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Started a new job last month and had a video call earlier today with an IT colleague. I changed my top for the call and tidied my hair up putting into a ponytail to look smart and professional.
He answered the call wearing a black silky dressing gown with a giant embroidered red dragon down one side of it and had that 'just got out of bed' hair😳
He was eating a bowl of cereal during the call and talking with his mouth full and kept slurping his tea really loudly😖

Roll on 4pm 😩
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watermelon sugar

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Up at 6, same usual stuff
Went for a walk with the baby. Was walking back up home on a busy street just off the Asda. I was walking with the pram when I seen two men ahead of me facing me so I looked up to get out the way of them. One was weeing 🤢 he turned to me, bits full on display and laughed. I felt sick! I had my son with me facing the front in his pram. I just bolted across the road I didnt even look. I honestly felt sick
It's bothered me all day tbh. How vile must you be to flash a 25 year old girl out with her baby son 🤮
I got home and my fella was out the back having a cig. I told him what happened and got upset, I think I was more upset cos the baby was with me. It was gross.
My fella was fuming and wanted to go out and look for them and kick their head in. I told him not to.
He made me a brew and ive just chilled all day.
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Hugs to those who need it today ❤ This is such a friendly thread for sharing.

My day has been nothing to shout about really. Up at 7:30, crumpets and coffee for breakfast. Woke son up and logged into work and school zooms (we have calls at the same time so that goes well each morning lol). Son actually wanted to learn today so managed to get through set work by lunch so I could crack on with my work easier today. Made falafel and hummus wraps for lunch then worked until 3:30. We both then did 2 Joe Wicks sessions (my son loves them, I think the man is a twat) to burn some energy as we didn’t fancy a walk as weather here is really windy and cold. Made steak, pepper sauce and mash for dinner. Spellings and reading and usual bedtime routine for son and now I’m tattling with a cuppa and will try and read before bed if I can concentrate on a book (was such an avid reader before this pandemic hit).
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I have been really lazy. Youngest still in her Pajamas and teen in her room eating haribo. I don’t want to cook or clean up for anyone. I feel like I’m stuck in a fog today and it’s not clearing. I hope Monday will bring some clarity but I won’t hold my breath.
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My day was pretty dull, got up and did the normal morning getting ready ritual. My friend messaged and asked me if I fancied a walk, so we walked for an hour and then got a takeaway coffee. Said our goodbyes and I headed off into town to do a few errands, bank, post office etc. Popped into Tesco and Sainsbury’s , the small ones not the huge ones, in search of more mini egg choc. None to be had, but I think that’s a good thing. Popped into M&S to get a few goodies and then went home, made lunch and tidied up. Something nice happened though, for Christmas I was given a present of a weekly flower delivery ...every Thursday is the day. The guy delivers them by push bike with a long trailer on the back. They are wrapped in brown paper and tied with string, every week I look forward to them and have never been disappointed. I would never be this extravagant on myself but I have to say it’s a joy receiving them.
Sat down with a brew and my husband reminded me my car is booked in for a service tomorrow and we can either drop it now or get up early and take it in the morning, I opted for now. So off we go and drop it off. Came home and made tea, now sat on the sofa with my youngest , me on tattle , her watching you tube and a very annoying Australian family called the Norris nuts that make videos constantly and shout a lot. Whilst in M&S earlier I bought a slice of New York cheesecake ( not my fave thing) and have told my husband he can have it in exchange for his remaining of mini egg choc. He agreed. I’m winning at life for the second day.
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watermelon sugar

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Had such a boooooring day
Up at 5.40am. At least it was an extra 20 mins 🤣 baby being super moody today think hes getting the tooth next to the one he got the other day
Went and made a morning brew at like 6am and there was no milk 😠 i was livid
Went and done a food shop.
Popped in the Range to buy some toys for the babys birthday. Hes one next week 😱
Came home. Done his tea
Had a brew, sat down to relax, MIL rang 'teletubbieeeeees' piss off
Luckily my boyfriend dropped his brew down himself so he put the phone down
Got a bit of a headache so gonna have tea and an early night I think

@bolimepipi have a fab night!
@under the ivy im having the same! I love Nandos wraps especially with perinaise 🤣
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watermelon sugar

