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My rant for today. Our son wants to go to the Natural History Museum for his 10th birthday in February. Husband and I agreed we would make a weekend of it with the children and visit everything London has to offer. I've spent the last few days researching everything and today wrote a full itinerary, found the perfect hotel & places to eat, including a stop at Bread Ahead for doughnuts and Ben's cookies. Was waiting for him so we can book the hotel.
He's come in now and I said I couldn't believe how fast it has come around and we'd be going to London in 2 weeks. He just said 'yeah, I think we should leave it. It will be cold'
Mate. I will punch you square in the face.

I'd rather explore London in the cold then in a million degrees with a million people.
If he doesn't book the hotel with me tonight I will book it just me and the kids.
He's forgetting I'm stubborn AF and I will navigate London with 3 kids in tow by myself.
If it was left up to him we'd never go anywhere. He thinks a trip to the local derelict park is a good trip out for the kids. He'd choose that over the massive adventure playground that's been built 20 mins away 🥲
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When certain breeds of dogs get in the news for attacking/killing people yet again and comment sections are flooded with people deceding the breed is not the problem but the owner.

No, there clearly is a problem with certain breeds and until this is accepted people will continue to die and be injured horrifically.
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A post on Mumsnet upset me today. I know I shouldn't get upset but a post was up asking if your child turned out to be disabled could you put them into care.

I've got a severely disabled 7 year old. Obviously wasn't in the plan. Who plans on their child having lifelong struggles? But she's so so awesome and funny, and the biggest pain in the arse and it makes me genuinely sad that people are so frightened of disabled people.

I'm hormonal so probably affecting me more than it should.
People who don't have disabled children don't get it. Nobody really factors it in. I had an elder disabled child and still assumed it was fluke. It wasn't, two of his younger siblings have the same conditions. My children aren't useless or frightening or without purpose though. They'll just need to achieve things differently. Don't let them get to you x
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Chatty Member
I'm sick of being lonely. Since splitting up with my partner, I've come to realise how isolated I was in that relationship and now I have no friends as they all got pushed away by them. How do you even make friends as an adult?
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Elle Woods

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I'm glad we're all on the same page. When I posted that and saw a few people had quoted me I silently panicked inside thinking I'd have offended someone 😂

I am all for being respectful to actual people and using the correct pronouns where applicable. But I cannot get on board with being offended at the names of baked goods and other inanimate objects 😂 It's ridiculous. Some people just spend their lives looking for things to complain about or be offended by.
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HMRC. My husband is due a tax return he put it in last year. It had to go through investigation and was finally told 4 weeks ago that it would be paid in 10 working days. That came and went. He's phoned every day and they said the payment is processing. He called today and they said the payment was released yesterday and will be in your bank account today. I've been checking the bank account every few hours and still nothing. If we had owed them money and it had taken this long, imagine the fines and court threats we would have had. Taking the piss.
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crippling anixety. I don't know what's wrong with me but I feel like a teenager waking up for school this morning.
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Family members thinking they can shit on you from unbelievable heights then thinking oh I didn't do anything wrong and I'll try worm my way back in. I'm not who I was last year and it's not happening I will protect my son and my unborn child from you at all costs
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People who message you constantly and don’t take the hint no matter how dry your replies are. I don’t have that much to say to anyone to have to communicate with them on a daily basis, like how do you as an adult have the time and energy to be texting all day?
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Men manspreading everywhere they go!

at the doctors last week, some guy had spread his legs so much that no one could sit either side of him.

Today in a shop, a tight squeeze between till and exit, most people were standing a bit sideways to allow others to pass, but some twat manspreader decided he needed ALLLLL that space to pay for his stupid lucozade and bread 🙄 so I couldnt pass, after the FOURTH excuse meeee, the assistant had to ask him to move 😡
What esp pisses me off about this is the background to why they feel emboldened to do it

Putting my feminist hat on here but when a man shows entitlement by doing this, especially when he looks fucked off/moody, thats enough of a warning sign that a lot of women (and some men) don’t want to risk asking him to move up because he might get aggressive or scary. Sure some men might be unaware but I’m sure a few know exactly what they’re doing and that it’s unlikely anyone will say something.

