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Wisdom teeth. I have one that has been a nightmare the last two days and I thought it would go away like it normally does but the soreness and how irritating it is seems to be lingering. I know I need to call the dentist but I can’t be arsed with the fight with the dentist (as they’re growing straight they won’t remove them) but there just isn’t space in my mouth and it’s causing issues. Hopefully they’ll listen this time and remove it (not holding much hope. I’m sure you have to have three bouts of pain before they listen but I swear mine looks like it’s growing into my cheek! 😩🙄)
All mine grew through straight but only one was a pain in the backside. To be honest my dentist said it was up to me if I want it out or not with it being straight. Mine was the top left one and he basically said to me he could get it out there and then because the way it was it would be no problem for him to get it out 😂 but I was too scared with the horror stories of wisdom teeth and the fact I’m squeamish. Anyway I ended up phoning the next day for it to be removed, literally took the dentist 5 mins to get it out probably 2 if I wasn’t a drama Queen but they did offer to take it out twice on two occasions, I was never in hell with the pain of it but it kept coming and going every couple of months. I would say people have had worse pain than I was in
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I bought a pair of slippers for my Mother from Chums online last Friday, BIG MISTAKE!!
Next day, email from Chums, free delivery all weekend, AH FUCK!!!! Then next thing I
know they have a clearance sale.... The postage BTW was around £5 so I was quite pissed

On the subject of slippers, been trying to find a decent pair of slippers for Mother, it's
not straight forward because she's 92 and her feet and ankles are bad. So many are so
expensive like over £50. For a time she's been wearing some lightweight outdoor shoes
but I can't get those anymore.

To make matters worse, getting socks for Mother, another fucking nightmare....
There's a brand called Dr Keller that are reasonable. You'll find them on Amazon and places like Shoe Zone.
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Are you sure it's Arial font because Arial is from the same font family as Calibri and tbh (from a non-dyslexic) there's barely a difference.
I thought the same I thought Ariel was fine but I’m sure when I checked on it before it did say Ariel. It was just really odd very square letters, letters and words really close together but when I explained to her that the font and layout needs changing it isn’t friend all I got was “well just change it at people’s request” I always got brought up it’s policy standard fonts need to be dyslexic friendly. It didn’t half give me a headache trying to read it.
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Especially when people make them extremely smokey and you have your washing destroyed by the smell 😒 then you have to wash it all over again
In the height of summer my neighbours cook the hottest curry known to man. Every single time I’ve got a wash out
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Put me son to bed 7.30 he woke up at 8pm full of energy currently running around playing with toys. No break for moi😓
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What i hate too is when the person always replies with
Well maybe they ….
maybe it’s because they…
Always turning it so that u sound crazy and rude and the person was nice or sthg. Cant stand it.
I also cant stand people who wanna argue for the sake of it. Always disagreeing with u but just because. U ever met those type? So annoying. They turn everything u say into a debate
They really wreck my head especially the ones that are like “it’s just because it’s not what you want to hear” when really I wouldn’t mind hearing it but it’s clear you just picked and chose what you want to read but not actually looked at or considered the situation 🤦🏼‍♀️ the ones that say the standard “their narcissist, all men are the same” etc I don’t know if it’s just because I’m very open minded and I rather look at situations from all angles etc
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I hate social media. I know everything is fake, but people are actually living there best life. An assho!e i know got PR in USA, someone has bought a house, someone I know is vacationing every second week. I don't think it is fake
The thing is they only show what they want people to see. I had a fwb lad and we got really really close he ended up getting a girlfriend I wasn’t 100% aware of (he would act single then throw in he’s got a girlfriend then talk and act like they broke up) when I found her to tell her all her posts was of them together people commenting “match made in heaven” “couple goals” made me feel crap until my mate said seeing that you wouldn’t think he been cheating on her messaging you. Then 18 months later he popped up again messaging telling me how it really effected her, lack of trust and that and again when I went to tell again her posts you wouldn’t of thought she found out he was messaging me, sexting me and other people behind her back because the pics are of them going away and that
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I work in TEFL and HATE it. I'm getting my masters in public health. I want to do PH in Europe or Oceania
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Previous thread here:

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Kim Mild

VIP Member
Covid testing has been discontinued for months, can't believe people are testing themselves.
Perhaps it's a scam to get some time off work or something.
I'm sure some care work companies provide their staff with regular tests.
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So sorry this has happened to you, especially after you'd saved so long for your car.