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6am wake up today 🥳🥳🥳 only 40 mins later than the last week but I loved it
Had a nice morning with the baby. He was very chirpy today and said Mumma again while tugging at my leg. I nearly cried. Them tom hormones 🥺
Had a nice shower and tidied up while he napped. Gave him a bath and my bf woke up. He was in a right mood cos his phone weren't working. He eventually cheered up and we were throwing the D at each other, not that you dirty devils, the D from the babies foam mat. He threw it at me and it got in my eye and I went blind for about 25 mins in my left eye. It was traumatic 😂
Done the babies lunch and while the boyfriend watched him I put the washing on the line for the first time this year. I LOVE having a washing line. I'd say getting a house with a garden was the best thing that happened to me in 2020 but that would be sly on my son
We then went the park in the lovely weather. I put my Teddy bear jacket on and had an actual sweat on
Baby had a go on the slide & the swings
Was time for his second nap by the time we got home, I fell asleep while my boyfriend was putting him down. Woke up in bed! God knows how he managed to pick me up and take me to bed cos 1) I think I'm a chunk and 2) I'm usually the lightest sleeper
Woke up and just lay on the bed Tattling
Made a brew when we both woke up and ate a full pack of biscuits. Naughty of me
Done the babies tea. MiL facetimed. A lot of 'Nanna. Wheres Nanna? NANNANAAAAAA'
Steak for tea. Medium rare ofc, if my boyfriend does it right this time 😂
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Woke up to my neighbours having an argument about one of them stealing the others bin 🤣 obviously I was deeply invested and couldn’t stop listening. Never known so much drama over a green lidded waste bin!

I’ve got the day off today so my boyfriend and I took the dog for a walk. He did a massive poo on the high street and we realised we didn’t have any poo bags on us so my bf went to try and buy some (for context we live in a village so don’t have that many shops) he came sprinting back with all he could find in the shops (a gigantic bin bag) it made me lol thinking how mad we looked cleaning up a dog shit with such an extra bag 🤣

spoke on FaceTime to my friend who has recently been cheated on (outrageously Scarlett are you secretly my pal 🤷🏽‍♀️😍🤔) and decided she needs to delete him off everything. I’ve also deleted him from my social media’s so we’ll see how that goes down 🤣

im trying to stop drinking coffee so now looking at ordering some ginger shots as I’ve heard they’re good for a bolt of energy first thing in the morning, but they’re all so expensive!
Hopefully 🤞

I’m not sleeping at all, which was already fairly bad.
Haven’t been on here this thread as I don’t want to sound like misery. I phoned the doctors today as I’ve been really struggling with anxiety and panic attacks all year. They were hopeless but hopefully I can see my favourite GP on Friday.
I haven’t eaten since Sunday and I’m currently living off cigarettes and the odd gin.. perhaps I really am Patsy, I’ll be chugging Chanel No.5 in no time.
My friend phoned me really late last night and despite being drunk and worrying me she understood how i was feeling. I know people mean well but the rubbish they come out with can be annoying so that was refreshing.
Hope you all tattlers are doing good ❤
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Mulholland Drive

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Woke at 8am slightly hungover from mixing my drinks last night
Had a shower, but didn't bother to get dressed other than my oversized granddad shirt, socks and sneakers.
Made myself some breakfast, read the news, checked emails (archiving ones from my now ex)
Gave the house a damn good clean, big wash, etc. (another fresh start, so to speak)
Zoomed my sister in J'berg, and everyone is doing fine despite being Covid positive.
Had some cheese on toast and updated my work schedule for the next 5 days
Took one final look at the engagement ring I had bought for my ex, and was due to give to her today; and then repacked it with the intention of posting it back to the jewelers for a refund.
Tattled and did some Citrix course work.
Now watching episodes of Scrubs tonight, and will hit the sack soon and take my Tattle friends with me 💓
Night all x
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just about to make myself A CUPPA 🍵 (this is really what i think now when i'm making tea jesus christ you're turning me into a brit here)..

I've had a really good day today. Like lemonlime, I genuinely thought it was Saturday because I felt so refreshed. Turns out it was 7am and it's Friday and my cat was waking me up to be fed. He's much better behaved today which is a relief as he was being a little shit yesterday! I don't know how you lot with kids do it... I can barely deal with my cat 🤣

I had my summer playlist blaring, the sun was shining and I was pretty productive! I had a tea with a custard cream to get me through until lunch when I had my parsnip and apple soup with bread. My afternoon was productive too, and since we get to finish at 3:30pm on Fridays, I was cruising through till the end of day. Then my manager zoom called me with 40 mins to go until I log off, and I swear she's on the verge of a breakdown because the senior staff in the office are being annoying and changing all our designs last minute.

