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My kids have managed to pop the seams on a beanbag and thought it was funny to jump on it whilst I was taking the bins😫
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That I'm totally checking out of a relationship I'm stuck in. He tries all in the wrong aspects his way of an apology without actually saying sorry is to buy a cream cake or a chocolate bar. I'm sick of eating my feelings so I've been hiding away upstairs soon as he breaks out the said food. He knows I'm trying to lose weight I am a whole 3 stone heavier than I used to be. He knows I'm pissed with him but he could try and an proper apology do something for me or even with me ie cinema etc. He's not getting any lighter either he eats the one I haven't eaten.
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Urghhhhh men!

Maybe it’s me, my daughter is looking for somewhere to live (had to leave her flat) so most of it has come to us, in the spare room, my partner (not her dad) is not happy blaa blaa, there is more to it I’ve posted elsewhere here, it’s all pretty crap situation but is he being unreasonable? Or am I just being ott, thinking He should understand?!
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I had to start hiding my peanut butter after I kept buying it n it disappearing/being used up. at that point i had bought n started 5 jars and never actually used any of them more than a couple of times before they were half empty or almost used up. same with the black pepper i kept in the strock cupboard for when I make soups..
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Being a women is just proper shit. Periods are the worse. I really thought when I was a teenager that the bleeding would be the worst bit but my god was I wrong. Periods in my early 30s are horrible. The anxiety and palpitations I get, also like it feels as if my body is just trembling inside for the entire week. Insomnia unless I dose up on paracetamol to take the stomach ache away and knock myself out. Pains in my boobs which then I think means I’m having a heart attack (aware this sounds very dramatic). This week is going to be the longest week because of it 🙄😩
Uh it doesnt get any better! Im sure im perimenopausal but ppl just laugh it off. Luckily i saw a gp or locum (god knows) who cares!
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Feel insanely anxious today (just about keeping a panic attack at bay, JUST about, I feel the worst I've felt in a long time), but pissed at my friend's nasty flippant tone at me. This girl has no grounds to take this tone with me because she is hardly Mrs On Top Of Shit herself and is often anxious and doesn't handle normal adult situations. She's someone who needs you to order her meal for her, will stand around helpless in a shop so you have to ask for help for her, that kind of person.

And she's making me feel SO small for being anxious.

What is the point of friendship of you just take take take others sympathy and patience, and when it's time to give, you act exasperated and like you're above feeling that way, when you're so clearly not... I'm not a perfect human, but if I support you, is it too much to ask for the same in my low moment?...
Some people are only capable of taking rather than reciprocating. Your friend sounds like a taker.
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That's terrible. Even pre Covid if I had a heavy cold or cough I never went near the oldies in my family. Still don't. When you're 90 years old anything like that can be nasty.

My Mum had COPD and the last couple of years of her life she was in and out of hospital because she ever just got a cough or a cold, it always turned into something much worse like bronchitis or pleurisy.
Im the same. I have elderly family. Ppl with kids with suppressed immunity etc. I try to be careful and thoughtful, but ppl dont all do the same. E.g. i am on holiday at the moment. Once I get home I will keep away from those ppl until a few days pass to make sure i dont have something off the plane
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My friend works in a nursing home, when she tested positive about 3 weeks ago she rang in sick and the home told her to get into work or she wouldn’t get paid, she told me they don’t care if staff are positive any more. That’s awful!
If I felt ill, I’d test and not go to work if I was positive. My manager would back me all the way. Decent care companies would not force people in to work if they were sick.
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Al Fresco

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The fact I didn’t learn my lesson last year and buy some blackout blinds/curtains. I don’t want to complain about the brighter weather because it’s lovely but it’s so light in my bedroom I’m waking up at 5 daily atm 😫
I’m retired now but when I was working I was up at 5.45 each morning but could never get back to sleep once the sun came up, plus there were two stupidly bright lampposts ooutside my house. I had a double lined blackout blind plus blackout curtains and it still affected me. In the end I got self adhesive blackout blind from Amazon that you use in nurseries which you cut to size and it covers every corner of the window so it’s pitch black. They are really very good but can get too hot in the summer even with all the windows open full so you need to loosen them off. The only other downside was that I slept so well I had no idea what time it was😄
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Ha, does Brexit meant we need it?
Looks like we're doing it regardless.