Do you have any legal cover on your policy? Based on this being a collision in England/ Wales (because that's the only legal system I'm familiar with, other parts of the UK and elsewhere are different) I would tell your insurers that you absolutely want to continue to dispute and are happy to take it to court (if you are that is). It will only go 50/50 if your insurers back down; tbh Land Rover drivers (especially if it was a Disco) are normally dicks (no offence to those Disco drivers who are nice!) so they will probably insist it's not their fault and not be willing to compromise. If their insurers don't offer a 50/50 and yours don't either it may well end up in litigation anyway.

Is it one of those cases where you say the other car encroached into your lane and vice versa? As although those are difficult to prove, things that can help (and it's worth telling your insurers if any of these apply) are

1. Which lane you were in as you joined the roundabout and why (so for example you were turning right at the roundabout so you were in the right hand of the 2 lanes which is marked straight ahead/ right turn)
2. The fact you were turning right meant you would have stayed in that lane until the exit before the one you were taking
3. Where you were going especially if its a route you know well/ travel regularly (even though you're a new driver, it's knowing the road that's important, so even if you used to pass through that roundabout as a passenger, you'll know it better than someone unfamiliar with the area)
4. Send them any photos you can of the road layout, google maps, streetview etc to show any road markings, your intended route and so on
5. If the other driver gave you their address and they're not local mention that too - they won't have known the road. Did they say anything at the scene about following their satnav etc?
6. Also whether you had any conversation with them at the scene or via text where they admitted fault in any way
7. Finally, the fact you're a new driver probably means you're more observant, careful and following the road rules way more than someone who's been driving for years, so again that should be something in your favour.

The main thing is just to be politely assertive with your insurers; remind them they've said the other driver's version makes no sense, so they should be defending this claim for you (or if you have legal cover passing it to solicitors to do so).

Hope some of this is helpful - if the actual circs are any different and you want any further advice just let me know :)

Finally although I know this is not much help now please get a dashcam in your next car, you can get them for about £25-30 on Amazon and they are so useful in these sorts of disputes.
Thanks, the worse thing was I was planning on getting one the week after this happened with it being my pay day 😫

I was in the left hand lane to go straight on taking my dad to my nans it’s a round about not far where I grew up so I do know it well but it’s one of those where people do take chances. The Land Rover was in the right hand lane and came out of nowhere, I seen it corner of my eye but didn’t think it would cut me off with how close they were I didn’t think they would turn into that junction they where that close I wouldn’t of seen them signal.
Apparently they’re saying it was a different round about even though her boyfriend put the details in my notes and told me to go to the insurance apparently he works in there.
It’s the second time my insurance has challenged them and I’m waiting on them to tell me next steps.
It’s just ridiculous I don’t know how anyone could lie over this I know I would just feel guilt if it was me
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MSFS (Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020) after an hour of trying to redo a flight I rememeber trying to do back when I had version X starting at Santorini and arriving/landing at Manchester (EGCC), in a 737 MAX the ATC decided to cancel for some unknown reason the flight plan, could be just a software but, but was 1hour into it arragghh lol.

I mean yeah get when they even automatically warn you trying to respond over and over when someone else is talking on X Plane (is more realistic) but least it's three strikes, (not a real person just computer generated ATC), then they terminate it (real ATC is far more decent and forgiving though).
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Please can you explain about dash cams. Can you fit them yourself and do you have to take them out of the car to prevent theft? I was in a pile up with a car transporter and friends/family say to get one but don't offer any help apart from this and when you inquire in a shop they just see you coming. I'm sick of being ripped off.
Yes you can. They are just a mini CCTV that you either mount on the dashboard or the inside of the windscreen and plug in to the cigarette lighter or USB. They are fairly simple to use. I took mine out at night, and hid it in the glove box if I parked the car. They might not get stolen nowadays as they are getting cheaper to buy.
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Todays my day off and it’s lucky I look at my work emails (I like to know what’s going on so when I’m back I’m not surprised) anyway got an email and people have booked me into appointments tomorrow without even talking to me over it 😠 honestly some woman who thinks she’s the boss keep managing me and she isn’t even my supervisor even the email says she was spoken to over this appointment I’m booked in not my supervisor
i had this done to me too. i was on keave last week and was added to an 8.30am meefing monday on friday afternoon. they must have seen my OOO when they sent rhe invite ..i don't start until 9 so would have miased it anyway (it was cancelled last minute!)
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