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Chatty Member
Is it just me, or does anyone else find things very difficult to open these days? For example I've just put away my shopping and 'fought' with numerous items to get them out of wrappings/bags, eg the teabags (cellophane refused to budge), the cold meat (peel back, resealable pack my foot - it tore), the 4-pack of beans was welded together, the childproof container of laundry pods is adult-proof too....
Why?? Its so irritating!
Im just about to uncork a bottle of wine, and I'm tensing up at the thought of THAT bit! Hopefully the battle to get at the actual wine will be worth it.
Rant over.
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We live in a cul de sac so we told everyone before our works began. I apologised if trade vans blocked their access (they did - many times), and told them to speak to us with any concerns. It was very important for us to remain on friendly terms. I know how quickly these issues can escalate into all out war!
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I want to rant about myself. Why do I still think about someone, who for sure doesn’t think about me anymore and why do I have the urge to text them?
I don't actually know if this supposed to be a replying type thread. But sod it, I'm going to.

Because, my darling, you are better than them. This is why they're in your head, because you are not cold enough to just simply not think about them. Do not text. Do not give them that power over you. Message us all as much as you need on here every time that texty urge gets you.
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Chatty Member
If I am ever ill my husband makes a point of also being ‘ill’. He will constantly make comments about how he is feeling worse than me. Part of me thinks its to avoid having to do anything. It’s really irritating!!
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This ...

If you commit your crimes as a man, you should stand trial as a man and do your time as a man. No discussion. 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬
He clearly hasn’t transitioned, his penis is visible. How can you possibly put a person with a penis, who has committed rape twice, in a woman’s prison. Absolutely furious 🤬


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The world has gone mad. I was talking about food at the bakery with a colleague this morning and said something like "I could kill for a gingerbread man" and she corrected me and said "it's gingerbread person now isn't it?"

I'm sorry but if someone is getting offended by me referring to baked goods as "men" then they need to have a word with themselves. It's not that deep.
I'm waiting to see if Manchester will be called Personchester...
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Lola Ruby

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Is there anything that makes you want to murder someone more than the sound of your partner snoring like a fucking foghorn. It’s every. Single. Night. I’m sat here watching a film with headphones on it’s so bad.
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Having read what people have ranted about today I have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of people out there that don’t know what the word friendship means. By the way the nannying job sounds up my street. However I am not a qualified nanny. I have raised my own children to adulthood one of whom is neuro diverse. Just saying.
I totally agree.

Luckily in my case, one of my very dear friends has moved around her work schedule to accommodate my op (I asked her really last min actually) and I feel so much better and relieved that someone cares.

I have also had a couple of messages from people who I didn't think to ask but ranted to today, and they have said that they will also be on standby if needed.

Sometimes it's the people you least expect that turn out to be true friends. I won't forget it.

I will also remember those who were flaky and won't be so quick to do them favours in future.
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Germs, school, money, life….the fact I feel on the verge of a mental breakdown.

I feel like I’m just existing, not living! 😩
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Elle Woods

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Everything always goes wrong at the worst possible time!! As if January wasn't hard enough financially, everything has just come all at once. My partner is self employed so tax obviously due at the end of the month, been chasing accountant for 2 months now for the amount due. The estimate she gave at the start of Dec was one amount, she's now text to say books aren't finished yet but she estimates it'll be double what she originally said! It's due in 3 weeks and you've had the books for months! On top of that the boiler service is due, the gearbox in my partner's work van, which he simply cannot do his job without, has packed up so that's another £1,500 we've got to pull from somewhere and my fridge freezer is playing up.

It's so stressful and I'm panicking about where we're going to find the money. Times are tough :(
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Chatty Member
It was her birthday at the weekend and she had arranged to go out clubbing with friends, he said oh I'm going out I'll see you there. She thought it was with his friends, no, he went alone and followed her around all night while she was with her friends. He saw her talking to a ' boy friend ' and he was furious getting between them and saying who the f&ck is that?!

