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Chatty Member
Posted on the weight loss thread but also posting here

A work colleague made a comment today about my weight. I was walking past him to go on my lunch break and he said to me "it's not as if you need any lunch, you've definitely eaten enough already"
I just walked away but it made me feel really shit
’I can lose weight, there’s no cure for you being a cunt.’

I would absolutely report him. What a twat.
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Only place I can say this as obviously wouldn't say it to anyone I know personally but my 8 year old is a spoilt, rude little bitch.
I know it's our fault for spoiling her but her attitude is disgraceful and she has started swearing which of course she always gets disciplined for.
When she does get told off she starts fake howling crying to make herself actually cry saying noone loves her. At bedtime we put her to bed and she gets out at least 10 times. And is still fucking around at 10pm. In the end I just shout get into bed, we've had enough and she eventually goes.
She has big black circles round her eyes because she clearly isn't getting enough sleep.
On the first of many times putting her into bed she starts with the depressive fake crying voice saying I'm so sorry for being a disappointment and for for being naughty. It actually pisses me off because it's every single night and just another ploy to get out of bedtime.
We make sure she's well exercised so it's not even as if she should have any extra energy.
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I know it's primark and it doesn't mean anything but I'm equal parts cross and upset. I went shopping today for a few summer bits and nothing in the size 16 would fit me. I'm over a stone down and I started at a size 14/16. I know I've lost inches so really disheartening to have to consider trying on an 18 now
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I want to cry. I’m working at the other branch of work again today and the manager is running late, so I’ve just had a message to say to come in at 8:30 and stay until 5. Why is it my problem that your timekeeping is shit and so you can’t make it to work on time, the most basic fucking task ever, and so I have to stay late?
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Last Wednesday, I sent my CV in for a job. The next day, Thursday, they got back to me and I was invited for a job interview that was supposed to be tomorrow. Everything was moving along quickly which I thought was positive. Today, they emailed me - at 4:50pm - to cancel the interview as they’ve filled the position. They said they were already quite far into the process when they scheduled my interview…

On one hand, I’m glad that I don’t have to do an interview when they’ve already decided on who they want (I hate interviews! I’ve been anxious since last Thursday) but on the other hand, WTF! Am I being fussy or is that pretty unprofessional?
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Not a rant as such but don't know where else to share how proud I am of my petty behavior today. I've been interested in an item a seller has for sale on Vinted and eBay and we've been to and fro on price on both apps but they aren't budging much, its listed for over£100 and they've come down maybe a tenner. They have priced it quite high for what it is but I really do want the item so I've just bought it based on their last offer but bought it via eBay as their fees are much higher than Vinted so in the long run they wont get as much back!
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Aww don't feel bad, I'm sure you meant to be gentle!

