I got up about 8am made a cuppa and logged on here
once I'd caught up on the posts I had a shower and got ready
went to run a few errands, luckily no bird shat on me ( I shouldn't say that I'm tempting fate):oops:
popped to Sainsburys on the way back and picked up a few bits, one being a multipack of crisps but when I got home I noticed the bag was open at the top corner so I quickly emptied them out and counted them to make sure none were missing (there wasn't)
cooked lunch..a quick bacon cob which I ate while I checked emails and did some tattling.
swept the floors as I couldn't be bothered to get the hoover out then I decided to treat myself to a KFC for dinner😋
came home put my pj's on then watched some youtube videos for a while then I decided to watch the last episode of behind her eyes ( the ending was ok but I wouldn't watch another series)
now Im back on here with another cup of tea and a bar of mini eggs @Renegadedancer will be pleased to hear.:giggle:
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under the ivy

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Happy Saturday everyone ❤

Woke up at 8am, felt like I’d been hit by a bus. I was asleep by 9pm last night and slept through all night which is rare for me but I needed it.
Changed my bed sheets and washed my hair so I’m all fresh for bed tonight 😂
I think I might bake some cupcakes - I got a Percy Pig cupcake set for Christmas so I make bake them. Other than that, not much!
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Active member
Joined Tattle yesterday after being banned from DS
Still looking around the forums and getting used to stuff
working from home at the same time
Texting boyfriend all morning telling I have joined Tattle and will be spending all day on it (this will wind him up because he doesn't like playing second fiddle to me spending ages on SM sites :LOL:)
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Been at work all week. Short staffed as usual, then the one shift I have permanent staff on with me and I get sent to help out in one of the other units the entire shift. We’ve been nonstop in work. New residents, inspections due to take place sometime next week so lots to be done. I don’t think I sat down once on Wednesday night and didn’t even get a tea break.
Couldn’t sleep much yesterday after my shift, managed a couple of hours in the afternoon but that was it. I spent a lot of time on the Memes thread (it’s addictive). My eldest son was sick right at dinner time yesterday so helped him out and sent him to bed to rest and just kept an eye on him overnight. He woke up feeling fine this morning, back to normal and no sickness but still called school to let them know he’d be off due to the 48 hour rule.
He said he was bored after lunch so sent him out to play in the garden with his brother while the sun was shining and I could crack on with housework. Did a wash and managed to get it out on the line (my favourite thing about spring/summer). I’ve got a bit of a head cold myself so after dinner and once the kids go to bed, I think I’ll just cosy up in bed and watch TV until I fall asleep. I’m working all weekend right up until Tuesday so trying to get as much rest in as possible before I’m back tomorrow night.
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I'm about 15 pages behind so sorry for all that I've missed. Hope you are all good.

I've had a busy week trying to catch up on housework etc. Got downstairs looking good but now upstairs looks like the pits 🙄🙄

Headed to the beach this afternoon with the kids. Had a lovely few hours pebble collecting and enjoying the weather

My husband is inbetween jobs tho so we are living off a 1/3 of our income this month so life is definitely not all great. His start date is to be confirmed waiting on DBS

We will muddle through however. And only 1 more week of homeschooling 💃💃
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