Yesterday she left the house and before she even got off the street he text her and said 'where the f&ck do you think you're going?' he had snap maps on her. When she said I'm meeting my friend 'xyz' he says who is that I've never heard of them, send me your friend list I want to see.

She's been for a sunbed today and he's accused her of meeting up with someone because she didn't reply to him.

Last night she's told him to do one and today he's sent her messages saying I'm going to tell your mum and dad what you've done they won't be impressed. I'll direct message your mum and tell her things. What I don't know because I'm 100% up to date on all her shenanigans 😂

He's a bit unhinged if you ask me.
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My child free weekend before my birthday. It's a milestone birthday so everyone's like "you have to do something!!" But nobody actually wants to do anything with me because poor/tired/busy.

I decided I didn't really want a big party or anything but it's my first child free weekend in almost a month and I do feel a bit shit just being sat in on my own 🙇🏽‍♀️ so I'm trying to get into the mindset of spinning it positive, I've had a lie in, I'm gonna paint my nails etc and I can do stuff on my own if I want, but I do feel a bit meh about it.

And with it being a milestone birthday it's hard not to think about how far my life is from what I imagined it would be by now.
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Life is so much effort. I want to be thin and healthy and glamorous with a lovely home and meditate and do yoga and be a good mum but it's all so much effort and so little time in the day and I'm always tired and like to laze around and tattle 😩
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I always leash my dog when I see any bull breed. I don't trust they won't think my dogs a rabbit or somthing and rip him apart.

Then I always see comments online about how offended owners of bull breeds are that no one ever let's their dogs play with it and leash their dogs round it. What kind of idot gets a dog that looks like it eats people for breakfast than complain others are wary of it.
I honestly can’t believe how stupid some people are. A girl I work with has just got an XL bully when she has 2 little kids under the age of 5!! When I asked her if she’s mad she said well you can’t talk you’ve got a dog. I’ve got a bichon frise ffs 🤦‍♀️ 🤣
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My rant for the day is how difficult things are for young people at the moment. My partner and I hit financial difficulty during the pandemic and no matter how much we try to save, we never seem to have any money. We work and study hard but it just seems like every penny we have goes on paying rent, bills, debts and basics like food 🥲. I’ve not bought a pair of shoes that cost more than a fiver in about 3 years and it sucks.
One day things will be better I know, but it’s just disheartening watching ur 20s go by and not being able to go for a fucking maccies without feeling guilty for spending money on it 🙄.
(And please no one from an older generation respond with a story about how rough you had it, we’re going through it rn and I just need a rant lol.)
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Mine isn’t that serious but it really rags me when I reply to post on a tattle thread (e.g stacey solomon, mrs hinch etc etc) and get absolutely lynched because I dare to have opinion that isn’t tearing them down and get accused of being them?! Like god can I not have an opinion 😅
just came to post a similar thing. As soon as you say anything that isnt a criticism you’re told to get off Tattle then 🙄🙄 BORING
The trouble with only allowing those that hate the person on a thread is a thread then becomes very toxic and it's like they try to outdo each other on the hate. They then cannot understand why others cannot see how awful that person is. No one is all bad or all good

I actually believe the haters keep the person in the public eye much more than those who like them. Articles don't care if you love the person spoken about they just want you to click and when you get a whole thread of haters clicking to read the same thing its a win for them and they then write more articles about that person.
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I agreed to meet someone today and they seem to have forgotten. Been sat on my own in a coffee shop for 53 mins with no text messages on my screen. I went to bed late at 2am too and would have stayed home! The time in getting dressed and the 20 mins walk here p****s me off.

I might stay a bit but I also left my headphones at home which I use to block out noise. You obviously do have to buy something if you want to sit down. So I do resent the extra costs I wouldn't have had if I was still at home.
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Chatty Member
In my line of work we use male & female to describe wire connectors just to differentiate them and a customer was horrified and lectured me recently. It's an inanimate object with no feelings 😅 Focus more of your energy on the issues humans face, not cables
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