I know it's such a small thing to be upset by but unfortunately for me that's the way my brain rolls... although I feel better seeing a few on Twitter and loads on Reddit who hate this as well.
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Happy Lady

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I just want to move and get a job in a different field. It's basically impossible when you only have experience that isn't related to that feild. Combined with people hating Americans just ugh...

I love Americans and America. Do you still live there? ONLY experience in that field, what's that, can we help you, what would you really enjoy doing?
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Thank you. I don't know. I'm genuinely astounded by each new thing he does and the stuff I've spoken about here isn't the worst of it, mainly because it would be too complicated to explain.

The children are starting to clock that he is the problem though, even though I'm trying to encourage their relationships with their dad.

Sorry you're having to deal with this too. It's so draining isn't it x
Very draining! I’m almost out the other side now fortunately. My kids also see their dad as the problem and not me. I never thought it would happen. I’m grateful they’re not little tbh! Can you communicate using My family wizard? It’s recommended by family solicitors to communicate?
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Road closures, I know they have to do it but still annoying. My usual 5 minute drive to work today is showing it’ll be 27 minutes 😭 I hope it’s better by the time I leave for work
There are currently 3 sets of roadworks/ closures in the small town I live in (outskirts of London). Traffic is gridlocked constantly, because people avoiding the High St roadworks go alternative routes which also have roadworks. Not sure why it couldn't be staggered, it's chaos at present.

My rant, more of a whinge really, I saw an ad for Baltic cruises and thought maybe I could take myself off on one next month as a treat, being the sad singleton that I am. It was one of those no fly cruises, thought it would be interesting and I wouldn't feel too lonely.
Forgot that cruise companies still insist on COVID vaccination so that's that out!
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Hating being back at work especially when I went to dentist before hand not expecting to have two wisdom teeth removed. Because I'm round the back they've kept me and sent others home (its quite and to prove a point I've had 10days off I could of gone dentist then). Told manager it was my intention of getting one when I was off but this was only day I could get and I was lucky. Ive been ignoring pain for months feels like its my fault got antibiotics.
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Come and join us on the childfree by choice thread, if you haven't already 😊
People 'secretly' vaping in restaurants.

Actually just vaping in general. You look like a twat clutching something the size of a phone and sucking on it!
I am there dont worry! Happily childfree
I have that a bit with my brother and it really annoys me. I worked really hard to save a deposit for my first flat and didn’t get any help from my parents because they’ve got no money. My brother told me how nice it must be to have a flat ‘handed to me on a plate’. I was like, fuck off, I worked overtime for two years for this. He’s one of those people who thinks anyone who achieves anything or has anything nice is a posh twat and a bit above themselves.

It used to annoy me much more as well as being a bit upsetting but now I just think, well, if you hadn’t chosen to have loads of kids with a benefit scrounger and a dead end job then you might have a bit more too.
Yea im pretty unbothered by it these days. But its still annoying. I work really bloody hard for my money. I have no kids to spend it on so its almost like its illegal for me to spend it on myself?
It doesnt take a genius to know where my money comes from... 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Why have Laura Mercier changed their packaging? looks cheap now and not as nice as the old packaging.
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Wisdom teeth. I have one that has been a nightmare the last two days and I thought it would go away like it normally does but the soreness and how irritating it is seems to be lingering. I know I need to call the dentist but I can’t be arsed with the fight with the dentist (as they’re growing straight they won’t remove them) but there just isn’t space in my mouth and it’s causing issues. Hopefully they’ll listen this time and remove it (not holding much hope. I’m sure you have to have three bouts of pain before they listen but I swear mine looks like it’s growing into my cheek! 😩🙄)
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