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Not sure if I’m overthinking things, but I think a man was just following me home.

I just parked up near my house. As I got out my car, I noticed a man was just stood there staring at me. I instantly got such a weird feeling.

He started walking left, I went right, but as soon as I started walking, he suddenly changed direction and started walking the same way as me. I sped up because it was making me feel kind of uncomfortable and then he sped up too. I started walking in the road because I didn’t like how quick he was walking, but he didn’t back off, he stayed literally right behind me.

I then went to cross the road, and then so did he. I basically shot out between cars and got into my house.

We live in a really safe quiet neighbourhood so idk. But I just got such a weird vibe and feel kinda shaken. Especially because he saw me go into my house, but there was no where else to go. Why do people have to be like that.
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Kim Mild

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I was looking forward to what we had planned for today , but I just ended up feeling disappointed.
I don't like going out as a family with my husband. I could take the kids out myself when he's at work , but i feel like an outsider when he's there. I'm not included and I'm not listened to.
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Rosie glow

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I've got two weeks holiday from work
And my osteoarthritis has decided now is the time to flare up so I'm stuck in the house hobbling around not able to go out or do much 😪
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Got a plasterer in to patch up two small walls. Knocks on the door, comes in, looks at it and is like right I’ll just pop out for the materials. I’m thinking why didn’t you come with the materials?! You’ve had this booked in for a month, I’ve sent you pictures so you know what the job is?

Off he goes.

Comes back 45 mins later when the trade builders shop is literally ten mins away.

Sits in his van outside my house having a fag for a further 30 mins.

Starts work.

He’s now having another 30 min fag break.

I’ve got an appointment at 12 so he better get the job done by then or I’ll be pissed! House stinks of his fags as well! Not impressed.
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Liars again 🤬
My husband owns half my business so decided to deal with the difficult barman and his attitude towards me when I ask him to do things. The guy just basically spouted off a load of bollocks about how I’m supposedly a bully and that I’ve been getting right in his face and calling him stupid etc. My husband called him out on his bullshit as soon as that one came out as I’m the most physically distant person ever, I can’t even make eye contact with him never mind get in someone’s face.
It just boils down to this big ass baby of a guy not being able to take any bit of criticism about his performance at work and trying to turn things around so I’m at fault. I’m so bloody angry that I sent everyone home early and cleaned up the entire restaurant myself just so I could let off some steam.
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This is the main reason I won’t go to the cinema anymore. You spend a fortune to listen to people talk and munch, and people cant leave their phones alone for a whole hour.

We were at a live show the other day and someone rustled and crunched on a family sized bag of crisps the whole way through!
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Chatty Member
Ive noticed lately in work that credit for my work is being shared among team. But I dont get credit when they do something nor should I.
Twice last week credit for my work was publicly given to team and one team member was called out as basically doing my job. They dont, I do.
I was going to say this to my boss in a meeting this week but felt maybe Im being petty. Until underboss replied to an email grabbing credit for something, it was something they did and that was never in dispute but the way they repiled after publicly making it seem like Im a bit player made me say nope not being petty. I am going to let boss know that in future if anyone else is given my credit Im publicly taking it back. He wont want that as it will make him look bad, so he will need to look again at how he talks about my work.
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People that don’t reply to comments of where they got items from. Like why gatekeep to random people on the internet who you’ll never bump into wearing the same? If I do know where somethings from and I see comments asking with no response, I just reply now. Hate this whole “can’t reply to comments” thing but then quick enough to snap back to hate comments
You just need to reply to the comment and say 'its from shein' and they will be straight there arguing back and telling you where it's from 🤣
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Kids friendships. Why am I always the “host”??Had my oldests 2 close friends over multiple times but never had an invite for him to go to either of theirs. Not too bothers cause they aren’t any hassle but it would be nice for it to be reciprocated now and then.
(It’s not a behaviour thing either, he can be quite shy and is very sensible..unlike my others 😅)
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Not a rant as such but just a sad thing I can’t get past.

