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Neighbour few doors down has put her child's old potty next to the pavement for anyone passing by to take. It was there yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that! Take a hint, no one wants your second hand potty, put it in your bin or take it to a charity shop or the tip!
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im so lonely. Im 28 and haven’t had any friends for years.
I’ve sort of become ‘pally’ with my fiancés friends sister and mum, but his mum is in her 50’s, sister is same age as me but has a plethora of friends so doesn’t need me clinging on for dear life in the hopes she will be nice to me.
Everytime I socialise (which isn’t very often) it’s with my fiancés friends and their partners. I feel so socially awkward it’s unreal as I look the complete opposite to them(I’m plus size and not conventionally attractive )and I never know what to say to fit in, I do try but they just don’t like me and I can tell. don’t blame them though I hate myself most of the time.

I just think about big life events that I I have no one around for. no bridesmaids no one to celebrate big milestone birthdays with. no one to just do stuff with. no one to just message. My fiancé had a lot of friends and a few hobbies, I’m so glad for him because I wouldn’t want him to feel like I do, but when he’s not with me I just want to stare at the wall until he comes back, slightly dramatic I know but I’ve just lost interest in most things lately. I just feel like no one outside of him knows I exist and that makes me feel so small.

I’ve tried to look for any social activities near me but there aren’t any really. But my anxiety and the way I feel about myself stops me anyway. It feels like a catch 22.

It eats me up so bad. On top of been ill this last week it’s too much 😞
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Posted on the weight loss thread but also posting here

A work colleague made a comment today about my weight. I was walking past him to go on my lunch break and he said to me "it's not as if you need any lunch, you've definitely eaten enough already"
I just walked away but it made me feel really shit
And the correct reply is;
"Yes, but I can always lose weight if I want. Unfortunately for you, there's no cure for being an insufferable arsehole"

Agree with everyone him. What a tosser 😡😡😡
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There is one person in the team I work in who so clearly thinks the work that they are being given to do is beneath them. Time and time again, I am being added into emails when they haven’t actioned stuff and they aren’t mine to manage.

I keep sharing this with the manager this person reports in to but it keeps happening. I’m actually sick of it because the problem doesn’t get resolved.

I called this person out today in a roundabout way in front of the heads of the team because I’m sick of it. Something needs to be done. I’m at the point where I’m going to trawl through all the emails I’ve had for every incident and log them on a working document and then each time it happens raise it with the manager and each time it happens again and again raise it with concerns that it’s not being resolved before taking it higher.

It wouldn’t bother me but what pisses me off the most is people coming to me when it’s not done because they know they’ll get a response (even if it’s not me actioning it, but at least getting someone to action).

Incompetence above me and below me is driving me up the wall.

P.s. I know I sound like a jobsworth but when you’ve got people paid more than you doing nothing and you feel the squeeze the most because of it, it wears thin quickly
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Chatty Member
No mow May - we’re heading towards the end of June and my local area still looks like wasteland. Weeds growing so high on the dual carriageway that you can’t see the traffic on the other side of the road. Weeds all over the pavement. They are not flowers that the bees can pollinate, just grass seeds. We all know it’s a cost cutting exercise and nothing will convince me otherwise! And when they finally do get it cut, they leave the clippings behind to blow everywhere 😡
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My mum is home from hospital. My sister is meant to be taking care of mum and has done fuck all. Leaving it to me again. My own house is a shithole because I'm spending all my time and energy on every other fucker. My daughter is turning into a right spoilt brat (& yes I know that's my fault!) I've been to watch her sports day, bought her an ice cream after, took her to the park and that's still not enough.
Because I've been taking care of mum all morning and sports day and park all afternoon I now have no energy to get done all the housework and shit I actually had planned to do today on my day off 😤
I am fed up of everyone just taking the piss out of me they can all get fucked now
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this e coli out break ..why even mention it on all the news channels if your going to be so ambiguous about what's causing it..its nationally distributed food item or multiple food items ..well what the f@€£ is it then ?

Surely it cant be that hard to find from the 113 people.what they all ate in common and tell others so they can avoid consuming it and getting ill!
Why the secrecy?
i probably sound a bit hysterical but my youngest got severe food poisoning a few years back and was ill for several months losing over a 1.5 stone, iron and vitamin d deficiency as they couldn't keep any food down plus months of food phobia because she became frightened to eat !
So things like this make me a nervous wreck
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^ I had a work colleague years ago, thick as shit and absolutely no interpersonal skills, anyway, one day I announced I was going to lunch and he piped up 'shouldn't you be laying off the food?' Cunt. Bought me a bunch of flowers the next day in a pretence at an apology. Deffo report to HR. Sounds like the sort that will claim it was 'bantz'.
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Bloody Tesco are cheeky buggars!

I got given a coupon for a free fabric conditioner and so I went in to Tesco this morning to grab this, as it's the kind we'd normally get anyway and so it was a great bargain. I picked up some other little bits too and when I scanned my clubcard, where the coupon was loaded, it took money off to get it down to clubcard price but it didn't come up as free. I only noticed because I was at self checkout so I could see everything, so called the lady over to ask for help as I was sure I'd done something wrong.

