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Elle Woods

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The world has gone mad. I was talking about food at the bakery with a colleague this morning and said something like "I could kill for a gingerbread man" and she corrected me and said "it's gingerbread person now isn't it?"

I'm sorry but if someone is getting offended by me referring to baked goods as "men" then they need to have a word with themselves. It's not that deep.
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Charities that stand right in the entrance / exit if a shop or supermarket!!!!!!! Times are hard enough and if I want to donate I will I should not have to feel forced or to be made guilty like cancer or children’s charities!!!!! I said to the man sorry I have no change and he goes no worries I have a card machine 🤬🤬🤬
Fuck off!!!!!!!!!! It’s intrusive and rude …’s the way they just jump out and say can I ask you a quick question …..

it just shouldn’t be allowed!!!
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I will have put all the washing away, washing basket empty then it feels like I blink and there's another basket of washing to put away and another load of washing ready to put on. It's the same with recycling, feels like you've just put 10 things in the outside bin then all of a sudden there's another 20 things that need to go out. And the kitchen bin ways seems to need taking out. Feels like you put a new toilet roll on then it needs a new one the next hour *obvs exaggerating the last one but you get the gist*
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I was ranting to friends about being sick of being fat and how I've been going to the gym and eating better and I already feel better within myself. They said "oh stop, you're gorgeous". I was like well I didn't say I was ugly, I said I was fat 🤣
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My husband has been ill since Monday. He’s had the flu bug that’s going around so it’s been genuine.

I have picked up everything in the house with our 2 children. Wake ups, school runs, tea times, swimming lessons, school assemblies, bedtimes, all the house work, laundry, running around after him, fetching him drinks, going to the shops for him. All whilst working my full time job all week as well. I’ve kept the kids away from him so they don’t get it or bother him. I’ve even slept in my sons tiny single bed with him to avoid getting it.

Yesterday morning getting the kids out to school was stressful. We were late, they were bickering and not doing what they were asked. I got cross. Not massively so but they were firmly told to stop what they were doing and put their shoes on. Once I got back from the school run he came out and told me I shouldn’t get cross with them because they’ll remember this when they’re older and I was in the wrong for snapping (once all week) 🙄

Last night I could feel myself coming down with it. Cough, headache, chills, fever etc. We agreed I would sleep in our bed and he’d sleep on the sofa (as he’s starting to feel better). Except our son woke up at midnight coughing and rather than dealing with him himself he bought him in to me! I can hear him snoring away but I’ve been woken up by said child and I’m having to entertain him (he’s only 4) whilst feeling as bad as he did at the start of it - when I did everything I could to help him!

Sorry that was long. I have no one in real life to moan about him too. All my rants on here seem to be about him. 80% of the time he’s fine but then he can be so monumentally selfish sometimes ☹
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Our fence snapped in the wind on 31st December. Our downstairs toilet had a massive leak yesterday and the whole downstairs was covered in 3 inches of water. Flooring, skirting boards, kitchen end panels and plinths are ruined. Husband is pissing me off. I'm overweight and miserable about it (if I had stuck to it last year like I should have I'd be skinny by now and not starting again for the 1000th time). I'm due on soon so I'm extra aggy.
Husband wants to go for a walk and I'd rather stab him tbh. I'm currently sat in my bedroom against the door so no fucker can get in 😆.

Happy New Year 🤣🥳
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I need to rant.

My husband goes to his parents once a week to spend time with his dad doing a hobby they have done since he was a child. His mum is always there pottering around, so he asked her today if she would like it if he brings the children round one at a time to spend time with her one on one as she always sees them together once a fortnight and it's hard to split time between 3 children.
She flat out said no because she prefers peace and quiet.
It has really upset me. I live very far away from my own family who would give anything to spend time with my children.
My husband's family go out of their way to spend time with SILs children, including babysitting.
They have only babysat once in 10 years for us and that's when I was in labour, even then they only had my son for 2 hours and then phoned my husband to pick him up because they had plans.
They come to visit SIL who lives on the same street as us and don't bother to pop in and say hi.
I just give up trying.
I feel sad for my children and I feel sad for my husband, he's had to put up with the favouritism his whole life and now he's watching it happen to his own children.