She asked if I could design a new cardigan and some new embroideries before the end of day and I totally lied and said I could 🙃 I'll do it tomorrow instead as I always seem to work Saturdays. Wish I got paid extra for that, but it just seems to be the norm in some fashion businesses. The rest of the chat was awks coz she wasn't reacting to me being chatty and cheerful so I decided to just sit there like this 😐

I did an upper body and cardio workout after logging off then followed it with a smoothie and brew whilst watching Pointless
I ordered bday presents for my Dad and best friend who both have birthdays in mid-March
I washed my greasy hair
Now I have a moisturising face mask on, and have a viewing schedule tonight as follows: x1 ep Married At First Sight, the Olly Alexander documentary on iPlayer, x3 eps Run BTS. I'm going to get my Aldi jackfruit pizza on and put my cider in the freezer to be extra cold, and I don't intend to move from the sofa all evening 🥰
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Mulholland Drive

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I’ve never commented on this thread but I’m so nosy so I’d like to join in 😂 today I got up had a coffee in bed and tattled while my oh dozed and my little one had her milk and watched the gruffalo.. went down had brekkie emptied the dishwasher then went for a run.. came home had a bath got me and little one ready then we all had lunch.. while she napped I went to Aldi.. came home did some cleaning and painting with the little one then oh did the tea (home made Chinese - fit 😂) then once the baby was in bed we watched the serpent and had a glass of wine. Now I’m in bed tattling, up early for a zoom yoga class

I doubt anyone gives a shit but it’s quite therapeutic writing if all down isn’t it haha
Welcome. And this thread really is a nosey person's charter, but it certainly beats listening or reading the news and the twats running the covid shitshow right now 😁

I find reading this thread really calming for some reason. I like reading about everyone's day and keeping up with what the regular posters are doing!
In other words you're a nosy cow, just like the rest of us😂
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Not much to report on today guys!
Baby let me have an extra 25 mins in bed 😎 did me the world of good
Just a lot of playing, tidying etc
Our oven is still goosed. We went the Asda, i had a wander round with the baby while my fella went in.
'Just get stuff i can do in the slow cooker until the oven is fixed'
'OK' said my fella
Comes back with just casserole stuff. Bloody useless! So we have
Pork casserole
Lamb casserole
Beef casserole
Like are you joking 🤣 ill turn into a bag of casserole mix at this rate
Got back home and the weather was delightful 😎 Went in the garden. The baby has a little Audi so he had a go in that. He had a trackie on and he looked like a little drug dealer
Not much else to report on. Fella took baby for a walk in the afternoon. I had a dead peaceful shower
Lathered myself in some Palmers cocoa butter gradual tan cos I'm sick of looking like a milk bottle
Having the first of our casseroles for tea tonight
Oh and no facetime!! It's been bliss. Maybe she has a Tattle account and took the hint? Who knows
if i see a new member called 'wheresnanna' i'll let you know 😂
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watermelon sugar

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Forgot to write on my post that the baby got his 4th tooth! Woohoo
I'm glad I have this thread to buzz off what my son does cos I've had no one else to buzz off to really because we've been in lockdown for all his life 😂
I love you all 🤣
Not much else has happened since my last post other than my bf having a melt down cos he bought those shake pack fries the mccains ones? You're meant to get a sachet attached to it but the dummy picked up one without a sachet so he's pissed off 😂
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Oh no 😥 what happened?!
Mine was having a poo (she's an old terrier) and two bigger dogs came tearing up to her, knocked her off her feet. She was about 4 metres away from me, so I was already walking towards her to get her poo, but then I saw her bearing her teeth so panicked and ran to chase the dogs off. They kept going back to their owner, but then both back to her, bowling her onto the ground each time. I was getting more annoyed at this point and using her lead to try and shoo them away. No idea if I hit them, I don't think I did, that when he went mental at me came right up in my face (easily twice my size) and threatened to hit me if I hurt his dogs. I have a temper so saw red and started shouting back.

