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Piff paff puff

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People parking on lowered kerbs and in front of entrances and exits. Blocking off people with mobility scooters who now have to travel all the way down the street to find another lowered kerb or are not able to get to their destination. Should be illegal.
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Rosie glow

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Our new temporary manager is a @#£% she's just such a nasty person I swear if you cut her in half she would have bitch written through her like a stick of rock
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My mother in law, she’s a twat. I’m going through some personal stuff and she won’t leave me alone. She’s constantly texting me, phoning me, trying to FaceTime me. I just ignore but sadly we live next door to her Mum who she visits everyday. So she’s taken upon herself to knock everyday! I’ve just went through two miscarriages back to back, I’m still suffering physically and very much emotionally, yesterday I gave my partner a hug cos he was going somewhere whilst she was there and she says ‘careful Mr Melon, she’ll be getting horny again now, make sure you wrap it up so you don’t end up with another one’ who says that to someone who is still going through a miscarriage????? Whenever she sees me, even though she knows what happened to me, what’s happened at hospital appointments, what’s happened during the aftermath, from my partner, she continues to ask me, even though she knows it all anyway cos her sons already told her, but she still does it, and makes stupid fucking comments. Like ‘maybe you shouldn’t have tried again’ or the best one was, ‘I don’t think I’d have liked another grand child anyway, I’d favourite (my son I already have) anyway’ 😊 she’s a cunt. And if I say anything to my partner he says ‘she’s only trying to help’ or about her stupid comments ‘she’s just trying to be funny’ 🙃
What a massive cow. I'd be asking Mr Melon to step up more.
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My doctors, my husband gets medication for a MH condition and under the practice guidelines this is medication which is to be authorised within 24 hours when on repeat. This is the second time that Boots online pharmacy have cancelled it because the Doctor has not signed it off within 3 days.

Last time it took two visits to the doctors, three to the pharmacy and 7 days to get it for him. Why does it have to be so difficult, he gets the same thing every two months.

I have sent yet another complaint to the practice manager but no reply. We even had a patient group on facebook for feedback but because so many people complained it was shut for anyone but admin to comment.
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watermelon sugar

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Put my empty can of coke in the regular bin rather than the recycling yesterday.

Roommate starts banging on about saving the planet, a simple “ok, fatty” deflates him like a balloon.

He’s packed a few pounds on over the summer so he knows he has no comeback. Not wanting to escalate things further he just walks off licking his wounds.

I’ve learned that all betas are insecure about their appearance and have been raised in a soft society where it’s frowned upon to ‘shame’ anyone for their self-inflicted flaws.

I take full advantage of this and get the easy win every time. “Fatty”, “Chrome dome”, “Ginger nut”, “Four eyes”, “Chicken arms” - all some of my favourites.

Not one of these has ever stood up for themselves when confronted with the truth. This is what happens when society embraces soy boy culture.
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I have an inner ear infection and it really hurts, I feel rubbish all day. My brother text me earlier and asked would I watch my niece tonight overnight, I said no because I didn’t feel great and was having an early night, he replied with ‘bit selfish but alright no problem’ 😒 I do so much with my nieces and nephews, I am a very involved aunt and it’s so annoying that the one time I say no that is the response.
Sounds like he was trying to make you feel guilty. I’d also like to know what exactly you’ve done that’s selfish? Not watch HIS child? Family babysitting for free is a privilege not a right. Even if you weren’t ill you’d still have every right to say no.
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malibu skies

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I have so many gynaecological problems at the moment and I can’t seem to make any progress/get my gp to take it seriously and I haven’t got the energy to fight for this anymore. I was in hospital recently with gynae problems and I’ve now been bleeding for 17 days and passing huge blood clots throughout the day. The gp is saying I have to go through all the scans/internal exams before they’ll refer me to gynaecology and even then there’s likely to be a huge waiting list so it’ll be ages before I can be seen.

All I do these days is moan and whinge (on tattle and in real life) because it’s making me miserable and I feel like my life revolves around whether I’ll be in pain/bleeding at any given moment
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Is she okay - not suffering the early stages of dementia or something similar? I ask because that's how my friend's mother (who was diagnosed with rapid onset dementia) started behaving ... accusing everyone of doing strange things, being paranoid in general ... her personality completely changed.
I am seriously wondering if this is the case. She’s also been hallucinating in the night. She blames her meds but this is a symptom of Lewy Body dementia. Also my aunt visited last week and she said when my mum answered the door she wasn’t making any sense. She’s had the bog standard test at the Drs and passed but I think I need to contact them again
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My husband sent my daughter to school MY new boots today. I'm mad at him for not realising they were 3 sizes too big for her when getting them out of the shoe rack and mad at her for not saying anything (she's been eyeballing them since I got them).
Had them just 2 weeks and now the toes are scuffed to hell. They've tried to colour them in, in black biro too the turds.
I would ask him to replace them. Depending on the age of the child too also ask her to chip in.
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Have been struggling with a panic attack for the last hour and it's not stopping. It's at that point where all your chest & stomach muscles are killing because they're so tensed. 🙄 My reaction to the latest wave of panic attacks has mainly been anger and frustration. I just want to get on with my life, but I keep getting these unbearable physical symptoms - breathlessness, tight chest, nausea, shaking, sweating. It's hard to describe how bad panic attacks are to someone who's never had them before, and it's even worse when you can't get it under control. NHS talking therapy hasn't helped much and I'm thinking about asking to go on medication again. I don't really want to, though.
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They haven't, I was on my way out the door to go to work and was a bit thrown by the "sorry but you haven't got it" phone call as noone has ever phoned me to say I haven't got a job before....consider myself lucky if I get an email usually 🤣 Will need to see if I can request as it would be good to know why they went for someone else. Not that I think I'm amazing but I felt like I'd performed the in-tray exercise well and answered the questions fully with relevant examples 🤷‍♀️ Stab to the heart is a good description as it's hard not to take it personally.
“You can be the juiciest peach in the world but there will still be somebody who doesn’t like peaches”

