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Flys. They have the whole world to fly around, why do they choose to come in my house and constantly buzz around
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People who use filters ON THEIR KIDS and share the photos. It’s so weird toddlers with smoothing filters, eyelashes and permatan
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Dining out has become a luxury a good couple years ago but my monkey brain still cannot grasp it. I had a bite somewhere near my place after work because I was tired. It's just a cafe, nothing fancy and the amount of money I paid for a mediocre plate of chicken and chips is nauseating. I'm not mad at the establishment because everything costs an arm and a leg but I wish I could teach myself that randomly deciding that I can't be bothered to cook isn't that easy anymore. Maybe I should get "We have food at home" tattooed on my arm so I can shame myself out of takeaways and dining out. What happened to simple restaurants with cheap, good food? I know we had some.
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The way the media call everyone who isn't hard left "far-right"... fucking ridiculous! Yet another thing we seem to have adopted from North America.
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RSPCA are useless. They let a horse die in a field near us because they wouldn't intervene despite it being reported to them countless times :(
Agre, I would never support them again. Years ago we found a sick fox at work and the lads called the RSPCA out. The inspector just wanted to club it to death 😱 Luckily the lads weren’t having it. Do you know his reasoning? He didn’t want to waste a bullet (some sort of gas gun)
I hear a lot of stories like this these days. I really feel they have lost their way and it’s just all for profit now.
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Arranged for a decorator to go in and do some freshening up in the holiday lets. He was told to meet me at 8am at one cottage which wasn’t ideal for me as it clashed with my other job. At 8.10 he wasn’t there so I called and it went through to his voicemail. At 8.20 I called again and he was all ‘oh, just dropping something off, I’ll be 10 mins’. I told him I needed to get to work. At 8.45, I called him AGAIN and this time he was 2 mins away. Fine, walked him through what needed to be done and left him to it.

I had to go back to both cottages tonight to take some supplies to the storerooms. He’s gone off and left both key safes open with the code showing, the garage in one place unlocked, lights on and to top it off, he’s clearly left one of the stores open and a bird has flown in, shit everywhere then flown off again. I had to throw away some toilet rolls and clean up all the bird shit. Fucksake!
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Someone who I know well and have done for a long time (as an acquaintance really) has blanked my the last two time I have seen them in the flesh.

I think it’s so rude and it’s really pissed me off.
Next time I would be like “HELLO! Cooey, hello! Ha, thought you were ignoring me”
I like to make people uncomfortable when they act like that
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I feel really passive and emotionless most of the time. It's like I've become increasingly cynical and I don't care about anything anymore.
Recently I was making small talk with some coworkers and one of them asked me what my dream travel destination is at the moment. And I just didn't have an answer. I used to love travelling and I was so curious about the world, now I literally never think about it. I never think about anything that isn't immediate, or feel the need to make plans for the future unless I have to.
I often have to remind myself that I deserve more from life than the bare minimum to keep myself alive.
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Thanks they have said I can either work my notice period or not, they will still pay me. Feel numb tbh. It's been really stressful the past few weeks and my mental health has taken a hit. Don't know what to do.
That's so rubbish. I have been made redundant a few times and had that option as well, I always chose not to work so it gave me a head start with applying for other jobs.

It's so scary to lose a job and I know it feels like the rug has been pulled from under you, but in my case it's always led to slightly better roles, and I hope it will in your case too and you find something you're truly happy in :).
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Leaving an abusive relationship and still having to deal with the manipulative ball bag because you have a child together, I left when my son was 2 weeks old because I didn’t want him to grow up in that environment, he’s now 5 and I still feel sick and anxious every other weekend when I drop him off, or when I see his name flash up on my phone because he’s text me absolute crap trying to play games. Everyone always says “why didn’t you just leave” my son gave me the strength to but unfortunately I’ll never be free
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My husband is annoying me this morning. He's the kind of guy who, once he reads a study or something, imprints it on his brain FOREVER. It's a scientific fact, and that will stay in his brain FOREVER. It's his way or the highway.
He was saying he read a study saying there are no real benefits to long holidays, and that is why he doesn't want to do long holidays - two weeks, etc. I'm like, I want to do a long holiday, and if he doesn't, I be happy to go on my own - might get some peace.

Then he was spouting bullshit about psychics and telling me that they offer no fucking real benefits and they won't tell me anything real or anything factual; I was arguing that there do, and I have met some amazing spooky psychic readers. Studies have shown 'blah blah blah' - FFS STFU and let me have my fun and my own fucking peace of mind.

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The council never cut the grass or vegetation anymore. Everywhere just looks overgrown and messy. They'll tell you it's for environmental reasons when we all know it's to save money.
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Okay, someone in work who is part of the body positive movement told me I have "thin privilege" because I'm not overweight?? What?? When I asked for an example, she was like "Well you can go into a clothes shop and you won't worry that they won't have your size" which is absolute nonsense because I'm 4'11 and most non-petite clothes look like a tent on me lol. Therefore, I shop in places that have petite clothes (or kids clothes lol, ngl). Does that mean other people have "height privilege" and I don't? Am I being discriminated against by clothing companies that don't stock petite friendly clothing? I wouldn't think so lol. This whole thing is baffling.

I can understand the general concept of privilege - something you're born with and that you can't change even if you wanted to. For example, I'm straight and I'm white. This is part of who I am and it's outside of my control. But "thin" privilege makes no sense to me as (for the vast majority of people) your weight is something you do have control over.
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Coming out of the shop and got trapped by an elderly man and his Hampshire and Isle of Wight air ambulance stand, I listened for a bit and then went for the change in my pocket. He said I don't want cash, I want to set up monthly payments. I said well I'm afraid I have enough of my own direct debits 🤷🏻‍♀️.
He missed out on £4.76 😂
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Boots stores have been grim for a long time. Dingy, badly laid out, rubbish stock choice. There’s a big store near me and despite being huge it’s got the worst stock I’ve ever seen in a store that size. They don‘t even have a pharmacy any more because the pharmacist left and they decided not to get another one.
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Posted on the weight loss thread but also posting here

A work colleague made a comment today about my weight. I was walking past him to go on my lunch break and he said to me "it's not as if you need any lunch, you've definitely eaten enough already"
I just walked away but it made me feel really shit
’I can lose weight, there’s no cure for you being a cunt.’

I would absolutely report him. What a twat.
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I know it's primark and it doesn't mean anything but I'm equal parts cross and upset. I went shopping today for a few summer bits and nothing in the size 16 would fit me. I'm over a stone down and I started at a size 14/16. I know I've lost inches so really disheartening to have to consider trying on an 18 now
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I want to cry. I’m working at the other branch of work again today and the manager is running late, so I’ve just had a message to say to come in at 8:30 and stay until 5. Why is it my problem that your timekeeping is shit and so you can’t make it to work on time, the most basic fucking task ever, and so I have to stay late?
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