held my baby neice yesterday and was stroking her little cheeks when her head lolled and as a result I ended up poking her in the eye. Can’t stop thinking about it and feel so awful when I remember her sad little cry 😭 genuinely so scared to hold her now
The silver lining to this is her age. She won't remember. Do that to a 5 year old and every so often they'll pipe up "remember that time you poked me in the eye?" Often at a really embarrassing moment.
Don't worry, even tiny eyeballs are sturdy things.
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Some woman on an FB group I’m in moaning that she’s on holiday in Tunisia and can’t even get a bacon butty, I really can’t tell if she’s trying to be funny or if she really is that thick.
We sat next to a group of people like this once outside an eaterie in a beautiful part of Italy.
They did nothing but moan about the lack of chips and brown sauce, and how they couldn’t wait to get home for a fry up and a cuppa 😡
They were quite rude to the waiters too, iirc.
Why bother going abroad? They embarrass themselves.
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I was in Sainsbury's with my daughter this morning, it wasn't particularly busy but had a lot of elderly people in. We were out the way checking our eggs before putting them into the trolley. One lady came up beside us looking at the eggs we were slightly infront of, did a massive sigh and said for goodness sake (We were there first you old bat. Wait.) I looked her straight in the face and said was that aimed at us? She pulled 😳 face and scurried off slumped over her trolley. Why do old people hate anyone younger than 70?
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Passive-aggressive behaviour. Either out with your issue or if you can't bring yourself to talk about it, don't make it someone else's problem to decipher your attitude. A friend is acting very strange lately but I am entirely certain that if I call her out on it, she'll go "what do you mean 🥺" Drives me insane.
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The FUCKING WEATHER!! I have underactive thyroid, but even though that’s treated and stable, I’m just generally cold if it’s <23 degrees and always have been. Yesterday I went out in my puffer coat!!! And WFH now I’m wearing woolly socks, a thermal vest and jumper. 😭 I feel generally shitty and miserable as the #1 predictor of my mood is sunshine and nice weather. Summer ‘22 was the best summer of my life as it was just heatwaves.

I feel like a fucking tropical plant that’s living in the wrong climate and all the leaves have shrivelled and fallen off. I would love to live in Spain or even a cold country with seasons, where they heat the houses like crazy all winter (where I was born it gets to -30 but indoors is kept to like +27). The aircon obsession in the UK also kills me - shops can’t afford heating but AC is blasting when it’s 18 degrees outside?? But I’ve spent 6 years trawling through 6 shit jobs with severe depression, I genuinely thought the only way out was either suicide or just live off my husband’s money and be a housewife. Now I love my job and feel so lucky every single day. I have really interesting work, great working conditions, the best manager and I’m never bored - which has NEVER happened before in any job, not even close. I’ve been there >2 years which is a record for me. I don’t want to emigrate and take another shit job!

Just wish it was hot and sunny 😭😭
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-Stupid work colleagues who can't read emails or follow a simple instruction. Or who ring me when my Teams is on DND.
-Stupid drivers who don't indicate/ pull out in front of you, or don't understand how a roundabout works.
-The shitbags living in my street (latest one, just saw a bloke from down the road dump a load of his building crap in the driveway of an unoccupied house - I would lay money on him not having permission to do this)
-Myself, because I cannot complete tasks. My procrastination in every aspect of my life is off the scale. This also extends to losing weight, and the diet I've been procrastinating about starting since Jan (whilst meanwhile getting fatter and fatter)
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Not so much of a rant but where the hell has July come from?! I feel like it's snuck up out of nowhere and now my unorganised self has a couple of days to find a suit for my son for his prom. I've asked him what style/ colour he's after. His reply? Err I dunno, black or grey or blue, I dunno. I hope NEXT have seats and air-conditioning. It's gonna be a long few hours.
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I just feel so guilty that I'm laying in bed crying about how hard I'm finding it when she's the one who's had major surgery not me (triple bypass and mitral valve replacement) I don't blame my siblings for keeping their distance with her as we all have a difficult relationship with mum due to how abusive she is and we all keep a distance but right now I think even if they don't want to help her for her, they could do it for me, to help me.
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Thank you - on the one hand I feel like they are worse off than me both health wise and financially, but then also I am aware they have family and friends. My son does a fair amount tbh (his selfishness is only towards me, he's very different with everyone else) but that's his choice it doesn't have to be mine.

You're absolutely not overstepping. He's 25. He had his own car for the last 6-7 years, until March this year (albeit that for about 6 months prior to that when his car was on it's last legs he was using my car to go and see his girlfriend - which wasn't ideal but at least I still had his car to use when he had mine). He can afford to get another car, but can't decide what he wants/ keeps looking for a better deal. I have now started making him get the train to see his gf, but when she needs to come here, he has to go and pick her up (and that's 2 x 100 mile round trips).

I have even looked for a car for him online, taken him to view them...what's the saying about leading a horse to water?!

By the time I was his age, I'd lost both my parents. I do wish he appreciated more how lucky he is.
He needs to pull his finger out. If he can afford it tell him to sort himself out as your car is no longer available. You don’t need that added stress or worry about how he’s going to sort himself out. As long as it stays this way he won’t change things, he’s keeping his money and guilt tripping you into letting him have the car. That’s unfair on you and you sound like you have a lot on without that on top ❤
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3 times this week i’ve seen mums driving with kids not using seatbelts. how fucking stupid are people
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