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I’ve never commented on this thread but I’m so nosy so I’d like to join in 😂 today I got up had a coffee in bed and tattled while my oh dozed and my little one had her milk and watched the gruffalo.. went down had brekkie emptied the dishwasher then went for a run.. came home had a bath got me and little one ready then we all had lunch.. while she napped I went to Aldi.. came home did some cleaning and painting with the little one then oh did the tea (home made Chinese - fit 😂) then once the baby was in bed we watched the serpent and had a glass of wine. Now I’m in bed tattling, up early for a zoom yoga class

I doubt anyone gives a shit but it’s quite therapeutic writing if all down isn’t it haha
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The day started off okay but then my laptop, which is only six weeks old, started switching itself off every fifteen minutes and its driving me bloody nuts.
None of us are handy when it comes to IT issues so tried youtube tech advice but its so long and drawn out then I get to the end and am none the wiser 😩

Dropped a bottle of ketchup earlier when I opened the cupboard. Husband stepped back to see what made a bang and stood on bottle which squirted everywhere, on the floor and up the cupboards. Looked like texas chain saw massacre . Then as if by magic his work phone rings and I got left with the clean up. While I was in my hands and knees cleaning older daughter came downstairs with the youngest and said all the red everywhere and said 'who died' then youngest curls up bottom lip and says 'is dad dead' 🙄

Then we sat down for dinner - beef stew- and for no reason I can think of one of them decides it would be nice to put mayonaisse on it but uses too much force and the squirt over shoots the plate and lands on youngest ones plate who whines 'I don't like cream' 🙄 I then had to dish up a fresh plate but then the new plate had too many carrots, ffs!!

So frustrated with everything I just want to throw the laptop through the window followed by and all the squirty condiment bottles .

Anyway sod the laptop. I'm going to have a shower and then watch the serpent. There's a bag of drumstick squashies screaming to be eaten too.

Edit - I suppose this should have been posted on the 'pissed off' thread really.
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Saw a thread about girl crushes, and got me thinking about is it time to dump boys and try girls. Are they easier to get along with? Low maintenance? less selfish and not bigged up on footie? keep having these thoughts but always ding out.
aww just before you came on here and became a tattle addict, there was a girl called mulholland drive who was posting here and she would have loved to tell you all about how girls are better than guys :D
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watermelon sugar

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Felt like absolute wank yesterday, had a migraine so my fella let me go to bed at like 3pm 🤣 he was good and let have some rest and he took care of the baby all day & did his bedtime. I woke up at 8pm and he made me some toast.
Today I woke up at 5am 🙄 probably all the sleep I had. The baby was still asleep. I contemplated getting up and having breakfast to myself but I didnt, I tattled and drifted back off til 6.35. Woke up with a bit of a headache but it went once I got up and had some toast with the baby. He had toast & cheerios. I did some tidying as bless my fellas heart he did look after the baby yesterday but the place was a tip. After that I made a cuppa while the baby played and listened to his little baby bum. We played peekaboo and we got up and went to wake his Dad at 8am. I rang the doctors.
The day went on and the baby was due a nap but fought it till 2.20 🙄🥴 he just wouldn't go to sleep so I put him in the pram and we toddled off to the chemist to get my prescription and to the Asda for some bits.
When we got back my Dad popped round. He just stood at the doorway 2m away bless his heart 😪 he's 70 and I worry about him. It was so nice to see him, he adores the baby
When he left me and the fella crawled round the hall with the baby for half an hour playing peekaboo. He was laughing his head off. The baby that is 🤣 my fella went for a lie down and I gave the baby his tea, spaghetti bolognese his fave!
Then we facetimed my Mum and her new dog. Then when we got off the phone the baby started playing with his cookie jar and hysterically laughing at the number 4 so we've spent the last two hours going 'FOUR!!!!' To the baby and he was laughing his head off 🤣
Fella is attempting to get him to sleep now. I should be tidying but im on tattle instead🤫
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under the ivy

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She is probably doing a lot of running, eating rum & raisin ice-cream and doing her IT work (Mulholland Drive, I can't @ her now) - sorry to generalise you like that if you're reading this! Come back 😂

To keep on topic - I am now at my desk as I got a sudden urge to write and I've written a paragraph 🥳
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under the ivy

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I got up at 6.30, my kitten is in her first heat cycle 🙁 She was meowing and sticking her bum in the air all morning! I’ve told her she doesn’t need a man 🤣
Started work about 8ish, had 2 hour training 12-2pm. Might do a bit more work later but for now I’m watching an episode of Behind Her Eyes on Netflix. Found an online weight plate workout so I’m going to do that when it’s finished. Then shower / clean pyjamas.
Steak pie for tea 😋
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watermelon sugar