Just panicking if he had COVID, I definitely have now 😭😭

ETA. All dogs and people are unharmed, I'm just freaking out and can't stop crying.
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After my post last night, I ended up in stepdaughters bedroom chatting, then the boys came in and we chatted about lots of things for about two hours. It was SO nice. Felt like Christmas or something where we stay up late and everyone gets on and there are no arguments 😂

Because of that, everyone laid in this morning. I got up and started on breakfast. Made breakfast bagels for us all. All gready to go out to local forest. Was nice to get wrapped up in the fresh air and we let the youngest play at the park with a couple of other kids 🥰 it feels like it’s been so long since he had others to play with.

Came home, played Among Us with the two youngest whilst the eldest did an assignment.

Just had tea and then will all shower and get PJs on before Catchphrase and The Masked Singer tonight. Me and OH will chill and catch up on tv when kids are in bed.
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Basically spent the entire day thinking that it was Saturday and being shocked over and over again when I remembered that it was actually Friday.

Woke up early but wasted so much time on my phone that I had to have breakfast at my desk with my laptop open in front of me. It was alright though; this thing that has been stressing me out since the beginning of the week got sorted out yesterday evening around 7 pm, I didn't even care that I had to wait around two more hours after the end of our work day. Today we sorted out the last bits of it, I replied to several annoying emails and my coworker didn't have an attitude so I couldn't really wish for more. I've been feeling really off for a few days now but I can't pinpoint why and trying to stay away from emotional eating (more like 'let me eat so I can feel something' eating) has been unsuccessful. I keep feeling like something will snap around full moon but have absolutely zero logical reasons why.

Long lunch with family (while pretending I was actually working), then back to my desk and Tattle for a bit. The whole afternoon flew by, can't remember anything substantial apart from taking a shower, doing my nails and buying online a feel-good plant for my bedroom window. My desk is screaming at me to simplify it but it will have to wait for the weekend as I haven't a clue how to re-do anything at the moment. Going to make copious amounts of ginger tea as I have a bit of a sore throat (trying not to dive head-first into Covid panic about it) and read some of my old writing. I really want to finish a chapter of this story but every pen and paper and empty Word document seems hostile at the moment. Someone rinse inside my head and put everything back clean and fresh please, thank you. x
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watermelon sugar

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Nothing very interesting to report on today
Baby woke up crying at 3.30. I woke up thinking 'ah another 5.20 start.' Then looked at the clock. I nearly died
Settled him back anyway and thought to myself 'ah, he's been awake for half an hour upset - surely he'll sleep in til at least 6/half 6.' Did he shite! 5.20 😩
We lay in bed til 6. Boyfriend was up then as well cos he had work. We all had breakie. My fella skedaddled
Not much else happened.. the weather was okay. Not too hot not too cold. Put the washing on the line, love that. Baby always buzzes off us going into the garden
Weve ordered him a swing for the back garden. Were planning on kitting it out for the Summer 😎
Put the chilli in the slow cooker. We're having chilli beef fajitas. My fave 😎 ill probs turn into a fajita one day
Not much else happening..
Babies new game is 'let's rag down the blinds' and has broke the blinds just in time for the landlord coming round tomorrow 🥰
Day 2 of not hearing from mil. She'll be back with a bang for his birthday weekend though 😪 enjoying the no yabba yabba whilst I can!
The footie is on tonight. Snoozefest
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watermelon sugar

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5.20am start again 😩 3rd day on the trot, little bugger must be trying to kill me
Got my boyfriend up for work. He is clearly still after 31 years incapable of doing it himself. He was doing my head in because he kept asking me where things were. 'Where's my hat? Wheres my mask?' How the buggering hell do I know?? Right as he was leaving 'where are my keys?' God I was glad when he got out the door 🤣
Baby got his 3rd tooth. Still being a whingebag and messing with his mouth so think the 4th ones coming
Tidied up his First nap. His second I got in the shower. Boyfriend come home from work during my shower and made me jump. Was like the scene out of physco I shit myself 😱
Had a latte and a cheeky tattle. Not went out today cos the weather was a bit dull and I couldn't be bothered.
Spent the day chilling and playing with the baby. My boyfriends putting him down to bed now, we're getting a takeaway cos we couldn't be bothered doing a food shop till tomorrow...
Thinking a mcdonalds. Thank god I live by one for delivery. As Snoop Dogg once said... 'get delivery like a G'
Oh and my fella changed the babies smelly bum and left the wipes on the floor so I picked them up and was like 'you've left the wipes on the floor' and threw them at him. Then he threw them, a full pack, back at me, who weren't paying attention and they twatted me on the side of the head. A full pack of baby wipes full force hurts 😂😂
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