Way more people trying to find a seat on public transport ask a woman or even a man to move a bag than ask a manspreader to close his legs which says it all really. there are so many small things like this that men do because they get away with it, and they get away with it because they know women are afraid to “make a fuss” ie are afraid he will react badly. Like at surface level it’s “he probably won’t listen” which is infuriating (and often what ends up happening when we do ask), but the reason we don’t push past that is again, fear.

Encountered this today, wondered why I hesitated to say something and it got me thinking. have clearly been left fuming 🫠
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My company is letting people go :( not so much a rant, but sadness. A lot of a good people are gone and while I'm save, it feels bad.
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under the ivy

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I started a new job last month and today I've had my in-person induction. I just feel like everything is unorganised and it's triggering my ADHD! I work in academia and its known for having limited desk space, hence my job is majority WFH. I came onto campus today and my manager (who is lovely) says I don't have a desk. So I feel like I've wasted a journey 😬 My induction was a tour around the campus and to collect my staff card (which wasn't ready 🤣). I just needed to vent as I hate it when things don't really go to plan!
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My sister came over but she didn't tell me she was bringing a dog. She knows my daughter is terrified of dogs. So my daughter shut herself in her room whilst the dog roamed the house and climbed all over the furniture and I spent half my time getting non dog appropriate items out of the dogs mouth and telling it to get off my furniture 😩
I really don’t like people who just expect others to like their pets as much as they do. I was also terrified of dogs and cats as child remember being forced into my friends kitchen where her parents were keeping the dogs when I was over. It does feel silly being scared of something that everyone seems fine around but especially when you’re a kid it’s really hard to get over that fear, no matter how irrational.
I hope your sister apologised for bringing her dog over and scaring your daughter and I hope your she’s ok now.
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This could sound mean but I'm so sick of seeing Gen Z on tiktok moaning about working. I constantly see these videos of them ranting about their office jobs and it's like... they genuinely think they deserve to just have money without doing any work. I also wonder how on earth their employers see this and not do anything. Half of the people in the comments have clearly never worked as well as it's always people talking about doing what you want and just doing minimum work. What really bothers me is that most of them when you go on their page have the best clothes, go travelling and live in cool apartments. I don't get it.
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Also do not want to go back to work, for me it's weds. I just don't feel ready for school runs and professional clothing and bloody excel spreadsheets 😭
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Im getting old. I know this. However when I was younger Valentine’s Day was where you gave your ‘secret crush’ a card. Didn’t sign your name. Just put ?? on the bottom. But now you include your kids? Seriously. Yet another ploy by card companies etc to make money. I saw a family send cards to each other then have a valentines picnic on the beach. Tbh it was a bit creepy 👀🤣
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MHe keeps telling me how I'm not going to improve on my diet (no meat), I'm not going to improve using free weights, I do too much cardio, it's basically just a whole session about how I could be doing better.
He is a knob.

YOU are the client, if you want to spend the whole session on the treadmill he should either support you or recommend someone else who can.

And, he is not very knowledgable about vegetarian and vegan bodybuilding at all, as a simple Google will reveal a long list of ppl who have become champions -

Sack him, because no matter how "nice" he is, he wont get you to your goals, so why waste the money?

Sorry, rant over.
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Rosie glow

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The prick customer who came in to the shop today and thought it was ok to be rude to me muttering under his breath well he didn't feel so big and hard when I called him out about it and challenged him.
I don't get paid enough to put up with people's bad manners ur rude to me ur getting called on it.
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Sitting quietly in my sitting room this afternoon when there was an almighty thump and crash.

Some little fucker passing by kicked an absolutely filthy football against my front door and it hit it so hard it caused the keys to fall out of the lock and they broke a vase which was left near the door.
I had left it on the floor earlier while doing some cleaning.

Thundering little fucker, if I got near him 😡!
Had to clean shit, basically, off my front door, and sweep up the bits of my nice vase. Grrrrr.

And even if I saw who did it, no doubt his proud parents would say their little darling wouldn't do any such thing. FFS.
Had a similar experience Friday night. Little shits did this to our car. Auto glass can’t fix til Tuesday. £144 extra to find this month. Partner is having to borrow a van from his work which isn’t ideal as we’ve to go shopping in it today. Me being disabled it’s a pain. If I find out who did it I’ll get himself to go round and wreck their stuff
Problem is there’s no consequences any more. Asshats thinking they can do what they want. Parents aren’t bothered


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