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6.30 start 🤩 seems like nothing to some but better than the 5am starts recently!!
We got up, then my fella got up. Drooped his head and rubbed his eyes, dead dramatically and went 'do you *yawn* want me *yawn* to *stretch* get up with the *big yawn* baby?' I'd been moaning saying he always gets lies in and I dont. I was like 'ooooh' then he yawned some more and was like "im back to work tomorrow baaaabbeeeee' so I rolled my eyes and walked off with the baby and he got back in bed til 10 to 10. Jammy sod 😂
Put Teletubbies on. Baby is always in a trance when thats on. Sure it's brainwashing him. At least he's quiet is what I say 🤪 woke myself up in the 20 mins that was on and made a brew and had breakie
Actually tidied up through his nap *pat on the back*
Another brew when his dad woke up
Had a shower and got myself sorted during his next nap
Fella acting cocky walking better with his broken foot. Then stubbed his toe 🤣 made me laugh. Dickhead
We went for a walk. Fella whinging about his foot. Not whinging when you're walking the shop and walking round the garden having a cig though are ya!?
Back from a walk. Baby likes monsters. Pretended to be a monster for what felt like an eternity
Bloody MIL facetimed. Didnt get the chance to run out the room
The baby said 'ning ning' on a video the other day and the MIL reckons he was trying to say Nanna. Sounds sod all like it but keeps saying it anyway. So now she's gone to 'NANNA NANNA NANNA' Down the phone. Surprised my eyes haven't fell out my head the amount I roll them
Fella being a cocky arsehole because Liverpool lost . Arsewipe
Had a caramel latte. Didnt cock that one up this time
Baby bathed and bed.
Time to watch some TV before bed 😎 exciting
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Set my alarm for this morning and crawled out of bed for a cup of tea. Marinaded some chicken in a tikka sauce while I was downstairs.

Started getting ready to meet my best friend for a walk. Not seen her since before Christmas and we were both so ready for it. I put on matching underwear (not because she was going to be seeing it 😂 but because I was so excited for a few hours out and wanted to make an effort!), straightened my hair, put a nice top on with some jeans, make up and a squirt of perfume. She’d fake tanned and painted her nails haha.

Had a few hours walking and chatting with her, filled each other in on all of the mundane things going on in our lives.

My son had been sick before I left. He had a headache, I think from late nights and just not getting out properly this week, so I think that’s what caused it. He said, “now Mummy can’t go out” 😂 this is the first time I’ve left him when he’s been poorly, I’ve cancelled a few things in the past as wouldn’t normally want to leave him, so I told him his plan had failed and he’d be fine with his Dad haha.

I got home mid afternoon and gave him a cuddle, he seemed a bit better. I made some banana and chocolate bread in the machine to use up bananas.

Then my son looked a bit ropey again so we had another cuddle. He was then very sick 😬 we went up to my bed and I wrapped him in a blanket so he could sleep it off, but his sister followed us upstairs and he perked up.

We all had a slice of the bread which was AMAZING, especially warm. Gonna make the curry soon and pour a glass.

Tonight we’ll be watching Ant and Dec with the kids, then will finish watching the Cecil Hotel thing we started last night.

@bolimepipi have a fab night! Bet it’s so nice to get dressed up 🥰
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alarm rang at 7 - i managed to drag myself out of bed at 8:30 because i couldn't sleep last night :rolleyes: hung out with kitty, tidied up the place a bit, had breakfast and coffee, put some laundry out to dry and then decided i have to start actual work at 10. so i worked, sent lots of emails, finished some projects, postponed some clients' things for 2022 (it has begun...) and also wrote a letter for a friend in ireland. started getting distracted so i got up to empty the dishwasher and make myself a cup of tea... got even more distracted and peeled a whole pack of pistachio nuts 😅 i have given myself 12 minutes of tattle now before i go back to work at 1 😅 not much else happening today other than a walk with my sister later
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Really lacking in motivation today. I was awake since 5am as I had a horrible dream and couldn’t get back to sleep :sleep:.

Pottered around the flat, cleaned the bathroom and starting sorting out all the crap under the bed we still haven’t unpacked since moving in! Made about 5 cups of tea that I didn’t drink. Can’t really concentrate on anything, kept getting distracted. Ended up buying things online I don’t need then stressing about money as I’m supposed to be saving.

Went for a walk around the local area, get very annoyed at people walking 2 or 3 abreast and blocking the pavement! Or people who weave into you as you’re walking in a straight line. Got a coffee and a brownie on the way back.

