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Kim Mild

VIP Member
You want to report your partner?
I don't understand how it's a problem. Why would it need reporting?

I probably should have quoted the original post. I suppose the op could inform his employer that the van is being used for non work purposes.
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This is taking the piss. You should pick when you want the slots that’s the point of s personal trainer. They fit in with you!!! Another commitment sounds iffy to me
His other commitment is picking up his wife from the airport. There are buses and taxis from the local airport but even then, fair enough, I just don't believe he didn't know that the last time I saw him a couple of days ago. That's the part which feels disrespectful to me. And he has form.

Tell him no and then start looking for a different PT. They are a dime a dozen and I wouldn't put up with it no matter how "nice" they are. I hate it when you pay for a service and people think their time is more important
I've turned his request down for the earlier session. I have considered moving on but thought it was worth sticking out.
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Chatty Member
You can contact them and ask for refund, they might give it back if you've not been using the service. I've done that loads of times with various subscriptions
Oh I’ll definitely give that a try, thank you!
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Kim Mild

VIP Member
We've got some new planters for the garden and my husband put them in a sunny spot . I told him to move them off the manhole cover in case it ever needs opened . Instead of just putting them somewhere else , he was saying we should just get rid of the fence because the fence is over it as it's a shared drain . And I was saying how since it's shared, it needs to be accessible. He was replying that fence panels would need removing to access it ( which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't blocked off ) but I saying the water board managed. And he was arguing that they couldn't, but he wasn't there when they did and I was . Then he was asking what it had to to with water board anyway.

All of this and he could have just said OK, best not cover it.
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Yeah I think it's because there's a feeling that having pudding is being greedy! So when one person says they don't want it, everyone else is thinking "actually yeah maybe it'd be a bit greedy to have it".

I did once have pudding when no one else did and it was really awkward because when it came out, everyone was staring and saying things like: "wow that looks so good! It looks so sweet! How does it taste?" etc. Felt like I was some kind of entertainment. Never again. 🤣
Hope you can just order it to go at the end next time. Best of both worlds if you don't feel comfortable.
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VIP Member
I have ordered something from eBay. They’ve sent the wrong size and now have given me stupid options about what to do next (refund just the item not postage) not my fault 😡
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VIP Member
I know how it feels. Hopefully they will sort it quickly.
I hope so 😭😭

I just know I will struggle to sleep and the probably wake up at 4. I already have a stress headache. All because I didn't scroll a bit further when I googled the company name (although in my defence it did also say the transaction originated in Italy and I haven't left the country in the last month)
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VIP Member
If you want advice, copy & paste your post to the dating thread.

In terms of rant, that is really shitty of him to treat you like that. You're allowed to feel your feelings and process them ❤
Honestly, as much as I like advice and rant about it I’m just sick of people not reading it properly and just saying “block him” “why didn’t you block and delete” etc then calling me a bitch for letting the girlfriend know 😂🤦🏼‍♀️

I just can’t wait till these feeling fade again but at the moment my guts got a odd feeling over it all and it’s making me feel slightly sick that somethings happened
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I’ve had a reall jarring experience tonight and I feel silly for being so upset by it

so I was talking to this guy (i don’t know him but he was with who I was with) and he asks if I’m single and all that stuff. I won’t bore you with the details but we got onto me saying I’d never had a relationship and he said that I was either lying or disabled which was really rude. Then he asks me why I had never had sex cause he doesn’t believe, I’m like yeah Idc but he keeps pushing so I kind of snapped and said you don’t know me, how do you know that I haven’t had a bad experience? Maybe I just didn’t want to? And he says “well I didn’t want my uncle to do what he did to me but he did” and before I had a chance to say anything he starts laughing saying he’s joking and laughing at my reaction. Then he says how is ass is in perfect condition. I left shortly after but I’m really shaken up by it. I’m pretty sure he was joking but I don’t know. Either way it was just really grim but I’m probably being sensitive
You know that saying plenty fish in the sea... yeah some of them are worse than you've already got 😬
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VIP Member
UGH sorry this happened to you. We should be allowed to wear what we want, tasteful cleavage or otherwise, without men making us feel uncomfortable in our own skin, but sadly most of the time we cannot. I hope you’re ok now

My rant is I just want to relaxxxxx but there is always stuff to do😫
Ugh I feel that. Why is cleaning never ending? I decided to sit in the sun and read first, then I do the rest of the shit that needs done 😩
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The way the receptionist at the doctors announces as loudly as she possibly can the problem someone has booked an appointment for.

I now know that sitting in front of me is Christine Smith who was born on 2nd June 1947 has swollen ankles and is urinating frequently. 🙄
Oh yes, there used to be one like that in my doctor's surgery. 🙄
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- I had a cappuccino at 5pm today and guess who can’t sleep?
- I just settled the baby into her side sleeper and my husband snored SO FUCKING loudly it made her jump and woke her up. She’s had such a disturbed sleep tonight. Everyone in this house wakes her up and I feel so sorry for her, she’s such a little love.
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Well-known member
I'm on the bus with SIX very small children from different families all sitting on their own seats, while several adults are standing. Two of them are elderly, and one is an old woman with a walking stick! Why can't any of these little kids sit on their parent's lap? They are all aged 4 or under. Why aren't the parents embarrassed to let older people stand? I swear I hate what society has become. Sounds melodramatic, but I just wish we had some universal manners and decorum like we did in decades past.

That's so rude of them, I'm sorry that happened to you.

I bloody hate men in summer, they get to walk around topless while my clothes stick to my sweat, and they get to pee wherever they like at the campsite/festival, when I have to queue for half an hour to get into a portaloo that has someone else's shit in it.
oh neighbour is the worst for it! As soon as it slightly gets warmer straight outside with top off, shi#te music
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VIP Member
Yes I don't understand why there still a massive delay between hardback and paperback sales. I found a series I like and the first five books were already out in paperback and I worked my way through them. Then, the sixth book was released and because I was desperate to read it in physical copy format, I bought the hardback, i didn't want to wait months for the paperback. It's a great book but now my shelf has 5 paperbacks and then a jumbo hardback that is much taller! Book seven is due this year too but again, paperback will be out next year, so I'll be going with the hardback. I don't see the point of hardback for novels anyway, just release the paperbacks straight away!
What series was this?

This would annoy me so much too. 😬

I refuse to buy editions of books if the front cover doesn't look good, but I don't want to pay Folio Society prices.
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