One time when my nephew was a toddler I threw him up too high and he hit his head off the ceiling 💀
It is amazing to see how my friends parenting style has changed with numerous kids, one friend was so over precious with her first but by the time the 3rd came along she literally stood by as he fell off the back of a sofa at about age 2.5 and just said oh well, it’ll teach him not to climb up there again😂
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I feel like my mental health is getting worse. I feel worse in my skin. I am not taking very good care of myself. It's like I don't even feel like putting in effort for myself. I used to be such a high achiever and now I feel like I can only do the bare minimum.
My room is an absolute mess and it's stressing me out. I don't know what to wear anymore. I can't even bring myself to put on makeup or do my hair most days and I always feel ugly.
It doesn't help that I've had to travel back to my hometown three weekends in a row for various events. Last week we had a family thing, this week it was my brother's birthday and next week it's the elections and I have to go back to my hometown to vote.
During the week I have no time to do anything, and on the weekends I have to leave and I can't clean my house, tidy my wardrobe or do any of the things that make me feel put together. I hate it. When I get to stay at my house on the weekends I feel so much more relaxed and like I can face the new week with a fresh mindset.
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People who LIE. Not only that, people who lie badly but think they’re really good at it.
I have caught my husband out in a daft lie, even had proof and he still kept lying so I showed him then he blames me for making him lie due to how I make him feel 🤬🤬🤬 I am aware he is gaslighting me 🤬🤬
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My job 💔 Bit of backstory: I did a placement in a company during my last year of uni and was asked to come back after I graduated. I loved the job during my placement, I really thought it was the dream job and I really hoped they would hire me so I was ecstatic when they did. That changed when I started working as a project manager and I soon started to hate the job. Or rather I started hating working for my boss. He was a total narc and having to deal with him really did a number on my mental health and my confidence. One day he would tell you that I was the best employee he ever had and he could see himself promoting me to senior project manager (after like 2 months in the company), the next he would tell me that I disappointed him and he was considering a formal warning (for the most minor things, like forgetting to bcc him in an email for example). I soon started dreading going to work, I would go to bed and wake up with a lump in my throat. I became withdrawn, started googling symptoms of depression and anxiety, etc, it was awful. I lasted two years before he accused me of trying to hack into the accounts (??, I know) one day and acting all normal and nice the day. I left. I was so traumatised that I decided to go freelance because I never wanted to have a boss again.
I’ve been freelancing for 5 years now. Within three or four months I was able to be self-sufficient, I made it through the pandemic, I made it through a cancer diagnosis. It was all going well, but lately the work has really started to dry up and I don’t know how much longer I can survive as a freelancer. I had been thinking that one day, it might be an idea to go back to an office job for better job security, pension, maternity cover, etc. But I never applied because I just love what I do and I'm not a big fan of change. And yes, of course, I have money aside for a rainy day. I know that ups and downs are to be expected but it’s bad. I don't want to use up all of my savings. I have a mortgage to pay and a wedding to finance.
I’ve started applying for jobs and I’m just so sad. I spent last week crying, feeling like I had been fired. I love what I do. If it was up to me, I would do it for the rest of my career and I’m only in my early thirties. I’m sad to see that the industry I work in is slowly dying because of AI and advanced technology, I’m sad that I will have to work for someone again. I know it was just a bad experience and some bosses are good people, but you know, once bitten, twice shy. I've applied to 7 jobs and all I got so far was one generic email to say the position had been filled already. I've only applied for jobs that I was qualified for and had experience in, and yet I can't even get an interview so I worry that even if I wanted one of these jobs, I wouldn't be able to get any.

If you've made it this far, thank you. I'm really not looking for advice, I just wanted to get it off my chest
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The house behind us has sat empty for a long time. A couple of years ago it sold at auction, but then nothing happened until about a month ago when someone started clearing the jungle of a garden and making preparations for an extension.
It's only going to be a single storey, so once the work is out of the way it won't have any effect on us. They're making a bit of noise and dust while they're working, but that's to be expected, and I don't think it's excessive.
The people next door to this house have an extension of the same size themselves, so they must know the work that's involved. However, they seem to be being awkward and causing trouble for the sake of it.
They moved their garden furniture closer to the boundary the other day, even though it's been in the same spot for the past few years, then shouted at the builders because it was dusty. They won't let them lift out the fence panels to make their job easier. They stand in their back garden watching them work and commenting about what a bad job they're doing. The other day the man came outside to make a phone call, then shouted at the builders because he couldn't hear his call over the noise of the cement mixer.

The house is eventually going to be let out, and I feel very sorry for the future tenants living next door to them.
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Used the tape it came with, the duster cloth, the alcohol wipe and still there are bubbles.
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So, I know the Telegraph has certain biases and will be using this story to push an agenda but it still absolutely boils my piss to see Dolly Parton, one of the sweetest and kindest and most accepting people alive, as far as we can tell, be accused of all these things by Jennifer Stone.

This person is everything wrong with academia in the 21st century and an utter disgrace who will do more harm than good. What is wrong with these people!!!

Urgh Dolly has probably done more to improve literacy than most academics could dream of! Some people just get off on pulling others down to try and raise their own profile. I think the majority would see right through this with the profile Dolly already has, like you said she just comes across as the sweetest lady!
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I want to cry. I’m working at the other branch of work again today and the manager is running late, so I’ve just had a message to say to come in at 8:30 and stay until 5. Why is it my problem that your timekeeping is shit and so you can’t make it to work on time, the most basic fucking task ever, and so I have to stay late?
Absolutely leave at your normal time. This is not your problem. In fact I would put in a complaint about it
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the fact it’s Monday tomorrow. Again 😖
Ditto. We also have a group Teams call on Mondays at which we have to go round and in turn give our personal achievement of last week 🙄🙄- This basically becomes a bragfest where people bang on either about their kids winning the cross country or getting a head teachers award or some other tedious crap, or some nonsense they've done themselves, the more ott the better (had a flying lesson, bought a new car, built a dry stone wall).