Got back and still feel crap. Had another argument with my boyfriend over the phone as he is at work. We haven’t spoken really since Saturday. I just miss having pleasant and friendly company! When I do try and talk to him it’s one word answers.

Ive just moped around since, haven’t got anything else done that I wanted to. Boyfriend should have been home an hour ago and isn’t replying to my texts so I think he must have gone to stay at his parents like he usually does when we argue. Just feel a bit lonely but I never like to bother my friends every time we argue as it’s SO often and they get fed up.

Going to motivate myself to walk to the shop and buy something nice for dinner to cheer me up! Then am going to try and get an early night if I can.
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Chatty Member
Got absolutely hammered on wine whilst watching TV yesterday in the end. Drunkenly walked to waitrose, bought and lost a lottery ticket. Cringing at what I was speaking to the cashier about/what I must've looked like.

I also ate half a pot brownie and then proceeded to projectile vomit all over the living room floor. The brownie tasted of sausagemeat to me for some reason and this just grossed me the fuck out because I don't eat sausage. What a waste 😭😂

Cleaned it up some how,and passed out in bed naked. Woke up at 10pm confused AF and sweaty. My boyfriend was home and said he got in 4 hours ago. I was dead to the world for ages?!?

Today, I'm ordering Mcdonald's soon, smoking away the hangover and never drinking again 👌🏻i feel like utter shit.
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She was a regular poster on here for ages and sadly went through a relationship breakdown a few weeks ago and disappeared. I think she wanted to focus on real life and stop spending as much time on Tattle.

I do hope she pops up again in the future when she's ready, as I miss her posts and would like to know if she and her family are well
Why would you want to focus on real life instead of tattle?:unsure::oops: :giggle:
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I've been feeling a bit better this week. I think it being quieter in work and half term really helped. Despite having saved for a new kitchen for years I felt really annoyed with myself that I still had crap lying about the place that needed taking to the tip but I just couldn't motivate myself. I felt guilty with all the home school/EXERCISE/meals/cleaning burden and not doing any of it very well.
Anyway, I'm hoping the scrap men will take all the metal crap I've left on the street. I put my old microwave out last night and noticed this morning that two other neighbours have now done the same, I'm starting a trend.
Pizza night tonight and my girls want to watch the interior design show Alan Carr presents with chocolate cookies. I'll have to drag the dog out at some point too. Happy weekend all x
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First day of half term and my husband has three days off. We are getting a new kitchen fitted in March and I was determined not to be left solo clearing out all of the cupboards and deciding what we should and shouldn’t be keeping so I said let’s make a start as you are off and there is nowhere else to go. We have worked hard going through loads of stuff that we will get rid of, being very ruthless thinking we haven’t used in ages so let’s get rid. Lots of decent stuff that I can charity shop when they re open and some for the tip. My friend messaged and asked me how much out of date stuff was in the food cupboard and im pleased to report only one box of herbal tea with Dec 2020 on it. Not bad! I found a bottle of unopened gin, winner! I’m going to have a soak in a hot bath in a minute, today has flown by and it’s nice to have achieved something.
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under the ivy

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Up at 8am, started work at 8.30am. Microsoft word wasn't working this morning (kept shutting) so obviously that meant I had to look on the New Look website and treat myself to a top and some jeans 😝
Screenshot 2021-02-22 at 11.06.08.png

I blame @watermelon sugar for posting her dress from New Look the other day 😉

Going to spend the rest of the day working. Not much else to-do really!
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watermelon sugar

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Up at 6.45, starting working at 8am. Stopped at 1pm because I was having heart palpitations and went really warm. Decided to have a lie down and watch that Framing Britney documentary but ended up having a nap. I'm so demotivated this week and feel shit! I just can't wait for bedtime every night.
Hope you start having a better time honey, I've seen you've been quite down this week ❤
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Woke up feeling awful this morning. Pounding head which then led to sickness 🥴 tried to get up but just felt too rough, so took advantage of the boy being happy watching TV in bed and snoozed on and off in a cool room. It always helps me feel a little better.

He came and got me at 10.45am, bless him. I felt guilty but just couldn’t function first thing. Got dressed and went downstairs to make us some food to hopefully perk me up. Sat with him while he did some school work. Emailed some of our wedding suppliers.

Sorted through my big stationary box. I definitely don’t need to buy any notebooks for a while.

Heads eased off quite a bit now, so going to make tea and then get to bed early. Try and put my phone down and instead finish my book and hope for an early night.
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