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My friend works in a nursing home, when she tested positive about 3 weeks ago she rang in sick and the home told her to get into work or she wouldn’t get paid, she told me they don’t care if staff are positive any more. That’s awful!
That's terrible. Even pre Covid if I had a heavy cold or cough I never went near the oldies in my family. Still don't. When you're 90 years old anything like that can be nasty.

My Mum had COPD and the last couple of years of her life she was in and out of hospital because she ever just got a cough or a cold, it always turned into something much worse like bronchitis or pleurisy.
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I wanted to buy a book for my sister that I've already read before. It's already out and has been for a while. I don't want to buy a hardback copy, but a paperback because it's cheaper. Why the delay?

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An author came up on You Tube telling her fans who have ordered her original book on Amazon but are still waiting that she had contacted her publishers to ask them to supply the book as people wanted to buy it. Maybe that is what's affecting all authors 🤷
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Can you try the shoes a size down? Ive previously got wide fit from new look in the size down and they worked fine! Worth a shot if you really like them!
I’ve got the free delivery pass thing so I might give it a try,thank you x I’ve got the narrowest twiglet feet though🤣
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I'm sure some care work companies provide their staff with regular tests.
The majority of testing stopped a while ago. The only people who might test are those working with clients with suppressed immunity or in a hospice.
We are still supposed to wear PPE for close contact tasks.
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Rosie glow

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That’s exactly the sort of thing mine would do!
Then he’d be genuinely baffled by me getting annoyed, and protest “but you never asked for something to eat!” 😂
Exactly 😄 he's genuinely like why are you annoyed with me he can't work it out 🤣🤣
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I've just had to buy a replacement wing mirror off ebay as a tractor driver passed me and the empty trailer smacked into my wing mirror. The whole thing is broken completely. I slowed right down on seeing the tractor coming but they were driving at speed. This was in a 30mph limit. Before I even knew what had happened the tractor drove by and the trailer hit my wing mirror. The tactor got past with no problem but the trailer didn't. They didn't slow down at all or stop once the incident took place. I bet they didn't even realise anything had happened. Probably didn't hear or feel anything. I sat there in shock, as did the vehicles following the tractor and I watched in the rear view mirror as the tractor disappeared around the corner. The lorry behind the tractor managed to get passed me no issue at all so the trailer was either incredibly wide or it swung my way as it went passed. I didn't really know what to do and was on my own. I drove on a bit before finding a turning place and went back to pick up the pieces of the cover which were in okay condition but as they have been forced apart the pieces of the cover that fit together had snapped off. The mirror glass was smashed badly and hanging off, only connected by the wires. My legs were shaking actually from the shock and thinking about the fact it could have been worse.

I know it's only a wing mirror and I was lucky really not to have had any more damage done to my car. The trailer could have scraped all down the side of the car. But I'm annoyed at having to pay to replace something when I haven't done anything wrong and have no details for the driver. It feels like they weren't driving with care.

Farmers are obviously very important and are busy at this time of year but they do share the road with other users. Farmers I know are very careful to stop and be stationary to let the cars decide whether to go through or reverse so that the tractor wouldn't be at fault if anything were to happen. But I wasn't given any option to reverse to make room.

It really frustrates me that I don't know what else I could have done? Except not go out today! I live in countryside and share the road with tractors every day! I do feel that it will make me extra extra cautious. I need to get a grip though. I can't not go out in the car because I'm worrying about what could happen.

I could put a post up on the local Facebook groups to see if there were any witnesses on there who got any details but it just seems like too much hassle and I imagine the tractor driver would try to pass the blame or deny any knowledge. I luckily have a family member who will help me to fit the new wing mirror so will be much cheaper than going to a garage. Should I invest in a dash cam?

