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My husband. I’ve just done the washing up, we have dried and cleared the drainer for the night. He then finds a dirty spoon and places it by the sink, sullying the rarely cleared and empty space. Fucking washhh it
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Started a new job 3 days ago with the expectation of 1 day a week travelling and the rest office based near home. That's what they said in interview.
Turns out its 3 days a week traveling to multiple locations a week, including into Europe.
Spoke to my line manager about it and he basically said it is what it is.

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This weather is so ggrrrrr! Dark in the mornings, dark in the late afternoon, I just wanna comfort eat everything in sight. Roll on spring
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My husband. Everything he says and does today is getting on every single nerve in my body.


Me: Can you being me down a USB plug please.

Him: USB c?

Me: No normal USB

Him: what cable?

Me: No cable just a plug, there is one on my bedside table

Him: No there isn't

Me: Yes there is

Him: Nope. So which one do you want me to unplug?

Me: The only one that is a normal USB plug

Him: Not a USB C?


Reader there is a plug on my bedside table as shown here (excuse the dust)

I also wanted to show him something not working on my ipad and instead of looking he offered me his to use. How the fuck am I going to show you the error on mine if I use yours?! He couldn't see the issue 😡
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I Really thought I could see the weightloss in my face. I could see the cheekbone line and my jaw line. Out for lunch yesterday I took a picture with my son, I could see the lines. Because it was a cute picture I asked my husband, who was opposite, to take one. Cue massive fat head, massive hamster cheeks, no jawline and weird thin grimacy smile.
Think I'll stick to my rose tinted selfies 😂
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People who are dismissive of you feelings. I know they don't do it to be mean.

I messaged a friend today about feeling sad as it's valentines day, I'm skint, no further forward in my love life than I was 4 years ago, and I know it's silly to even be bothered about it when normally I'm not.

Friends response "don't be sad, it is just another day. My partner and I have been together so long we don't even bother with it any more."

Like okay, I'll just not be sad because you and your long term partner don't celebrate it.
People can be absolutely shit! Yeah they are right it is JUST another day, but it's a day where you're encouraged to look at your situation, like birthdays and new years. You're allowed to feel however you feel!
Can you do anything nice for yourself today? Celebrate your situation with a nice bath, nice meal? It might not be where you want to be but there's always ways to soften those feelings and appreciate where you are currently!

I made a massive life decision, a "friend" told me I would regret it and I haven't heard from them since. Not even checking in to see if I'm ok, if they were right and I regret it or anything.
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Lola Ruby

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That as soon as it's payday you can literally see your money evaporating after paying the many bills etc 👋
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My sister came over but she didn't tell me she was bringing a dog. She knows my daughter is terrified of dogs. So my daughter shut herself in her room whilst the dog roamed the house and climbed all over the furniture and I spent half my time getting non dog appropriate items out of the dogs mouth and telling it to get off my furniture 😩
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Chatty Member
I understand. Growing up I never heard the N word as it’s not used at all in in country I grew up in.
So to hear an old lady I know ask for N****r brown tights. I was shocked. I told her it’s not appropriate to say that. According to her that was what it used to be called.
I don’t think she really understood why it was a problem but she doesn’t say it anymore. She was born in 1938 for context
My grandma is like this, she has absolutely no filter when it comes to anything. We were in Morrisons one time and my daughter was in the trolley and we went past a family who had mixed race children and she said very loud voice "I'm glad you decided to have a child with a white man, and not some n-word black man" I had absolutely no idea what to say, I wanted to die right there I couldn't believe she would come out with that

But then again a few years later we were on holiday and a boy with downs syndrome and SEN was making alot of noise and she said "back in my day we didn't have kids like that, they met unfortunate accidents"

Needless to say I don't speak much to her especially as my own daughter has autism etc.
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Not really a rant but a slightly Mumsnetty whinge… my little girl is asthmatic and is just getting over a nasty virus she had in the week. Unfortunately the combination of the two means she has a residual cough from it. She went to ballet today and the teacher must have been in a bad mood or something because apparently she turned to my daughter and told her to stop coughing… I felt really annoyed when she came home and told me (she’s 4) as a cough isn’t exactly easy to suppress? Wouldn’t it have been better managed by sending her out to her dad for some water or asking if she needed her inhaler? I just feel a bit annoyed my daughter got the brunt of the teacher today and my protective side wants to ask her if she can’t find some alternatives to what she said….. my husband said when he looked in the class she was doing her best to keep the cough in… puffed out cheeks and all bless her!
Definitely not being mumsnetty!
I think I’d be inclined to send an email and explain ‘if she is coughing she may need 2 minutes to have some water and take a puff of her inhaler, as she has a breathing condition called Asthma. I don’t appreciate her being told to suppress her cough of which she has no control over’.
Stuff like that when it comes to kids who are unable to advocate for themselves really pisses me off. For some kids that could be the end of their enjoyment of something & really make them feel belittled
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People who work from home being extremely smug about it and rubbing it in everyone's faces with unbridled glee.

