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People on YouTube who type 'first' in the comments. Who cares?! I was watching an interview about a serious topic and some idiot wrote 'first comment' which was completely tone deaf given the subject matter. 🙄 It's not like it's some achievement. Nobody would put on their CV 'I've never had a job, but I've been first to reply on lots of YouTube videos.'
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I declined the paper sheet I was offered to cover my boobs for the few feet I had to walk from the chair to the radiotherapy machine, considering the number of times they've been examined, prodded, etc., I thought there's no longer any point in being shy!
it does make me laugh when they give you stuff like that😂 like that sheet thing they give you to cover your lower stomach (?) while someone literally stares up your vagina
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Conditions will become serious if you can't see a doctor. Healthcare should be preventative, not just when you are half dead. Noone deserves to live in pain or discomfort just because their condition isn't life threatening. What a fucking world we live in.
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Sorry in advance for the long post.
I’ve probably ranted about my in-laws on here about 100 times now but they just never stop with their nonsense, I’ve never disliked a bunch of people so much. We live about 6 hours away from my partners mum, but she decided to come visit and stay in an Air b n b near us a few weeks ago when she could have stayed with us but decided not to.

She stayed in the air b n b for 5 days and it cost £1,150, a day or so after she went home she text my partner and said ‘when are you sending the money’ he was so confused and asked her Money for what? She said she wanted the money for the air b n b because she shouldn’t have to pay for it because she was coming to see us! He was fuming but guess what, he still gave her the money, he sent her the exact amount. When she received it she said ‘what about the petrol money’ and asked for £100 so he sent it!!!! So you come to visit us, refuse to stay in our house because you ‘like your own space’ and ask your son to pay for your air b n b and petrol???

We kind of had an argument about it and he said oh you know maybe she’s going through a hard time financially and isn’t telling anybody so I said to myself yeah perhaps that is the case but who would do that?

So today, there was a knock at the front door, it was his mum, she drove down to see us 🙄 So I look outside and noticed she had a new car, I said oh you got a new car and she said yeah I bought it last week. It’s a Range Rover and I looked it up and it’s worth about 60k. I said oh the monthly repayments must be so expensive and she said ‘oh I didn’t do finance’. I said to her if she wanted to bring her things up to the spare room and she said oh no I’m staying at that Air b n b again. So I did say okay cool but are you going to pay for it this time or going to ask him to pay for it again? I said because that surely can’t be okay to do when you can clearly afford it yourself. She was furious!!! And said she was going to go home so I just said okay bye.

Ive had a huge argument with my partner and he isn’t speaking to me and said I shouldn’t have said anything.
His mum is total dickhead and when we got engaged her and her daughters response was ‘oh are you pregnant’. They are such a horrible family. She also commented on the halloween decorations I had up and always says I don’t know the true meaning of Christmas and it’s about about ‘greed’ for me and most people. She’s a very over the top religious person and I can’t handle her. She’s so toxic. And comments on everything. Did I do the wrong thing by bringing it up about who is paying for the air bnb?
Your MIL is a cunt. But equally your boyfriend is ridiculous! You aren’t in the wrong at all here. She should never have asked for that money - the fact that she did is beyond a bloody joke. He should never have even entertained giving her the money and the fact she’s then turned up in a new car just says it all. What on earth are they playing at?
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GP phone lines... Our surgery has decided to make getting through on the phone lines to book an appointment easier they are removing the dedicated results line. So now when you call for results you have to wait in a massive queue but at least if you want an appointment you get answered quicker. I rang in the morning and was 21 in the queue. Gave up and called 20 mins before closing... Number 16. Got to number 11 by closing.

My Nanna didn't realise the phone lines closed at 5pm and they didn't cut her off so she waited on the phone for nearly 2 hours one day before she realised. She used up all her free minutes on her mobile. Another time, she used the land line. She didn't realise that the tariff she was on only allows an hour of free calls at a time and was again on hold for nearly 2 hours. She paid 44p per minute for the second hour as per her tariff. But if she'd hung up after the first hour she'd have been sent to the back of the queue!
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The Will They Won't They media coverage of Holly and Phil, will they quit after backlash? Who cares?! Sick of seing their simpering faces everywhere. Just quit, you are both boring.
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Last night I told my husband I’m not particularly happy with myself at the moment - weight, appearance, organisation…lots of little things but ultimately all things about me that I want to change.