I always remind myself this when things go 👎🏻 I once read they’ve made their mind up on you within the first 2 seconds and it’s rare it’ll change. So even if you give the best performance of your life, some people just won’t warm to you and it’s 0 reflection on you. I do find that I can tell quite early on when someone isn’t keen and is just going through the motions so I think there is some truth to it. Don’t beat yourself up, I’m sure you did great and it just wasn’t meant to be unfortunately ❤ Something better will be on the horizon im sure of it.
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Chatty Member
When people say "if I'm ever single again I couldn't do dating, I'd stay single forever. I don't know how you do it"

Well I'm only 29, I'd like a family so I don't really have much choice you insensitive prick.
‘you’ll find someone when you’re not looking!’ aye fuck off, always said by people who’ve been with their partner that adores them since they were fresh out of the womb. The majority of my relationships were with abusive people who treated me like absolute shit and friends who broke up with their partners for being too nice thought they could dish out generic platitudes like ‘you need to love yourself first!’

get tae fuck you smug gits, easy to say when everyone worships the ground you walk on
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That's a bit mean Purr. The OP was hardly being callous, they had every empathy for the patient, they were just coming to what (should be but clearly isnt) a safe space to offload. Just because medical professionals have seen and done things before doesn't mean they aren't human and cant find things unpleasant. Aslong as they treat the patient well there is nothing wrong with that. You are projecting a bit here.
I disagree. The age of the person was given, their gender and sexual orientation. It's too much information. There's no issue with someone finding something at work difficult but to discuss it so openly on a public forum, with so many identifying factors, crosses the patient confidentiality line in my opinion. These are more conversations you have with colleagues. If I'd had a medical procedure done and then happened across a post talking about it like that I'd be completely devastated and it would potentially put me off seeking future treatment.
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Active member
Hold on to your annual leave. Noone is more important than another person in this scenario. Otherwise parents get first dibs on the best leave every time and the rest of us get the shitty days every time. It should be fair. If anyone asks, you've made non refundable plans...

Edit to add: I do get the plight of parents but if you make a commitment to work somewhere you sign up to their annual leave policy and accept that whilst accommodations can be made sometimes, other people exist and whilst they don't have kids they might have people to visit, chores to do, or they might just want a rest. Childish behaviour from your colleague to guilt trip you.
Oh don't worry, I'm not giving it up 😂 . I'm not even going to justify myself to them. I was just pissed off at the entitlement and attempt to make me feel bad, when it's not my fault that the system is random and they chose to have kids.
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Chatty Member
Have they given you any feedback? You have a right to hear why they feel you weren’t suitable for the role. Try to keep an open mind when they give you feed back and look at it as an opportunity rather than a stab to the heart which it often feels like.
They haven't, I was on my way out the door to go to work and was a bit thrown by the "sorry but you haven't got it" phone call as noone has ever phoned me to say I haven't got a job before....consider myself lucky if I get an email usually 🤣 Will need to see if I can request as it would be good to know why they went for someone else. Not that I think I'm amazing but I felt like I'd performed the in-tray exercise well and answered the questions fully with relevant examples 🤷‍♀️ Stab to the heart is a good description as it's hard not to take it personally.
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How my mood changes is annoying me. I just had a few months of feeling good, with ups and downs like a normal person, but the last few weeks everything is negative to me. Once my mind goes into this negative spiral it can stay like this for weeks and months. Literally nothing is different in my life now than a couple months ago though to cause this?!?
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I always seem to get cut off from chats.

I’ll be stood talking to my kids teacher, then another parent comes along and they start chatting to them, whilst I’m still talking 🤷🏻‍♀️ what I’m saying doesn’t matter then no?
Or I’ll be talking to them, and get talked over … every single time! I can’t seem to just talk and be heard it’s infuriating.

Same at work to be honest, infact the same at home. Think I should start taking it personally 😂😂😂
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Who would stay somewhere cheap when they plan to ask somebody else to pay for it 😏 It’s funny because when my partner went to visit her a few months ago for a day or two I didn’t go, but he said she took all the toilet roll out of the house and put it in the boot of her car so he couldn’t use it, he told me this yesterday and said it was mental and he was so baffled by it he didnt even tell me. honestly you couldn’t make it up.
I'm never going to complain about my family again 🤣 🤣
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My middle sister works at Mcdonald’s part time whilst she’s studying. The company itself is really good. She was made employee of the month during her first month and given a 50p raise for two weeks, a bag with a £10 gift card, a branded water bottle, a fidget pop toy and a torch. She’s won free photo magnets and they’ve told they’re giving her an amazon alexa randomly. The shifts are very flexible and you can work as much as you want or as little. So she’s varied between four days a week to two and now three. Her manager also dropped her off when she wasn’t feeling well.

The issue has always been the customers. You do get some nice ones but her manager told her the customers will be rude at the interview. She doesn’t get as upset as she used to when she first started and will now also answer back instead of being silent, but she has cried a few times when i’ve picked her up after work.
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