Why not spare a thought for people who simply cannot do this and count your blessings? People never choose the classy option anymore. It is ALWAYS smug bragging.

To be clear, if people want to WFH and can, good for them! I am annoyed purely at those who are showing off in a very ungracious way.
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My neighbour putting his rubbish in my wheelie bin. Last time I took a bag out on Wednesday, it was only half full. He's put 3 full bags in there since then and filled it up. :mad: use your own bloody bin
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Grown men with FOMO 😡
Boyfriend went out with friends yesterday and said it wouldn’t be a late one so we could watch movies and hang out. He strolls in at 2am saying his friends “persuaded him to stay” like bro are you 10 years old, you can say no!
(I don’t usually care when he stays out late but I’m going away for a week and wanted a nice night with him before I go)
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Curly Top

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I live near a big forest. So many people have huge dogs, with mastiffs and cane corsos being very popular.

There have been some awful fights between owners, dogs between themselves and with walkers.

Honestly, what is wrong with people? Why can't people just have a nice normal dog? Labradors, retrievers, spaniels - all have lovely natures and are loving but no, these brash, look-at-me types have to have a brute of an animal at their side. It's pure intimidation.
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Elle Woods

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Tights! I have one pair which always falls down and every time I wear them I tell myself to bin them when I take them off. Yet I always forget. I've pulled them up 385638 times already today and it's not even 9am
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On public transport on my way to work and it’s mad how many people genuinely stink. Body odour, bad breath. I generally feel a bit queasy in the morning and this isn’t helping.
Honestly, sometimes it makes me reminisce about the pandemic days when I was wearing a mask and everyone was too… not having to smell people was fucking amazing 😂.
Seriously though, the amount of people who seem happy to just roll out of the house in the morning without even brushing their teeth is rank. They should make mask wearing compulsory for anyone with poor oral hygiene lmao
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My boyfriend uses my things like shampoo, shower gel CONSTANTLY. My last shampoo was a Redken one (not cheap) and I hardly use any because I wash my hair every 3 days as opposed to his washing his hair every day. That ran out really quickly and I don’t have the money to buy the same shampoo again at the moment so bought a cheaper one and to deter him from using it put it on the side of our bath as opposed to in the shower. I opened the bottle just now and water dripped out (I haven’t used it yet) which means he’d taken it into the shower with him / used it and put it back, obviously so I wouldn’t know?! Plus I got two nice shower gels for Christmas, one is now long gone because he used that one too and the second (quite a big bottle) I only started using recently and it’s nearly all gone!!! I can’t have anything nice without him using it all and why can’t he buy his own stuff? It drives me fucking mental and makes me feel like his mum with new products magically reappearing when he’s used yet something else up. I don’t want to have to resort to hiding things but that’s exactly what I’ve now done with my shampoo!! Does anyone else have this problem?
I sure do have this problem!! Lazy husband does exactly this with basically every item I use in my entire life. Fucks me off every single day. Here’s a shirt but comprehensive list:
Uses my expensive shampoo
Uses my spare razors (they come in a big pack. He doesn’t buy his own/add them to shopping list, just uses mine)
Leave hair dryer cord tangled so I have to untangle every time
Doesn’t put milk away
Doesn’t take clothes out of the dryer for AGES
Doesn’t hang clothes up so leave them all wet in the basket 😤
Eats all the good snacks
Eats the nice crisps and leave the bag open?
Honestly after writing it out (and there’s more) I may just leave him for someone else
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The weather. I can’t cope with it. I need sunshine. Not even warmth just SUNSHINE! I HATE this time of year. Hate it 😩 Roll on spring. I’m already buying tulips 😂
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Bobby Chariot

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The amount of adverts on YouTube lately is just ridiculous, even if you are only watching something for 15 mins there will be 2 or 3 ad breaks.
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Chatty Member
yes exactly, everyone then tries to justify why they have said what they have when there is no reason to justify yourself. its so tiresome 🥱
honestly I find that MORE annoying than someone throwing a tantrum because they’re offended, the grovelling and backtracking 🥱🥱🥱

a similar annoyance - at work when people give it the big one behind the managers back but as soon as the manager is there they start sucking up with all the
😁 of course I’ll do that unreasonable deadline 😁 no worries 😁.

I hate it when people just whine about being walked all over but then take no action and let it happen - and then it sets a precedent and people think I’ve got a bad work ethic because I refuse to work unpaid overtime like them as we don’t get time in lieu. Nah I’m just not an absolute mug and not prepared to do favours for a company that pays low wages and would replace me in 3 days without a second thought!
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