He’s made it all about him. Rather than just listening he started telling me about how he’s not happy with his weight, he’s just as forgetful as I am but doesn’t worry about it. The list goes on. I just shut down in the end because there is no point in me talking about myself when he does this.

then this morning he tells me that he’s barely slept because of it and I need to do something about it because it’s affecting him 🙄 Fuck. Off. Mate.
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Sorry in advance for the long post.
I’ve probably ranted about my in-laws on here about 100 times now but they just never stop with their nonsense, I’ve never disliked a bunch of people so much. We live about 6 hours away from my partners mum, but she decided to come visit and stay in an Air b n b near us a few weeks ago when she could have stayed with us but decided not to.

She stayed in the air b n b for 5 days and it cost £1,150, a day or so after she went home she text my partner and said ‘when are you sending the money’ he was so confused and asked her Money for what? She said she wanted the money for the air b n b because she shouldn’t have to pay for it because she was coming to see us! He was fuming but guess what, he still gave her the money, he sent her the exact amount. When she received it she said ‘what about the petrol money’ and asked for £100 so he sent it!!!! So you come to visit us, refuse to stay in our house because you ‘like your own space’ and ask your son to pay for your air b n b and petrol???

We kind of had an argument about it and he said oh you know maybe she’s going through a hard time financially and isn’t telling anybody so I said to myself yeah perhaps that is the case but who would do that?

So today, there was a knock at the front door, it was his mum, she drove down to see us 🙄 So I look outside and noticed she had a new car, I said oh you got a new car and she said yeah I bought it last week. It’s a Range Rover and I looked it up and it’s worth about 60k. I said oh the monthly repayments must be so expensive and she said ‘oh I didn’t do finance’. I said to her if she wanted to bring her things up to the spare room and she said oh no I’m staying at that Air b n b again. So I did say okay cool but are you going to pay for it this time or going to ask him to pay for it again? I said because that surely can’t be okay to do when you can clearly afford it yourself. She was furious!!! And said she was going to go home so I just said okay bye.

Ive had a huge argument with my partner and he isn’t speaking to me and said I shouldn’t have said anything.
His mum is total dickhead and when we got engaged her and her daughters response was ‘oh are you pregnant’. They are such a horrible family. She also commented on the halloween decorations I had up and always says I don’t know the true meaning of Christmas and it’s about about ‘greed’ for me and most people. She’s a very over the top religious person and I can’t handle her. She’s so toxic. And comments on everything. Did I do the wrong thing by bringing it up about who is paying for the air bnb?
I think you are the only one in the right 🤷‍♀️ You shouldn’t have had to pay for the accommodation at all and had the right to question it the second time especially as you were nice enough to pay the first time!
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Chatty Member
Not a rant but a slightly jaded comment around diversity. For the last 2 days, Sky Sports News has focused on the lack of diversity within swimming and how there has only been one black champion in the last how ever many years etc. Fine. Add this to the lack of black football managers, lack of Asian footballers in the Prem and so on.

One question. Why hasn't anyone discussed the diversity within sprinting? For example, people are being interviewed over their lack of role models while they grew up, but why hasn't there been a similar question and focus over athletics? For example, who is there for a young white male 100m specialist to aspire to? Who was the last white 100m champion?

Is it a case of bending over to be woke, has the world gone mad or are the powers that be just pandering to a loud minority? Seriously, does anyone look at Usain Bolt and think anything other than at least I was alive to see him? Likewise does any tennis fan look at Federer, Nadal, Djokovic and MUrray and think, great players but it would be even better if one of them was black or gay?
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Government services being shockingly bad. I'm talking about you child maintenance 👀😤

My ex is £4K in arrears, do they do anything? Nope. He's been in the same job earning £30K a year for over a year. Do they collect his payments like they should? Do they fuck! 3 payments I've had this year. Meanwhile I'm having to tell my daughter I can't afford another £3 a week so she can do modern jazz dancing as well as her ballet

Fucking joke.

And the only place you can complain, is to CMS. I've tried to complain in the past but they said as I have received some payments this year my complaint isn't upheld.

Shit system.
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Double standards. A whole lot of backstory missing here so might come across as petty.

When my mother was diagnosed with cancer a number of years back my husband and his family were very blase about it all, fine I thought, it is what it is, I didn't expect them to be all over it but their attitude was something different. Frankly, they were downright disrespectful. Now my husband's sister has been diagnosed with cancer (I haven't spoken to her in over 10 years) it's a whole different story...