I feel better after putting it all down.
Invest in a dash cam for sure! You don’t even need to spend a lot on one, I got a cheap one off Amazon and it does the job, reads number plates clearly and has good night vision, also has bump detection if my cars hit whilst parked.
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Noooo! I had buyers try that with me once after a catalogue of annoying demands. They wanted to view multiple times but demanded I not be home and after the 4th or 5th demand (they were not requests), I said no. They then demanded all the white goods, my nice light fittings and some furniture. There were numerous other delays which are too boring to go into but they were FTB so I tried to be tolerant. Then after we’d limped to the point of exchange, they said they wanted 10k off. I was furious and did actually tell them to fuck off. It was irritating, but they subsequently lost their 100% mortgage offer and couldn’t then buy so tough tit.

It‘s outrageous that people can pull these stunts. Well done for telling them to do one.
What an absolute nightmare!!! They got their karma though!
I am poorly. I woke up very dizzy and unable to focus. I can only focus if I don’t move my head. I have been in bed all day and I have things to do, I don’t ‘do’ poorly! I’m not that surprised i’m poorly tbh as last week was incredibly stressful 😫 I hope I feel better tomorrow
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Netflix. The whole thing about sharing passwords. My parents kicked us if theirs now due to it. It’s not even about paying for it myself it’s more annoying that I know don’t know where I am up to in series which is the worst part
My sister did this to me too, now I've got to rewatch all the things I like so it stops recommending me crap 😂 you couldn't have bloody waited to delete the profile could you grr
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Depression. How can things be going well, the sun shining, lots of love in my life and I still feel sad. I am medicated and the good days outnumber the bad but sometimes you just wonder why.
I know. It’s awful isn’t it? Sending lots of positive energy your way, for what it’s worth x
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He says he will. Most the time he doesn’t. I said to him today I just can’t go on like this. Not just the chocolate it’s what the chocolate represents 😂😂
Agree with people that brag about money.

I work with someone who has loads of money and she always talks about it to people and shows off about basically everything. Yes you’re loaded but you’re a cunt 😃
Must be a cunt thing because the woman that does this is the same woman I reported a couple weeks ago for telling everyone why a colleague in work has been off for 6 months and she became an arse to everyone over confidentiality 🙄
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I am self employed and so many clients having been forgetting to pay. I think with the bank holidays and people going away etc it is genuine mistakes but I’m fed up, I just want people to pay me, and I don’t want to have to chase!
I do some work via a company and they need my work verified by clients to pay me, this also caused a hold up this week because someone didn’t verify in time so my wage was down by £150, which to me is a lot!!
feeling you. People do not care if they leave people struggling because they are lazy. I'm a temp and previously I have missed out on a wage because someone didn't approve my timesheet in time around a public holiday period. Yes i got paid eventually but it rolled over into being paid 2 weeks at once so I was taxed really heavily as if I was on higher wages. Do not get me started on Bank Holidays. Until the contracted employer decided to pay us for today , i worked out with the 2 for Easter and and 3 in May I would have been losing a grand! A day off is not worth over £200 to me . I need that money
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Had an amazing sleep Saturday night work up so refreshed.
last night couldn’t sleep, kept breaking my sleep so ended up arse
Had a weekly ticket on my bus app and it’s suddenly disappeared so uninstalled and reinstalled the app now my ticket has disappeared completely
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Just saw someone on Twatter annoucing that "boomers need to know there place" and I'm not a boomer but what does that even mean? That anyone who is older than whoever should just bow down and be subservient automatically?

FYI, I'd have exactly the same opinion if it was a boomer saying this to younger people. It's so WTF!

Fuck me, this generational war is vile and social media has so much to do with fuelling it.
I’ve seen that too. I’m not sure what it means either, but I’m assuming it means anyone not under the age of 30 isn’t worthy 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Yesterday I was driving through my small village behind the bus. It stopped on a blind right hand bend to pick someone up. The van behind overtook both me and the bus on completely the wrong side of the road. There’s no way he could see what was coming as there is a house on the bend. If there had been someone coming the other way, he would have hit them head on. Absolute twat !
this is terrible but sometimes I wish they would have an accident. Not enough to hurt anyone, but enough so that they face consequences to their shitty actions.
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