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Just back from the cinema with the kids to watch Inside Out 2. A group of around 8 tween girls sat behind me cackling, swearing, kicking the back of the seats, filming TikToks and generally being annoying as fuck. I took it for as long as I could before I loudly said "for the love of God, PLEASE shut up!!!" My own kids now hate me for causing a scene, but it was totally worth being called a Karen, because they calmed down. There were actual toddlers there who were quietier 🤯🤯. I guess I'm at that age - grumpy old woman 🤣🤣
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When people say “they’ve travelled down” but they’ve actually travelled up e.g London to Leeds “they’ve come down to see us” no they’ve come UP to see you. Idk why it annoys me so much I feel like the geography police 😭
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People who use filters ON THEIR KIDS and share the photos. It’s so weird toddlers with smoothing filters, eyelashes and permatan
That’s made me laugh because I’ve just seen a photo of someone I know on Insta, it’s him and his wife and they’re holding their dog between them except they’ve gone overboard on the filters and the dog looks weirdly smooth with a perfect jawline.
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I've been no contact with my mum for my whole adult life. At 15 I moved to live with my aunt because my mum got a boyfriend and prioritised that, saying if I didn't move out she wouldn't have a relationship.

Trigger warning: I talk about abusive things she did to me growing up and I put it behind a spoiler in case it triggers anyone.

For as long as I can remember she has been volatile and abusive. She's pushed me down the stairs, grabbed me by the hair and dragged me across the floor, got right up close to my face to shout, thrown my cds and things across my room etc. She was also abusive in other ways, measuring my legs and waist and comparing it to hers, calling me a "piece of shit" and then apologising after saying it was because she was on her period, picking out my laundry from the laundry basket and only doing hers, her boyfriend's and my brother's. She'd love to embarrass me when she had friends round. One made a comment about my weight (I was 14 at the time and he was a man in his 40s) and she smiled and later said "I would have defended you but looking at you I know what he said was true".

Eventually she wouldn't include me in any family meals so I had to buy food from the earnings I made from a little part time job I had. She also treated my brother much better than me, at Christmas he'd get new phones, playstations etc and I'd get a t-shirt and a dvd. She'd cook him steak and chips every day and I cooked whatever I could afford to buy.

I've not spoken to her very much since I moved to live with my aunt. Only at family gatherings but they are less now. In the few times I have agreed to meet her for dinner she'd get annoyed if I wasn't really speaking very much, saying how I wasn't making an effort etc. To be honest, we have never really had a fantastic mother daughter relationship so I don't understand what she was trying to rebuild. She'd always ask "what did I do that was so terrible?" And I'd say she was abusive and recount these things and she'd just go "you're a liar." Or she would say "well what about your father? He left when you were 8 (they divorced) because he didn't love you enough to stay."

My aunt got dementia in mid 2010s and my mum helped out a bit. They were estranged before that because my mum accused her of "stealing me away" even when in reality she told my aunt to look after me because she wanted things to work out with her boyfriend. She managed to get my phone number and address from my aunt (I never wanted her to have these things).

Every so often I'd get a text. Things like "what would you do if you found out I'd died? Wouldn't you be upset? We have lost so much time already." Truth is, I feel sad but not because we don't have a relationship. I wish her well and I hope she finds someone who makes her happy but she's so volatile I think it's difficult (with her last relationship sometimes they'd argue and it'd descend into her locking him out and shouting at each other through the letterbox, or her throwing his mobile phone into the garden, or throwing the remote control at him).

Anyway, I had heard from my cousin last year that she'd dropped her phone and lost all her phone numbers. They said she'd asked them to ask me for my phone number and I said no. I hadn't heard from her in a long time and felt more at peace. Then this morning I got a text from her saying "I hope you have a nice day. Phone is playing up". I know that's not a horrible message but it just made me burst into tears. I have no idea if another family member gave her my phone number or if she somehow managed to recover the numbers from her old phone.
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On the dieting and weight loss part - I didn’t realise how easy it is to access Ozempic/Wegovt/Mounjaro online. I thought you would need a F2F doctors appointment. You don’t, there’s dozens of websites where you just fill out a form and it gets approved by an online GP. I managed to get hold of some for my dad’s wife who lives abroad.

The weight loss injections have rave reviews online, basically you just lose like 80% of your appetite and the weight falls off. I’m not overweight but really tempted to get some to slim down a bit before Ibiza 🙈 I’ve put on a few kg recently as I cannot STOP eating toast late at night!!
DO NOT DO THIS. you will give yourself a lifetime of stomach issues, genuinely. it’s not a weight loss drug and it isn’t intended to interact with a healthy pancreas/stomach. it’s to help diabetics and it adapts how your stomach breaks down food in a way that is really difficult to reverse (it literally is found to cause stomach paralysis or calcification).

it’s not worth the risk, especially for a trip. enjoy your holiday without it!
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Fucking wood pigeons
The bastards are constantly in my garden stripping leaves off my trees and shitting everywhere and god forbid you put a bit of stuff out for the tiny birds the greedy big fat bastards scoff the lot
fat wood pigeons and crows!!! 🐦⬛ it’s just CAW CAW CAW constantly!
People who update their Facebook accounts 5+ times a day. It’s not 2008, just stop. Buy a diary.
Oh I do not miss Facebook!