I don't and never have wished anything bad for her or her family (she's said a lot of nasty stuff about me and mine) we are in no way compatible so I've kept my distance. I pray she makes a full recovery, but my husband and his family are expecting so much more from me and it ain't gonna happen.
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These idiots spray painting or splashing soup on things in protest. What has putting soup on a Van Gogh painting got to do with their cause? All it does is make most of the public pissed off and less likely to listen. Same with obstructing roads, preventing ambulances getting through quickly, etc.

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The trouble with the unpopular opinions thread is that attracted a lot of unpopular people. And quite frankly the unpopular opinions kept going round in a circle. Certain people should have just been banned along time ago. RIP unpopular opinion thread 😢🤣🤣
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Nah, I'm with you, absolute prize clown, should be sectioned.
Agreed, the school kids shouldn’t be forced to witness his fetish being acted out and validated :sick: They are there to learn, not be unwilling participants in his fetish!

Which leads me to my rant: lack of appropriate dress codes. IMO, I am sick of seeing some people wearing infantile jumpsuits and dunarees and clown shoes and garish bright childrens’-TV-presenter style clothes when working. Dress like a respectable professional adult. We seem to have “normalised” adults dressing like toddlers whilst teaching impressionable kids, or serving members of the public. Wear your infantile outfits on your own time. Same for fetish wear, save it for home, not public or work.
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Chatty Member
A relative posted something personal about my child on a Facebook group. Someone was asking for advice and she used my child as an example. I told her I didn’t appreciate private info being on Facebook and she took it down but didn’t see what she did was wrong. 🙄 I really hate social media sometimes.
why do people have no fucking boundaries?!?! Facebook
Groups are the worst for it, I know far too much medical information about some random stranger’s kid from Scunthorpe because the parent uses a 30k Facebook group like a diary!
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Chatty Member
Some minor rants

But why are so many tops cropped?! We're heading into winter, I want to cover my belly please (TBH I always want full length tops, hate a cold stomach!)

Went to a big waterstones today, saw lots of interesting books (sci-fi) but it was always book 2 or 3 of the series. They never had the 1st book. They should carry more of number 1 to get people hooked on the series! I'll stick to amazon from now on
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My rant today. Delivery drivers. Where do they knock? From space? Do they knock with a feather. Also give me time to get to the fucking door. I’m disabled. I know they don’t know this but 5 seconds? I don’t fly down the hall you know. Today waiting for a package. Living room door open. No tv or radio on, just sitting scrolling Fb. Hear a scraping. It’s a ‘sorry we missed you’ card. Missed me. Where from? Jupiter 😡😡
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Couple on my road have had 2 squirrel traps fitted and they’re in full view. They’re meant to be fitted somewhere discreet. I appreciate squirrels can cause damage, so don’t come at me, but I am horrified!
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Can I rant?

Am I being unreasonable for being mad that my neighbour said today that I’m waking her kids up at 5:4am when I go downstairs to feed my cats? We live in a terraced house, the houses are old and the stairs creek a lot. I’m not bounding around my house and even at the beginning of Summer when my cats woke me up at 4am to be fed they never mentioned anything and tbh me waking up to feed the cats doesn’t wake my daughter up and she is a super light sleeper. Anyways she also said can we not talk in the mornings either and I said well my daughter has to be up by 6am to get to school on time and said in future we will try and be more quiet. She then said if it was at 7am it would be fine as that’s when her and her kids wake up. So basically I have to tiptoe around my house until it suits her own wake up time?

Her youngest wakes at 3am sometimes screaming which wakes me up but not once have I complained because babies are babies, or when her husband is doing constant drilling from 8am-8pm, or when they had a dog (they got rid after lockdown) where they would leave it in the garden for it to bark all day or when her and husband are having screaming matches I can hear it over my tv. They also play music at 7:30am which is fine but it’s so loud I can recite every song they play word for word but I don’t complain.

I can’t sit and tell my cats they now have to wait to be fed at 7am because one of them constantly meows and has a habit of banging my daughter’s closed door if he has to wait for his food 🤦🏻‍♀️ and can me and my daughter not have a conversation incase it wakes her family up?

My mum told me to ignore them and I’m a easy target to bully because I just live by myself with my daughter. I will try and be more quiet in the mornings but I wasn’t even being loud in the first place.

I could understand if I was blasting music or my tv at unsociable hours but all I’m doing is feeding my cats and getting my daughter up so she doesn’t miss her bus for school.

I suffer from anxiety and avpd so mental health has been at a all time low and this situation hasn’t helped.
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