Turns out, Tesco sent out a load of coupons for free cleaning products and then decided to add a clubcard price to these products, so you don't meet the criteria for the free product. Instead, you have to not scan your clubcard and then just scan the coupon at the very end but you can't scan both or else it voids the voucher. I wonder how many people have added one of their 'free' products to their big shop and then not noticed that they'd actually paid for it after all...
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This reminds me the amount of people I have caught lately either not washing their hands at all in the ladies loos at work, or doing a "pretend" wash (water only or a quick "performance" hand wash) makes me feel ILL!!!! :sick: We're touching the same door handles, kettle, mugs, keyboards. These are GROWN adults! Then they go and eat their sandwiches at lunch time or we share a finger buffet for a meeting - absolutely rotten behaviour!

Btw - when did it stop becoming normal to wash your hands before you eat??? Kids are taught it!
one of the things I’ve noticed as a hotel housekeeper is the sheer amount of people who don’t wash their hands. I can always tell, soap dispenser is still full, hand towels untouched etc 🤢
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I’m so fed up of this weather. It’s June, yet there’s a wind warning in my area and it’s meant to be chucking it down most of the week 😭
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Rosie glow

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People who don't practice what they preach, our neighbours have a vote green poster in the window fair enough but they are the least green people I know
They run 2 cars and drive everywhere even 2 minutes down the road, have all their groceries delivered from multiple companies every week, heat their house with a fossil fuel, ripped all the greenery out of their garden and replaced it with AstroTurf and have no plants etc for bees, send god knows how many disposable nappies to land fill, have a garden full of plastic crap toys shipped from china and have about 20 amazon deliveries a day who are well known for their over use of packaging
You really couldn't make it up 🤣
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Chatty Member
But if they wash their hand they will be fine?
Is that before of after they’ve rubbed their eyes or touched their mouth?

I’m sorry but not washing your hands when you’ve been to the toilet is absolutely vile 🤢

This is the reason I use a tissue to open a public toilet door!
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Elle Woods

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My mother in law commenting that “your belly has really gone down since last week”. I’m 2 weeks post partum don’t comment on my fucking body
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Sick to death of these bloody just giving pages where influencers beg their followers to donate, then when you check the donations page these tight fisted arses haven’t donated a penny! I’ve probably ranted about this before but it really winds me up 😡
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When I was tiny skinny I thought I was fat. Avoiding photos, wearing 2 lots of shapewear under a dress if I went out, crying over how fat I was.
Now I'm fat, I know I'm fat but think I'm slimmer than i am. Went to a wedding at the weekend and although I know I'm bigger I am truly humbled by the photos. Wow. Who is that because that's not me, surely?! 😂😂😂
So much this!

It pisses me off now that I had an amazing figure but spent years worrying about being fat and starving myself. Now that I am actually fat I convince myself I look ok until I see a photo then get really upset at how awful I look.
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Has anyone noticed since Covid people are happier for whatever reason to just spread their germs around? When it's been mentioned, they always say they can't afford to be off sick. But it's somehow ok for everyone else to be off sick and not afford bills?
This reminds me the amount of people I have caught lately either not washing their hands at all in the ladies loos at work, or doing a "pretend" wash (water only or a quick "performance" hand wash) makes me feel ILL!!!! :sick: We're touching the same door handles, kettle, mugs, keyboards. These are GROWN adults! Then they go and eat their sandwiches at lunch time or we share a finger buffet for a meeting - absolutely rotten behaviour!

Btw - when did it stop becoming normal to wash your hands before you eat??? Kids are taught it!
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Some woman on an FB group I’m in moaning that she’s on holiday in Tunisia and can’t even get a bacon butty, I really can’t tell if she’s trying to be funny or if she really is that thick.
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Some parents saying everything is "child abuse" I just saw a woman on Facebook saying introducing "plain" vegetables to a child expecting them to want to eat them could "trigger an eating disorder" she mentioned her children have only ever eaten roast potatoes, honey roasted carrots, roast peppers and when she makes salad she always adds a dressing, she said she would never give them steamed vegetables or salad without dressing as it may cause problems with food . She also said if her children refuse to stay in bed, she let's them come downstairs and play with their toys or play outside in the garden until they want to go back to bed. Is it just me or is she raising entitled people that will think that everyone has to cater to them, her children are not going to have a mental breakdown because they had to eat a plain carrot at the age of 4 or follow a routine. Also, don't they sometimes give them plain vegetables at school for snack time? I remember eating carrot sticks and peas in a pod sometimes for morning snack at school. I understand some children have sensory issues with food but her children don't. She seems very dramatic and someone actually told her it damages children more if they are refused food (E.g a parent saying they can't have dinner until they do their homework) because food shouldn't be restricted as a punishment. I don't know how her kids cope at school with school dinners because the school kitchen staff probably don't have time to make honey roasted carrots or put dressing on all the salad's every day. She needs to read a few cases of real child abuse :rolleyes:
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