“just been the Asda”

“just cleaned the house, now for a cheeky cuppa”

“has anyone seen this missing dog?” *shared post from 5 years ago of dog who went missing in Australia*!

Or the classic

“I’m fuming!!”
“What’s up hun?”
“DM you babe too many snakes on ere.”

Nobody cares.
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I just want my mum to get better now. I know it's not her fault but it's so exhausting being so worried about her. She barely survived the surgery and now she's got a lung infection, fluid on her lungs & her legs are so swollen from fluid retention she can't walk. And she's still gonna need two more operations in the future. Juggling hospital visits, dealing with her nastiness, working, parenting, I'm just exhausted.
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This motherfucker weather - it is JUNE. having to have the heating on and probably the light on too. its absolutely craziness and I need to go out but not in that!
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Absolutely years ago in a pub, but i remember asking for a packet of crisps when the next round of drinks was being sorted, guy whose round it was said "I'll just get you the box eh..." (think there's 48 packets in a wholesale box). I was absolutely mortified & so upset, especially as I had considered him quite a close friend. He was a mental health nurse too! Just no need for snide little comments in any circumstances, they can have such an impact on someone.
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On the dieting and weight loss part - I didn’t realise how easy it is to access Ozempic/Wegovt/Mounjaro online. I thought you would need a F2F doctors appointment. You don’t, there’s dozens of websites where you just fill out a form and it gets approved by an online GP. I managed to get hold of some for my dad’s wife who lives abroad.

The weight loss injections have rave reviews online, basically you just lose like 80% of your appetite and the weight falls off. I’m not overweight but really tempted to get some to slim down a bit before Ibiza 🙈 I’ve put on a few kg recently as I cannot STOP eating toast late at night!!

Sorry, but no-one should be advocating buying unregulated drugs online - seriously dangerous and irresponsible.
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When I was tiny skinny I thought I was fat. Avoiding photos, wearing 2 lots of shapewear under a dress if I went out, crying over how fat I was.
Now I'm fat, I know I'm fat but think I'm slimmer than i am. Went to a wedding at the weekend and although I know I'm bigger I am truly humbled by the photos. Wow. Who is that because that's not me, surely?! 😂😂😂
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I'm absolutely fuming...a hospital appointment in August that has been cancelled and rescheduled at least 4 times since October 2022 has been cancelled AGAIN and this time has been rescheduled for Christmas Eve! In six months time!

It involves travelling to my home town (my choice as I moved midway through the process and wanted to stay with the same consultant) so some complicated logistics involved. I can't do the Christmas Eve appointment (irrelevant as it'll be cancelled anyway) so we're looking at 2025 at the earliest. 2.5 years since my last appointment! Thankfully it's nothing life threatening 😡
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I’m fed up with working just to pay the bills and that seems about all at the moment. There’s nothing left at the end of the month. I scrimp as much as I can and don’t buy unnecessary ‘stuff’, but nothing changes. I know a lot of us are in the same situation and I do appreciate what I have, but it would be nice to spend a little money without thinking ‘better not.’
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Posted on the weight loss thread but also posting here

A work colleague made a comment today about my weight. I was walking past him to go on my lunch break and he said to me "it's not as if you need any lunch, you've definitely eaten enough already"
I just walked away but it made me feel really shit
Yeah fuck him, report him immediately to HR.
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This reminds me the amount of people I have caught lately either not washing their hands at all in the ladies loos at work, or doing a "pretend" wash (water only or a quick "performance" hand wash) makes me feel ILL!!!! :sick: We're touching the same door handles, kettle, mugs, keyboards. These are GROWN adults! Then they go and eat their sandwiches at lunch time or we share a finger buffet for a meeting - absolutely rotten behaviour!

Btw - when did it stop becoming normal to wash your hands before you eat??? Kids are taught it!
We were out last week having tea and I overheard a lady tell her daughter she didn't need to wash her hands because she'd "only done a wee." 🤢🤢🤢
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I've had a long shite week at work feeling unvalued and underpaid, and I'm due on my period in 2 days so I was already on the edge when I got home at 7.30pm. Started dinner, put on some washing, went to take the bin bag out.....and it split into a thousand pieces all over the kitchen floor. Sobbed for about 10 mins while cleaning it up.

I love living alone and I'm very happy being single, but now and again you just wish someone could be there to look after you, cook you dinner and give you a hug 😪
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Been thinking about this most of the day, was in the park earlier on sitting on a bench and there was this older woman that I could see from a little distance with a dog. She had the lead hooked over the bench handle and this guy was walking her direction so the dog just walked over to him. She got up, grabbed the lead and then hit the dog with a paper. The dog laid under the bench for a few minutes and came out and she hit it with the paper again. There was no need for it, scaring the dog won't work. Then it made me think what's she doing at home? Feel bad for not saying anything.
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My nephew being left out of a football party where his entire team are invited bar him.
I get the politics of parties (numbers/money etc) but he’s 10 and it is just a bit shit for him as he was playing with all his pals and they’ve all left him to go to this party.
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Why is this morning so embarrassing to watch? One of today's top stories which is great news for us women by the way Josie says, British men's penis sizes have gone up. How does anyone know this? Yeah coz that's what most women sit around thinking of all day. Dick. Ffs. So fucking stupid to discuss on morning telly. Theres no decorum anymore! Why is everything now about sex!? If it's not onlyfans shoved in your face, it's a sex based programme about threesomes or some other shit on TV.
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