It's all so unbearably braggy. What's worse than listening to it is having to come up with some bullshit myself!
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Pesky Tarian

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Just back from the cinema with the kids to watch Inside Out 2. A group of around 8 tween girls sat behind me cackling, swearing, kicking the back of the seats, filming TikToks and generally being annoying as fuck. I took it for as long as I could before I loudly said "for the love of God, PLEASE shut up!!!" My own kids now hate me for causing a scene, but it was totally worth being called a Karen, because they calmed down. There were actual toddlers there who were quietier 🤯🤯. I guess I'm at that age - grumpy old woman 🤣🤣
I took one of my children and some friends to see Mean Girls, as it was a 12A I went with them but booked a seat away from them so they could be 'big'. Anyway I got totally mean girled by the tweens sat in front of me 'what's that woman doing sat on her own, snigger' etc, etc. The irony was not lost on me. Tweens are the worst!.
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Universal credit 😐 had my check in appt or whatever, she barely looked at me until she realised I do work and then started to treat me like an actual human.
Then says there’s been a drop in my earnings, why? I say because my work has cut everyone’s hours so she goes on about what are my skills, what kind of jobs can I do, starts to pull up shite jobs from indeed. I HAVE A JOB! I work as much as I can, I’m doing my best, I’m a single mum of 3 with no family to help with childcare and every employer is asking for full flexibility 7 days a week, must do weekends etc and I just can’t. I’ve been looking to move for weeks. I’m not in any way afraid of hard work and will put in the hours if I can find an employer willing to let me do that days/times that I can.
So no I have to attend the job centre EVERY WEEK until I get either a second job or a different one that will give me 30 hours a week.
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Tbh it’s not something that bothers me, each to their own. My hands are very dry/cracked and with all the wees I go for, I’d have to wash them like 10x a day (and reapply all my plasters I use to stop me skin picking), then remove my rings and reapply hand cream. Sorry but I just CBA. All I’ve touched is a door and paper.

I never get ill, 1 cold every 3 years, and never get food poisoning or had norovirus. I think overwashing hands isn’t great for us either. However people want to live is fine as long as that doesn’t affect me!!
Thing is it does affect other people sadly! Just because you haven't got sick from those things doesn't mean you haven't transported something around, which has in turn gotten others sick.
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Chatty Member
last night my drunk ass thought about my childhood best friend who I haven’t been in contact with for literally years, maybe like 10 now, and sent her a message on Facebook. I am SO embarrassed 😭 dunno what it is about a glass of rose in a pub garden but it makes me wanna chat to everyone I’ve ever had on my social media. I am so cringe 😭
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My husbands ex is being a @#£% again
They had an agreement that he would pay maintenance for both kids until they were 18, as they youngest has now turned 18 he reminded the mother that he will be stopping payments so shes now threatened him that if he doesn't keep paying shes going to take him to csa instead
We struggle to pay everything as it is and the money he was paying was going to go to getting ourselves a bigger rental property as we live in a shoe box at the minute
There's no way he can afford to pay what the csa would take from his wages every month so he has no option but to bow down to her and carry on paying for another year, I know its only another year but that means another 2 years before we can even think about moving and the thought of another 2 years living where we are now depresses the hell out of me
The best of it is after her latest bloke packed her in she moved herself and the youngest two in with her oldest son in to his 1 bed council flat so she has zero payouts as his on the dole and he gets everything paid for him where as we have a high private rent band b council tax a car to keep on the road as well as all the utilities that keep spiralling
I know she's doing it out of spite as much as anything because she's jealous of the life we have together he's eldest let that slip a while ago and this is her last control over us in her mind it just pisses me off that she can just click her fingers and he has to obey🤬
Tbh just go down the route of csa. Whether he’ll end up paying more or less is debatable. Everything gets taken into account.
And if the children is living fulltime with mum then she is entitled to the money.
I find this a strange rant
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