Families are dicks.
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Having to listen to my ex talk to her friends on the phone in the loudest voice ever from her bedroom (we still share the house, she ended the relationship in November) about how she's met someone and has never felt like this before and she's in love. While I'm sat in my room in pieces struggling to hold my life together.
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Just found my partner asleep on the sofa next to my sleeping new born, who was wedged at the back of the sofa. As if this wasn't bad enough he had also used his arm and a blanket to make a "tent" covering her head! I stayed impressively calm and took her back to her cot and now he's sulking because I had the audacity to question his parenting or as I call it, try and prevent my baby from suffocating.
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I have just taken my dog for a walk and a big English sheepdog was off the lead. It has literally mounted me and wrapped itself around me, covered in mud and put a hole in my trousers and cut my leg making it bleed. I am SO pissed off. The owner wasn’t even apologetic and just laughed. Why do people assume you like or want anyone else’s dog near you? Fuck off! I didn’t realise my trousers were ripped or that I was bleeding at the time or else I’d be sending her a bill. I am so upset and mad.
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Was out at a restaurant with my boyfriend last night and had one of the strangest experiences ever. We were there for about 45 mins having a nice night when this older couple comes in and sits at the bar. One of the waitresses came over to us and asked if we would mind moving tables as the couple (the man) insisted they sit at our table and that they were getting quite angry about it? I look over to the couple and the woman is literally scowling at me. We were both so shocked (we are both very non confrontational people) and I looked to my boyfriend to see his reaction and he didn't respond for a few seconds and then said "Well if they really want to sit here, it's not that big of a deal to us, we'll move somewhere else." He went outside to smoke and I was left with the waitress, who to be fair was really quite apologetic and embarrassed by it all. I asked if they were regular customers, because maybe they always sit at this table, she said no, I work here most nights and have never seen them before. Bear in mind there was nothing special about this table, at all, there were other much nicer tables (and lots of them, the restaurant wasn't even half full). So the waitress helps us move everything over to our new table (which was actually nicer, heh) and again is extremely apologetic (as were the other staff there including the chef), I don't know why they're being like this, etc and gives us both a glass of wine on the house. Still, it kind of ruined our night in a way because it was so WEIRD and we kept wondering why they'd singled us out and made us move?? Just a total lack of regard for us - we're paying customers too? Why are you more 'important' than us?

On the way back home we were discussing it and both agreed that the staff should have stood their ground and told the couple no, we were already sat there, if they wanted to be difficult about it they could leave. I don't think we'll ever go back now because they didn't stick up for us, but there were all really young girls working there so probably felt quite intimidated by the couple. We should have probably said no too and I'm so annoyed at myself for being such a mouse and going along with it! I was thinking about this all night after we got home, it was just so strange.

Sorry for this very rambly story lol, just had to get it off my chest. Served as another reminder that there are some really shit people out there!
I would have stayed at the table until I died. Just purely because they wanted it. But I'm petty AF.
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The threads with the weird hierarchies and regular posters with god like statuses who no one is allowed to disagree with are genuinely beyond fucking cringe.
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Feeling sorry for myself here, but I'm sick of being a working full time single parent. Sick of work taking calls from angry people 8 hrs a day. Sick of the cost of living crisis. Sick of trying to keep my house clean and tidy when my 4 year old terror comes behind me like a tornado and wrecks everything. Sick of being both good and bad parent. Sick of having 0 life. Have no friends because I'm either working or at home. Have no time to form romantic relationships for the same issues. Sperm donor has nothing to do with our 4 year old since she was 8 days old. Doesn't pay anything for her, but can swan round Paris, India, Dubai amongst other places with his new gf.
Just fed up with life tbh
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I had a chest infection over Christmas and now that's gone, I had 2 days where I felt better and now I have another cough and a cold.
To top it all off my partner dumped me after 4 years in November and I'm trying to figure out how to pay the bills and rent without her income so I can't even take any time off work to attempt to get better because money is now ridiculously tight and I can't afford to be sick.
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Weight loss is really frustrating and it’s not always a very straight road, is it the first time in 5 weeks that you’ve weighed yourself, and did you take any measurements like hips/waist etc? When I (for my sins) did the 90 day plan with Joe Wicks we were instructed to weigh once a month and my weight loss wasn’t anything to write home about but the change in measurements were - I get you want the scale to go down but your husband has a point when he says look at your other measurements too (sorry).

weight is á finicky thing and can spike or change due to so many different issues, a saltier meal last night for example will make you retain water, if you’re ovulating or expecting your period, having a heavy workout session the day before - these can cause spikes.

I don’t know how often you’re weighing yourself but I would either stick to weekly at the same time each week, or do it daily and take the average of the 7 days.(providing weighing daily isn’t going to be an unhealthy habit for you).

And finally really sorry if you’ve already done all this problem solving and I’m teaching you to suck eggs, I know sometimes you just want to fire off a rant!
Thank you so much for this reply. After years of slimming clubs and them belittling you for maintaining or for having slight gains it's hard to switch the mind set. On SW I could easily drop 3lbs in a week (I now know it probably wasn't just fat i was losing but water and muscle mass etc) but would be told not to go to the gym as that would be the reason for not losing. Absolutely crazy. I actually stood in front of the mirror before getting dressed this morning and wasn't repulsed at what I saw back so I measured myself quickly. I have lost 4 inches off my hips, 4 from my waist and 3 from my thighs 🤯. Thank you to everyone else that posted. Turns out my husband and all who replied were right, so instead of body fat, I now have muscle forming in its place (something I've never had 🤣)
I've firmly put the scales away, where they belong and am off to take some pics to compare to January's.
Thank you all again. My head has been wobbled and I will just keep plodding along 😁
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Stupid one but laundry.
It’s just never ending isnt it?! I feel like I never see the bottom of the basket
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