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Ranting about bitter old women who think age gives them some divine right to talk down to younger people. Being alive longer doesn’t mean you have a right to talk to people like shit
You would have loved the neighbour I had in the 80s when I was little. My God, she was unbelievable. She was so extreme with her entitlement she'd complain if I was playing in my own garden. Not even making noise, just like... doing gymnastics! She'd stand on her porch all the time and "survey" the neighbourhood and would have Opinons about everything.

(Is it really, really evil that I was happy when she died? She was legit that bad! :eek:)
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Chatty Member
My work’s security alarm went off all weekend and we’ve had the most abusive messages imaginable from people who live in the village. Not one of these people did anything except from trying to give us a call on a line which said it was closed, except for someone who put a message on the Facebook group to the village which I eventually saw and allowed us to sort it out. We’ve got fully covered Keysafe cover so our security people should have told us, and sorted it out themselves but for some reason they didn’t.

I can appreciate it’s annoying but it genuinely wasn’t our fault yet we’re getting he abuse
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Chatty Member
I would never let my dog lick my face but she does like licking my feet for some reason. It weirds me out a bit though.
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Do you have to wait long for the bus? Could you walk down to the next stop before and sit next to someone else or after and just pretend you don't see her 😅
I usually have to wait like 5-7 min for the bus but the next stop is quite far, also it's usually not very crowded so I can't easily pretend I didn't see her lol.
Also her desk is closer to the exit than mine, so sometimes we literally meet at the door as I'm walking out of the office
That sounds very annoying. Sounds like you need to start properly avoiding them unless it's possible to just tell them that you prefer to spend some alone time on your commute ( which I think is a reasonable thing to say straight to someone). Otherwise you might need to:
A. Get a bus from the next bus stop and don't sit next to them
B. Pretend you're on the phone to someone
C. Pretend you didn't see them
D. A mix of the above

Honestly it's so annoying, when I was still commuting I hated running into coworkers in the bus. Luckily most were of the same opinion and would just say hi and not engage further
I've tried the phone trick too but I can't pretend I'm on the phone for an hour, and she'll just sit next to me anyway and wait for me to be finished :')
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Doncaster Market place car park has suddenly decided to start charging a pound for parking on a Sunday apparently signs up for ages but when you only go on a Sunday you don't read the signs near pay and display, luckily when we parked we saw the parking enforcement going round putting fines on people's cars before we left the car park so we didn't get a fine.
I don't think it's just the market. I think all the council and on-street parking now charges at weekends and after 6pm. 😒
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That would scare the life out of me. Even if he's fine but socially awkward, how horrifically inappropriate.
Maybe he thought it was a way to pick up women but it was so inappropriate. I was so tired and I didn't really think about it at the time but wish I had reported him.
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A bit behind due to long hospital visits and went to do my Amazon order and they have increased the minimum free delivery order to £35. I don't want their 8.99 a month offer or yearly thing as one month spend over £100 on husband's medical needs then maybe 20 the next. I made the £25 month order work but this is going to take some working out. Really pissed me off, as if I don't have enough problems without this.
I was looking for something earlier & noticed the increase, to think it used to be £10! 🙄 I get a lot of regular items on subscribe & save, it's pretty flexible & don't have to worry about order value for delivery, worth checking if any of yours are s&s? Can see this increase having a substantial impact on orders placed & I wouldn't be surprised if it drops back down again soon.
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I used to feel like this, not only around time of the month but regularly. I would be nodding off at work and waking myself up snoring!! I went to my GP and had blood tests, he put my on B12 and It has genuinely changed my life. I sleep better, I feel more awake, more alert and less brain-fogged. Deffo work a chat with your doctor lovely
I've had a full panel done not long ago and everything was perfect including all vitamin levels 😅
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What has happened to boots? I went into a branch yesterday as I have what I think is a sty, I asked the pharmacist for some eye ointment, her reply, go to the optician!! Went into a different branch today, they don’t have a pharmacy. I used to spend a fortune in boots, now they don’t seem to actually stock anything, you have to keep ordering online ☹
Sadly they're shuttering shops and most likely treated staff like 💩. Three stores shut near me including two pharmacies in small towns with elderly population. The remaining chemist is always busy. I shop more at Tesco now because they have a pharmacy and decent makeup
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Does anyone else bank with Chase? Yesterday they seem to have stopped claiming my cash back. I’ve paid the minimum into the account so it’s not that, when I click on the transactions it tells me it’s an excluded purchase. But it’s my food shop from sainsburys and clothes from M&S which previously I’ve received cash back for 🤔
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Pesky Tarian

VIP Member
Yes I am! I will have a look at those thank you! :)

I just think sleeping like that is catching up with me at the age of 34 ha.
I was looking at the tempur ones but got a similar one cheaply from Jysk. It's helped so much, even with my TMJ (I'm not on commission I swear 😆).
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Without getting into the debate about the Israel/ Palestine conflict i do find the irony of 'Queers for Palestine' quite ridiculous..seem clueless about how they would be treated if they were to be a LGBT Person living in Palestine!

I recently saw a clip of a drag queen interviewing some QFP protesters along the lines of you do realise homosexuality is illegal in Palestine and they hate gay people ? they had absolutely no idea this was the case be fair they were American (and they can be very insular and ignorant of anywhere other than the USA!)

its from sky Australia (the news readers are a bit GB news !)

Yet gay marriage is not currently legal in Israel either, and you have to use the loophole of getting married abroad first to have the marriage subsequently registered.
Around 12.6% of Israel's population is currently Orthodox.As this is the fastest growing section with Haredi women having an average of about 6.4 children per average woman- without a doubt this will change the acceptance in the future by 2050.
The Orthodox community does not bend. Many will still maintain the stance that they do not accept homosexual behavior.
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Chatty Member
Edit - moving my post as it's not so much a rant. As you were!
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The council never cut the grass or vegetation anymore. Everywhere just looks overgrown and messy. They'll tell you it's for environmental reasons when we all know it's to save money.
My local park looks disgusting because it's so overgrown. There's only certain paths they have cut you can walk down. People are leaving their dog poo in the long grass. It's long outside the front of my flat and it looks tacky.
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I’ve just got to the point now that I’m like do I like it, does it fit well and bugger it to the actual size…they mean nothing now, my wardrobe is a 10-20. I do like the new hack of working out it trousers/jeans/shorts will fit by seeing if they fit round your neck, my brain struggles to work out how it works, but it does 😂
What's the hack?
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This comment on our local paper's Facebook page.

She wanted to vote Reform, there wasn't a candidate in her constituency.

How are people this thick?
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